The Vancouver Sun from Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada (2024)

on will of. The Vancouver Sun CLASSIFIED WANT ADS PART' VANCOUVER SUN: Thurs, THE VANCOUVER SUN Western Canada's Leading Newspaper every VeR 308 ADVERTISING RULES AND REGULATIONS The Vancouver Sun reserves IN to ado ate de rel to determine Re FIGHT SO oF la per Reply Service, the ERE IMA mani Replies tone net picked within 10 days of expiry an advertisem*nt will destroyed unless mailing instrue. lions are received. Ban Numbers are requested not la send originals of documents to a loss, All claims of errors to advertise mento must be received by the fisher within 30 days after the frat publication. I is agreed by the advertiser questing space that the liability the Vancouver Sun (Division of Par citie Press Lid.

in the event of failure to publish an advertisem*nt or in the event of an error appearing in the advertisem*nt as published shall be limited to the amount paid by the adveriser for only one incorrect tion for the portion of the advertising space occupied by the incorrect or omitted item only, and that there shall be no liability in any event greater than the amount paid for such advertisem*nt. CLASSIFIED RATES Minimum space 2 lines of type 4 days for the price 81.10 per line per day, 1 days for the price of 5 30 days, 13c per line per day Above rates apply to consecutive insertions only without change in Births, Cards of Thanks, Engagements, Memorial Marriages, not exceeding 10 lines, minimum charge of $7.50 per insertion. Each additional line 75e dally, Death and Funeral Notices $11.00 for first 10 lines. Additional lines $1.10 per line daily. (Above rates apply to B.C, only) Box Service Charge $2.50 (Per order including mailing) PHONE 736-2211 carrier RATES service is maintained $3.50 per month.

rior of B.C, $4.00 per month. By mailCanada, $5.00 per month, $14.50 per 3 months, $57.00 per year. United States, $5.25 per month. Saturday onlyCanada 30c copy. United States, per copy, $18,30 per year.

Commonwealth and Foreign rates on request. Authorized as second class mail. Post Office Department, Ottawa. Member Audit Bureau of Circulations, Circulation Department, 732- 2371. September 19, 1974.

PART ONE PAGES 58 to 68 PART TWO PAGES 69 to 80 PART THREE PAGES 81 to CIRCULATION DISTRIBUTORS West 5591 Ted the Brias 8. Peter Eitford 8 Ferale For If 135 Miss M. No. 8. Ganges, B.C Son Ward Golden, 344 poet Grand Fake Mrs.

Min Bare Kamisps Mrs. Ana C. Rhales al Street B.C Phone 978-1364 Kelseas Mrs. Edward Hayward Har Okanagan Mission, 164-4891 Kimberley W. Edward Lundeen 645 Mark hatreet Kimberley, D.C.

421-4718 Kitimat Chris Huygens Carswell Phone 6 37 6309 Ladysmith Mr. Peter Foolkes 209 Hayview AL. PA. 945 Lilloset Margaret Louise Craig 203, fallacet, PR. Merritt Frank Stanich are Aterrilt Ave.

Phone Nanaimo Mr. Cliff Livingstone 1604 Venlaw Road Phone 154 Nelson Mrs. Linda Frocklage 002 Front Nelson, B.C, Falls James Shaw Box 231, Ocean Palls, B.C, 160 Mile House Alfred Sate Box el6, 100 Mile House, B.C, Pentieten Mr. Dave Newer 1497 Manitoba 51. Phone 493-0120 Part Alberni Mr.

Phil Levirs 929 Cedar Street Ph. 794-0433 Port Hardy Mrs. Shirley Ross Airpor Port Hardy -Ph. 949-6440 Powell Fiver Mrs. Heather Parkhouse 5407 Yukon Ave.

Phone 483-3457 Prince George Mrs. Jeanette Pleury 105 Brunswick St. Ph. 563-0581 Prince Rupert Mrs. Valerie Sutter 416-6th Ave.

East Prince Rupert, B.C, Ph. 624-6820 Princeton Pereira Box 1061, Princeton, 295-7751 orland. Quesnel George Peterson R.R.2 Phone 922-9521 Revelstoke Pierre Beruschi 320 East Avenue Salmon Arm Mrs. Connie Sorley Box 1523, Okanagan St. 832-2567 Sandpit Mr.

Wm. Sharpe elo Town Country Transfer, Sandspit, B.C. Phone 627-5456 Smithers Mrs. Milida Pelly Box 152, Smithers, B.C. 847-9709 Terrace Mrs.

Jane Broam 5009 Lafear, Terrace, B.C. 635-2894 Trail Mrs. Norma L. Sigurdson 1170 Bay Ave. Phone 364-1483 Vernon Mr.

Edward Snayehuk 2705-15th Street Ph. 542-9541 Victoria Mr. Stuart C. Bell No. 29 4061 Larchwood 477-4354 Wells Trevor B.

Davies Box 67, Wells Phone 994-3222 Williams Lake Mr. John Well Box 397 392-6252 WANT AD PHONE SERVICE Monday to Friday 8:30 pm SPECIAL SUNDAY SERVICE 6:00 pm 736-2211 COUNTER AND BOX OFFICE Monday to Friday 8:30 pm Closed Saturday The Vancouver Sun CLASSIFIED AD INDEX ALL CLASSIFICATIONS ARE NUMBERED AND APPEAR IN NUMERICAL ORDER IN THE CLASSIFIED PAGES ANNOUNCEMENTS Health Gardening, Services 112 84 Anniversaries Home Business Services 90 Births Hospitals, Private 86 Business Personals 42 Home Modernization 92 Cards of Thanks 12 Music, Art, Dancing 80 Catering 32 Painters, Decorators 110 Cemeteries 22 Plastering, Stuccoing 104 Coming Events 30 Plumbing, Heating 106 Crematoriums Professional Services 82 Deaths Rest Homes 88 Engagements Roofing, Chimneys, etc. 108 Found Florists MERCHANDISE Funeral Directors Halls for Rent Funeral Notices FOR SALE Information Wanted Antiques Art Objects 140 In Memoriam 16 Auctions 423 Letters of Appreciation Bicycles 164 Lodge Notices Boat, Marine Supplies 190 Lost Sailboats 191 Marriages Boats, Commercial 192 Monumental Works 20 Books, Coins, Stamps 168 Personal Building Materials 128 Travel Opportunities Cameras, Photo Finishing 162 Clothing, Furs, Shoes 166 EMPLOYMENT Coal Do-It-Yourself 124 130 Agencies Wanted 69 Dryers 148 Educational 74 Farm Implements 184 Freezers 150 EMPLOYMENT WANTED Fruits, Vegetables, Baby-Sitting, Child Care 73 Meats 152 Men 70 Fur-Bearing Animals 178 Men-Women Furniture. 138 Women Heating 126 HELP WANTED Lighting Plants 188 Livestock 182 Accounting-Auditors 45 Machinery 186 Beauticians or Barbers 45 Meats 152 Computer Personnel Miscellaneous For Sale 170 Drivers Chauffers 48 Miscellaneous Wanted Domestic Baby Sitting Motorcycles (or Child Care) 49 Musical Instruments Employment Agencies Office Equipment Engineering Pet Stock 176 Factory Warehouse 52 Poultry Supplies 180 Help Wanted 66 Radio, Stereo, Hi-Fi. Hospital Ranges Service 146 Hotels-Restaurant Refrigerators, Freezers Laborers Sawdust Trades-Technical Sewing Machines Wining Lumbering Snowmobiles Office Personnel Sporting Goods 160 Clerks, Stamps, Coins Part Time Store Equipment Professional Swap Sales.

Television Secretarial TV, Radio, Hi-Fi Repairs Help Wanted. Typewriters Teachers Teachers Wanted Available Vacuum Vegetables Cleaners Washers, Dryers BUSINESS AND Wood Pressed Wood 120 PROFESSIONAL RENTALS Flour Surfacing Garages -Parking Cement, Asphalt, brick. Balloting, Trucking Room Electricians For Rent Carpenters, Contractors Board Board Room Duplexes For Rent 0088 27 FOUND BIRTHS HOTTI Helen Coquitiam, are Mrs. Co Arranta of Bristol, Virginia. PEDERSEN Brian and Johan Ines of luelet, B.

are delighted to are pounce the Birth of their Cheryl Anne, on August 39, at at West Coast Genera al Port Aiberni, B. a first grandchild for Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pedersen of Langley, C. and a new grandchild for Mrs.

Helen Johnson of luelet, B. C. Cheryl was born on her paternal grandmother's birthday. PLEYM Jim and Linda (nee Crossley) are pleased to announce the birth of their second son. Jason Michael, 6 It.

on September 13, 1974, at Lions Gate Hospital. SHARLOW Born ber 1974. Quesnel, B. C. Christina, 6 pounds ounces, to Sandra and Michael Sharlow, a sister for Jennifer.

ENGAGEMENTS Mr. and Mrs. Charles Chadola of Richmond, announce the ment of their daughter, Janice maine, to Mr. Mark William Clark. son of Mr.

and Mrs. Raymond Clark of Victoria. The wedding will take place at Minoru Chapel, in mond, on Saturday, October 19, 1974. 8 DEATHS ANDREW George on September 18, 1974, 308 Lakeshore Dr. Formerly of Craven, Saskatchewan.

Mr. Andrew was predeceased by his wife on August 11, 1974. Survived by his loving children; Jean Senior, Eileen Edwards, Joyce Bone. Barry and Roy: 13 grandchildren, 2 sisters; Mrs. Em Taylor, Lincolnshire, England, Mrs.

Maud Glassey, Winnipeg. Rev. H. B. Whitmore will conduct grave side service on Saturday, September 21, 1974 at 2 p.m.

at Penticton. BURROWS Passed away September 16, 1974, Gertrude Evelyn Burrows, late of 1225 Twigg Road, Richmond, her 86th year. Survived by 2 sons, Leslie, Puyallup, Elwood, Richmond; daughter, Mrs. Norman (Gwenn) Page, Whittier, 11 grandchildren; 24 great-grandchildren; 2 great-great-grandchildren; 1 brother and 2 sisters in England. Private family service was held Wednesday, September 18, at 1 p.m.

chapel of HAMILTON MORTUARY, Fraser Street at 38th Avenue. Rev. Dennis Morgan officiated. Interment, family plot, Forest Lawn Memorial Park. CHRISTIANSEN Passed away September 18, 1974, Kristian tiansen, late of Gibsons, B.C., in his 68th year.

Survived by his loving wife, Esther; 4 sons, Stanley, Norman, Gunnar and John; 3 daughters, Marjorie, Clara and Ann; 16 grandchildren; 3 brothers and 1 sister. Funeral service Saturday, September 21, at 2 p.m. from the Funeral Home, Rev. J. Williamson officiating.

Cremation. In lieu of flowers, donations preferred to B.C. Cancer Foundation. Hotels 262 Houses, Furnished 225 Houses, Unfurnished 230 Motels Hotels 262 Moving Storage 272 Offices, Stores, Warehouses 274 Rooms, Housekeeping 245 Rooms, Sleeping 240 Rooms, Unfurnished 250 Suites, Furnished 200 Shared Accommodation 215 Suites, Unfurnished Wanted To Rent 276 VACATION SPOTS 265 Summer Cottages 267 Camps For Boys, Girls 269 REAL ESTATE HOLE Home Building Lots Houses Wanted To Build Houses Wanted To Buy Listings Wanted Revenue Houses Wanted Suites For Sale HOUSES FOR SALE City Homes Duplexes, Revenue Burnaby North Vancouver West Vancouver Richmond Ladner -Delta North Delta Tsawwassen New Westminster Coquitlam District Haney, Maple Ridge Mission District Surrey White Rock District Langley, Alder grove Abbotsford District Okanagan Other Cities Apartment Property Business Opportunities Coast Gulf Islands Commercial Property Country Homes, Acreage Farms Ranches Industrial Property Mining Property Money For Mortgages Money To Loan Money Wanted Mortgages For Sale Property For Exchange Property For Sale Property Wanted Recreational Property Timber Mills Vancouver Island Property Waterfrontage AUTOMOTIVE Aircraft Automobiles For Sale Auto Parts Service Car Truck, Lease-Rent. Insurance Mobile Homes New Car Dealers Sports, Imported Cars Trailers, Campers Tracks, Buses Wanted Cars, Trucks DEATHS hospital Sep Peter George aged 35 al, Beloved son of Edgar Mary McDougall and brother Bruce, North Vancouver: Graeme, Seattle; Mrs.

(Mary Ann) Hume, West Mrs. B. Mrs. Diego service CRUMP Elisa 30, 1:00 DEATHS A senile Reverend Brien Interment dens Kearney Funeral Counsellore in charge. Frank in Scotland; grandson, Michael in Penticton.

Interment took place in Scotland. MeNIVEN Duncan Campbell aged 55 of East Robert, Ron Road. BAI. passed away septemter 1914. after a lengthy service Shaughnessy Hospital, He chad Memorial served in the Navy in the Second tael al World War as a stoker on the mines Friday 10 sweeper Minas and was a member of the Plumbers Steamfitters Union Flowers gratefully den clined with donations to the Eye 4 Local 170.

Survived by his loving Heart Research appreciated. wife Dodie; 2 daughters Shelagh. Mrs. C. W.

Sinclair and Susan Mars (chant; 2 granddaughters; his parents GOODALL On September 16, Mr. and Mrs. James MeNiven: 1 1974, in hospital. Spencer Goodall of Survived I son John aged of service Saturday, September 91st at North' Vancouver, ter Lillian of Vancouver, years, by North Vancouver. dayanters, 11 a.m.

in the Chapel of Burquidam Mary Lee Goodall and Mrs. Mortuary, 625 North Road, Coquit. (Lorayne) Thompson of Heriot Hay, lam, with Rev. R. B.

Knite officiate, and Mrs. Dal Enoch. of Enter try, ins. Cremation. n.

Co 5 grandchilden, also 1 brother Lloyd and his mother, Mrs. Nancy Goodall of North Vancouver. A morial service will be held on Fri September 90, 1974 at 1 18, 1974, NEMTUSIAK John Nemtusiak On of September 12809 day, from Hollyburn Funeral Home, 1801 Marine West Vancouver, with Survived 116th by Surrey, aged 75 years. Nev. 1.

1. Oliver 2 daughters and tion. brothers in Czechoslovakia: nieces and nephews and a host of friends. Service Thursday, September 19, at GREWALL -'On September 16, 1:30 p.m. in the chapel of Road, 1974, Mant Richmond, Grewall, his 643 No.

108 Pastor Arthur 5. Olson Funeral Home (Whalley) 13288 in Gist year: officiating. Graveside service Survived by his loving wife, Shial. 30, at 3 FriHarmail, Darshy, Jaggi, also ley View Memorial Gardens. p.m.

day, September at sons, brothers in India, Funeral service Saturday, September 21, at 11 a.m.. in the chapel of HAMILTON TUARY, Fraser Street at 38th NICKS Jack, on nue. Cremation. 15th. 1974, aged 55 years.

Survived September by 2 sons, David Charles; 3 daughters. Jackie, Barbara and Rossland: I brother: 3 sisters. Funeral service HENDERSON Arne of New Friday, September 20th, 3 p.m., at Westminster, B.C. on August 27. Glenhaven Memorial Chapel, 1235 1974, in his 85th year.

Funeral sere E. Hastings St. Interment, Mountain vice Friday September 20 at 2 p.m. View Cemetery. in the Boal Memorial Chapel, 1505 Lillooet North Vancouver.

Cree mation. Arrangements through the Memorial Society of B.C. and First Memorial Services Ltd. PETERSON William James Peterson in San Jose, California, on September 9, 1974 aged 41 years. Survived by his loving wife and 5 children in San Jose and by his On Wednesday, mother and father Mr.

and Mrs. ber 18, 1974, William, Husband of James Peterson and brother Ben of Elsie, of 5764 Cree St. Survived by 3 Vancouver. Past member of Prince sons, Ron, Randy and Brian at Arthur Lodge No. 82 A.M.

and home: 1 sister, Mrs. Agnes Branter, F.M. of Vancouver. Memorial Vancouver; 3 brothers, Carl, Alber- vice in San Jose, September 12. ta; Otto, Seattle, Pete, San 1974.

Francisco. Service will be held at p.m. Friday, September 20, in the 2494 Chapel West of 2 with Rev. Church, J. QUIRING On September 17, Kitsilano United Erb officiating.

Cremation. No flow- Marshall Road, Abbotsford, B.C., the 1974, Margaret Quiring of 32945 ers by request. If friends so desire aged 90 years. Survived by 3 sons, to the B.C. Cancer fund John, Burnaby; Elmer, Aldergrove; donations would be Simmons appreciated.

Norman, Toronto: 3 daughters, ments by McBride E. (Esther) Dirks, neral Directors. C. Vancouver; (Betty) Peters, Toronto; Mrs. H.

(Olga) Funk, Abbotsford; 19 grandchildren; 14 great-grandchildren. Funeral service Friday, HUGHES Dorothy, aged 73 September 20th at 1 p.m. in the years, of 2425 Granville passed CHAPEL OF CHIMES, Harron Bros. away suddenly on September 14, Ltd. on 10th Ave.

2 biks. West of 1974 in England. Survived by son, Main St. Rev. L.

Funk officiating. Ron in California; brothers Joe and Interment Ocean View Burial Park. RAINSLEY On September 18th, 1974. Edwin John Rainsley, of 13139-106th Avenue, Surrey aged 80 yrs. Survived by his his loving wife beth, nephew William A.

Rainsley of Vancouver and many relatives in England. A member of the Old Contemptibles. He served in the British Army during the 1914 to 1918 war. Funeral service Friday, September 20th at 10:30 a.m. in the Chapel of Surrey Funeral Home, (Whalley).

13288-108th Avenue. Rev. P. R. Ellis officiating.

Interment Victory Memorial Park. RATKOVICH On August 15, 1974 Joseph Ratkovich of 1259 Francis St. age 72 years. Funeral service Friday, September 20 at a.m. in The Bell Funeral Chapel, 2746 East Hastings Reverend T.

Hipp officiating. Interment Mountain View Cemetery. RHODES September 18, 1974, Stanley Rhodes, aged 68 years. Late resident of 4272 Alderwood Burnaby. Mr.

Rhodes was very well known in the tennis business having been employed as a tennis specialist for the past 46 years. Survived by his loving wife Hilda, 1 daughter, Mrs. C. A. (Dorothy) Campbell, Vancouver: 1 son, Frank, San Diego, 7 grandchildren, 3 great-grandchildren, 1 sister in England.

Funeral service Friday, tember 20th at 1 p.m. from ROYAL OAK FUNERAL CHAPEL, 5100 Kingsway, South Burnaby, Rev. W. Warren officiating, interment Ocean View cemetery. Florence Caroline, late of Surrey, on September 17, 1974, aged 92.

years. Leaves to mourn 1 son Philip in California, 1 daughter Mrs. B. (Peggy) Hawkins, of Surrey; 3 grandchildren; Service will be held Saturday, September at p.m., at Avalon Funeral Chapel, 13165-96th Surrey, Canon Thomas Eric Harris, officiating, cremation. SEELINGER Peter Henry, of 1457 Claudia Place, Port Coquitiam, B.C., passed away suddenly September 17, 1974, aged 47 years.

Survived his loving wife, Marilyn; 3 sons, Stephen, Christopher and Peter John; 2 daughters, Joanne and Janet, all at home. His parents and 1 sister Betty in Saskatchewan. Funeral service will be held Friday, September 20th, at Chapel, 3 p.m., S. in the BOWELL New 219. 6th.

The Rev. Westminster of Bob Gish officiating, cremation. ST. MARIE On September 18, 1974, Harry B.C., in his 85th year. Courtland of Vancouver, Survived by his beloved daughters, Norma of Vancouver and Villa of Penticton; 1 brother, Milton and 5 granddaughters.

Memorial service to be held on Friday, September 20 at 2 p.m. in the Chapel of Simmons McBride. Funeral Directors, Broadway at Maple St. Cremation Garden Chapel. No flowers by request.

Donations may be made to the B.C. Cancer Foundation, 2656 Heather Vancouver. SUMMERFIELD On September 18, 1974, Joseph Summerfield, of 130 E. Upper Keith North Vancouver, in his 93 year. Member of Burrard Lodge No.

50, B.C.R.. A.F. A.M., also Royal Arch Chapter No. 16 B.C.R., Survived by 1 son Norman, Surrey, 1 daughter Mrs. F.

(Winifred) Holman, Lantzville, B.C. 5 grandchildren, 4 greatgrandchildren, Rev. J.E.W. Snowden will conduct the private funeral service on Friday, September 20th, in the BURRARD FUNERAL CHAPEL Lonsdale at 12th North Vancouver, interment, North Vancouver cemetery. TONKIN- Edith be4 ber ville loved 17, wife Tonkin, 1974, of in on Harry Redruth, Septem- MelEngland.

Former resident of Mathewson Coquitiam. Survived also by a brother and sisters in England. She was a Past Matron of Coquitiam Chapter 23, OES. WATSON On September 17, 1974, John Kilgower Watson, 6196 Knight Street, in his 68th year. Survived by 2 John, White Rock; James, Coquitam: daughter, 1 Mrs.

Mrs. Sylvia G. Ask, R. 1 sister, (Ethel) Rawlings, West and several grandchildren. Funeral service Friday, September 20.

at 11:30 a.m. in the chapel of HAMILTON MORTUARY, Fraser Street at 38th Avenue, Rev. Duncan Wilkie, DD, officiating. Interment Forest Lawn Memorial Park. DEATHS WATTERE tenter Wattere, of 076 Granville Vancouver, sister Ontario, Veteran of Second Funeral service Friday, her RICHMOND 1:50 the el of FUNERAL HOME Cambie Padre Ilisey officiating.

Victory Memorial YANO Minor, on September 17. 1974, aged 64 by Iris loving wife, brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. George Yano; 1 sister, Mrs. Taune: ko Ann Koyanagi and many nieces and nephews.

Funeral service Friday, the Vancouver September 20th. 7:30 Church. p.m. at Buddist 920 Jackson Avenue. Prayers Saturday, 1 Da Glenhaven Memorial Chapel, 1235 E.

Hastings St. with cremation following at Vancouver crematorium. 41st Fraser. 12 CARDS OF THANKS Mrs. George Matheson and family wish to express to the many friends and relatives their heartfelt thanks for the tokens of sympathy tendered them during their recent bereavement.

Special thanks to The Home Care nurses. Our sincere thanks to the many relatives and friends for their help and tokens of sympathy extended the passing of Karen, a devoted wife and loving mother. Bob Poole and children Candy and Kenneth. 16 IN MEMORIAM To assist readers to prepare notices, The Sun has a booklet of some very appropriate verses. To receive a copy, write or phone Betty Clarke.

732-2439 732-2408 ELIA In loving memory of a dear mother and grandmother Mrs. Connie Elia, who passed away September 19, 1972. heart of gold stopped beating, Hard working hands at rest, God broke our hearts to prove to us. only takes the best. The leaves and flowers may wither, The golden sun may set But the hearts that loved so dearly Are the ones who won't forget.

-Ever remembered by her daughter Dal, son-in-law Dorwin, grandchildren Michelle, Christal and Dorwin Jr. ELIA In loving memory of ber 19, 1972. Connie, who passed away SeptemGod knows how much I miss her, Never shall her memory fade, Loving thoughts shall ever wander To the spot where she is laid. -Sadly missed by her husband. ELIA In loving memory of my mother Connie Elia who passed away on September 19, 1972.

You are not forgotten mother, Nor will you ever be, As long as life and memory last, We will remember thee. -Sadly missed by her daughter Pearl and Ken. ELIA Connie. In memory mother, who passed away September 19, 1972. In my heart your memory lingers, Always tender, fond and true; There's not a day, dear Mother, I do not think of you.

-Marilyn, Pete, Randy, Peter and Julie. HOOK In loving memory our precious mother Mrs. Ada Hook, who went to be with Lord and Saviour one year ago today, Sadly missed and often longed for, but looking forward to meeting her again in the Better Land. -Lovingly remembered by Doreen and Marge. MATTHEW In loving memory of our beloved father, Joseph Robert Matthew (Pop), who passed away September 19, 1954.

We cannot clasp your hand, father dear Your face we cannot see. But let this little token Tell that we still remember thee. -Ever remembered, Ann and Bert. PICKERING In loving memory of a dear husband, father and grandfather, Alfred, who passed away September 19, 1972. As we loved you, so we miss you; In our memory you near, Loved, remembered, longed for always, Bringing many a silent tear.

-Sadly missed by his loving wife, daughters, sons and grandchildren. PRYCE In loving memory of dear husband, Harry, who passed away September 19, 1973. Deep in my heart the memories are kept, To love, to cherish and never forget. -Lovingly remembered by his wife, Alice. ROME "Joe, passed away September 19, 1972.

Another year has passed, You are missed more now than ever. -Sadly missed by your "'LuskaPoopsie," her family and friend from Sardis, B.C. Lucille Mathews. 18 FUNERAL DIRECTORS Harron Bros. Ltd.

FAMILY OWNED 2 Chapels To Serve You CHAPEL OF CHIMES at 10th Ave. and Vancouver 876-8877 S. E. Atchison G. B.

Atchison and ROYAL OAK CHAPEL 5100 Kingsway Burnaby Harold C. Atchison 435-5577 BURRARD CHAPEL 1208 Lonsdale Ave. North Vancouver 988-1717 Wholly Canadian Locally Owned and Operated. Mount Pleasant Nunn Thomson Chapel Kingsway at 11th Ave. 876-2161 Forest Lawn Royal Oak Ave.

at Canada Way 299-7711 FIRST MEMORIAL SERVICES Serving the public the exclusive undertaker for the Memorial Society of B.C. -987-7723. S. Bowell Sons 219 Sixth New West. 522-1671 Cloverdale 574-4733 HOLLYBURN FUNERAL HOME D.

E. McKENZIE 1807 Marine W.V. 922-1221 ROSELAWN CHAPEL Commercial 874-1314 Simmons McBride Broadway at Maple St. 731-4151 Hamilton Mortuary 38th Ave. and Fraser 324-3851 Bell Funeral Chapel 2746 E.

Hastings St. 253-1343 T. EDWARDS CO 1995 W. Broadway 731-4151 Glenhaven Memorial Chapel Ltd. 1235 E.

Hastings St. 255-7811 Kearney Funeral Counselors 1096 West Broadway 736-0268 Richmond Funeral Home 842 Cambie Rd. Richmd. 273-3748 Chapel Hill Ltd. Surrey White Rock 551-4222 Surrey Funeral Home 13288-108th Ave.

581-4401 Angus A. Macleod 625 North Road $36-7411 22 CEMETERIES burial plots, Valley View Mer mortal Gardens, 361-6501, an 845-SOPP 006 26 LOST male cat, siamese white 56.1 friendly Vicinity River Road Rich. PR Cross, Lost. Man 'a gold Fri, West Ent along Nelson or in Car Georgia weal Granville Rew, German Shepherd cross Gia Vale Scott red collar, Reward, days. steel engine bearing parts bee tween Burrard Drydock, N.

Van. tons 1900 Bik. Francis. Urgent parts cross cannot be replaced. 878-2681, ask black for Walton.

Ladies brown wallet at Entrance Lake telephone booth. 49th Bay, Cultia Reward. Please call collect, 3456 or or send Main St, Chilliwack, B. Ch E. Reward, small female Shepherd Elkhound cross, black A tan, sore left front paw, Sept 1st.

Pt. erts. 945-9675. Bakt, with canned ads. A stapler.

Left on sidewalk in 8600 tik. Care tier. New. 265-1205. nights.

Days are red 732-8878. Small Bedlington terrier. Greyish white dog. Looks like little sheep. Ans.

to Rocky 3 Lonsdale. N. and Van. 980-8264 die: White fluffy neutered male cat, tan; with yellow eyes. Answers to Creamo vie.

1200. bik 7 th Ave. 738-7343 or 731:459 Choc. point Siamese cat, male, tact lost in 7th Woodland area. 0576.

Reward. Bik. white Sheltie, the white tipped tall, ans. to He 299-4108 or 298-3154. are 6 mos.

old Lab Retriever, Spences Bridge area, B. Sat. Call 734- tel 7235, Bellingham. Rew. Reward.

Hub Cap, with gold crown. 985-9171 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Siberian Husky, black white 1 yr. old.

Ranch Pk. area Cog. 941-4708 aft. 5. line RACOON Vic.

Boundary Reward. the Ph. 291-9052. eves. Small black dos with white face, vic.

7100 bik. Jubilee Victory, S. Burnaby. 437-1678. Gent's brown wallet, money vacation papers, 18th Commercial, 435-6842.

Pr. sunglasses Fraser Arms Hotel Prkg. lot. 327-3415 or aft 5 581- E. 0950.

White male poodle dog. Lost Mon. Black collar. Vic. of 32nd Lanark.

876-9495. Black gold change purse approx. $100. inside. Vic.

30th Fraser. 876-7449. Reward. Large grey cat in N. Bby.

wearing blue collar bell. Substantial reward. 321-0491. Grey white cat, vic. 22 nd Jefferson, West Van.

Reward. Ph. 922-6701. Black Lab male approx 196 th St 16 th Ave, Langley. Reward.

536- 1391. Lost in the Vicinity of Delta EAstLawn, sml. tabby white kitten, 294-3519. Seiko Skin Diver watch, vic. Sir Charles Tupper Tennis Court.

Reward. 876-6040. of Orange White part persian cat, male, answers to Parney; Reward; Vic 14th Stride,; 524-5561. Vic 27 th Lonsdale, North grey white long haired neutered male cat. Reward.

960-7319. Husky cross Cannon white, vicinity of N. Hobo, 939-0279. Pr. chest waders, s2.8.

Nr. new. of Norrish Creek. 536-9606. White male poodle cross Clinton lic.

N. Delta. 584-1985. Mans glasses, in black case, urgently needed. Reward.

434-3331. Westlynn Mall, white fem. Poodie, no collar. 985-7613. 2 yr.

old male beige cross LabShepherd. 321-6953. Lost. Male grey cat. White paws.

vic. Oakridge.321-0642. North Van, glasses betw. Kilda Williams, 987-5523. Lost Sept.

18, small caramel pup, in N. Bby. Male. 294-3070. Irish Setter.

Loc. Lougheed Mall. Reward. Ph: 939-1914. Black fluffy cat, white at roots, nicked ear, West End.681-3892, 27 FOUND Black tan pup, vic.

Pr. Albert 12th Ave. Eves. 873-2577, days 683-8611. 3 pocket books in paper bag found on Dunbar bus at 10th Alma on Sunday.

2759 E. Broadway. Found gold bracelet, Sept. 7, on bus, inscription inside. Owner must identify.

298-6263. a Keys found near King Neptune, New West'r. Apply Los Found Pacific Press 2250 Granville. Small grey-blue rabbit. Vic.

of Willington Grandview Hwy. 936- 1639. 1 yng. black Labrador dog. Male.

Approx. Fraser Hwy. 170th. Friday, Sept. 13th.

Ph: 534-9620. Fluffy white male kitten, approx. 8. weeks old, cannot keep, 266- 6157. Red Irish Terrier, leather choke collar.

Sunday, Laburnum 64th; 261-1504. All black young male cat with yellow eyes. Vic. W. 35 Maple.

261- 5961 aft. 3:30. Sml. male terrier, found vicinity of Bridgeport Rich. 278- 0251.

Broken chain around neck. Lady's knitting bag, vic. 559 W. 10, has keys, sun glasses, some knitting, 874-1605. Female bik.

white kitten, 6 old, lost at Renfrew 22nd. 435-5929. Small, black, grey blonde dog. Vicinity: 22nd Victoria. Cute.

Ph: Found: I.D. mr. Royal Towers, (parking lot), New West. Owner pls identify. Heather: 574-4530.

Green yellow black Budgie. Vic- near Rupert 6 235- 9575. Yng. male cat, blk. with white face paws.

Flea collar, Vic. 4th Alma. 224-3653 btwn. 5 10 p.m. Found outside Marine biding.

brushed gold ladies Carville watch. Call 681-4271. Olive. Found in N. smi.

terriercross lab white with black tan markings on head. 985-9272. Pair aviation tortoise shell cals. Vic. Robson Burrard.

324- 3960. Pair of false teeth on playground at Lord Selkirk school annex, 876-9737. Watch. Kitsilano beach. Call to identify.

732-7574. Golden Lab. pup, vic. Shaughnessy area. 879-1159.

North Vane. area, German Shepherd, male. 985-1478. Grey white female dog. 11th Ave MacDonald.

733-8032. Pr. of steel rimmed eyeglasses, Howe St. store. 685-4010.

MONEY! Found on Lagoon Drive, Thursday. 683-6493. Ladies watch, Vic- University elem. sch. sports field.

228-8488. Found: contents of wallet, Second Beach. 689-9597. Locket, engraved from Bill, Dec. 25, 1952.

681-2978. 3 keys on ring, S. Granville, p.m. Friday. 327-9739.

keys, vic. 1700 block 732-6457. Bag of clothing in Langley, on Friday, 576-8428. Found: Irish Setter, 435-8833. Large tent.

Saturday Sept. 14 Ltd. th. 434-0313. Quantity of potatoes 922-6857 Remington elec.

shaver. VicBroadway Navyblue work Jacket. Sz. 38. 2nd.

Cyprus. 731-1688. size white male dog. Kits. Owner 273-3241.

black white Kingsway Wilson. Gas bunch of keys. Corner Broadway Burrard. the description Male Delta 1460 Aver Male OR flea collars 6000 Male Lab. Cross, No.

5 Male whites 800 Bik. Cooper Funeral el collar Male leather Male Shellie DER Cross, Williams Re. Please No. 5 A R. a The Vancouver found the following.

These are general only, Male Huskie, white a old, Clark, male Terrier cross, silver, long 10 studded collar female Samos white, $100 DIM, Ipen, male Collie cross, tan 4 Main: female Siamese heal Point, 48th A Quebec; male Trish Setter, red, 7 to 8 2300 bik. 95rd, male Terrier cross, brindle color, 4 4700 bik. Little St. Please contact 1205 E. 7th or phone 879-2948.

The Langley SPCA has found the following dogs, these descriptions general only, Male Shep, cross, a nd white; male Dalmation CROSS. black and white, lie. No. 3033: female Terrier cross, black white; female Shep, cross, brine male Shep. Samoyed CF055, fawn: male Shep, cross black and lie.

No. 167; male Maltese cross, black and white; male Spaniel cross, brown and white, lie. 2780; male yellow Lab, tatoo. Con20302 98th 9 a.m. to p.m.

Ph. 534-9620. The Coquitiam SPCA has found following. These descriptions general only, Male Terrier cross, black tan; male co*ckapoo, cream; male co*ckapoo, black; female cross pup, cream white: female Terrier cross Maltese, grey; female Spaniel cross, black white: male Shepherd cross Beagle, tan; male Pom cross, rust; male Lab. cross.

black; male Lab. cross, gold; male Shepherd cross Lab. white with patches. Please contact 1414 Road or phone 942-8470. The Vancouver SPCA has found following: these descriptions general only.

Male Terrier cross, black silver, long hair, 10 mOS. brown studded collar, found 3900 bik. west 36th. Male Collie Husky, brown white, old, bik. Clark.

Male golden Retriever, gold, old, Pender Bidwell. Spaniel Collie, blond, 6 Cordova. Please contact 7th. or phone 879-2948. The Maple Ridge SPCA found the following: These are eral descriptions only.

Fem. Terrier cross, brown: Male Malemute, silver; Male St. Bernard, brown white: Male Afghan, It. brown; Fem. Doberman, black tan; Poodle cross, white brown; German Shepherd cross, black tan.

Contact SPCA Shelter, Industrial Albion. Ph. 9511. 2 dogs; 1 male-Irge, short haired, black with white legs chest, brown markings; 2nd dog, small short haired, white brown ears black spots. VicHorseshoe Bay.

921-9675. Young female dog found Friday, vic. Lonsdale 15th. White with black. Phone Diane, 980-2451 433-7385.

Cinnamon colored female Collar West Address. No reply to phone 879-1064 Badge pin, found 10th and press, Sept. 15. Apply and Found, Pacific Press Gran ville. Male (small) Yorkshire Terrier: dark brown body with light face legs.

Found vic. Broadway Granville. Ph: 736-4070. Pr. of Ladies Prescription Glasses, vic N.

Burnaby Post Ask for Walley at North Burnaby Post Office, White Persian cat, with streak on head. Blue collar, eyes. Found vic. of 7th Commercial. 255-8577.

Puppy, 3-4 mos. Appears to Golden Lab. Vic. Lougheed Boundary, B. C.

Gas Distribution. 298-1311, loc. 171 until 4. Apso? Young female. sibly missing some time.

Positive identification required. Give dress phone. Box 775, this Med. sized black, beige male cross breed dog. Surrey 4204.

Vic. Sands Jr. High, 596-0689 Found black tomcat, 6 mo. with pink collar, vicinity of more Cres. Rich.

277-6712. Female St. Bernard cross, 9-mos. old; no tag, vic. 49th LA toria.

324-4570. black cat white bib Wearing flea collar. West end. 0870. Ladies sweater, Sat.

14th at stop across from Royal Center Burrard. Ph. 929-3548 and Black white cat wearing collar with red stones. Vic. Nelson.

437-6593. Blk. cat, probably part-Persian, gold collar with bell. Norgate area. 980-6702.

Siamese kitten, Sat. of 41st. Kerrisdale, 263-9259. Aft. 6 p.m.

Siamese kitten with flea 900 blk. East 10th. 874-6528. Large female cream coloured 277-6103. Small kitten, vic.

tlynn Mall, N. Van. Ph. 980-4451. Found baby Chihuahua, vic.

253-2772 aft. 4. 30 COMING EVENTS For unattached people DANCE TONIGHT Open Mon. -Sat. 7-2 a.m.

Arlington Cabaret 2 rooms 2 bands 1236 W. Broadway, 733-2220 PARTY? Thought of having your next one cruising Vancouver? For information call Party Cruises, 687-9558 or 756-4986. Dance Club $2 Per Wk. Private lessons--no contracts. Babish Dance Studio 2431 Granville St.

736-4070. REMEMBER Astor Hotel cuisine is the most mous in town for lobster and steak. Try it! 433-0551. 4561 Kgswy. 5-Pin Bowlers are invited to join the Mixed League, starting at 8 PM, Tuesday or Friday nights, at Digney Bowl, Burnaby, 434-6446.

20 HOURS $20 Social Dance Lessons Edith Adams, 873-1331 Thrift Sale, Saturday, Sept. 21, 10 a.m. to 12, Saint James United Church, 3214 W. 10th Ave. Rummage Sale.

Marpole United Church.67th Hudson. Fri. 10:30 till noon. JOIN A TALL CLUB For Information, 731-1448 Arcadian Hall, 2214 Main St. Dancing Fri.

Saturday 32 CATERING PoCo Valley Golf Country Club. Banquet hall will accomadate 250. Exquisite cuisine. 531 Dominion Port Coquitiam. 941-4076.

34 HALLS FOR RENT Wedding Reception Bookings International House, U.B.C. Phone 228-5021 Hall music, MC, Recording Services. 683-4373 Hall for rent for Sunday church service. Ph. 736-9919.

36 INFORMATION WANTED BAYNE OR BAIN Would William James Bayne, Arthur ne (or Bain) born Edinburgh 1894 and 1896, sons of Arthur John Bay ne and Jane Morrison (Married 1886) and brothers of Gladys May Bayne, or any relative or anyone having information of either contact Duncan 29 Stafford Street, Edinburgh, Scotland. Shannon furnishings personal effects are removed from my by 23 they be disposed 324-4895. no. 5 tan are cross 1000 Male 1205 have black Male Fem. 10235 463- some male, with Past tan or dog.

15th call. CyLost 2250 KENNEY In the Royal Jubilee Hospital, Victoria, B.C., on September 18, 1974, Mr. Edward T. Kenney, aged 86 years, of Lands 2276 Neil For- former Minister of and ests, Province of British Columbia. He is survived by his wife, Leila, at the residence; 3 daughters, Mrs.

C.I O. (Marjorie) Fulton, of Vernon; Mrs. L. M. (Lorraine) Johnstone: and Mrs.

Nels (Norma) Morrison, of Terrace; son, Edward T. Kenney, of Terrace; 12 grandchildren; 4 greatgrandchildren; 4 sisters in Victoria; and a brother in Vancouver. He was a founder member of Kitselas Lodge AF AM No. 123, B.C.R., Terrace. Funeral service in McCall Bros.

Chapel, Victoria, on Friday, September 20, at 4:30 p.m. with the Rev. George Keenleyside ing, followed by cremation. (Flowers gratefully declined. Donations if desired may be made to the Heart Fund, 1008 Blanshard Victoria.) KLINGERT September 15, 1974, Samuel Klingert, aged 63 yrs.

Late of 5419 Argyle Street survived by his wife and 1 daughter. Requiem mass Friday September 20th at 10 a.m. in Holy Family church, 4851 Beatrice Street. The Rev. J.

Simon, Celebrant, Interment Mountain View Cemetery. Roselawn Funeral Directors entrusted with arrangements. LARTER On September 18, 1974 Katherine Rachael Larter, formerly of 2635 Turner St. age 88 years. Survived by one son Chester Larter, Portland, Oregon.

3 daughters, Mrs. Fred Chapman (Muriel), Courtenay, B.C., Mrs. J. Thomson (Leeta), Vancouver, Mrs. R.

(Gladys), Dawson Creek, B.C., 2 sisters, Mrs. Etta Badley, Moose Jaw, Mrs. Myrtle Short, Vancouver, 19 grandchildren, 9 great grandchildren. Devoted friends Mrs. Knolles and Mr.

Mrs. H. Hale. Service in the Bell Funeral Chapel, 2746 East Hastings Friday, September 20, at 1:00 p.m. Reverend Glen Baker officiating.

Interment Forest Lawn Memorial Park: LEIGH Passed away September 18, 1974, in St. Marys Hospital, New Westminster, Alma Leigh, in her 68th year. Late of 7210 Mary Burnaby, B.C. Survived by 2 sisters, Mrs. Ed (May) Campbell, Chilliwack, Mrs.

Olive Abbot, Chilliwack, 1 brother, Mr. Hubert Nichols, Kelowna, B.C. Funeral service will be held Friday, September 20th at 3 p.m. at the Chapel of Henderson Funeral Home, Chilliwack, Rev. J.

T. Horricks, officiating, cremation to follow, flowers gratefully declined, donations may be made to Chilliwack United Church memorial fund or charity of your choice, in Hendersons Funeral Home, Chilli- MACFARLANE George Rennie, of Vancouver B.C. passed away in The Centennial Pavilion of Vancouver General Hospital, on September 17, 1974. Survived by his loving wife, Alice, 1 nephew, William Macfarlane, in Victoria, B.C. also relatives in Scotland.

Memorial service Friday, September 20, at 1 p.m. in the Boal Memorial Chapel, 1505 Lillooet North Vancouver. Rev Ian Grant officiating. Cremation. In lieu of flowers, donations to the B.C.

Cancer Foundation, would be appreciated. Arrangements through First Memorial Services Ltd. TYPE SIZES 6 Point counts 1 line $1.10 day 6 POINT CAPS counts as 2 lines 12 POINT Counts as 3 lines 18 Point Counts as 4 lines 124 Point Counts as 5 lines 30 Pointe Counts as 6 lines Varying the size of increases the readability type, your advertisem*nt. brown Sun Office; black blue be Pos- adpaper. tan lic.

Delta. old, Baird- approx. Vic- paws. 685- bus on identify. gold Kngswy.

Park Vicinity collar. dog. Wes- Ada- ...295 292 280 288 284 220 300 310 320 330 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 340 341 342 344 346 347 348 350 362.

The Vancouver Sun from Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada (2024)
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Name: Kieth Sipes

Birthday: 2001-04-14

Address: Suite 492 62479 Champlin Loop, South Catrice, MS 57271

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Job: District Sales Analyst

Hobby: Digital arts, Dance, Ghost hunting, Worldbuilding, Kayaking, Table tennis, 3D printing

Introduction: My name is Kieth Sipes, I am a zany, rich, courageous, powerful, faithful, jolly, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.