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> m1

Maintenance and Service

FIGURE 3.14 Exemplary block definition diagram (syntax) for an elevator.

Name of Component

The labeled rectangle represents a component (from meta-system to CI) of the system with the name of the component inside the rectangle. The unlabeled connector shows a connection relationship between two components that comprise a higher level component. A port associated with the component and the connector, designating the connection of the two.


Semantic elements of the internal block diagram.




: Elevator Car [1..*]

: Elevator Controller

: Hallway Passenger Interface

: Maintenance and Service


Exemplary internal block diagram for subsystems of an elevator system.

that connect blocks. Again, there are more elements of the semantics for an internal block diagram but these will suffice for an introduction. Figure 3.16 shows an internal block diagram showing the interface connections among the subsystems of the elevator.



SysML also includes diagrams for requirements modeling. These diagrams show the requirements taxonomy being used by the systems engineering team. Far too many systems engineering teams do not have a requirements taxonomy so this feature of SysML should dramatically improve the practice of systems engineering. Chapter 6 of this book covers one possible requirements taxonomy. In addition, SysML includes diagrams for showing the relationships established by the systems engineering team between each requirements and specific system functions, components, items (inputs and outputs of functions), and interfaces. Establishing these kinds of relationships was covered in the previous chapter as part of learning how to use CORE so it will not be repeated here.



SysML uses a combination of block definition and parametric diagrams to enable the systems engineer to define performance and trade off models for use as part of the design process. The semantics of the block definition diagrams for performance modeling is not quite the same as that for block diagrams, see Figure 3.17. A rectangle, called a constraint block, is used to define each major variable for which an equation or constraint is defined. Besides the name of the variable appearing in the rectangle, the constraint equation appears inside the delimiters – {y}. In addition, a list of parameters used in the equation with their mathematical abbreviations is shown in the rectangle below a separating


Name of Constraint Variable {constraint equation} -------------------- ----------- ------ ------ ------- -parameters



The labeled rectangle represents a constraint variable for use in defining the equations in the parametric diagram.

The unlabeled connector shows a decomposition relationship (from the end with the diamond to the end with no diamond).

FIGURE 3.17 Semantic elements for the block definition diagram used for perfor mance modeling.

line. The same sort of connecting line is used to show decomposition as in the block diagram case. Multiplicities are not needed. Figure 3.18 shows an example of a partial fundamental objectives hierarchy for a hypothetical elevator system.

FIGURE 3.18 Exemplary block definition diagram for the fundamental objectives hierarchy of an elevator system.



The labeled round tangle represents a constraint, as defined by an equation, that is needed in the performance model.

Name of Constraint & Associated Equation

The labeled rectangle represents an input variable that is needed as part of one of the constraint equations.

Name of Input Variable Needed in Constraint Equation



The labeled connector shows a connection relationship between two concepts, either constraints or input variables. A port associated with a constraint equation for a variable from another concept.


Semantic elements for the parametric diagram.

The second SysML diagram used as part of specifying a performance model is called a parametric diagram. The parametric diagram contains roundtangles for the variables with equations and rectangles for the input variables associated with those equations. Regular lines are used to connect the concepts in the roundtangles and rectangles. Finally, a small rectangle is used to show connecting ports for the roundtangles. These connecting ports are associated with variables being used in the equation. Figure 3.19 shows the semantics of the parametric diagram.



The role of qualitative modeling in the engineering of systems is essential. This chapter introduced modeling, purposes of models, and categories of models and discussed how engineers use models in the engineering of a system. Models are used to answer questions for which better answers are needed than currently exist; each modeling technique has its own language of symbols and conventions for combining symbols into higher level concepts. A model is an abstraction of reality; models were characterized for the purposes of this book as mental, qualitative, quantitative, and physical. Each type of model has its advantages in terms of the types of questions that it answers best, as well as the development and operational costs for the model. SysML’s diagrams were introduced. The meta-system approaches of use case diagrams and sequence diagrams were described and illustrated for the elevator system that will be used throughout this book to illustrate the engineering of a system. Next, IDEF0, a commonly used process modeling technique, was introduced and described in sufficient detail so that the reader should not only be able to



read an IDEF0 model authored by someone else but will be able with additional practice to develop IDEF0 models on her or his own. This process modeling technique was introduced here because this book concentrates on the methods to be used in the engineering of systems, and some process modeling technique is needed to describe these methods. IDEF0 has the advantage of being a good communication tool as well as having a standardized syntax and semantics that do not vary by organization and discipline. Enhanced Function Flow Block Diagrams (EFFBDs) were described next as a way to capture the dynamic execution of functions within the system. EFFBDs have a general set of control structures that overlay the functional decomposition in an IDEF0 model to capture the unique dynamics envisioned within the system. Next the block diagram semantics and syntax introduced by SysML were presented for both block definition diagrams and internal block diagrams. The former shows the decomposition of the physical architecture. The second shows the interface connections within a specific decomposition of a component. Finally the new concept of parametric diagrams to define the performance modeling being done within the engineering of the system is presented.

PROBLEMS 3.1 Reproduce the IDEF0 diagrams of the process for engineering a system in Appendix B using CORE. You must pay attention to details of content as well as format. Both will be graded very carefully. 3.2 Create an FFBD diagram in CORE for each page of the IDEF0 model in Appendix B using CORE. Write a justification for the control logic of each diagram. 3.3 Describe at least three ways to estimate how much storage space would be needed if all of the emails sent during a 24 hour period from all of the people in the United States to anyone else in the United States were intercepted.



Discrete Mathematics: Sets, Relations, and Functions



Chapter 4 introduces material from the field of discrete mathematics. Much of this chapter will be review material (e.g., sets and functions) for most readers. The concepts of sets, relations, and functions are defined, discussed, and illustrated. A function, with which almost everyone is familiar, is shown to be a specialization of a relation, which in turn is a specialization of a set. There are some key concepts introduced here that will be referred to in many of the succeeding chapters. For example, we will be discussing requirements and requirements documents in Chapter 6. Many system-level requirements documents are very large, larger than they need to be. These large system-level requirements documents can contain thousands and even tens of thousands of requirements. Examples might include:

The system shall be able survive attacks from another computer system. The system shall be able survive buffer overflow attacks from another computer system. The system shall be able to survive stack-based buffer overflow attacks from another computer system. The system shall be able to survive stack-based buffer overflow attacks from an internal employee. The system shall be able to survive buffer overflow attacks against its operating system.

The Engineering Design of Systems: Models and Methods, Second Edition. By Dennis M. Buede Copyright r 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.





The system shall be able to survive buffer overflow attacks against its application programs. The system shall be able to survive buffer overflow attacks originating in emails. The system shall be able to survive buffer overflow attacks while connected to web sites on the Internet. And more of the same.

In Chapter 6 we will present an approach to writing such requirements and make the point that only one or a few of the above requirements should be in the system-level requirements document. We will use the concept of a partition, introduced and defined here in Chapter 4, to make this case. A partition, based on the set theory introduced in this chapter, ensures that the requirements are not overlapping and are complete. Satisfying the non-overlapping part will be relatively easy, but it is amazing how often it happens in practice. Achieving the completeness is a goal that is seldom, if ever, achieved. But there are approaches based on a partition that can help. Many requirements documents contain duplicate, triplicate, and higher copies of requirements. Over time some of these copies of requirements get changed while others do not, resulting in inconsistent requirements such as happened on the Space Shuttle for operations in ambient temperatures, resulting in part in the explosion of the Challenger in 1986. Getting the concept of a partition of a set is key to many aspects of systems engineering. In Chapter 7 we will discuss functions that systems perform in transforming their inputs into their outputs. When we have this discussion, you should remember the definition of a mathematical function, which we cover here in Chapter 4. What you may not have learned previously is the concept of a mathematical relation, which is a weaker concept than that of a mathematical function. In order to perform mathematical analyses of our system’s functional architecture we will need eventually to be able to satisfy the mathematical definition of a function, not simply a relation, provided in this chapter. We will also need to recognize that we are dealing with relations when we are dealing with higher level functions of a system. Ensuring that our functional decomposition is a partition will arise again and again. As part of the discussion of functional architectures in Chapter 7, we will be talking about decomposing higher level functions into sets of lower level functions. (Note the word set has been used again.) The mathematical concept of composition is defined here in Chapter 4 and discussed relative to hierarchical decomposition; mathematical composition will be shown to be a very limited representation of the functional modeling described in Chapter 7. Two advanced concepts, power set and partial ordering, are introduced in this chapter. These concepts have great usefulness to the theoretical development of the engineering of systems, most of which is beyond the scope of this book but elements of which are discussed in Chapters 6, 7, and 9. The interested



reader is referred to Mott et al. [1986] and Rosen [1995] for more details on set theory. Larsen and Buede [2002] provide a mathematical structure for performing early validation of requirements using many of the set theory concepts presented in this chapter. Section 4.2 introduces the general concept of a set and then discusses special characteristics of sets, including operations on sets, the partition of a set, and the power set of a set. Section 4.3 defines relations in terms of sets. In particular, important characteristics of relations are defined. The partial ordering on a set is introduced and illustrated. Section 4.4 discusses functions and the composition of functions. There are no models introduced in this chapter, but all of this material is critical in understanding the development of models, as well as the power and limitations of models. Software engineers often make much more use of the discrete mathematics presented here than do the engineers of systems, but the material has the same richness and importance to engineers of systems and should be utilized to a fuller degree in the future. In addition, having a grasp of this material is essential to carrying on a conversation about architectures with many software engineers. I have seen systems engineers lose important and valid arguments to software engineers because the systems engineers were not equipped to understand what the software engineers were saying.



A set is a collection of well-defined objects, called elements or members. These elements or members are said to belong to the set. Sidebar 4.1 defines the mathematical symbols used in these and other definitions.


A e D g + , -,. 3

is an element of is not an element of is a subset of is a proper subset of is not a subset of is a superset of is a proper superset of intersection union implies if and only if


6¼ U U A ’ ( D

| B,: 4 3



is not equal to the null set the universal set the complement of A for all there exists such that given that not (negation) and or

Examples of sets are:

An interval of numbers [7, 21] The students in SYST 520 at George Mason University during the spring semester of 1996 The categories of inputs to elevator The possible states or outcomes that a particular input to the elevator can take The functions of an ATM (automated teller machine)


Writing Set Membership

A set is denoted by capital letter A, B, X, Y, with the exception of sets that are functions, which will be denoted by a lowercase italic, letter. Members are also denoted by lowercase letters: a, b, x, y. The mathematical expression of set membership is x 2 A : x is an element of A x2 = A or : ðx 2 AÞ : x is not an element of A


Describing Members of a Set

There are at least five ways to describe the members of a set. 1. A is the set of elements, x, that satisfies the property (or predicate), p(x). A={x|p(x) is true} (braces are the common delimiter of a set’s definition). The property p(x) must be well-defined, that is, able to be determined by means of rules. One test of such a property is called the



clairvoyant’s test — a clairvoyant is able to predict the future or describe the past/present perfectly. Is the property or rule defined sufficiently well that the clairvoyant can answer the question? For example, the property ‘‘Is tall’’ does not meet the clairvoyant’s test, but the property ‘‘is taller than 6 feet 3 inches’’ does. 2. Complete enumeration is the listing of all of the members of the set. A1 ¼ f0; 1; 2; 3; 4g A2 ¼ fstudent1 ; student2 ; . . . student31g 3. Use the characteristic function of the mA ðxÞ ¼

1 0

for x ¼ 0; 1; 2; 3; 4 otherwise

where mA(x) is the characteristic function of set A for elements, x, in the set, U, of all elements. For conventional (crisp, nonfuzzy) sets, mA(x) may only take the values 0 for nonmembers or 1 for members. 4. Use recursive definition: A={xi+1=xi+1, i=0, 1, 2, 3; where x0=0}. Here A is defined by a recursive formula. 5. Use one or more set operators such as union, intersection, and complement. These operations should be familiar to most readers and will be defined shortly.


Special Sets

U: the universal set or set of all possible members. U: the null set, a set with no elements. F and {F} are not the same. F has no elements, while {F} has one.) We can write F={xAU | x 6¼ x}. Singleton set: a set with only one element. Finite set: a set with a finite number of distinct elements. Infinite set: a set with an infinite number of distinct elements. For example: A1={1, 2, 3, 4, y, 101} is finite, A2={1, 2, 3, 4,y,} is infinite, and A3={x, {1, 2}, y, {z}} may be finite or infinite. The finiteness of A3 depends on whether x and y are finite or infinite. (Note {1,2} and {z} are sets, but each is only one element of A3. Also note that z is not an element of A3, but {z} is.) Subsets or set inclusion: if A and B are two sets, and if every element of A is an element of B, then A is a subset of B, ADB. If A is a subset of B, and if B has





FIGURE 4.1 Set inclusion.

at least one element that is not in A, then A is a proper subset of B, A B. See Figure 4.1. Equality of sets: if A and B are sets, and A and B have precisely the same elements, then A and B are equal, A=B. The following properties follow from the above definitions: ADA; a set is a subset of itself. FDA, ADU. The null set is a subset of every set; every set is a subset of the universal set. If F 6¼ A, then F A. If a set is not the null set, then the null set is a proper subset of the set. If ADB and BDA, then A=B. If two sets are subsets of each other, then they are equal. If ADB and BDC, then ADC. Set inclusion is transitive, a property that we will formally define later. 4.2.4

Operations on Sets

The following operations are performed on sets: Absolute complement, A: Let ADU. A¼ fx jx 2 = Ag ðNote F ¼ U; U¼F; A ¼ AÞ See Figure 4.2. Relative complement of A with respect to B, B A: Let A and B be sets, B A={x|xAB and xeA}. The relative complement is also called set difference. See Figure 4.3. Union of A and B, A,B: A,B={x | xAA or xAB or both}.




FIGURE 4.2 Absolute complement.



u B



FIGURE 4.3 Relative complement.

Intersection of A and B, A-B: A-B={x | xAA and xAB}. (Note A and B are called disjoint if A-B=F. See Figure 4.4. Boolean sum (symmetrical difference), A+B or ADB: A þ B ¼ fxjx 2 A or x 2 B; but not bothg ¼ ðA BÞ [ ðB AÞ The following properties of the above set operations can be easily derived: 1. 2. 3. 4.

A,F=A, and A-F=F. A,U=U, and A-U=A. Idempotent: A,A=A, and A-A=A Associative: ðA [ BÞ [ C ¼ A [ ðB [ CÞ ðA \ BÞ \ C ¼ A \ ðB \ CÞ

5. Commutative: A,B=B,A, and A-B=B-A 6. Distributive: A [ ðB \ CÞ ¼ ðA [ BÞ \ ðA [ CÞ A \ ðB [ CÞ ¼ ðA \ BÞ [ ðA \ CÞ 7. DeMorgan’s Laws: ðA [ BÞ ¼ A \ B, and ðA \ BÞ ¼ A [ B

u A A∩B


FIGURE 4.4 Set intersection.




Example Use DeMorgan’s laws to prove that the complement of ðA \ BÞ \ ðA [ BÞ \ ðA [ CÞ is ðA [ BÞ [ ðA \ ðB [ CÞÞ. Solution: Starting with ðA \ BÞ \ ðA [ BÞ \ ðA [ CÞ, note that ðA [ BÞ \ ðA [ CÞ is the same as A [ ðB \ CÞ.

Step 1: Making this substitution, we want to find the complement ðA \ BÞ \ ðA [ ðB \ CÞÞ. Step 2: By DeMorgan’s law, the complement of an intersection is the union of set complements. So this can be written as ðA \ BÞ [ ðA [ ðB \ CÞÞ. Step 3: Again, the complement of an intersection is the union of the set complements. So this can be written as ðA [ BÞ [ ðA [ ðB \ CÞÞ. Step 4: Also by DeMorgan’s law, the complement of a union is the intersection of the set complements. So this can be written as ðA [ BÞ [ ðA \ ðB \ CÞÞ. Step 5: Again, the complement of an intersection is the union of the set complements. This yields ðA [ BÞ [ ðA \ ðB [ CÞÞ. QED



A partition on a set A is a collection P of disjoint subsets of A whose union is A. For a collection Bi (i=1, 2, y, n) to be a partition P of A: 1. BiDA for i=1, 2, y, n. 2. Bi-Bj=F for i 6¼ j. 3. for any xAA, xABi for some i; (alternatively B1,B2,y,Bn) The concept of a partition (Fig. 4.5) is the most basic and far-reaching mathematical concept to our development of systems engineering. We will talk





B1 B3


B3 B4

B4 Partition of A


Not a Partition of A

Set partition.



about the importance of creating a partition of the system’s requirements, and a partition of the system’s function, and a partition of the system’s physical resources. This is just the beginning.


Power Set

The power set of a set A is denoted, P(A). The power set is the set of all sets that are subsets of A. Mathematically, the power set is the family (or set) of sets such that XDA3XAP(A), or P(A)={X | XDA}. 1. Let A0=F, P(F)={F}, [where A0 is a set with zero elements and P(A0) has one element]. 2. Let A1={a}; P(A1)={F, A1}={F, {a}} [where A1 is a set with one element and P(A1) has two elements]. 3. Let A2={a, b}; P(A2)={F, {a}, {b}, {a, b}} [where A2 is a set with two elements and P(A2) has four elements]. How many elements does the power set of a set of An have? Theorem If An is a set with n elements, then P(An) has 2n elements. Proof We will use mathematical induction. For n=0, 1, 2, 3, y, let S(n) be the statement: If An is a set with n elements, then P(An) has 2n elements. i. First show that if A0 has 0 elements, then P(A0) has 20=1 element. A ¼ F; PðAÞ ¼ fFg ii. Assume S(k) is true and then show that S(k+1) is true. Let Ak+1 be a set with k+1 elements. Define B to be a proper subset of Ak+1 with k of Ak+1’s elements: Akþ1 ¼ fa1 ; a2 ; . . . ; ak ; akþ1 g B ¼ Ak ¼ fa1 ; a2 ; . . . ; ak g So Akþ1 ¼ fakþ1 g [ B: Therefore, every subset of Ak+1 either contains ak+1, or it does not. 1. If a subset does not contain ak+1, then it is a subset of B, and we know there are 2k subsets of B, by induction. 2. If a subset does contain ak+1, then it is the union of a subset of B and ak+1. There must be 2k of these since there are 2k subsets of B. So there are 2k+2k=2k(1+1)=2k 2=2k+1 subsets of Ak+1 or 2k+1 elements of P(Ak+1).




The concept of a power set has many potential uses in systems engineering. For example, the power set of system inputs is an upper bound on the test sequences required to test the system exhaustively. 4.3


This section defines relations using the concepts of ordered pairs and Cartesian products. Important properties of relations are defined, followed by definitions of partial orderings and equivalence relations. 4.3.1

Ordered Pairs and Cartesian Products

An ordered pair is (x, y) if xAA, yAB. A Cartesian product, A B, is defined over two sets, A and B, such that A B={(a, b) | aAA and bAB}. That is, the Cartesian product of two sets is the set of all possible ordered pairs of those two sets. The following are examples of Cartesian products: 1. A={1}, B={2}: A B={(1, 2)} and B A={(2, 1)} 6¼ A B. 2. X={students of SYST 520 during the spring semester of 1996}={S1, S2, y, S31}, Y={A, B, C}: X Y={(S1, A), (S1, B), (S1, C), y , (S31, A), (S31, B), (S31, C)} An ordered n-tuple is defined to be A1 A2 ? An={(a1, a2,y, an) | aiAAi, i=1, 2, y , n}, where (a1, a2,y, an). 4.3.2

Unary and Binary Relations

A unary relation on a set A relates elements of A to itself and is a subset, R, of A A. R is usually described by a predicate that defines the relation. Examples are r,=,W, ‘‘taller than,’’ and ‘‘older than.’’ If a1 and a2 A A, we write (a1, a2) A R, which means that a1 R a2 or a1 ‘‘is related to’’ a2. A binary relation is a relation R that relates elements of A to elements of B and is a subset of A B. The domain of R, written as ‘‘dom R,’’ is defined as: dom R={x | xAA and (x, y)AR for some yAB}. The range of R, written as ‘‘ran R,’’ is defined as: ran R={y | yAB and (x, y)AR for some xAA}. Again (a1, b1)AR3a1 R b1. Example Let R be the relation from A={1, 3, 5, 7} to B={1, 3, 5}, which is defined by ‘‘x is less than y.’’ Write R as a set of ordered pairs.

Solution: R={(x, y) | xAA, yAB, xoy} R={(1, 3), (1, 5), (3, 5)}



Recall the relations within and between systems engineering classes that were discussed in Chapter 2. The hierarchy of requirements was defined by the relation ‘‘incorporates’’ in moving from the top of the requirements hierarchy to the bottom; ‘‘incorporated in’’ was the relation that moved from bottom to top. The relation ‘‘is decomposed by’’ moved from the top of the functional decomposition to the bottom; ‘‘decomposes’’ moves in the opposite direction. The physical hierarchy of a system and its components used the relation ‘‘is built from’’ in moving from top to bottom and ‘‘is built in’’ for moving from bottom to top. Binary relations included the tracing from requirements to functions or the system, the performance of functions by the system and its components, and inputs and outputs of items for functions. The relation ‘‘is traced to’’ was used for the binary relations of input/output stakeholders’ requirements being mapped to functions and for system-wide/technology requirements being mapped to the system. The binary relation for the system and components being related to functions used the relation ‘‘pertains.’’ The relations ‘‘inputs’’ and ‘‘outputs’’ addressed functions being related to items. To discuss the properties of unary relations, some additional information is needed concerning the possible ways to prove an implication. An implication is an ‘‘If y, then y’’ statement, which is commonly written as ‘‘If p is true, then q is true’’ or ‘‘p-q.’’ There are eight common methods for proving implications of this form. 1. Trivial proof: Show that q is true independently of the truth of p. 2. Vacuous proof: By mathematical convention, whenever p is false, p-q is true. The vacuous proof involves showing that p is false. This method is key to understanding the full implications of the properties of unary relations that are discussed below. 3. Direct proof: Assume that p is true and use arguments based upon other known facts and logic to show that q must be true. 4. Indirect proof: Use direct proof of the contrapositive of p-q. The contrapositive of a true implication is known to be true; the contrapositive of p-q is Bq-Bp (or q is false implies p is false). Here we assume q is false and prove via logic and known facts that p must be false. 5. Contradiction-based proof: DeMorgan’s laws can be used to show that p-q is equivalent to B(p4(Bq)), that is, the statement ‘‘p is true and q is false’’ is false. Proof by contradiction starts by assuming that (p4(Bq)) is true and then proving, based on this assumption, that some known truth must be false. If the only weak link in the argument is the assumption of ( p 4 (Bq)), then this assumption must be wrong. 6. Proof by cases: If p can be written in the form of p1 or p2 or y or pn ( p13p23y3pn), then p-q can be proven by proving p1-q, p2-q, y, pn-q as separate arguments. 7. Proof by elimination of cases is an extension of the method above: Recall from the second method that p-q is equivalent to [ (p3q)4(Bp)], that is




(p and q are true) or (p is false). Now p can be partitioned into a set of cases as done in 6 and attacked one at a time. 8. Conditional proof: If we are to prove p-(q-r), we can prove the equivalent (p4q)-r. 4.3.3

Properties of Unary Relations on A

The seven properties discussed here are reflexive, irreflexive, symmetric, antisymmetric, asymmetric, transitive, and intransitive. 1. Reflexive: x R x for all xAA, e.g., equality, r, Z. 2. Irreflexive: xR = x for all xAA, for example, greater than, is the father of. 3. Symmetric: If x R y, then y R x ’x, yAA, for example, equality, is spouse of. Note if x R = y for all x and y in A, then the relation is symmetric by a vacuous proof. 4. Antisymmetric: If x R y and y R x, then x=y ’x, yAA, for example, equality, r, Z. Note if there is no situation in which ‘‘x R y and y R x’’ is true, then the relation is antisymmetric by vacuous proof. 5. Asymmetric: If x R y, then y R = x ’x, yAA, e.g., o, >. 6. Transitive: If x R y and y R z, then x R z ’x, y, zAA, for example, r, Z,=,W. This property is the most difficult to grasp. If there is no situation in which ‘‘x R y and y R z,’’ then the relation is transitive by vacuous proof. 7. Intransitive: If for some x, y, zAA, it is true that x R y, y R z, but x R = z, the relation is considered intransitive. Example Let L be the set of lines in the Euclidean plane and let R be the relation on L defined by ‘‘x is parallel to y.’’ Is R a reflexive relation? Why? Is R a symmetric relation? Why? Is R a transitive relation? Solution: 1. This question reduces to whether a line is parallel to itself. If the definition of parallel is having no points in common (everywhere equidistant), then a line cannot be parallel to itself because the two lines have every point in common. So R is not a reflexive relation. 2. R is a symmetric relation. Consider each xAL. x will have an infinite number of yAL which satisfy the parallel relationship. Each such y is in turn parallel to x. Thus, (x, y)AR for all x and y that are parallel, and (y, x)AR, so the relation is symmetric. 3. R is a transitive relation. Again, consider (x, y)AR and (y, z)AR; x will be parallel to z, so x R z and R is transitive for all x, y, zAL. Example Let F be the set of functions in the functional decomposition for a system. Let R be the relation on F defined by ‘‘is decomposed by.’’ Is R a



reflexive relation? Why? Is R a symmetric relation? Why? Is R a transitive relation? Solution: 1. R is not a reflexive relation because a function does not decompose itself. 2. R is not a symmetric relation because if f1 decomposes f0, then f0 cannot decompose f1. 3. R is not a transitive relation. The function f0 is decomposed by f1, f2 and f3, and f1 is decomposed by f11, f12 and f13. However f0 is not decomposed by f11, f12 or f13. 4.3.4

Partial Ordering

A relation R on A is a partial ordering if R is reflexive, antisymmetric, and transitive. Examples of partial orderings are Z or r on the real number line, or + or D on P(A). Examples of nonpartial orderings are o or Won the real number line, or on P(A). (Both of these are asymmetric and antisymmetric.) 4.3.5

Equivalence Relations

A relation R on a set A is an equivalence relation if R is reflexive, symmetric, and transitive. An example of an equivalence relation is equality. 4.4


This section defines functions and discusses the composition of functions.



Let A and B be two nonempty sets. We write a function f as f : A-B and say that f maps every element of A (the domain) to one and only one element of B (the range). If (a, b)Af, then element b is the image of element a under f. Note that a function can map elements of A onto itself, f : A-A. A function f from A to B is a relation such that (a) dom f=A (i) f is defined for each element of A, aAA. (ii) ((a, b) where bAB for each element of A, aAA. (b) if (a, b) A f and (a, c)Af, then b=c; that is, f is single-valued, or no element of A is related to two elements of B. A function is called one-to-one or injective if (a, b)Af and (c, b)Af implies a=c. That is, no two elements of A can be mapped into the same element of B by f.




A function f : A-B is onto or surjective if and only if the range of f=B, that is, f is defined for every bAB. If a function is both one-to-one and onto (or bijective), then the relation f 1 is single-valued and maps every element of B onto some element of A; f 1 is therefore a function, called the inverse function. Example If A={1, 2, 3, 4} and B={a, b, c, d}, determine if the following functions are one-to-one or onto. (a) f ¼ fð1; aÞ; ð2; aÞ; ð3; bÞ; ð4; dÞg (b) g ¼ fð1; dÞ; ð2; bÞ; ð3; aÞ; ð4; aÞg (c) h ¼ fð1; dÞ; ð2; bÞ; ð3; aÞ; ð4; cÞg Solution: (a) f is NOT one-to-one since f 1 ðaÞ ¼ f1; 2g. f is NOT onto since f 1 ðcÞ ¼ F. (b) g is NOT one-to-one since g 1 ðaÞ ¼ f3; 4g. g is NOT onto since g 1 ðcÞ ¼ F. (c) h is one-to-one since all elements of B correspond to unique elements in A. h is onto since every element of B has some pre-image in A. So we have progressed mathematically from sets to relations to functions. FunctionsDRelationsDSets, or a function is a relation is a set. As systems engineers we will focus on functional architectures. We will represent the functions of the system as relations or functions in graph-like structures. The underlying theory is set theory. 4.4.2


Let R be a relation from A to B, and S be a relation from B to C. (a, c) is an element of the composition of R and S, (denoted R S or R S) if and only if there is an element bAB such that a R b and b S c. That is, a and c must be linked together by b; a is mapped to b and b is mapped to c. (Note that some authors write the composition of R and S as S R so be careful.) The composition of functions is defined in the same way as the composition of relations. Example Assume R and S are relations from A to A. If A={1, 2, 3, 4}, R={(1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 4), (4, 2)}, and S={(1, 3), (2, 4), (4, 2), (4, 3)}, then compute R S, S R and R R. Solution: R S={(1, 4), (3, 2), (3, 3), (4, 4)}.



(1, 2) from R is composed with (2, 4) from S (this is written (1, 2) (2, 4) ) and yields (1, 4). (1, 2) from R cannot be composed with any of the other elements of S because they do not begin with a 2. (3, 4) (4, 2)=(3, 2). (3, 4) (4, 3)=(3, 3). (4, 2) (2, 4)=(4, 4). S R={(1, 4), (2, 2), (4, 3), (4, 4)}, which is not equal to R S. R R={(1, 3), (2, 4), (3, 2), (4, 3)}. As systems engineers we will employ functional decomposition to develop the functional architecture. Composition is the mathematical property from which decomposition derives its name. However, as discussed in Chapter 7, composition is only applicable to functional decomposition in limited situations.



This chapter began with the introduction of a set, the foundation of a branch of mathematics called discrete mathematics. A great deal of terminology was introduced to define special sets such as the universal and null sets and operations on sets. During the discussion of sets, the concept of partition was defined. The partition is perhaps the most important mathematical concept introduced in this chapter for application in this book. A partition is a subdivision of a set into subsets, which contain no common members, and yet the union of the subsets contains every element of the original set. In future chapters requirements will be partitioned, functional decompositions will be defined to be partitions, and the physical decomposition will be defined to be a partition. The power set of a set is the set of all subsets of that set. This notion of a power set is not exploited fully in this book but will become key to the future development and application of mathematics to the engineering of systems. The next major section of this chapter dealt with relations and the key properties associated with relations. A relation is a set of ordered pairs; the elements of the ordered pairs come from one or two sets. If the functions of a system are not fully defined in terms of inputs, then these system functions are, in fact, mathematical relations. Functions are relations that satisfy certain properties; a function maps every element of the domain of the function to some element of the range, but does not map any element of its domain to more than one element of the range. One-to-one and onto properties of functions were also discussed. Finally the composition of functions was defined.



PROBLEMS 4.1 Define the students enrolled in this class during this semester as a set, S. a. Specify a partition of S into 2 subsets. b. Specify a partition of S into 3 subsets. c. Specify a partition of S into 5 subsets. 4.2 Let A1={1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11}, A2={2, 6, 9, 11}, A3={2, 4, 6, 9, 11}. Show that: a. A1+A2=(A1A2),(A2A1) b. A1,(A2-A3)=(A1,A2)-(A1,A3) 4.3 Prove that the following relations are true in general: a. A1+A2=(A1A2),(A2A1) b. A1,(A2-A3)=(A1,A2)-(A1,A3) 4.4 Let R be a relation from A to B and defined ‘‘x is at least twice as big as y.’’ Write R as a set of ordered pairs for a. A={1, 3, 5, 7} and B={2, 3, 4, 6} b. A={0, 1} and B={0, 1} c. A={1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7} and B={3, 6} 4.5 Let R be relation from A to B where ‘‘x is greater than or equal to y squared.’’ Then define R as a set of ordered pairs for the following: a. A={1, 2, 3, 4, 5}, B={1, 2, 3, 4, 5} b. A={25}, B={5, 6, 7} 4.6 There are three families defined by the sets A, B, and C; each family has a dad, mom and three kids: A={Dad, Mom, Doris, Bill, Tom} B={Dad, Mom, Doris, Daisy, Debbie} C={Dad, Mom, Bill, Bob, Biff} Consider the relations ‘‘is the spouse of,’’ ‘‘is the brother of,’’ and ‘‘is the blood relative of.’’ (Hints: I am not the brother of myself. Two people are blood relatives if they share the blood of a common ancestor, who may or may not be part of sets A, B, or C. I am the blood relative of myself. Biff is a male.) Identify which of these relations satisfy which of the seven properties of unary relations for each of the three sets by placing a yes or no in the empty cells of the following table.










‘‘is the spouse of ’’ on A ‘‘is the brother of ’’ on A ‘‘is the blood relative of ’’ on A ‘‘is the spouse of ’’ on B ‘‘is the brother of ’’ on B ‘‘is the blood relative of ’’ on B ‘‘is the spouse of ’’ on C ‘‘is the brother of ’’ on C ‘‘is the blood relative of ’’ on C

4.7 Let R be a relation from A to B and S be a relation from B to C. a. Find R S for A={1, 3, 5, 7}, B={1, 2, 4, 5, 7}, C={1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}, R={(1, 2), (3, 4), (5, 2), (7, 4)} and S={(1, 2), (2, 4), (4, 3), (7, 5)}. b. Are any of these relations R, S, R S functions? One-to-one functions? One-to-one and onto functions? 4.8 If A1={1, 2, 3, 4} and A2={1, 4, 9, 25}, determine if the following functions that map A1 onto A2 are one-to-one, onto, or both one-toone and onto. a. f1={(1, 1), (2, 4), (3, 4), (4, 25)} b. f2={(1, 1), (2, 4), (3, 25), (4, 25)} c. f3={(1, 1), (2, 4), (3, 9), (4, 25)} 4.9 Develop two relations R (from A to B) and S (from B to C) that have to do with people. Show the result of R S. 4.10 Let R and S be relations from A-A, where A={1, 2, 3, 4} and: R={(1, 1), (2, 2), (3, 3), (1, 2), (2, 3), (1, 3), (2, 1), (3, 1), (3, 2)} S={(2, 3), (1, 2), (2, 1), (3, 1), (1, 3)} a. Find if these relations are symmetric, reflexive, and transitive. b. Find R S, S R and R R. 4.11 Let A be a set of three colors: {red, blue, green}. What are the elements of the power set of A?



4.12 Let SIBLINGS={Andrea, Bobby, Catherine, David, Eric}. Find the elements of the power set of SIBLINGS, P(SIBLINGS). 4.13 Show that the P{Andrea, Bobby} is a subset of the P(SIBLINGS) from Problem 4.12. 4.14 Prove that for any two sets A and B, (P(A)-P(B))=P(A-B). 4.15 Find two sets A and B that show (P(A),P(B)) 6¼ P(A,B). 4.16 Prove that for any two sets A and B, (P(A),P(B))DP(A,B). 4.17 Prove that the seven properties of set operations in Section 4.2.4 are true.



Graphs and Directed Graphs (Digraphs)



This chapter introduces the mathematics of graph theory, the formal representation of a relation (or function) among elements of a set or a pair of sets. The concept of a relation discussed in this chapter is the same concept introduced in Chapter 4. A graph in mathematics is a set of nodes and a set of edges between pairs of those nodes; the edges are ordered or nonordered pairs, or a relation, that defines the pairs of nodes for which the relation being examined is valid. As an example, the people working as systems engineers on a project could be the members of a set. One relation defined over this set could be ‘‘works for.’’ Another relation could be ‘‘respects.’’ The edges can either be undirected or directed; directed edges depict a relation that requires the nodes to be ordered while an undirected edge defines a relation in which no ordering of the edges is implied. The ‘‘works for’’ and ‘‘respects’’ relations would be examples of ordered relations. An example of an undirected relation would be ‘‘sits next to.’’ A graph enables us to visualize a relation over a set, which makes the characteristics of relations such as transitivity and symmetry easier to understand. The reader will hopefully comprehend the power of visualizing mathematical concepts, as enabled by mathematical graph theory, by the end of reading this chapter.

The Engineering Design of Systems: Models and Methods, Second Edition. By Dennis M. Buede Copyright r 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.





There is a great deal of terminology associated with graph theory; most of the basics are introduced in this chapter. Notions such as paths and cycles are key to understanding the more complex and powerful concepts of graph theory. There are many degrees of connectedness that apply to a graph; understanding these types of connectedness enables the engineer to understand the basic properties that can be defined for the graph representing some aspect of his or her system. The concepts of adjacency and reachability are the first steps to understanding the ability of an allocated architecture of a system to execute properly. In addition to aiding in the visualization of relations, graph theory is the basis of many modeling languages. However, there are many more modeling languages, such as IDEF0, that look like graphs but which have no underlying mathematics. The material presented in this chapter is necessary but not sufficient to be able to detect when a modeling language with graphical representations has a mathematical basis or not. For example, understanding the seven properties of unary relations presented in this chapter will enable the reader to detect key assumptions such as transitivity being made or assumed by a modeling language. Similarly, understanding the difference between a partial order and a total order will give the reader an appreciation of the restrictions and power of a modeling language. A specific example of the use of some of the key concepts in this chapter relates to total and partial orders of elements of a set based upon the relation defined over the set. When a relation induces a total order, the elements of the set over which the relation is defined can be numbered from 1 to n. However, the concept of a partial order suggests that there is more than one possible order from 1 to n of the set’s elements that is consistent with the relation. There are a number of applications of a partial order in systems engineering. For example, the set of functions being executed by the system’s components can often be executed in more than one sequence. Understanding the many partial orders of functional execution is key to developing test plans to verify the system’s performance characteristics. The interested reader is referred to Goodaire and Parmentar [1998], Harary [1972], and Harary et al. [1965] for more details on graph theory. Shin and Levis [2003] provide a performance prediction model based upon a creative application of Petri nets, which is a graph theoretic modeling language based on set theory. Another specific example of the use of concepts from this chapter relates to the power of hierarchies in the engineering of systems; hierarchies for requirements, functions, and physical components are discussed in Chapter 2. In graph theory a hierarchy is represented as a directed tree. This chapter introduces the terminology associated with trees in graph theory. The state-of-the-art practice in the engineering of systems is to use a number of graphical concepts that have various amounts of grounding in mathematics as communication mechanisms. The challenge for the future is to develop additional modeling techniques that have significantly more grounding in



mathematics while maintaining the quality of the communication among the stakeholders and the engineers in the various disciplines. The software engineering community has been moving in this direction for at least 15 years. The systems engineering community has just started this trek with SysML.



A graph, G, is a pair of sets, V(G) and E(G). V(G) = {n1, n2, y, nN} is the set of vertices or nodes. E(G) = {eij}D(V(G) V(G)) is a relation that defines the set of edges that are unordered, not necessarily distinct pairs of nodes. V(G) is a finite, nonempty set; E(G) may be empty and is a subset of the Cartesian product of V(G) with itself. Due to the undirected nature of the edges in a graph, the edges represent symmetric relations such as ‘‘____ is next to ____’’, ‘‘____ is the sibling of ____’’, ‘‘____ is married to ____.’’ Due to the symmetry the order in which the nodes are placed does not matter. The following Konigsberg bridge problem is one of the earliest known graph theory problems (See Sidebar 5.1). Euler’s graph of the Konigsberg bridge problem is known as a multigraph, in which two or more edges connecting the same nodes is possible. This graph is also known as a simple graph because there are no loops. A loop is an edge connecting a node to itself, eii. A directed graph or digraph, G, is a pair of sets, V(G) and E(G); V(G) = {n1, n2, y, nN} is the set of vertices or nodes. V(G) is again a finite, nonempty set; E(G) = {eij} is a subset of V V or ordered pairs of nodes; eij is said to be from ni to nj. Again E(G) may be empty. The edges in a digraph represent antisymmetric or asymmetric relations. Examples are ‘‘____ is a parent of ____’’ and ‘‘____ is higher than ____.’’ Here the order in which the nodes are placed in the blanks does matter. Examples include Markov chains and Program Evaluation Review Technique (PERT) charts. Figure 5.1 shows a sample digraph for the relation ‘‘is the parent of.’’ Nodes that are connected by a directed edge are often discussed in terms of parent and child. The node at the tail of the edge is often called the parent and the node at the arrow of the edge is called the child. The definitions of loop and simple digraph are the same as above. A multigraph digraph requires multiple copies of eij for the same i and j in E(G). The presence of eij and eji are not sufficient for G to be a multigraph digraph. Cardinality of a set A = |A|=the number of elements of A. Note, the cardinality of f is 0. If A has n elements, then P(A) has cardinality is 2n. Order of G = |V(G)|= the number of nodes of G. Size of G = |E (G )|= the number of edges of G.




SIDEBAR 5.1: THE KONIGSBERG BRIDGE PROBLEM In the 1700s the inhabitants of Konigsberg in eastern Prussia were entertained by a puzzle involving seven bridges over the Pregel River. The puzzle posed by mathematicians was whether it was possible to start at any one of the four distinct parcels of land (A, B, C, or D) and find a tour that crossed every bridge once and only once in such a way that the tourer ends up at the same parcel of land from which the tour began. L. Euler, the Swiss mathematician, proved that such a tour could not be done, and in 1736 gave precise conditions for when such a tour could be defined for any system of interconnected bridges. A






D 6


C 7

The following graph is a mathematical representation that Euler created as part of his mathematical proof. The parcels of land are the nodes and the bridges are the edges. Would it be possible to define a graph for this problem in which the bridges were nodes and the parcels were edges? A 1


2 4

B 5

6 C

D 7














FIGURE 5.1 Sample directed graph for ‘‘is the parent of.’’

The incidence of edges (Fig. 5.2) is defined as: (a) eij is incident on ni and nj in a graph and (b) eij is incident from ni to nj in a digraph. Degree of node ni= the number of edges connected to ni in a graph, deg(ni). Out degree of node ni= the number of edges incident from (or exiting) ni in a digraph, degG (ni). In degree of node ni= the number of edges incident to (or entering) ni in a digraph, deg+ G (ni). Adjacency – two nodes ni and nj are said to be adjacent if eij or ejiAE(G). If V = {n1, n2, y, nN} is the set of nodes of an undirected graph G, then N X

degðni Þ ¼ 2jEðGÞj:






FIGURE 5.2 Samples of incidence.





Sample bipartite graph.

If G is a digraph, then N X

degG ðni Þ ¼



degþ G ðni Þ ¼ jEðGÞj:


Edge labeling of a graph or digraph G is a function f: E(G)-D, where D is a domain of labels. Node labeling of a graph or digraph G is a function f: V(G)-D, where D is a domain of labels. Recall from Chapter 3 that IDEF0 (Integrated Definition for Function Modeling) uses edge and node labeling. A bipartite graph is a graph (digraph) whose set of nodes can be partitioned into two sets A and B such that no edge connects a node in A to another node in A and, similarly, no edge connects a node in B to another node in B. See Figure 5.3. Is the family tree in Figure 5.1 a bipartite graph?



A walk in a digraph is a sequence of one or more nodes {n0, n1, y, nk} and zero or more edges {e01, e12, y, ek 1,k}. See Figure 5.4. A walk may revisit the same node more than once. A walk is closed if its initial and end vertices are the same; otherwise it is open. A walk is nontrivial if it has one or more edges. A path is a walk in which each node is distinct (i.e., there are no repeats), except possibly the end nodes. See Figure 5.4. Note since the nodes cannot repeat, the edges cannot repeat.






FIGURE 5.4 Digraph with a walk (d b a c d e), closed walk, path, and a cycle (a c d b).




d c



FIGURE 5.5 Digraph with 2 cycles (a b c and c d e) and a circuit (c a b c d e c).

A trail is a walk in which each edge is distinct. Note the same node may be revisited more than once. A closed trail is a circuit. A circuit is a nontrivial walk with no repeated edges and whose endpoints are the same. Figure 5.5 has a circuit: a, b, c, d, e, c, a. A cycle is a circuit in which all of the nodes are distinct except the first and last. See Figures 5.4 and 5.5. The nodes a, c, d, b in Figure 5.4 are a cycle. This cycle could be defined as (d, b, a, c) or (b, a, c, d) or (c, d, b, a) as well, but there is only a single cycle in this graph. A nondirected walk (or semiwalk) in a digraph is a sequence of one or more nodes {n0, n1, y, nk} and zero or more edges {e10 or e01, e21 or e12, y, ek,k 1 or ek 1,k}. A semiwalk can travel the wrong way on a directed edge. A semipath (or chain) is a semiwalk in which each node is distinct, again with the possible exception of the end nodes. See Figure 5.6. A semicircuit is a nontrivial semiwalk in which the first and last nodes are the same and no edges are repeated. A semicycle is semicircuit in which the only repeated nodes are the first and last. See Figure 5.6. A digraph is acyclic if there exists no subgraph that is a cycle. By now most readers are probably wondering how these definitions are going to be useful. The vocabulary provided by these definitions is very useful in describing when a graph has the seven unary characteristics (e.g., reflexivity, transitivity) from Section 4.3.3. In addition, there are other concepts that will be introduced in this chapter that have general applicability to the engineering of a system, for which this vocabulary will also be useful.






FIGURE 5.6 Digraph with a semipath (b a c d e) and semicycle (d b a c).






Another vocabulary that proves very useful is connectedness. A pair of nodes in a digraph is weakly connected if there is a semipath between them, for example, nodes b and c in Figure 5.6. The nodes are unilaterally connected if there is a path between them, for example, all of the pairs of nodes in Figure 5.6 except b and c. Finally, the nodes are strongly connected if there is a path in both directions. No pair of the nodes in Figure 5.6 is strongly connected; every pair of nodes in Figure 5.5 is strongly connected. Note a pair of nodes that is strongly connected is also weakly and unilaterally connected. A digraph is weakly (unilaterally, strongly) connected if every pair of nodes in the graph is weakly (unilaterally, strongly) connected. The digraph in Figure 5.6 is weakly connected because of the weak connection between nodes b and c. The digraph in Figure 5.4 is unilaterally connected because node e is unilaterally connected with the other four nodes, even though each of the other four nodes is strongly connected to each of the other three. The digraph in Figure 5.5 is strongly connected. The digraphs in Figures 5.1 and 5.3 are weakly connected. A pair of nodes is disconnected if there is no path or semipath between them. A digraph is disconnected if one of its nodes is disconnected from any other node of the graph. A graph is connected if it is not disconnected. All of the digraphs presented so far are connected. 5.5


The adjacency matrix of a graph G, A(G), provides a mathematical representation of which nodes in a digraph are adjacent to each other. Recall that a relation from N(G) to N(G) is defined by the edges of G, E(G). So in fact, A(G) is a description of the relation E(G) from N(G) to N(G). AðGÞ ¼ aij is an N N Boolean matrix where N is the order (number of nodes) of G. ( aij ¼

1 0

if if

eij 2 EðGÞ eij 2 = EðGÞ

Note a Boolean matrix is one whose elements are 0 or 1. The row sums of A(G) give the out-degrees of the associated node; the column sums give the indegrees. If G is not a digraph but a graph, A(G) will be a symmetric matrix. * Advanced material.



A node nj of G is said to be reachable from node ni of G if there exists a path from ni to nj in G. The reachability matrix, R(G), is a Boolean matrix that indicates which nodes can be reached from which other nodes. RðGÞ ¼ rij is an N N Boolean matrix where N is the order of G. To compute R(G) we first compute A, A2, A3, y, A|E(G)| 8 > < 1 if i ¼ j k rij ¼ 1 if aðkÞ ij 40 for some A > : 0 otherwise Node ni is reachable from node nj if rij = 1. R(G) is also called the transitive, reflexive closure of E(G) because R(G) is defined to be a reflexive relation that adds the edges necessary to make E(G) a transitive relation. R(G) is sometimes denoted R*(G). h i The transitive closure, R +(G), is defined to be Rþ ðGÞ¼ rþ ij , where ( ðkÞ 1 if aij 40 for some Ak ¼ rþ ij 0 otherwise

Note in this case the reflexivity of the transitive closure is determined by the reflexivity of E(G). The distance between two nodes is the smallest number of edges between the nodes on any path connecting the two nodes. The distance matrix, D(G), reflects these numbers. DðGÞ ¼ dij is an N N matrix where N is the order of G. 8 0 if i ¼ j > > > >k if nj is reachable from ni ; k is the exponent < ðkÞ dij ¼ of the first Ak in which aij 40 > > > > : 1 if there is no path from n to n i j



Now directed graphs will be used to visualize the seven properties of unary relations that were introduced in Chapter 4.





A Sample Reflexive Relation



A Sample Irreflexive Relation


Reflexive and irreflexive relations.

Reflexivity: 8x; x R x: That is, all nodes must have loops. The top of Figure 5.7 shows a reflexive relation. Irreflexivity: 8x; xR = x: That is, no nodes can have loops. The relations shown in the digraphs of Figures 5.1 and 5.3 through 6 are irreflexive. The bottom of Figure 5.7 shows an irreflexive relation. Note digraphs can depict relations that are neither reflexive nor irreflexive when some of the nodes have loops and others do not. Symmetry: 8x; y ; if x R y ; then y R x: That is, there must be a cycle between any two nodes that are adjacent to each other. There is no limitation about arcs besides this. The relations shown in the digraphs of Figures 5.4, 5.5, and 5.6 are not symmetric. The relation in the digraph shown in Figure 5.8 is symmetric. Antisymmetry: 8x; y ; if x R y and y R x; then x ¼ y: That is, there cannot be a cycle between any two nodes that are adjacent to each other. Again, there is no limitation about arcs besides this one; so cycles containing three or more nodes can exist. Any node can have a loop. The digraphs in Figure 5.1 and 5.3 through 5.6 show antisymmetric relations; the relation in the digraph shown in Figure 5.8 is not. Asymmetry: 8x; y ; if x R y; then yR = x: That is, there can be no cycle between any two nodes, and there can be no loops. Asymmetric relations must be





Digraph of a symmetric relation.



irreflexive. Again cycles among three or more nodes are allowed. The relations in the digraphs shown in Figures 5.1 and 5.3 through 5.6 are asymmetric; the digraph in Figure 5.8 shows a relation that is not.

Note a relation that is irreflexive but in which no node is adjacent to any other node (completely disconnected) is symmetric, antisymmetric, and asymmetric due to the vacuous proof in Chapter 4. Transitivity: 8x; y; z if x R y and y R z; then x R z: This condition only applies to triplets of nodes and requires that there be a semicycle among the three nodes in the triplet. (Note the first and third node in a triplet can be the same, in which case there must be cycle between the two nodes and loops at each node.) A relation to which this condition, or left-hand side, is not applicable (i.e., the ‘‘if condition’’ is never satisfied) will be transitive. Figure 5.9 shows a transitive relation: dRa aRb dRb dRa

and aRb dRb, and bRe aRe, and bRe dRe, and aRe dRe.

Intransitivity: for some x, y, z, if x R = z; then x R y and y R z: Relations are either transitive or intransitive. Cycles may exist in transitive relations; but note that a transitive relation with cycles that contains three or more nodes means that there must be a cycle between every pair of nodes that is part of the cycle, resulting in a symmetric relation with loops for the subset of nodes in the cycle. The relation in Figure 5.8 is symmetric but not transitive because aRb and bRa, but a is not related to a; the same applies for nodes b and c. Figure 5.10 shows the transitive version the relation of Figure 5.8; the loops are added at each node. It should be obvious that it is easier to use a directed graph to visualize the properties of unary relations than the mathematical expressions discussed in






FIGURE 5.9 Digraph of a transitive relation.







FIGURE 5.10 Transitive version of the digraph in Figure 5.8.

Chapter 4. Likewise, graphical techniques for visualizing functional relationships together with inputs and outputs are much more comprehensible than purely written or tabular methods for most people. ‘‘A picture is worth a 1000 words.’’



Relation R is a partial order on set A when R is reflexive, antisymmetric, and transitive on the set A. In this case A is called a partially ordered set, or POSET, written [A; R]. Therefore a relation that is a partial order cannot have any cycles. As discussed in the previous section, a relation that is transitive and has cycles must have pairs of nodes that are symmetric. If any pair of nodes in a relation is symmetric, then the relation cannot be antisymmetric. Two elements a1 and a2 in A are said to be comparable under R if either a1 R a2 or a2 R a1. Otherwise the elements are incomparable. If every pair of elements is comparable, then [A; R] is totally ordered. A Hasse diagram is an undirected graph of the relations between the elements of a partially ordered set. See Figure 5.11. Each element of A is represented as a node. Reflexivity is not represented in the Hasse diagram, thereby eliminating all loops from the graph. Edges that are required by the transitivity property are also omitted; that is, any edge that depicts a shorter path to another node than some other combination of edges is deleted. To draw a Hasse diagram, we place the nodes on a piece of paper such that ai is below aj if ai R aj. We connect ai to aj with an undirected edge if and only if ai R aj and there is no ak such that ai R ak and ak R aj. Figure 5.12 provides a second example of a Hasse diagram and the resulting partial orderings of A. If there is only one node at the top of the Hasse diagram and only one node at the bottom, then the poset is called a lattice. That is, with the transitivity property in force there must be one and only one element, the upper bound or a of A, such that a R ai ’i, and a second element, the lower bound or z of A, such that ai R z ’i. * Advanced material.



Relation R on A a

making R a partial order








making a Hasse diagram possible orderings of elements of A



a, b, c, d a, c, b, d



FIGURE 5.11 Partial order on a set A, Hasse diagram, and partial orderings of A.

R = “divides evenly” on A = {1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 9}

The relation is transitive. Reflexive arcs are dropped for ease of display. 4







2 3 3



Making R a Hasse diagram



6 2




16 possible orderings of elements of A: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 9 1, 2, 3, 4, 9, 6 1, 2, 3, 6, 4, 9 1, 2, 3, 6, 9, 4 1, 2, 3, 9, 4, 6 1, 2, 3, 9, 6, 4 1, 2, 4, 3, 6, 9 1, 2, 4, 3, 9, 6

1, 3, 2, 4, 6, 9 1, 3, 2, 4, 9, 6 1, 3, 2, 6, 4, 9 1, 3, 2, 6, 9, 4 1, 3, 2, 9, 4, 6 1, 3, 2, 9, 6, 4 1, 3, 9, 2, 4, 6 1, 3, 9, 2, 6, 4

Second Hasse diagram example.






Two graphs, G1 = (V1, E1) and G2 = (V2, E2), are isomorphic if there exists a one-to-one and onto function, f, such that f: V1-V2 and f preserves adjacency. That is, E2 = {( f (v), f (w)) | (v, w) A E1}. Note that ‘‘___ is isomorphic to ___’’ is an equivalence relation. An isomorphism f from G1 to G2 is not necessarily unique. Some necessary properties for G1 and G2 to be isomorphic are: (1) |V(G1)| = |V(G2)|, (2) þ |E(G1)| = |E(G2)|, and (3) if n1 A V(G1), then degþ G1 ðn1 Þ ¼ degG1 ð f ðn1 ÞÞ and degG1 ðn1 Þ ¼ degG1 ð f ðn1 ÞÞ. 5.9


A tree is a graph G with no loops in which there is a unique, simple (no loops), nondirected path (or semipath in the case of a digraph) between each pair of nodes. Figure 5.13 shows a graph that is a tree. A rooted tree is a tree in which there is a designated ‘‘root’’ node. In a graph, the root node must have a degree of 1. In Figure 5.13 nodes a, c, and j could be root nodes. In a directed tree, the root node must have no parents, or an in degree of 0. In Figure 5.14, in the left digraph nodes a and c could be root nodes; in the right digraph only node a can be root node. A directed tree is a rooted tree in which there is a (directed) path from the root to every other node. Note that the tree in Figure 5.13 is not a directed tree because the graph is not a digraph. The right-hand digraph in Figure 5.14 is a directed tree in which node a is the root. The left-hand graph is a tree because there exists a semipath from every node to every other node; that is, the graph is weakly connected. The graph is not a directed tree because there is not a path from any root (a or c) to every other node. Note the following statements are consistent with the above definitions: 1. A simple nondirected graph G is a tree if and only if G is connected and contains no cycles. 2. A tree with n nodes has exactly n1 edges. 3. A graph G is a tree if and only if G has no cycles and |E(G)| = |V(G)|1. A directed tree is a graphic representation of a partition, the fundamental construct of our requirements, functional and physical decompositions. 5.9.1

Spanning Trees*

A graph H is a subgraph of a graph G if V(H) D V(G) and E(H) D [E(G) (V(H) V(H))]. That is, the nodes in the subgraph must be a subset of the * Advanced material.













FIGURE 5.13 Sample tree.

nodes in the graph, and the edges in the subgraph must be a subset of those in the graph, with the added stipulation that all of the edges are connected to two nodes, one on each end of the edge. Graph H is a proper subgraph of G if V(H) 6¼ V(G). A graph H is a spanning subgraph of G if H is a subgraph of G and V(H) = V(G). So a spanning subgraph cannot be a proper subgraph. Let W be a subgraph of G. The subgraph induced by W is the subgraph H of G in which V(H) = V(W) and E(H) = [E(G) - (V(W) V(W))]. That is, H, the subgraph of G induced by W, contains all of the edges of G that are consistent with the nodes of W. A subgraph H of a graph G is called a spanning















j Nondirected Tree







Directed Tree

Sample nondirected and directed trees.




tree of G if (a) H is a tree and (b) V(H) = V(G). A spanning tree that is a directed tree is a directed spanning tree. 5.9.2

Directed Trees

Two nodes, n1 and n2, in a digraph G are quasi-strongly connected if there exists a node n3 such that there is a path(s) from n3 to n1 and from n3 to n2. The path from n3 to n2 can pass through n1. Digraph G is a quasi-strongly connected digraph if and only if there is at least one node, r, in G such that there exists a path from r to all of the remaining nodes of G. See Figure 5.15. Let G be a digraph with |V(G)|W1. Then the following statements are equivalent: (1) G is a directed tree. (2) There is a node r in G such that there exists a unique path from r to every node in G. (3) G is quasi-strongly connected and G – (any edge) is not quasi-strongly connected. (4) G is quasi-strongly connected and contains a node r such that the in degree of r is 0 and the in degree of every other node in G is 1. The height of a directed tree is the length of the longest path. The height of the directed tree in Figure 5.14 is 8. A directed tree has levels. Level 0 is associated with the root of the directed tree. The first level of the directed tree contains all nodes adjacent to the root, or the children of the root. The second level contains the children of all nodes in level 1, and so on. See Figure 5.16. Note that a directed tree need not be symmetric, that is, reach the same level along every path. 5.9.3


A directed forest is a collection of directed trees. See Figure 5.17. Forests are important in systems engineering as we practice concurrent engineering.








Quasi strongly connected digraph.




Level 0







Level 1

Level 2


Level 3


Level 4


Levels of a directed tree.

Recall from Chapter 1 that we must be concerned not only with the system that will be used during the operational phase but also with the development, manufacturing, training, deployment, refinement, and retirement systems. The concurrent requirements form a requirements forest.



In very large digraphs it will not always be apparent that there are cycles or semicycles. To find the cycles, remove all barren nodes (nodes without children) and border nodes (nodes without parents). Continue this process until there are no remaining barren or border nodes. If there are any nodes remaining, then














FIGURE 5.17 Sample directed forest.





there are one or more cycles and the remaining nodes are part of at least one of the cycles. To find the semicycles in a digraph, first replace all of the directed arcs with non-directed arcs. Then remove all nodes of degree 1. Continue this process until there are no remaining nodes of degree 1. If there are any nodes remaining, then there are one or more semicycles, and the remaining nodes are part of at least one of the semicycles.



At a superficial level IDEF0 diagrams resemble the digraphs that we have been discussing. On any IDEF0 page there are nodes, depicted as boxes, and arcs. All of the boxes and edges are labeled as discussed earlier in this chapter. However, we need not look too deep to see some major discrepancies between digraphs and a page of an IDEF0 model. The inputs, controls, outputs, and mechanisms (ICOMs) coming from external sources to the page are not nodes but labels on the edges. These edges, associated with the external ICOMs, do not have a node at one of their ends; this never happened in a digraph since an edge depicted a relation between two elements of a set A and all of the elements of A were shown in the graph. As mentioned in the previous paragraph, each edge on the IDEF0 diagram is labeled. While there can be labels on the edges in digraphs, all of the digraphs presented in this chapter had none. In a digraph each edge represents the fact that a single relation exists between each pair of connected nodes, aRb. Each node in the IDEF0 diagram is called a function and is named consistently with our understanding of a function, namely a transformation. Yet, digraphs represent a specific relation, which may be a mathematical function if certain conditions are satisfied (see Chapter 4). The relation, or function, in a digraph is represented by the edges, not the nodes. At an even deeper level, each label on the edge of an IDEF0 arrow actually represents a set of possible items that can become an input, control, or output of the relevant function. All of the possible inputs and controls entering a function must then be represented by n-tuple of the Cartesian product across all input and control arrows entering that function. Similarly, the Cartesian product represents all possible outputs of a function across all output arrows exiting a function. So, there are, in fact, many important differences between a digraph and a page of an IDEF0 diagram. A number of people have attempted to transform an IDEF0 model into a bipartite graph. The first step is to turn the arc labels into nodes of a second type, say circles. The IDEF0 diagram (without mechanisms) in the top of Figure 5.18 is converted into a bipartite graph in the bottom of Figure 5.18. Each label is replaced by a circular node. Each external label is connected by the edge entering or leaving the appropriate function. The new nodes for I12 and C12 are now connected by two edges; one going into the new node and one




Transform I1 into I12 and C12 in accordance with C1


C12 I12


Transform I12 into O1 in accordance with C12





Transform I1 into I12 and C12 in accordance with C1




Transform I12 into O1 in accordance with C12 A2


FIGURE 5.18 ICOM labels converted to nodes.

coming out of the new node. We have now satisfied the basic requirements of a bipartite graph; there are two types of nodes and no edge connects two nodes of the same type. There are, in essence, two types of edges; those that connect boxes to circles (outputs of the function in the box) and those that connect circles to boxes (inputs to the function in the box). However, there are two remaining problems. First, IDEF0 differentiates between arcs entering a function from the top and left. There is no provision for such differentiation in digraphs. Other process modeling techniques in Chapter 12 do not differentiate between inputs and controls; it is necessary to drop this distinction between inputs and controls, as is done in Petri nets, which is the only graph-theoretic modeling tool discussed in Chapter 12. Second, there is a problem with branches and joins. There is no analogous construct in graph theory. To solve this problem a function must be inserted at each branch to accomplish a divide or copy, and at each join to accomplish a paste. See Figure 5.19.






Transform I1 into I12 and C12 in accordance with C1

C12 O1a I12 & O1a


Transform I12 into O1 in accordance with C12



O1 O1b



Transform I1 into I12&O1a C12 in accordance with C1 A1

C12 Divide I12&O1 a into I12 and O1a



Paste O1a together with O1b A4



Transform I12 into O1b in accordance with C12 A2



FIGURE 5.19 IDEF0 page with divide and paste functions added.

With all of these workarounds, IDEF0 remains a static snapshot of a dynamic process. There are potentially infinite dynamic models that can be created from each IDEF0 model. The information that separates the proper dynamic model from the rest of the possible dynamic models is not in the IDEF0 model but remains in the mental model of the creator of the IDEF0 model. If a team (which is most common) creates the IDEF0 model, it is possible, even likely, that each team member has a mental model of a different dynamic representation of the static IDEF0 model. This is why creating a dynamic model from the IDEF0 representation is so important; the communication process among the systems engineering team must be carried as far as possible. 5.12


A graph consists of a set of nodes and a set of edges. The edges define a relation over the set of nodes. The relation can require an order of the nodes in which case the edges are directed; directed graphs are the most applied in the engineering of systems. Bipartite graphs are a special form of a directed graph in which there are two types of nodes, and the edges cannot connect nodes that are the same type.



Sequences of nodes in a graph can be defined by the terms walk, path, trail, circuit, and cycle. Graphs can be connected or disconnected; there are variations of connectedness, ranging from weakly to strongly. Nodes that are not adjacent to each other in a graph can be reachable via a path in the graph. This notion of reachability can be critical if attaining some output requires the execution of a set of functions, but the set of functions is not part of a reachable set. The properties of reflexivity, irreflexivity, symmetry, antisymmetry, asymmetry, transitivity, and intransitivity were defined in Chapter 4 and then redefined in terms of graphs in this chapter. Visualizing these relations provides a much greater understanding of their meaning and ability to detect their absence or presence in a graph. Partial orders of the elements of a set were defined as alternative orders of the nodes based upon the relation defined over the nodes. The Hasse diagram was defined and illustrated for finding the partial order on the set and then enumerating the possible partial orders. Trees and several variations of trees were introduced as a special form of a graph. A directed tree describes the notion of a hierarchical decomposition. Hierarchies of requirements, functions, and components were discussed in Chapter 2 and will be revisited in Chapters 6 through 11. These hierarchies must be partitions (as defined in Chapter 4) and can be represented as directed trees. Finally the IDEF0 process modeling technique was revisited and discussed in terms of mathematical graph theory. The reasons why an IDEF0 model is not a directed graph were discussed, as well as the difficulty associated with turning an IDEF0 model into a graph.

PROBLEMS 5.1 For the following graph, G1: a









a. b. c. d.

Find |V(G1)| and |E(G1)|. Write the relation depicted by G1 as a set of ordered pairs. Define the adjacency matrix of G1. What is the out degree of each node of G1? What is the in degree of each node of G1? e. Could G1 be a bipartite graph? If no, why? If yes, what is the partition into two subsets of nodes that makes this a bipartite graph? f. Is the relation depicted here reflexive? irreflexive? symmetric? antisymmetric? asymmetric? transitive? intransitive? g. What arcs (if any) would you have to add to this relation to make it transitive

5.2 For the following graph, G2: a







a. Write the relation depicted by G2 as a set of ordered pairs. b. Define the adjacency matrix of G2. c. Could G2 be a bipartite graph? If no, why? If yes, what is the partition into two subsets of nodes that makes this a bipartite graph? d. *Is there a cycle in G2? How many? e. *Is there a semicycle in G2? Which nodes are included? f. Is the relation depicted here reflexive? irreflexive? symmetric? antisymmetric? asymmetric? transitive? intransitive? g. What arcs (if any) would you have to add to this relation to make it transitive? h. *Delete the arc from g to a and draw a Hasse diagram for G2. Why must we delete the arc from g to a before we can draw a Hasse * Advanced assignment.



diagram? Define at least 10 different node orderings consistent with this Hasse diagram. 5.3 a. Develop a directed graph for the relation ‘‘_____ has defeated ____.’’ using the following won/lost records of the two 1993 Super Bowl teams. Create a single node for each team and an arc for each defeat. Note this will be a multigraph. Buffalo Bills (BB) Schedule BB


Dallas Cowboys (DC) Schedule















































































































































b. Is this directed graph reflexive? irreflexive? transitive? asymmetric? c. *There will be cycles in the graph created in part (a). Break these cycles by eliminating arcs in favor of the two Super Bowl teams; that is, if there is a cycle between a Super Bowl team and another team, eliminate the arc showing that the Super Bowl team was defeated by

* Advanced assignment.



the other team. Assume the resulting relation is a partial order and draw a Hasse diagram of the relation. 5.4 For the following adjacency matrix: a




























a. Draw the graphical representation, G4, that is defined by the adjacency matrix. b. Find |V(G4)| and |E(G4)|. c. Write the relation depicted by G4 as a set of ordered pairs. d. What is the out degree of each node of G4? What is the in degree each node of G4? e. Could G4 be a bipartite graph? If no, why? If yes, what is the partition into two subsets of the nodes that makes G4 a bipartite graph? f. Which of the seven properties (reflexive, irreflexive, transitive, intransitive, symmetric, asymmetric, antisymmetric) does this relation satisfy 5.5 *Drop the arc from b to c in Figure 5.15 and draw a Hasse diagram for the resulting graph. How many orderings of the nodes in the digraph are consistent with this Hasse diagram? 5.6 There are three families defined by the sets A, B, and C; each family has a dad, mom, and three kids: A = {Dad, Mom, Doris, Bill, Tom} B = {Dad, Mom, Doris, Daisy, Debbie} C = {Dad, Mom, Bill, Bob, Biff} Consider the relations ‘‘is the spouse of,’’ ‘‘is the brother of,’’ and ‘‘is the blood relative of.’’ (Hints: I am not the brother of myself. Two people are blood relatives if they share the blood of a common ancestor, who may or may not be part of sets A, B, or C. I am the blood relative of myself.) * Advanced assignment.










Create a digraph for each of the three relations on each of the three sets. Identify which of these relations satisfy which of the seven properties of unary relations for each of the three sets by placing a yes or no in the empty cells of the following table.

‘‘is the spouse of ’’ on A ‘‘is the brother of ’’ on A ‘‘is the blood relative of ’’ on A ‘‘is the spouse of ’’ on B ‘‘is the brother of ’’ on B ‘‘is the blood relative of ’’ on B ‘‘is the spouse of ’’ on C ‘‘is the brother of ’’ on C ‘‘is the blood relative of ’’ on C

5.7 A city street snapshot is shown in the figure. Note there are streets with arcs on them indicating one-way streets. The streets with double-headed arcs are two-way streets. There are 11 intersections, labeled 1 through 11.














a. Draw a directed graph that represents this street system. (Hint: Use a node to represent street intersections.) b. Is this digraph quasi-strongly connected? If not, what is the minimum number of arcs that must be added and what nodes must they connect to make it quasi-strongly connected? If yes, why? c. If you think the digraph in part (a) is quasi-strongly connected, draw a directed spanning tree for it. If you do not think the digraph in part (a) is quasi-strongly connected, add arcs so that it is and then draw a directed spanning tree for it. d. What is the height of the tree that you have drawn? 5.8 For the set of all possible relations, create a partition using combinations of the properties symmetric, antisymmetric, and asymmetric where each subset in the partition cannot be empty. As an example, a partition of all relations using the properties reflexive and irreflexive would be: (reflexive relations), (irreflexive relations), (relations that are neither reflexive nor irreflexive). Note the subset of relations that are both reflexive and irreflexive is left out because this combination is impossible. 5.9 Consider an IDEF0 model in which the function A0 has two inputs (I1 and I2), three controls (C1, C2, and C3) and three outputs (O1, O2, and O3). The IDEF0 function, A0, can be considered a relation that maps elements of D = (I1 X I2 X C1 X C2 X C3) into elements of P = (O1 X O2 X O3). The 5-tuple for inputs and controls to A0 and the 3-tuple for outputs are used because each input, control, and output represents a set of possible inputs, controls, or outputs, respectively. The n-tuples define all possible combinations of inputs and outputs, respectively. Under what restrictions is A0 a function? Why?



Design and Integration



Requirements and Defining the Design Problem



Requirements are the cornerstone of the systems engineering process: Stakeholders’ requirements provide operational statements by the stakeholders concerning their needs; derived requirements enable the engineers of systems to partition the design problem into components that can be worked in parallel while maintaining design control through the requirements partition and the interfaces between the components; derived requirements enable the verification of the configuration items and components during the qualification activity during development; and stakeholders’ requirements provide the means for validating the system’s design during qualification. Requirements do not just show up on the systems engineer’s desk. Obtaining ‘‘good’’ requirements is critical to the successful engineering of a system [Blum, 1992, pp. 68–81; Davis, 2005, pp. 3–39]. The systems engineer must work hard with the stakeholders of the system to develop the requirements. Fortunately, there is a tried and true method with some valuable modeling techniques that can be used in this effort. There are few references that provide a coherent view of the systems engineering process for developing stakeholders’ requirements for a system, including a definition of how these requirements might be usefully characterized to aid the generation process. Grady [1993] provides an excellent discussion of what requirements are, how requirements should be written one at a time and in documents, and how requirements should be allocated. Faulk et al. The Engineering Design of Systems: Models and Methods, Second Edition. By Dennis M. Buede Copyright r 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.




[1992] describe a software engineering method for real-time requirements that has many of the characteristics that are important. Crowe et al. [1996] adapt the method of Faulk et al. [1992] to software-intensive systems; however this adaptation is incomplete because software engineering assumes systems engineers are their interface to the stakeholders. However, no reference found by the author discusses systematically how requirements should be developed and how such constructs as the operational concept, prototyping, objectives hierarchy, and external systems diagram can be used in this process. This chapter (an expansion of Buede [1997]) defines such a process that is consistent with most systems engineering practice. This chapter begins by discussing what requirements are. Definitions that are key to putting a system in its context with external systems and the environment are provided next. Section 6.4 defines the process or method by which requirements are developed. A discussion of various categories of requirements found in the literature of systems engineering are then discussed, followed by the partition of requirements that will be used in this book. The proposed outline for a stakeholders’ requirements document that addresses all phases of the system’s life cycle is provided in Section 6.7. The literature on requirements has proposed a number of characteristics that define either a sound individual requirement or a set of sound requirements; these characteristics of sound requirements are given in Section 6.8. The convention for writing requirements is discussed in Section 6.9. Sections 6.10 to 6.13 describe in detail the portions of the process for developing requirements: defining the operational concept for each phase of the system’s life cycle, creating an external systems diagram for each phase of the life cycle, establishing an objectives hierarchy for each phase of the life cycle, and conducting prototyping and usability testing to analyze the potential requirements in each phase of the life cycle. Section 6.14 provides a detailed discussion of the four segments of the requirements partition for each phase of the life cycle: the input/output requirements, the system-wide and technology requirements, the trade-off requirements, and the qualification requirements. Finally, the issue of managing requirements during the development of a system is discussed. The focus of this chapter is the method for defining requirements for a system and all of the systems associated with each phase of the system’s life cycle. There are seven activities associated with this method: developing the operational concept; defining the system boundary; developing an objectives hierarchy; developing, analyzing, and refining the requirements (including prototyping and usability testing); ensuring requirements feasibility; defining the qualification system requirements; and obtaining approval of the requirements. Several models are introduced to support the process for defining requirements. A qualitative model, an input/output trace, is described for defining a scenario that is part of the system’s operational concept. An application of IDEF0 (Integrated Definition for Function Modeling) modeling is described




for defining the process of a system’s interaction with other (external) systems; this external system diagram defines all of the inputs and outputs associated with the system. A hierarchical decomposition of the objectives for a system is another example of a qualitative model used in this requirements definition process. The exit criterion for this initial activity in the engineering of a system is the approval of the requirements document by the stakeholders. Often the engineers of a system are focused on obtaining this approval as quickly as possible, often without defining all of the requirements suggested in this chapter. The trade-off and qualification requirements are missing from most requirements documents. The contention of this chapter is that the real exit criterion of the requirements definition process is the approval by the stakeholders of the acceptance plan for the system. If the acceptance plan is affirmed, then all of the other portions of the requirements document are presumed to he defined in acceptable detail.



Many authors have defined the term requirement. The list below provides several definitions that highlight key concepts (the italics are the author’s). Sailor [1990]: identifiable capabilities expressed as performance measurables of functions that the system must possess to meet the mission objectives. MIL-STD 499B [Military Standard, 1993]: identifies the accomplishment levels needed to achieve specific objectives. Chambers and Manos [1992]: the attributes of the final design that must be a part of any acceptable solution to the design problem. Grady [1993]: an essential attribute for a system or an element of a system, coupled by a relation statement with value and units information for the attribute. Davis [2005]: an externally observable characteristic of a desired system. The requirements for a system set up standards and measurement tools for judging the success of the system design. These requirements should be viewed hierarchically. At the top are mission-level requirements that establish how the stakeholders will benefit by introducing the system in question into the supersystem of the system. These mission requirements relate to objectives of the stakeholders that are defined in the context of the supersystem, not the system itself. For example, Boeing identified two primary mission requirements when starting on the Boeing 777 commercial aircraft: trip cost per seat and total trip cost. Each airline company that purchases a 777 is the meta-system that most influences an aircraft company during the development phase.



Stakeholders’ requirements are developed next in the context of these mission requirements and should focus on the boundary of the system. If the stakeholders’ requirements are defined internally to the system, the risk of having design statements embedded in the requirements goes up substantially. A major emphasis of this chapter is that the stakeholders’ requirements should be as design independent as possible. Boeing’s stakeholders’ requirements for the 777 included such topics as liftable weight of the aircraft at specified conditions, the empty weight of the aircraft, the drag force on the aircraft for certain specified flight conditions, and the fuel consumption of the aircraft at certain specified flight conditions. As discussed in Chapter 1 system requirements are a translation (or derivation) of the stakeholders’ requirements into engineering terminology. Once this translation occurs, the derivation process of requirements continues. Recall from Chapter 1 that the goal of the design process is to create a system specification that can be developed into specifications for the system’s components, which are then segmented into specifications for the system configuration items (CIs). As a result the design process creates two hierarchies of requirements as shown in Figure 6.1. The stakeholders’ requirements are produced in conjunction with the stakeholders of the system, based upon the operational needs of these stakeholders. Some systems engineers believe the systems engineering process begins when the Stakeholders’ Requirements Document (StkhldrsRD) arrives; however the position taken here and supported by Pragmatic Principle 1 [De Foe, 1993] of the International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE) is that the systems engineers must be involved with the stakeholders to have any hope of producing a useful StkhldrsRD; note italicized items. In fact, the process described in this chapter is focused on methods and models for developing a valid and complete StkhldrsRD.

Mission Requirements

Stakeholders’ Requirements

System Requirements

Component Requirements

Derived Requirements

CI Requirements

FIGURE 6.1 Requirements hierarchies.




The Systems Requirements Document (SysRD), which is derived from the StkhldrsRD, is a translation from the language of stakeholders to the language of engineers. The system’s requirements are traced directly from the stakeholders’ requirements. Note the term stakeholder is used in the above discussion in place of the more common term user. This is to emphasize the fact that there are usually multiple categories of users of a system: owner and/or bill payer, developer, producer or manufacturer, tester, deployer, trainer, operator, user, victim, maintainer, sustainer, product improver, and decommissioner. Each stakeholder has a significantly different perspective of the system and the system’s requirements. If one perspective is singled out as the only appropriate one, the developers of the system will miss key information, and the system will be viewed negatively or as a failure from the other perspectives. The systems engineering process for creating a system design is decision rich. That is, the systems engineer is searching via a great deal of analysis and experience to find a very good (optimum is usually not possible to determine) solution that satisfies all of the mandatory requirements of the stakeholders and delivers as much performance as possible within the guidelines of cost and schedule. This search process involves making many decisions about the system’s physical character (or resources) and allocations of functions to resources that are usually only revisited if absolutely necessary. This search process occurs as the top-down onion-peeling process of systems engineering occurs. Figure 6.1 shows derived requirements at the component level (which may be several layers of the onion) and the CI (or bottom) level. Chapters 7 through 10 will describe this process of architecture development and creation of appropriate derived requirements, supported by analysis and judgment. To continue the story of the Boeing 777, Boeing created requirements for a major subsystem of the 777 — the engine. These derived requirements for the engine included the weight of the engine (derived from the weight of the empty aircraft), the thrust of the engine at specified conditions (derived from the liftable weight of the aircraft), the drag of the engine at specified conditions (derived from the drag of the aircraft), and the fuel consumption of the engine at specified conditions (derived from the fuel consumption of the aircraft). A major impediment to this design process being successful is the overconstraint of the solution space by the stakeholders’ requirements. The systems engineers job is to work with the stakeholders to define the stakeholders’ requirements so as to make sure that there is significant design freedom within these requirements and that many feasible designs exist. Stakeholders and (all too often) engineers are willing to constrain the requirements space very tightly without fully understanding or appreciating the potential value of the design options that they are eliminating. The stakeholders’ requirements process defined in this chapter takes explicit account of this need to have and define a large tradable region in design space for the systems engineers to search with quantitative techniques utilizing the priorities of the stakeholders.



Pragmatic Principle 1 [DeFoe, 1993] Know the Problem, the Customer, and the Consumer 1. Become the ‘‘customer/consumer advocate/surrogate’’ throughout the development and fielding of the solution. 2. Begin with a validated customer (buyer) need — the problem. 3. State the problem in solution-independent terms. 4. Know the customer’s (or buyer’s) mission or business objectives. 5. Do not assume that the original statement of the problem is necessarily the best, or even the right one. 6. When confronted with the customer’s need, consider what smaller objective(s) is/are key to satisfying the need, and from what larger purpose or mission the need drives; that is, find at the beginning the right level of problem to solve. 7. Determine customer priorities (performance, cost, schedule, risk, etc.). 8. Probe the customer for new product ideas, product problem/shortfalls, identification of problem fixes. 9. Work with the customer to identify the consumer (user) groups that will be affected by the system. 10. Use a systematic method for identifying the needs and solution preferences of each customer group. 11. Don’t depend on written specifications and statements of work. Face-toface sessions with the different customer/consumer groups are necessary. 12. State as much of each need in quantified terms as possible. However, important needs for which no accurate or quantified measure exists still must be explicitly addressed. 13. Clarify each need by identifying the power and limitations of current and projected technology relative to the customer’s larger purpose, the environment, and ways of doing business.



Before discussing the process for developing stakeholders’ requirements, the definitions presented in Chapter 2 are reviewed. A system is a set of components (subsystems, segments) acting together to achieve a set of common objectives via the accomplishment of a set of tasks. A system task or function is a set of functions that must be performed to achieve a specific objective. A human-designed system is (a) a specially defined set of segments (hardware, software, physical entities, humans, facilities) acting as planned (b) via a




Context External Systems

System are impacted by “System” impacts, but not impacted by, “System”

FIGURE 6.2 Depiction of the system, external systems, and context.

set of interfaces, which are designed to connect the components, (c) to achieve a common mission or fundamental objective (i.e., a set of specially defined objectives), (d) subject to a set of constraints, (e) through the accomplishment of a predetermined set of functions. The external systems [Levis, 1993] of a system are a set of entities that interact with the system via the system’s external interfaces. Note in Figure 6.2, the external systems can impact the system and the system does impact the external systems. The system’s inputs may flow from these external systems or from the context, but all of the system’s outputs flow to these external systems. The external systems, many or all of which may be legacy (existing) systems, play a major role in establishing the stakeholders’ requirements. The context [Levis, 1993] of a system is a set of entities that can impact the system but cannot be impacted by the system. The entities in the system’s context are responsible for some of the system’s requirements. See Figure 6.2. Wieringa [1995] uses the phrase ‘‘universe of discourse’’ to label the context and external systems that part of the world about which the system registers data and controls behavior.

6.4 STAKEHOLDERS’ REQUIREMENTS DEVELOPMENT: DEFINING THE DESIGN PROBLEM Developing a good and complete set of requirements is very difficult. First, we have to figure out what topics we should be writing requirements about. These topics for the system-level requirements should all be at the same level of granularity, a level of granularity that is consistent with the system-level and not the meta-system or subsystems. To facilitate defining these topics we will introduce the concepts of an operational concept, external systems diagram, and objectives hierarchy.



After we determine what the topics of the requirements conversation are going to be, we can start writing specific requirements. Now we have to determine what we want to say in that requirement. What is the threshold we are going to set for the minimum level of acceptable achievement? Here we will talk about prototyping, analysis, elicitation, and usability testing. Next the requirements should be analyzed to determine that at least one feasible solution exists. A common problem is that we have defined thousands of requirements and together they are so constraining that there is no solution with enough performance at a low enough cost and a quick enough schedule. Often it is very difficult to determine that there is a feasible solution so this step is skipped. Typically the selected design proves to be insufficient for 5 to 20 requirements, meaning it was not a feasible solution. Late in the design process systems engineers are confronted with the problem of should we search for a new design or accept the fact the current design cannot meet all of the requirements. The last step before approval should be defining qualification or test requirements that are appropriate for the level of requirements being defined. When defining system-level requirements these qualification requirements should address how will system-level verification and validation be done. So the seven functions of this stakeholders’ requirements development process are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Develop operational concept Define system boundary with external systems diagram Develop system objectives hierarchy Develop, analyze, and refine requirements (stakeholders’ and system) Ensure requirements feasibility Define the qualification system requirements Obtain approval of system documentation

These seven functions are shown in an IDEF0 diagram in Figure 6.3. This diagram is taken from the IDEF0 model of the process for engineering a system in Appendix B. To define this process fully, the first three functions must be defined in meaningful terms to justify their presence and provide explicit inputs to the fourth function. The last three functions are important but follow-on from the development of the StkhldrsRD. The resource that performs these functions is the systems engineering team; this resource is not shown in Figure 6.3 to improve the readability of the IDEF0 diagram. The operational concept is prepared from the perspective of the stakeholders of the system and describes how these stakeholders expect the system to fit into their world that contains a number of external systems and has a certain context. The objectives of each stakeholder group are suggested here. The operational concept defines the system and external systems in very general terms (often as a block diagram) and establishes a use case diagram and the


NOTES: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Objectives Hierarchy



Define System-Level Design Problem

P. 6

Stakeholders' & System Requirements

Stakeholders' Requirements Issues

Originating & System Requirements, Objectives Hierarchy, Boundary & Qualification System Requirements

System-level Operational Concept


Approval or Disapproval


FIGURE 6.3 IDEF0 diagram of the system-level design process.


Stakeholders' & System Requirements


Obtain Approval of Requirements Documentation

Qualification System Requirements

Qualification Constraints


Proven Requirements Feasibility



Allocated Architecture Changes to Requirements

Objectives Hierarchy

Proven Requirements Infeasibility


Define Qualification System Requirements

Qualification System Issues

Ensure Requirements Feasibility


Develop System Objectives System Hierarchy Boundary &


Define System Boundary with an External Systems

Engineers' Requirements Issues

Develop, Analyze and Refine Requirements


System Boundary

Requirements Issues

Stakeholders' Constraints



Lower Layer Changes to Requirements

Design Changes

Stakeholders' Jurisdiction

Develop Operational Concept

Stakeholders' Uses

DATE: 05/24/99 REV:

Stakeholders' Objectives

AUTHOR: Dennis Buede PROJECT: Engineering Design of a System

Inputs of Stakeholders

USED AT: GMU Systems Engineering Program



associated usage scenarios as sequence diagrams. These usage scenarios describe ways in which the stakeholders will use the system as well as interactions between the system and other systems. These scenarios define inputs to and outputs of the system. In addition, the operational concept includes the mission requirements for the system. The second step, creating the external systems diagram, makes the boundaries between the system and external systems clear, leaving no doubt in anyone’s mind where the system starts and stops. The development of this diagram and the explication of the system’s boundaries are nearly always harder than most people expect. As part of defining the system’s boundaries, all of the inputs to and outputs of the system are established, as well as the external system or context with which each input and output is associated. The third step clarifies the objectives of the stakeholder groups and formulates a coherent set of objectives for the system. Again, the output of this step looks like it could have been created in a few hours, but generally takes days if not weeks. Each objective is part of the value system of one or more stakeholders for determining their satisfaction with the system. Naturally these objectives conflict with each other in the sense that gaining value on one objective (e.g., availability) means it will be necessary to give up value on another objective (e.g., cost). The creation of the stakeholders’ requirements, followed by the translation of these requirements into system requirements, is the fourth step. The stakeholders’ requirements are created by an analysis of the operational concept for system functions, an exhaustive examination of the system’s inputs and outputs, the specification of interfaces of the external systems with which the system must interact, a thorough examination of the system’s context and operational concept for system-wide and technology constraints, a detailed discussion with the stakeholders to understand their willingness to trade-off a wide range of non-mandatory but desirable system features, and the complete specification of qualification requirements needed to verify and validate the system’s capabilities from the stakeholders perspectives. Often a simulation model that depicts some or all of the interaction between the system and one or more other external systems is developed. These simulation models often address timing issues, specific performance issues, reliability or availability, safety and security, or quality of inputs and outputs. Cost analyses of a system should be done with the context in which the system is going to operate in mind. An important tool used during requirements development is prototyping, the development of replicas of the parts of the system. For user interfaces this prototyping is particularly important because users often do not know what is possible with new technology or how they might use this new technology effectively. For prototyping of user interfaces to be effective some form of usability testing is commonly used to determine how the users function with the prototype. Before proceeding too far into the design process, these requirements must be examined to ensure that a feasible design exists that meets the requirements.




For example, building a supersonic transport aircraft that has a production cost of $1000 is not possible. While this simple, exaggerated example illustrates the problem, in practice the development of hundreds, or even thousands, of requirements makes the test for feasibility quite difficult. The sixth step is the development of requirements for the qualification system needed to verify and validate the resulting system. This involves the development of input/output requirements for the qualification system, as well as system-wide requirements. Trade-off requirements are also needed for the qualification system. Finally, the qualification system must also be qualified. Finally, the stakeholders must approve the requirements documents. This approval process works best when the stakeholders are actively involved in and understand the previous steps. Before defining and discussing requirements, noting that requirements must be developed for each phase of the system’s life-cycle is important. The lifecycle phases used in this book are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Development (design and integration) Manufacturing or production Deployment Training Operations, maintenance, and support Refinement Retirement

There is a strong correlation between the stakeholders and the life-cycle phases. These seven functions should be applied to each stakeholder group and phase of the system’s life cycle. Note that some of these phases may not be relevant for some systems. Most of the discussion from here on out will focus on the operations, maintenance, and support phase, but keep in mind that all phases of the life cycle should be addressed. Table 6.1 discusses who is involved in this requirements generation process and what their roles are.



Many authors have categorized requirements. Here are some of the oftendiscussed categories: 1. Specification Level Stakeholders’, Derived, Implied and Emergent: Stakeholders’ requirements, derived from operational needs, are those top-level statements defined in language that is understandable to the stakeholders, leaving substantial room for design flexibility. Stakeholders’ requirements should define the essence of the stakeholders’ needs sufficiently clearly for



TABLE 6.1 Roles and Responsibilities during Requirements Generation Who has the right to have a stakeholders’ requirement?

What does one call a requirer? Who must respond to the requirer(s) having a requirement and how?

By what criteria does the Systems Requirements Team respond?

How does one know that the requirement is ‘‘right?’’

How are these requirements conveyed to the people who get involved once a requirer has enunciated a requirement?

What does the Systems Requirements Team do next?

Any individual/organization with a need involved in the development (design and qualification), production, deployment, training, operation, maintenance, support, refinement, decommissioning of and payment for the system. Customer or stakeholder System’s requirements team, a collection of stakeholders and systems engineers. Response is acceptance, request for clarification, or rejection. This team establishes the external systems diagram and fundamental objectives hierarchy of the system, and then determines if the requirement fits within the scope of the system’s boundary and fundamental objective. Stakeholders’ requirements also have to be assessed for the proper level of abstraction. A requirement should not be too strategic (mission oriented) or means (or solution) oriented. There is no right or wrong, only acceptable or unacceptable at this time. Over time, some of the stakeholders’ requirements will change. The system’s requirements team documents the collection of stakeholders’ requirements. This stakeholders’ requirements document (StkhldrsRD) is distributed to the stakeholders and systems engineers. Included in this document is a discussion of the operational concept of the system and the external systems and context associated with the system, that is, how each stakeholder expects to interact with the system. By reviewing the stakeholers’ requirements document each stakeholder can see how the requirement s/he suggested fits into the envisioned operation of the system, and can judge whether this vision makes sense from her/his perspective. The system’s stakeholders’ requirements team remains active throughout the (Continued)




TABLE 6.1. Continued system’s life cycle. During design there will be many occasions when the system’s stakeholders’ requirements must be reviewed and modified. These occasions will diminish in frequency once the system is deployed, but the requirements process is still critical as requirements changes and system modifications are envisioned, agreed to, developed and fielded.

the stakeholders to be completely satisfied with whatever system results from the systems engineering process. Derived requirements are those requirements defined by the systems engineering team in engineering terms during the design process. Derived requirements are needed to complete the design to sufficient detail for the specification to be delivered to the design teams responsible for the physical configuration items of the system. Implied requirements are those requirements not specifically identified in the StkhldrsRD but that can be inferred based upon information in the StkhldrsRD. Emergent requirements are those requirements that are not even hinted at in the StkhldrsRD but whose presence is made known by stakeholders later in the systems engineering process. These last two sets of requirements are to be avoided if possible by a sound and systematic stakeholders’ requirements development process. 2. Performance Requirements Versus Constraints. Performance requirements: define on some index that establishes a range of acceptable performance from a minimum acceptable threshold to a design goal. Constraints simply rule out certain possible designs; for example, the system must be painted a specific shade of green. A performance requirement defines a desired direction of performance; for an elevator system (which is used throughout this book as an example), a performance requirement might be to ‘‘minimize passengers’ waiting time during peak periods.’’ For any performance requirement there must also be a minimum acceptable performance constraint or threshold associated with the index, beyond which designs with such poor performance are not feasible (e.g., average passengers’ waiting time during peak periods shall be less than 35 seconds). Often there is also a maximum threshold or goal on the performance index that states the stakeholders do not noticeably value performance beyond this point (e.g., average passengers’ waiting time during peak periods need not be less than 27 seconds). 3. Application — System Versus Program: System requirements relate to characteristics of the system’s performance (in the broadest sense). Program



requirements relate to the first life-cycle phase of the systems engineering process and usually address the treatment of the cost and schedule for this phase. Program requirements relate either to the programmatic tasks that must be performed, programmatic trade offs among cost and schedule, and programmatic products associated with the systems engineering process (e.g., the Up & Down Elevator Corporation shall own full rights to the design data of the elevator). 4. Functional, Interface, or System-wide Requirements: Functional requirements relate to specific functions (at any level of abstraction) that the system must perform while transforming inputs into outputs. As a result, a functional requirement is a requirement that can be associated with one or more of the system’s outputs. Interface requirements are usually constraints that define the reception of inputs and transmission of outputs between the system and the system’s environment. System-wide requirements (often called ‘‘-ilities’’) are characteristics of the entire system; examples include availability, reliability, maintainability, durability, supportability, safety, trainability, testability, extensibility (growth potential), and affordability (e.g., operating cost).



There is great value in having a structure for various types of requirements. If the requirements are listed in random order in a requirements document, it is nearly impossible to be sure that a given requirement is not addressed multiple times in that single requirements document. It is also difficult to find a specific requirement in a large document. There are other benefits of a requirements structure, especially if the structure is a partition. A partition is a structure that has subcategories that are mutually exclusive, meaning a requirement can only be put in one category. A partition also needs to be exhaustive, meaning every requirement has some category that is appropriate for it. By creating such a partition, it is easy to review the partition to ensure that there as many requirements in that category as expected and every requirement in the category is appropriate for that category. The partition that is introduced here has both a vertical spectrum and a horizontal spectrum. The vertical spectrum was introduced in Figure 6.1, which shows two vertical levels of requirements written for the stakeholders and three or more levels of derived requirements written for the engineers. The horizontal spectrum addresses the life cycle as well as categories of requirements within each phase of the life cycle. The life-cycle steps or phases include development, production, operations, etc.; recall Figure 6.1. The categories of requirements within each phase of the life cycle are discussed next. Wymore [1993] identifies six types of system design requirements: input/ output, technology and system-wide, performance trade-off, cost trade-off,




cost–performance trade-off, and test. These six types of requirements are condensed into four categories: input/output, technology and system-wide, trade-off, and qualification (test). From a concurrent engineering perspective each requirements category should be used to address the relevant system (e.g., development system, manufacturing system) in each phase of the system’s life cycle (development, production, deployment, training, operation and maintenance, refinement and retirement). Table 6.2 provides examples of various types of requirements; these examples have been collected from a wide variety of sources. 1. Input/output requirements: include sets of acceptable inputs and outputs, trajectories of inputs to and outputs from the system, interface constraints imposed by the external systems, and eligibility functions that match system inputs with system outputs for the life-cycle phase of interest. Clearly there are a number of requirements in this category during the operations phase of the life cycle. However, the system may have inputs and outputs in all portions of the system’s life cycle (e.g., training stimulations, standardized internal interfaces for product improvement); if so, the requirements for these activities would be found in this category in the appropriate life-cycle phase. This category is partitioned into four subsets: (a) inputs, (b) outputs, (c) external interface constraints, and (d) functional requirements. Input requirements state what inputs the system must receive and any performance or constraint aspects of each. Output requirements state what outputs the system must produce and any performance aspects; Table 6.2 provides an extensive list of possible performance issues for the outputs of any system, segmented by quality, quantity, and timeliness. External interface requirements deal with limitations placed upon the receipt of inputs and transmission of outputs by the interfaces of the external systems; see Table 6.2. Functional requirements can be endless unless organized; the functional requirements proposed here are the two to seven functions that are the first-level decomposition of the system’s function. The very strong position being taken here is that the input and output requirements are the key to defining the needs of the stakeholders in terms that they can understand. Stakeholders in each phase of the system’s life cycle can relate to quantity, quality, and timing aspects of the outputs delivered by the system under question and the ability to deal with quantity, quality, and timing of inputs. The engineers of the system develop the system’s functions during the design process. This development of a functional architecture (see Chapter 7) is a very valuable means for dealing with the complexity of the engineering problem. But the stakeholders should not care a whit about the functions being performed by the system as long as they are happy with the characteristics of the inputs being consumed and the outputs being produced by the system. The concept of having a major section of requirements devoted to the functions of the system is misguided and guaranteed not to elicit the needs of the stakeholders.



TABLE 6.2 Exemplary Requirement Dimensions Requirements Category Input or Output Performance

Undesired or Unexpected Inputs Interface Constraint

Suitability or Quality Issues of the System

Costs for Various Life Cycle Phases

Schedule for Various Life Cycle Phases

Exemplary Requirement Dimensions Quality of an output Accuracy (or precision) Correctness (or confidence, error rate) Security (or perishability, survivability) Quantity of an output Intensity, Size, or Distance Number per unit time (throughput, velocity) Coverage (area or volume served by outputs) Timing of outputs Response time (timeliness, time to create an output) Update frequency Availability Unexpected or undesired inputs and appropriate response Bounds on expected inputs and appropriate response Required format of an input or output as defined by the interface Timing constraint associated with an interface Physical form or fit of an interface Usability Weight of the system Form (volume) and fit (dimensions) of the system Survivability of the system Availability, reliability, maintainability of the system Supportability of the system Safety of the system Security Trainability of the system Testability of the system Extensibility (expected changes/growth potential) of the system Affordability (or operating and maintenance cost) of the system Development cost Production cost (manufacturability) of the system Deployment and training costs of the system Decommissioning cost of the system Development period Manufacturing time for each unit Training time to reach proficiency by category of user Deployment period Durability (or operational life) of the system




2. Technology and system-wide requirements: consist of constraints and performance index thresholds (e.g., the length of the operational life for the system, the cost of the system in various life-cycle phases, and the system’s availability) that are placed upon the physical resources of the system. Many of the requirements from each phase of the system’s life cycle are found in this category because these requirements specifically relate to the physical manifestation of the system. This category can be partitioned into four subsets: (a) technology, (b) suitability and quality issues, (c) cost for the relevant system (e.g., development cost, operational cost), and (d) schedule for the relevant life-cycle phase (e.g., development time period, operational life of the system). 3. Trade-off requirements: are algorithms for comparing any two alternate designs on the aggregation of cost and performance objectives. These algorithms can be divided into (a) performance trade offs, (b) cost trade offs, and (c) cost–performance trade offs. The performance trade-off algorithm defines how the relative performance of any two alternate designs can be compared in terms of the system’s performance objectives. These performance objectives are defined within the input/output and non-cost system-wide requirements. The performance trade-off algorithm specifically defines how the performance parameters are to be compared to each other. The cost trade-off algorithm defines how the relative cost of any two alternate designs can be compared across all cost parameters (life-cycle phases) of interest to the stakeholders. Note dollars spent at different times may not be comparable by present value computations when there are different bill payers at different times. Finally, the cost–performance trade offs define how performance objectives should be traded with cost objectives. These trade-off algorithms could be based upon many different mathematical logics; indeed many have been proposed. The strong position taken in this book is that these trade-off algorithms must be based upon the value preferences of the stakeholders. Decision analysis provides a normative basis for these preference judgments and algorithms, as described in detail in Chapter 13. For applications of these decision analysis techniques (value curves and swing weights) see Buede and Bresnick [2007], Buede and Choisser [1992], Daniels et al. [2001], Ross et al. [2004], Thurston and Carnahan [1993], Walton and Hastings [2004]. The ideal approach for quantifying the trade-off preferences of the stakeholders would be to obtain these preferences as statements of ‘‘willingness-to-pay’’ (in terms of money for development effort) for enhanced performance and decreased cost in each of the other life-cycle phases. To make these statements of ‘‘willingness-to-pay’’ operationally meaningful, the appropriate contractual arrangements must be established that would permit the transfer of payments based upon the stated payment preferences. In addition, a warranty system must be established that requires the developers to stand behind their developmental phase claims of performance attainment during the remaining phases of the system’s life cycle. For example, if a



performance claim made during the development phase is not achieved during the operational phase, the developer would have to make a warranty payment to the stakeholders. Although this entire approach is known and obviously will work, the approach has never been used to the author’s knowledge. In fact, users are quite cynical about the performance claims made by developers during the development phase. 4. System qualification requirements: address the needs to qualify the system as being designed right, the right system, and an acceptable system. There are four primary elements: a. Observance: state which qualification data for each input/output and system-wide requirement will be obtained by (i) demonstration, (ii) analysis and simulation, (iii) inspection, or (iv) instrumented test. b. Verification Plan: state how the qualification data will be used to determine that the real system conforms to the design that was developed. c. Validation Plan: state how the qualification data will be used to determine that the real system complies with the stakeholders’ performance, cost, and trade-off requirements. d. Acceptance Plan: state how the qualification data will be used to determine that the real system is acceptable to the stakeholders. Note the qualification requirements associated with the first objective define the basis for the requirements for the suite of qualification systems (e.g., simulations, instrumented test equipment) needed for the system under development. Having technology/system-wide requirements that limit the flexibility to develop new test equipment is common. This requirements’ partition provides a solid basis and set of guidelines for guaranteeing that the system’s requirements are complete, consistent, unique, comparable, and modifiable. (These terms will be defined a little later.) Success is not certain with this basis and guidelines but is greatly enhanced over current industry practice. Figure 6.4 traces the origins of the performance requirements to the objectives hierarchy by showing that the objectives hierarchy defines the performance parameter requiring nonpoint requirements. These performance parameters can fall within the categories of input, output, ‘‘-ilities,’’ cost, and schedule requirements. The thresholds and goals for these tradable requirements are defined as part of the input, output, ‘‘-ilities,’’ cost, and schedule requirements. The algorithms that define the tradable space over these performance parameters are documented in the performance, cost, and cost– performance trade-off requirements. The performance, cost, and cost–performance trade-off requirements combine to define the iso-value lines in the tradable space; these iso-value lines will be the basis for all design trade offs. If every set of requirements contained the information defined by Wymore [1993], there would be far fewer problems in system development efforts. Very few




Requirement Partition by Life-Cycle Phase Input/Output

Technology & System-Wide

Trade Off

System Qualification



Cost Trade-offs

Data for all qualification



Performance Trade-offs

Verification Plan



Cost−Performance Trade-off

Validation Plan

External Interfaces


Acceptance Plan

Thresholds & Goals

Objectives Hierarchy

Trade Space

FIGURE 6.4 Objectives hierarchy, requirements partition, and trade space.

requirements documents contain performance, cost, and cost–performance trade-off requirements as defined by Wymore. These elements should be defined in the stakeholders’ requirements document from the stakeholders’ perspective; otherwise the systems engineers must guess at the ultimate trade offs of the stakeholders; the ability of engineers to do a complete and effective job of guessing iso-value trade offs is questionable at best.



The format for an StkhldrsRD (Fig. 6.5) should include sections for a brief overview of the system, references to relevant documents from which the stakeholders’ requirements have been traced, and the requirements. The requirements should be organized by life-cycle phase. Within each life-cycle phase requirements from the four segments of the above taxonomy should be developed. The life-cycle phases are being called out explicitly to highlight the criticality of the concurrent engineering nature of the design problem.



Stakeholders’ Requirements Document

1.0 System Overview 2.0 Applicable Documents 3.0 Requirements 3.1 Development Phase (Programmatic) Requirements 3.1.1 Input/Output Requirements for Development ... 3.1.4 Qualification Requirement for Development 3.2 Manufacturing Phase Requirements ... 3.3 Deployment Phase Requirements ... 3.4 Training Phase (if present) Requirements ... 3.5 Operational Phase Requirements 3.5.1 Input/Output Requirements for Operations Input Requirements for Operations Output Requirements for Operations External Interface Requirements for Operations Functional Requirements for Operations 3.5.2 System-wide/Technology Requirements for Operations 3.5.3 Trade-off Requirement for Operations 3.5.4 Qualification Requirement for Operations 3.6 System Improvement/Upgrade Phase Requirements ... 3.7 Retirement Phase Requirements ... 3.8 Overall Trade-Off Requirement Appendix A. Operational Concepts by Phase Appendix B. External System Diagrams by Phase

FIGURE 6.5 Outline of stakeholders’ requirements document.

The designs of the life-cycle systems needed to obtain an operational system are not that straightforward. Requirements in one phase of the life cycle will often have a major impact on the design of a system in another phase. For example, a requirement that the manufacturing system be operational by a specified date precludes many interesting designs of the operational system. This interaction of requirements and design options across life-cycle phases is a major contributing factor to failure in the real world; in addition, this interaction makes the concept of formulating the design problem as an optimization problem nonsensical to practitioners. Rather, the segregation of requirements by life-cycle phase is meant to aid in attaining the desired attributes (e.g., complete, consistent) of requirements discussed in Table 6.3 of the next section. Given the organization of the StkhldrsRD shown in Figure 6.5, an overall tradeoff requirement (Section 3.8 of the StkhldrsRD) that addresses




comparisons across life-cycle phases is needed to enable coherent evaluations of design options.



A number of authors [Frantz, 1993; Davis, 1993; Mar, 1994] have developed various numbers of attributes for requirements. The literature is not in total agreement about the meaning of these attributes. Table 6.3 is the result of a detailed examination of the literature. The characteristics are divided into those that are related to individual requirements and those relevant to groups of requirements. In any systems engineering effort, as many correct requirements must be developed as possible; these correct requirements should be verifiable. In addition, as many incorrect requirements should he eliminated as possible. In summary, the requirements document should contain a complete, consistent, comparable, design independent, modifiable, and attainable statement of the design problem.



Certain procedures have been developed [Grady, 1993; Hooks, 1994] for writing requirements. These procedures guide requirements writers toward the achievement of the above attributes. First, a set of terms has been developed. Specifically, a statement of a requirement includes the use of the word ‘‘shall’’ to indicate the limiting nature of a requirement; statements of fact use ‘‘will’’; and goals use ‘‘should.’’ The requirements statement shall include a subject (the relevant life-cycle system), the word ‘‘shall,’’ a relation statement (e.g., less than or equal to), and the minimum acceptable threshold with units. Data clarifying the terms in the requirement can also be added. Examples of appropriate grammar are: The system shall provide the customer a receipt at the end of each transaction. The receipt shall contain Bank Name, Account Number, Date and Time of Day, Type of Transaction, Account Balance at the end of the Transaction, and Automatic Teller Location Code Number. The system shall stop the flow of liquid hydrogen in 0.5 seconds or less. The liquid stopping time is measured from the time the control signal for stopping is received until the flow through reaches zero.

It is important to avoid compound predicates and negative predicates: The system shall fit y, weigh y, cost y (this causes traceability problems). The system shall not y (attempt to turn this into a positive statement of what the system shall do).



TABLE 6.3 Attributes of Requirements Individual Requirement Attributes 1) unambiguous every requirement has only one interpretation 2) understandable the interpretation of each requirement is clear to those selected to review the requirement 3) correct the requirement states something required of the system, as judged by the stakeholders 4) concise no unnecessary information is included in the requirement 5) traced each stakeholders’ requirement is traced to some document or statement of the stakeholders 6) traceable each derived requirement must be traceable to a higher level requirement via some unique name or number 7) design independent each requirement does not specify a particular solution or a portion of a particular solution 8) verifiable a finite, cost effective process can be defined to check that the requirement has been attained Attributes of the Set of Requirements 9) unique requirement(s) is(are) not overlapping or redundant with other requirements 10) complete (a) everything the system is required to do throughout the system’s life cycle is included, (b) responses to all possible (realizable) inputs throughout the system’s life cycle are defined, (c) the document is defined clearly and self contained, and (d) there are no ‘‘to be defined’’ (TBD) or to be reviewed (TBR) statements; completeness is a desired property but cannot be proven at the time of requirements development, or perhaps ever 11) consistent (a) internal no two subsets of requirements conflict and (b) external no subset of requirements conflicts with external documents from which the requirements are traced 12) comparable the relative necessity of the requirements is included 13) modifiable changes to the requirements can be made easily, consistently (free of redundancy) and completely 14) attainable solutions exist within performance, cost and schedule constraints 15) organized grouped according to a hierarchical set of concepts, such as life cycle and categories.

Similarly, the ‘‘and/or’’ colloquialism is inappropriate because ‘‘and/or’’ provides the designer with a choice; be specific about whether you mean ‘‘and’’ or ‘‘or.’’ The requirement should not start with an ‘‘If y’’statement. Conditions under which the requirement is true should be placed at the end of the requirement. Ambiguous terms are a plague on requirements. Common verbs that are not specific enough include ‘‘maximize’’ and ‘‘minimize’’ because the system is




seldom operating in an environment in which optimization is possible. ‘‘Accommodate’’ is another example of a vague verb. Adjectives are a major source of ambiguity; examples include ‘‘adaptable,’’ ‘‘adequate,’’ ‘‘easy,’’ ‘‘flexible,’’ ‘‘rapid,’’ ‘‘robust,’’ ‘‘sufficient,’’ ‘‘supportable,’’ and ‘‘user-friendly.’’ Requirements should start with the system of interest, be followed by a verb phrase starting with the word ‘‘shall’’, be followed by an object that describes an input, output, etc., and end (if necessary) with conditions under which the previous was true. Examples include: The development system shall receive inputs from stakeholders. (Input requirement) The manufacturing system shall have a scrap page rate that is less than x%. The design goal is 0.7x%. (Output requirement) The deployment system shall accept boxes of x ft3 or less. The design goal is 0.5 ft3. (Input requirement) The training system shall complete training in x hours per student or less. The design goal is 0.9x hours. (Output requirement) The operational system shall have an operational life of x years or more. The design goal is 2x years. (System-wide schedule requirement) The refinement system shall be compatible with the following new technologies (x, y, z) for the central processing unit. (Input requirement) The retirement system shall retire units for less than $x each. (System-wide cost requirement)



An operational concept [Lano, 1990a] is a vision for what the system is (in general terms), a statement of mission requirements, and a description of how the system will be used. Hooks and Farry [2001] describes the operational concept as a ‘‘day in the life of your product.’’ This operational concept is an opportunity to create a vision that is shared among all of the stakeholders for the really major interactions of people and things with the system of interest. The shared vision is from the perspective of the system’s stakeholders, addressing how the system will be developed, produced, deployed, trained, operated and maintained, refined, and retired to overcome some operational problem and achieve the stakeholders’ operational needs and objectives. The development of the operational concept serves the purpose of obtaining consensus in the written language of the stakeholders about what needs the system will satisfy and the ways in which the system will be used. Remember that there is a system for each phase of the system’s life cycle and that an operational concept is needed for each of the systems. By describing how the system will be used, the operational concept is providing substantial



(but incomplete) information about the system’s interaction with other systems and the context of the system. Figure 6.6 shows the three primary choices that were considered by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) engineers in determining an operational concept for landing on the moon during the 1960s [Brooks et al., 1979; Murray and Cox, 1989]. The NASA engineers called these concepts modes and started out favoring the direct ascent from Earth to moon and back to Earth. However, calculations concerning the thrust required for this concept quickly proved that the concept was infeasible. As a result the second and third concepts (Earth rendezvous and lunar rendezvous) were defined and explored in detail. Werner von Braun had previously developed the concept of staged rockets for lifting payloads into Earth orbit; with staged rockets the weight that is no longer relevant can be shed. The same concept applied to Earth and lunar rendezvous. Many teams conducted calculations and simulations of these two concepts over several years, focusing primarily on cost (using energy as a surrogate) and safety. The final results estimated that the lunar orbit rendezvous concept was almost $1.5 billion cheaper and had a 6- to 8-month shorter timeline for landing on the moon. There was some controversy at the end about which was safest; many engineers felt they were about equal with respect to safety, each having different strengths and weaknesses.

Direct Ascent: Earth-Earth Orbit -Moon-Earth



Earth Orbit Rendezvous: Earth-Earth Orbit-MoonEarth Orbit-Earth



Lunar Orbit Rendezvous: Earth-Earth Orbit-Lunar OrbitMoon-Lunar Orbit-Earth



FIGURE 6.6 Alternate operational concepts for Apollo’s moon landing.




The operational concept includes a collection of scenarios as described in a use case diagram (see Fig. 3.1). One or more scenarios are needed for each group of stakeholders in each relevant phase of the system’s life cycle. The use case diagram is used to provide a ‘‘big picture’’ of how the individual scenarios relate to each other in defining how the system is to be employed. Each scenario addresses one way that a particular stakeholder(s) will want to use, deploy, and fix the system; the scenario defines how the system will respond to inputs from other systems in order to produce a desired output. Included in each scenario are the relevant inputs to and outputs from the system and the other systems that are responsible for those inputs and outputs. The scenario should not describe how the system is processing inputs to produce outputs. Rather, each scenario should focus on the exchange of inputs and outputs by the system with other systems. It is critical that this shared vision be consistent with the collection of scenarios comprising the operational concept. Hunger [1995] uses the phrase ‘‘mission analysis’’ for the development of the operational concept. The collection of scenarios in the operational concept includes sortie missions (or scenarios) and life missions, both from the perspective of the stakeholders. Sortie missions are scenarios that describe how the system will be used during the operational phase, capturing the reasons the system has for existing. The life missions address the nonoperational, lifecycle aspects of the system, resulting in scenarios for each life-cycle phase and some that cross life-cycle phases. Hunger has suggested using time lines to better define these system scenarios (or sorties as he calls them). The mission requirements of the system are the key statements of the needs of the stakeholders in the context of the stakeholders and other systems with which the system interoperates. These mission requirements are stated in terms of the measures relevant to enabling the stakeholders to meet some missions important to the stakeholders. For example, a major mission requirement for the Apollo moon landing was ‘‘bringing the astronauts home alive.’’ Within the elevator case study the output requirements were divided into average wait for service and average transit time. The mission requirement would be average time from request for service until service was completed. In software engineering, Jacobson [1992, 1995] proposed the creation of use cases to capture the interactions between people (users) of the software system, as well as among other systems; users and external systems are called actors. The concept of use cases was embraced so thoroughly by many software engineers that co*ckburn [1997a,b] documents 18 different definitions of a use case. These definitions of use cases vary along four dimensions: purpose, contents, plurality, and structure. co*ckburn [1997a,b] adopts the same definition for each of the four dimensions that Jacobson put forth. The purpose of use cases is to support the development of requirements; the contents are consistent prose; the plurality is that each use case contains multiple scenarios (as defined in this book for the operational concept); and the structure of the use cases is semiformal. A use case is developed around a specific goal; goal is synonymous with desired output of the system. The use case contains one main



scenario and as many variations around that scenario as are meaningful. For our elevator system, variations may relate to the types of people using the elevator system, for example, blind people, deaf people, small children, people in wheelchairs. So far a collection of use cases is very consistent with a collection of scenarios as defined for the operational concept. However, a number of authors [Jacobson, 1995; Eriksson and Penker, 1998] illustrate the use case with statements of functions that the system and actors are performing, rather than the flow of information and physical entities between the system and the actors. As stressed so far in this chapter, the focus during the development should be on defining requirements related to inputs and outputs of the system and not on the functions of the system and functional requirements. There is quite a bit of confusion and sloppiness in discussions of use cases on this issue; several of the authors [co*ckburn, 1997a,b; Eriksson and Penker, 1998] are really clear that the system should be treated as a black box with no visibility into functions, yet the functions show up in the discussion and diagrams documenting the use cases [see Jacobson, 1995; Eriksson and Penker, 1998]. The emphasis in this book has been on defining all aspects of the life-cycle system. Consistent with Hunger’s [1995] concept for sortie and life missions, the engineers for a system should develop scenarios for the system of interest in every phase of the life cycle. There should be scenarios and mission requirements for the development, manufacturing, training, deployment, refinement, and retirement phases unless one or more of these phases is not relevant. To generate these scenarios, start with the key stakeholder, the operator/ user, and generate a number of simple scenarios. Then scenario generation is expanded to other stakeholders while staying simple. Finally, complexity is added to all scenarios for each stakeholder, explicitly addressing atypical weather situations, failure modes of external systems that are relevant, and identifying key failure modes, constraints, standards, and external system interfaces that the system should address in every phase of the life cycle. In all scenarios the focus should be on what the stakeholders and external systems do and not on how the systems accomplish their tasks. The system of interest should be viewed as a black box; that is, the system’s internals are blacked out, leaving only the inputs and outputs to the system. Table 6.4 shows sample operational concept scenarios for an elevator. There are some common operating scenarios for nearly every system: Initialization of the system Normal steady state operation in standard operating modes of the system for all possible contexts (environments) in which the system may be placed (e.g., extreme cold, outer space) . Extremes of operations due to high and low peaks of the external systems in each standard operating mode in each context . Standard maintenance modes of the system . .




TABLE 6.4 Sample Operational Concept Scenarios for an Elevator 1) Passengers (including mobility, visually and hearing challenged) request up service, receive feedback that their request was accepted, receive input that the elevator car is approaching and then that an entry opportunity is available, enter elevator car, request floor, receive feedback that their request was accepted, receive feedback that door is closing, receive feedback about what floor at which elevator is stopping, receive feedback that an exit opportunity is available, and exit elevator with no physical impediments. 2) Passengers are receiving transportation in the elevator system when a fire breaks out in the building; building alarm system sends signal to elevator system to stop elevator cars at the nearest floor, provide exit opportunity, and sound a fire alarm. Passengers leave elevator cars. Elevator cars are reactivated by special access available to maintenance personnel after the building is re opened. 3) Passengers are entering (exiting) an elevator car when doors start to shut; passengers can stop doors from shutting and continue to enter (exit). 4) Elevator car stops functioning. Passengers in the elevator car push an emergency alarm that notifies building personnel to come and help them. Passengers use a phone system in the elevator car to call a centralized service center and report the problem to the people that answer. Elevator maintenance personnel arrive and create an exit opportunity. 5) Too many passengers enter an elevator car and the weight of passengers in the elevator car exceeds a preset safety limit; the elevator car signals a capacity problem and provides prolonged exit opportunity until some passengers exit the car. 6) Maintain a comfortable environment in the elevator by sensing the temperature in the elevator car that is based upon heat loss/gain of the passengers and the building and then supplying the necessary heat loss/gain to keep the passengers comfortable. 7) A maintenance person needs to repair an individual car; the maintenance person places the elevator system in ‘‘partial maintenance’’ mode so that the other cars can continue to pick up passengers while the car(s) in question is (are) being diagnosed, repaired, and tested. After completion the maintenance person places the elevator system in ‘‘full operation’’ mode. 8) Electric power is transferred to the elevator from the building.

. . . . .

Standard resupply modes of the system Reaction to failure modes of other systems Failure modes due to internal problems, providing as much graceful degradation of the meta-system as possible Shutdown of the system Termination (phase out) of the system

The total number of scenarios for a common (relatively simple) system would be 25 to 50. The SysML modeling technique called a sequence diagram (formerly called an input/output trace in the first edition of this book) can be used to make



Passenger (including mobility, visually & hearing challenged)

Elevator Up Service Request

Feedback that request was received Feedback that car is on the way Feedback that door is opening Entry Opportunity Floor Request Feedback that request was received Feedback that door is closing Feedback about floor where stopped Feedback that door is opening Exit Opportunity

FIGURE 6.7 Sequence diagram of first elevator scenario.

the description of each scenario as explicit as possible. A sequence diagram (see Fig. 6.7) has a time line associated with each major actor (our system and other systems) in the scenario. The systems involved are listed across the top of the diagram with the time lines running vertically down the page under each of the systems. Time moves from top to bottom in an input/output trace; the system of concern is highlighted with a bold label and heavier line. Interactions involving the movement of data, horizontal arcs from the originating system to the receiving system, designate energy or matter among systems. A label is shown just above each arc to describe the data or item being conveyed. Doubleheaded arcs are permissible to represent dialog in a compact manner. Having two or more arcs in quick succession is also common to illustrate that the same item is being transmitted from one system to multiple systems or multiple systems are potentially transmitting the same item to one system. Figure 6.7 shows the first of these scenarios documented as an input/output trace diagram. See the elevator case study on the author’s web site for more examples. The purpose of these sequence diagrams is to be more explicit than written text can be about the systems involved with a specific focus on the time-based interaction of systems and the transmission of data and items. Compare the sequence diagram in Figure 6.7 to the first scenario in Table 6.4. These sequence diagrams are not meant to be exact representations of dynamic interaction. An interval time scale is not being represented; rather time is ordinal — any arc that




is above another happens earlier, but there is no indication as to how large the time interval is. The shared vision, mission requirements, and the use case diagram with sequence diagrams for the scenarios define the system’s mission and provide the first hints as to the boundary of the system. The external systems are defined in the scenarios, also defining the inputs and outputs of the system. The system’s inputs and outputs cross this boundary, defining the input/output requirements of the system and the external interfaces. The mission requirements suggest the fundamental objectives (objectives hierarchy of the stakeholders). This objectives hierarchy becomes the basis of the system’s performance requirements. Finally, the first-level decomposition of the system’s function can be suggested by examining the operational concept. Thus the operational concept also leads to the functional requirements. Recall that multiple systems are being developed concurrently, one for each phase of the life cycle and a qualification system for each of those systems. Each of these systems should have an operational concept. The American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) and the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) have standards documents for the Concept of Operations and Operational Concept for the interested reader.



The single, largest issue in defining a new system is where to draw the system’s boundaries; see Figure 6.2. Everything within the boundaries of the system is open to change and subject to the requirements, and nothing outside of the boundaries can be changed, leading to many of the system’s constraint requirements. The external systems’ diagram is the model of the interaction of the system with other (external) systems in the relevant contexts, thus providing a definition of the system’s boundary in terms of the system’s inputs and outputs. Who is responsible for drawing these boundaries? All of the stakeholders have a say in drawing these boundaries. However, there are substantial cost and schedule implications so the procurer of the system typically has a major input. Nonetheless, all of the stakeholders should be prepared to discuss the impact upon them of various boundary-drawing options. The systems engineer is responsible for guiding this boundary-drawing process to a conclusion that the stakeholders understand and accept. The systems engineer uses these boundaries to establish and maintain control of the system’s interfaces. The system’s boundaries need to be drawn early in the systems engineering process because so much else in the design phase is dependent upon them. As is discussed next, the fundamental objectives or measures of effectiveness of the system need to be focused just beyond the external interfaces of the system. The operational concept relies upon knowing where the boundaries are for each



stakeholder. The interface requirements capture the implications of the boundaries on the system design. Many graphical modeling techniques (e.g., IDEF0, N2 charts, data flow diagrams, EFFBDs) can be used to define the system boundary; see Davis, [1990]. See Chapter 12 for a discussion of these techniques. IDEF0 is used in this chapter to illustrate external systems diagrams in terms of the elevator. The boundary for the elevator is defined so as to exclude the passenger, the maintenance personnel, and the building. First, the purpose and viewpoint are defined: Purpose: Explicitly define the system’s boundary and needed interfaces Viewpoint: Systems Engineering Team Next the mechanisms or external systems are established, followed by the functions of these systems. The system and external system come directly from the input/output traces of the scenarios in the operational concept:

Mechanism (System/External System)

System Function

1. 2. 3. 4.

Provide elevator services Request and use elevator services Maintain elevator operations Provide structural support

Elevator — the system Passengers Maintenance personnel Building

Now the inputs, controls, and outputs of these functions are developed to finish the external system diagram. Recall that as part of this analysis of the elevator boundaries the focus is on the context or environment of the elevator, and these key variables are shown in the diagram as controls. See Figure 6.8. The above discussion has focused on an external systems diagram for the operational phase of the system, in which the system is interacting with the system’s users and other systems. External systems diagrams can and should be developed for every phase of the system’s life cycle. In addition to the usual syntax and semantics requirements of IDEF0 diagrams, an external systems diagram introduces several new constraints for the diagram to be valid. First, all of the outputs of the system’s function (the elevator in this case) have to go to at least one of the external systems’ functions on the page and cannot exit the diagram. If the output did exit the page, there would be an external system that was not included in the diagram, invalidating the purpose of the effort. Similarly, each of the external systems must receive at least one output of our system; otherwise, the system should be part of the context. In some cases part of the context could be shown on the external systems diagram to emphasize the importance of a particular input to the system.




Passengers Needing Elevator Services

Repair Parts

Passengers in Elevator System

Emergency Support

Elevator System


Provide Elevator Services

Request for Floor & Exit Support

Request for Emergency Support & Emergency Message

Passenger Characteristics


Passenger Environment

Request for Elevator Service & Entry support

DATE: 05/24/99 REV:




Provide Structural Support

Emergency Communication

P. 1

Electric Power & Emergency Communication Response

Emergency Messages



Building Regulations

ModifiedElevator Configuration& Expected Usage Patterns

Maintenance Personnel

Service, Tests & Repairs


Maintain Elevator Operations

Diagnostic & Status Messages

Structural Support, Alarm Signals & Building Environment


Acknowledgment that Request Was Recieved & Status Information


FIGURE 6.8 External systems’ diagram for operational use of an elevator.

TITLE: External Systems Diagram for Operational Phase


Elevator Entry/Exit Opportunity

Elevator Exit Opportunity


Use Elevator Services

Passengers' Needs

NOTES: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

AUTHOR: Dennis Buede PROJECT: Elevator Case Study

Request Elevator Services

Elevator Entry Opportunity

George Mason Univ.






Traditionally, systems engineers have used the terms measure of effectiveness (MOE) and measure of performance (MOP), some times called a figure of merit (FOM). A measure of effectiveness describes how well a system carries out a task or set of tasks within a specific context; an MOE is measured outside the system for a defined environment and state of the context variables and is used to define mission requirements. Note that the further outside the system that the MOE measurement process is established, the more influence the external systems have on the measurement, yielding less sensitivity in the measurement process for evaluating the effectiveness of the system. The MOE or MOEs that were used to define the mission requirements can be divided into additional MOEs for a given system, often one for each major output of the system. An MOP (or FOM) describes a specific system property or attribute for a given environment and context; an MOP is measured within the system. There are many possible and relevant MOPs for a specific system output; examples include accuracy, timeliness, distance, throughput, workload, and time to complete. Usually only a few of these MOPs matter for each output. The MOPs form the basis of stakeholders’ requirements when they address outputs. The MOPs that address the performance of system components [e.g., chip speed of the central processing unit (CPU)] are completely inappropriate for use as requirements because they address how to achieve the stakeholders’ needs, not how well to meet these needs. Since the systems engineering design process is decision rich, introducing some concepts from decision analysis is important. Value-focused thinking [Keeney, 1992] emphasizes the proper structuring of decisions in terms of a fundamental objective. The fundamental objective is the aggregation of the essential set of objectives that summarizes the current decision context and is yet relevant to the evaluation of the options under consideration. Generally, this fundamental objective can be subdivided into value objectives that more meaningfully define the fundamental objective, thereby forming a fundamental objectives hierarchy or value structure. Keeney [1992] distinguishes this hierarchy from a means–ends objectives network, which relates means or ‘‘how to’’ variables (the design options and context) to the fundamental objective. The objectives hierarchy of a system is the hierarchy of objectives that are important to the system’s stakeholders in a value sense; that is, the stakeholders would (should) be willing to pay to obtain increased performance (or decreased cost) in any one of these objectives. Means objectives should not be part of this objectives hierarchy. These means objectives describe physical ways to achieve improvements in the fundamental objectives. Means objectives often contain the variables used in simulation models to estimate the system’s performance on the fundamental objectives. If there is some scientific relationship among a set of variables in the objectives hierarchy, then these objectives are very likely (but not definitely) means objectives and should be removed. Carrying the decomposition of the fundamental objectives too far is a mistake.




The process that Keeney [1992] describes for defining this situation-based fundamental objectives hierarchy is consistent with INCOSE Pragmatic Principle 2 (as shown in italics) and involves working from both ends, by generalizing means–ends objectives and operationalizing strategic objectives. Means–ends objectives are ways to achieve the fundamental objective. Strategic objectives are beyond the time horizon and immediate control of options associated with the current system design decision situation. As an example, one of the set of fundamental objectives for the operation of a new elevator (see Fig. 6.9) would be ‘‘minimize passenger time in the system.’’ The set of fundamental objectives define value trade offs among the stakeholders of the elevator system. A strategic objective would be to ‘‘improve the working environment in the building’’; there are too many other factors beyond the elevator that will determine whether this objective is met for the objective to be a fundamental objective. A means–ends objective would be to ‘‘use a fuzzy logic controller’’; this statement addresses a means for achieving an objective. Next, the fundamental objectives hierarchy is developed by defining the natural subsets of the fundamental objective. Keeney gives the following example of a fundamental objectives hierarchy: maximize safety (the fundamental objective) is disaggregated into minimize loss of life, minimize serious injuries, and minimize minor injuries. The trade offs among these objectives clearly entail one’s values, and only one’s values. This subdivision is contrasted with a means–ends breakout of maximize safety that starts with minimize accidents and maximize the use of safety features on vehicles, both of which are means oriented and involve outcomes for which value trade offs are difficult. Figure 6.9 provides the fundamental objectives hierarchy for the operation of the elevator. Pragmatic Principle 2 [DeFoe, 1993] Use Effectiveness Criteria Based on Needs to Make System Decisions 1. Select criteria that have demonstrable links to customer/consumer needs and system requirements. a. Operational criteria: mission success, technical performance b. Program criteria: cost, schedule, quality, risk c. Integrated logistics support (ILS) criteria: failure rate, maintainability, serviceability 2. Maintain a ‘‘need-based’’ balance among the often-conflicting criteria. 3. Select criteria that are measurable (objective and quantifiable) and express them in well-known, easily understood units. However, important criteria for which no measure seems to exist still must be explicitly addressed. 4. Use trade offs to show the customer the performance, cost, schedule, and risk impacts of requirements and solutions variations.



Operational Objectives

Monthly Operating Costs $1,500 - $1,000, Wt = 0.1

Operational Performance Objectives, Wt = 0.9

Time in System Objectives, Wt = 0.35

Average Wait (Routine) 35 - 27 sec, Wt = 0.3 Average Wait (Priority) 35 - 30 sec, Wt = 0.35 Average Transit Time 90 - 60 sec, Wt = 0.35 Ride Quality Objectives, Wt = 0.30

Max'm Acceleration 1.5 - 1.25 m/s2, Wt = 0.3 Max'm Accel'n Change 2 - 1.5 m/s3, Wt = 0.5 Floor Leveling Error 0.7 - 0.3 cm., Wt = 0.2 Availability Objectives, Wt = 0.35

Operational MTBF 1 - 1.5 yrs, Wt = 0.5 Operational MTTR 8 - 4 hrs, Wt = 0.5

FIGURE 6.9 Fundamental objectives hierarchy for operational phase of elevator.

5. Whenever possible, use simulation and experimental design to perform trade offs as methods that rely heavily on ‘‘engineering judgment’’ rating scales are more subject to bias and error. 6. Have the customer make all value judgments in trade offs.




7. Allow the customer to modify requirements and participate in developing the solution based on the trade offs. The objectives hierarchy (a directed tree) usually has two to five levels. The objectives in the hierarchy may include stakeholders explicitly and often include context (environmental) variables (e.g., weather conditions, peak versus nonpeak loading) from the scenarios in the operational concept. If present, these scenarios are usually at the top of the hierarchy, shown as varying conditions for defining the objectives. To make use of the objectives hierarchy for trade studies, additional information must be added; value curves must be added for each objective at the bottom of the objectives hierarchy and value weights for comparing the relative value of swinging from the bottom of each value scale to top. Figure 6.9 shows the thresholds and design goals for each objective; each threshold and design goal defines a ‘‘swing’’ in performance that is used to establish the ‘‘swing’’ weights in the value model (see Chapter 13). Figure 6.10 illustrates the value curves for a simplified objectives hierarchy for an elevator system. See Sailor [1990] for another example. As mentioned above, decision analysis uses value curves and weights to support trade-off decisions. These value curves and weights need to be obtained from the stakeholders for two important reasons. First, the objectives typically span several groups of stakeholders, necessitating an agreement among these groups of stakeholders about the relative importance of one objective with others. Second, this objectives hierarchy and its associated value curves and weights represent the value structure needed by the systems engineering team to make many trade-off decisions during the design process. The values are those of the stakeholders, not the systems engineers. Far too often the systems engineers must guess at the stakeholders’ values during design decisions, or even worse, are not even aware that design decisions have impacts on the ultimate satisfaction the stakeholders will experience. The objectives hierarchy is typically used throughout the systems engineering design process as the cornerstone of all of the trade studies that compare one design alternative with another. In doing trade studies the evaluation should reveal which of several design alternatives is preferred; each design alternative will commonly have one advantage over the others, such as operational cost, reliability, accuracy of outputs, and the like. Since there is a system and associated qualification system for each phase of the life cycle, there should also be an objectives hierarchy for each of these systems. This decision analysis approach has been used for many military acquisitions, two of which are covered in Buede and Bresnick [2007], in which the objectives hierarchy, value curves, and weights were developed with government users and included in the request for proposal (RFP) to industry; Chapter 13 provides a discussion of one of these two acquisitions. This explicit, quantitative approach received very positive responses from the industry design teams. Watson and Buede [1987] describe the analytic methodology that was











Objectives hierarchy with value curves.



Floor Leveling Error Value

Ride Quality Maximum Acceleration


Non-Peak Periods



Peak Periods



Non-Peak Periods

95th Percentile

Waiting Time



Peak Periods



Operational Effectiveness

Fundamental Objectives of Elevator System



Peak Periods



Non-Peak Periods





used for these efforts. Other applications include Sailor [1990], Thurston and Carnahan [1993], and Walters [1994].



Prototyping can apply to any aspect of the system and is synonymous with modeling. A prototype is a physical model of the system that ignores certain aspects of the system, glosses over other aspects, and is fairly representative of a third segment of aspects of the system. The prototype can range from a subscale model of the system to a paper display (storyboard) of the user interface of the system. Prototyping became strongly associated with software development in the 1980s, and it is this context that will be the focus of this section. Most discussions of prototyping focus on the development of the prototype and assume that the answers for requirements and design alternatives magically appear. However, in the real world the prototype has to undergo usability testing in order for this information to be gathered reliably. The development of a prototype for a user interface ranges from a throwaway prototype to an evolutionary prototype [Connell and Shafer, 1989]. Throwaway prototypes are just what the name implies, prototypes that are developed for the main purpose of educating the users about the possibilities and extracting requirements from the users based upon their needs. Evolutionary prototypes are built for these educational and requirements development purposes as well, but with the idea that the prototype will eventually be turned into a working version of the system. The evolutionary prototype initially will only address a portion of the total functionality of the system, and that new functionality will be added on as the development and operational phases evolve together. Both of these concepts of prototyping have proven effective and continue today. In fact, software products for the rapid development of prototypes are now a business area in their own right. In Chapter 9 we will introduce many types of analyses that should be conducted as part of the process for engineering systems. These analyses range from performance analyses to predict how far or well the system might be able to travel or see; timing analyses to determine how fast the system can respond or how many outputs the system can deliver per unit time; and ‘‘-ility’’ analyses to determine how available or safe the system is. There are also many cost and schedule analyses conducted. During the requirements phase these analyses should be conducted on the meta-system to determine what difference is made in the performance, cost, and schedule parameters of the meta-system as the performance, cost, and schedule of the system being engineered are varied. The results of these analyses provide very important information for the setting of minimum acceptable and desired marks in the system’s requirements’ statements. Coupled with these analyses are many forms of elicitation of the viewpoints of the stakeholders. These elicitation sessions can be interviews with one or a



few stakeholders, facilitated group sessions, observations of stakeholder performance on the current system or with prototypes of the new system, and questionnaires. Questionnaires are the last resort when no other approach is available since questionnaires produce lots of random responses from stakeholders that were too busy or too confused to do better. Valuable information is usually only achieved through human interactions. Individual interviews are best at soliciting information from quiet people who might be silent during group sessions. Facilitated meetings are best used to surface disagreements and try to find common ground or reasons for the differences of opinion that trace back to context and external system interactions. Observations are best for stressful periods during which people do things that they may not consciously recall during discussions. Usability testing is the process of obtaining samples of users and eliciting the reactions of these users about their needs and desires as they interact with prototypes. The prototypes can be as crude as written samples of screen interfaces or as sophisticated as working modules of the system. Usability [Bias and Mayhew, 1994; Nielsen, 1993; Wiklund, 1994] is a discipline associated with human-computer interaction that became very sophisticated in the 1980s and 1990s. The performance elements of usability are ease of learning (learnability), ease of use (efficiency), ease of remembering (memorability), error rate, and subjectively pleasing (satisfaction). Table 6.5 provides a sample of common metrics for each of these elements. Each of these metrics has to be measured in the context of specific types of users and specific tasks. The tasks come from the scenarios in the operational concept. For the error rate element, categorizing errors into categories such as minor, major, and catastrophic is important. Care must be taken to separate random errors from those caused by the system. If necessary, baseline capabilities of the users must be measured in order to define a baseline error rate for categories of users. Satisfaction typically has to be measured by subjective, categorical questions; see Nielsen [1993]. TABLE 6.5 Metrics for Measuring Usability Elements Usability Element Learnability Efficiency Memorability

Error Rate Satisfaction

Metrics Time to master a defined efficiency level, e.g., 50 words per minute Time to master a defined skill, e.g., cut and paste Time for a frequent user to complete a defined task Rate of producing a defined set of products for a frequent user Time for a casual user to complete a defined task Time for a casual user to achieve previously achieved rate of production Number of errors of a specific type in a given period for a given task Stress level associated with use Fun level associated with use




Users can be categorized along three dimensions: domain knowledge, computer experience, and system use experience. Segments of users along these three dimensions should be developed for testing purposes. When a sample of users is developed for the usability testing, the population of actual system users must be considered, not the population of people in society. Many guidelines have been developed for user interfaces. There is insufficient room to even summarize these guidelines here, but they should be consulted while developing requirements for user interfaces [see Brown 1988; Chapanis 1996; Marshall et al., 1987; Mayhew, 1992; Reason, 1990; Shneiderman, 1992].



The framework for defining requirements on the basis of the operational concept, the external system diagram, and the objectives hierarchy is presented here in detail. Recall that there are four requirements categories: input/output, system-wide and technology, trade-off, and qualification. The addendum, which can be downloaded from the author’s web site, ( provides a detailed example of these requirements for the life-cycle phases of an elevator.

6.14.1 Input/Output Requirements Input/output requirements are defined on the basis of the inputs, controls, and outputs of the system identified while bounding the system with the external systems diagram. This external systems diagram is the primary tool used to support the development of input/output requirements. The systems engineering team must examine each input, control, and output in detail to discover every requirement associated with each of these items. One or more input requirements are written for each input and control; similarly, one or more output requirements are written for each output. For example, the potential passengers of the elevator have certain characteristics that impact the provision of information about the floor location of the elevator. The requirements should state that audible feedback is needed, but this would be wrong. Rather the requirements should dictate that feedback be provided to all relevant passengers, letting the engineers design a system to do this. See Table 6.2 for examples of requirements that may be associated with inputs or outputs. Note there will be some controls such as policies and procedures that were included because each function requires at least one control. These controls are not really data elements that the system receives, and therefore there need not be any input requirements established for them. The environment (e.g., weather and elements that are outside the control of the system) or ‘‘context’’ is typically defined as part of the scenarios of the



operational concept. This context should be addressed in the requirements. The questions typically addressed are: 1. What elements of the environment matter? 2. How much variation in the environmental elements must be planned for? At what priority? 3. How well can these variations be forecasted (predicted)? Can these forecasts be part of the system? 4. Can the environment be controlled by the system or external system? Must the system protect itself from the environment? In addition to input and output requirements there are external interface constraints and the functions that should be used to decompose the system’s function. Interface constraints address the physical aspects of the interface to which the system has to connect to obtain the inputs and disseminate the outputs. Examples include the standard connector type for electrical and mechanical connections. The characteristics of the power or data that come across the interface should be part of the input or output requirement. Finally, the functional requirements are not meant to be a long list of specific, detailed functions the system has to perform to produce outputs needed by the system. Rather, the functional requirements should be the two to six functions that partition the system function in such a way that all of the inputs to the system can be transformed into all of the outputs that have been identified as part of the external systems diagram. Several examples of input/output requirements are: The elevator shall receive ‘‘calls’’ from all floors of the building. (Input requirement) The elevator shall indicate to a prospective passenger that he/she has successfully called the elevator. (Output requirement) The elevator shall use a standard phone line from the building for emergency calls. (External interface requirement)


System-Wide and Technology Requirements

The system-wide and technology requirements relate to the system as a whole and not to specific inputs or outputs. These system-wide and technology requirements are not represented in the external systems diagram and are not addressed in a substantial way in the operational concept. Yet every system should have several system-wide and technology requirements that are key to the system’s success. Recall that the four major categories are technology, suitability, cost, and schedule.




A typical category of requirements relates to regulations or laws that pertain to the system. Consider the following requirement: The elevator system shall comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act. This requirement is considered a system-wide requirement because the requirement, like all system-wide requirements, requires knowledge of the whole system to determine whether the requirement has been met. This is a deceptive requirement though because the requirement relates directly to an external system of the elevator, the passengers, and the ability of a special class of passengers to use the system. This requirement defines input and output restrictions with which the elevator must comply. For this reason this requirement could be placed in both the input and output sections of the input/output requirements category. However, there are major disadvantages, as discussed before, in having one requirement in multiple places of the requirements document. For this reason placing such a regulation in the system-wide requirements category of suitability is wise. Technology requirements are the ones that engineers would prefer not to have because they really do constrain the engineering creativity and should result from the other requirements if they are justifiable. These requirements are usually justified on the basis of interoperability or compatibility with an existing product line, which ultimately should be reflected in cost savings. Examples are: The elevator system’s software shall be written in C++. The elevator system’s CPU shall be Pentium 4. Table 6.2 provides a list of common suitability issues, topics that address quality concerns of a system and are system-wide in scope. There are technical engineering definitions that are expressed mathematically behind each of these suitability issues. In fact, many systems engineers make a career by specializing in one or several of these suitability areas. The detailed discussion of these suitability issues is critical for understanding the engineering of systems but is beyond the scope of this book (which is to provide a set of methods and models for getting to the definition of requirements for these issues and developing a design that meets such requirements). Conducting analyses of system concepts or designs related to suitability issues is discussed in more detail in Blanchard and Fabrycky [1998] and Pohl [2007]. Besides the technology and suitability requirements, cost and schedule requirements are also part of this segment of the requirements’ partition. A cost requirement deals with payment of money during the appropriate life-cycle phase for the system in question to be useful. A schedule requirement deals with a timing issue for the relevant system for the phase of life cycle in question. There is nearly always a cost and a schedule requirement for every phase of the system’s life cycle. Table 6.2 provides examples of some of these.



The objectives hierarchy should address every system-wide requirement that is critical enough to be considered a performance requirement. These typically include the cost and schedule requirements as well as several suitability requirements. 6.14.3

Trade-Off Requirements

Trade-off requirements in the form of value curves and value weights were described above during the discussion of the objectives hierarchy. Chapter 13 provides much more detail into the theory and elicitation techniques that can be used to obtain this requirements information. This set of requirements relies solely on value judgments of each segment of the stakeholders. These value judgments must be obtained in a reliable manner from a reasonable sample of representatives of each segment of the stakeholders. For some segments, such as the bill payer, determining who should provide the value judgments is easy. For other systems that will be used by thousands or millions of people, talking to everyone is not feasible. Care must be taken to define a sufficiently large and representative sample of these users. 6.14.4

Qualification Requirements

The four elements of the qualification requirements for a system in any lifecycle phase are: (1) observance: how the estimates (qualification data) for each input/output and system-wide requirement will be obtained, that is, test, analysis and simulation, inspection, or demonstration; (2) verification plan: how the qualification data will be used to determine that the real system conforms to the design that was developed; (3) validation plan: how the qualification data will be used to determine that the real system complies with the stakeholders’ requirements; and (4) acceptance plan: how the qualification data will be used to determine that the real system is acceptable to the stakeholders. The observance qualification requirements deal with data collection activities, devices, and facilities. For example, on a consulting project the author learned that an aircraft manufacturer was developing a detailed qualification plan for a fire suppression system installed in the co*ckpit of the aircraft. Specific derived requirements for the pressure and concentration of a chosen fire suppression agent existed for the three-dimensional space of the co*ckpit based upon the distribution of people and critical equipment. These requirements were developed based upon calculations and simulations that had been developed to ensure that the release pressure of the fire suppression system would be great enough to distribute the agent in the correct spatial concentration to suppress the fire but not too great to damage the structural elements of the co*ckpit. Note all of this analytical work had been done to address a fire suppression agent that had never been used in a co*ckpit before, so there was a great deal of uncertainty about the validity of the calculations. Observance requirements were developed to identify places in the co*ckpit to measure the




concentration of the fire suppression agent at specific times during tests of the fire suppression system. The verification plan was to activate the fire suppression system several times and take measurements of pressure and concentration at the spatial locations for which requirements had been defined. Note for verification, there was no test of the fire suppression system’s ability to extinguish a real fire. This verification plan also addressed the examination of the structural elements of the co*ckpit to verify the requirement that there be no structural damage. The final part of the verification plan defined the criteria for determining that this verification test was passed or failed. (Note this level of detail would not be in the stakeholders’ requirements for the aircraft system but would be in the specification for the fire suppression system, a component of the aircraft. Nonetheless, analogous system-level qualification information would be in the stakeholders’ and system requirements for the aircraft system.) The data collection activity here was part of the observance qualification requirement. Next, validation tests for the fire suppression system were defined based upon three safety scenarios that could be traced to the operational concept for the specification of the fire suppression system if not the aircraft system. The safety scenarios were defined for three different potential causes of a fire. The observance qualification requirement stated that a fire be started in the co*ckpit based upon each of three causes, and the test would determine whether the fire suppression was activated and effectively suppressed the fire. The validation test requirement defined what was meant by effectively suppressing the fire. A fourth cause of a fire is from a ballistic hit from a weapon fired at the aircraft (this was a military aircraft). As a result, the test requirement called for several test co*ckpits to be hit by a weapon, a fire started either spontaneously or through whatever means were necessary (a fire is not guaranteed with a ballistic hit), and the fire suppression system’s ability to suppress this fourth type of fire tested. Again, the observance qualification requirement defines that these ballistic tests will be conducted, and the validation requirement defines what successful performance is. The acceptance test requirement provides the stakeholders’ definitions of what acceptable performance is for the system as a whole. Sometimes this is based upon the validation tests and is synonymous with the validation test plan. At other times the acceptance test requirements call for additional tests, simulations, or inspections with acceptance criteria that are different than those of the validation criteria. These qualification requirements, for each phase of the life cycle, are used to design the qualification system to be used during integration for each phase of the life cycle. As a final note, the aircraft manufacturer had designed the fire suppression system so that detailed design changes could be made as part of this integration phase activity of testing. Since the fire suppression system agent was new, the manufacturer needed the flexibility to adjust the design of the fire suppression system if the fire suppression was either less or more effective than expected.



In fact, two locations had been designed for additional agent distribution tanks in case the design did not meet the requirements. In addition the tank pressure in the planned tanks could be increased or decreased as needed. In an aircraft the total system weight is so important that the manufacturer was planning additional verification tests to remove as much concentrated agent from the tanks as possible while meeting the pressure and concentration output requirements.



‘‘Requirements Management is the identification, derivation, allocation, and control in a consistent, traceable, correlatable, verifiable manner of all the system functions, attributes, interfaces, and verification methods that a system must meet including customer, derived (internal), and specialty engineering needs.’’ [Stevens and Martin, 1995, p. 11] This definition of requirements management is inclusive of everything discussed in this chapter. For example, requirements management addresses which requirements have been changed, when and by whom; to what documents does each requirement trace; to which components has each requirement been allocated. Requirements management is considered a key element of systems engineering as shown by INCOSE Pragmatic Principle 3. A more limited, and perhaps more common, definition is the ‘‘care and feeding’’ of the requirements, sometimes called requirements traceability. More formally, requirements traceability ‘‘refers to the ability to describe and follow the life of a requirement, in both a forwards and backwards direction.’’ [Gotel and Finkelstein, 1994, p. 95] Numerous techniques for tracing requirements and their sources and destinations are semantic networks, assumption-based truth maintenance networks, constraint networks, cross-referencing schemes, hypertext, integration documents, key phrase dependencies, matrices, and templates. Relational and object-oriented databases are used to implement requirements traceability tools. Pragmatic Principle 3 [DeFoe, 1993] Establish and Manage Requirements 1. Identify and distinguish between specified (fundamental or essential), allocated, implied, and derived requirements. 2. Carry analysis and synthesis to at least one level broader and deeper than seems necessary before settling on requirements and solutions at any given level. (Top down is a better recording technique than it is an analysis or synthesis technique.) 3. Write a rationale for each requirement. The attempt to write a rationale for a ‘‘requirement’’ often uncovers the real requirement. 4. Ensure the customer and consumer understand and accept all the requirements.




5. Explicitly identify and control all the external interfaces the system will have —signal, data, power, mechanical, parasitic, and the like. Do the same for all the internal interfaces created by the solution. 6. Negotiate interfaces with affected engineering staff on both sides of each interface and get written agreement by the two parties before the customer approves the interface documentation. 7. Document all requirements interpretations in writing. Don’t count on verbal agreements to stand the test of time. 8. Plan for the inevitable need to correct and change requirements as insight into the need and the ‘‘best’’ solution grows during development. 9. Be careful of new fundamental requirements coming in after the program is underway. They invariably have a larger impact than is obvious. 10. Maintain requirements traceability.



Requirements are generally considered the cornerstone of the systems engineering process because requirements define the design problem. Stakeholders’ requirements are those requirements initially established by the system’s stakeholders with the help of the systems engineering team. The systems engineering design process is a mixture of establishing requirements to define the design problem and partitioning the physical resources of the system into components that perform functions that meet the requirements (the solution to the design problem). This partitioning process is decision rich in that many important decisions are made by the systems engineering team that will ultimately affect the performance of the system and the satisfaction of the stakeholders. This chapter defines requirements and the characteristics that these requirements should satisfy. In addition, this chapter provides a method or process for developing these requirements. This process includes the concepts and associated models of an operational concept, external systems diagram, and objectives hierarchy, all of which are extremely valuable aids in the definition of requirements. The key points made in this chapter concerning the systems engineering design process are that (1) all stakeholders have stakeholders’ requirements that, taken together, address every phase of the system’s life cycle. Capturing the complete set of stakeholders’ requirements ensures a concurrent engineering process. (2) The set of stakeholders’ requirements should ensure a decision rich design process by not over constraining the design. The following attributes of requirements are meant to ensure the process is not overconstrained: traced, correct, unambiguous, understandable, design independent, attainable, comparable, and consistent. (3) At the same time the stakeholders’ requirements



Inputs & Outputs

External Systems Diagram

Complete Inputs & Outputs

Operational Concept

Inputs & Outputs


Stakeholders’ Requirements

Validation & Acceptance Test Scenarios Objectives Hierarchy


Summary of stakeholders’ requirements development.

should not underconstrain the design because the stakeholders should be happy with the system that is created. Complete, verifiable, and traceable requirements should guarantee this. The systems engineering design process defined in this chapter includes the development of an operational concept for each stakeholder group, external systems diagram for each life cycle phase, and an objectives hierarchy for each stakeholder group. These three concepts are then used to develop the stakeholders’ requirements, organized by life-cycle phase. See Figure 6.11. Wymore’s [1993] partition of requirements was adopted and modified: input/output requirements, technology and system-wide requirements, trade-off requirements, and system qualification requirements. In particular the trade-off information defining stakeholder values that is needed to support design decisions includes performance trade offs, cost trade offs, and cost–performance trade off information. This initial systems engineering phase is complete when the existence of at least one feasible solution is verified, the acceptance requirements for the qualification system are defined, and the stakeholders have approved the StkhldrsRD.

CASE STUDY: AIR BAG RESTRAINT SYSTEM Air bags, a safety device appearing in automobiles in the early 1990s, became the cause of death for a noticeable number of individuals. This severe, undesirable impact can be traced to the requirements for the air bag system. The following requirements issues are paraphrased from




those published in 1984 by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) as part of Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard 208, Occupant Crash Protection [see Buede, 1998]: 1. The requirements defined a single safety scenario on which to base the design. This single scenario could only be justified if there was a single worst-case situation. Note this was not the approach with seat belts for which requirements were defined for the 50th percentile 6-year-old, 5th percentile adult female, and 95th percentile adult male. 2. The single, worst-case scenario for safety protection was the 50th percentile male not wearing a seat belt in a 30 mile per hour frontal collision. No specific attention was directed toward children and women, and small or large adults. As the results show, this is the root of the problem. 3. While there was a requirement that the air bag not deploy on a very rough or bumpy road or when the car hits a small pole, there was no requirement that the air bag remain undeployed during accidents at sufficiently slow speeds that no lives are in danger. A number of people have lost their lives in accidents in which the car was only moving at 5 or 10 miles per hour, speeds at which there was almost no chance of a fatality. 4. The test condition was defined such that the test dummy is only in an upright position with its hands at the 3 and 9 o’clock positions on the steering wheel, and a frontal accident with the crash force parallel to the length of the car occurs into a fixed barrier at 30 miles per hour. In fact, frontal accidents are likely to occur when the driver is not in this nominal driving position. Also there arc many accidents requiring an air bag safety restraint in which the crash force is close to being parallel to the length of the car but is not exactly parallel. 5. There was no requirement that addressed accidents involving preimpact braking. For frontal accidents, pre-impact braking is common. In the case of the current air bag design, pre-impact braking clearly causes problems because the people being protected are beginning to move toward the air bag before the sensors for activating the air bag can be triggered. This leads to a need for even more rapid inflation of the air bag. 6. The issue of injuries inflicted on drivers and passengers when the person collides with the deployed air bag was not addressed in the safety standard. Such a requirement would lead to an evaluation of the elasticity of alternate fabrics for the air bag, as well as the final pressure in the inflated air bag. The first generation, fully inflated air bag is very inelastic.



7. There was no requirement that the disposal of unused or partially expanded air bags be safe and free of toxic waste. Sodium azide is considered a hazardous chemical by some. Also, uninflated air bag systems can explode when the car is crushed in a junkyard. The requirements for air bags were placed in a federal regulation. It takes 16 months on average to change these regulations. ‘‘From 1970 until 1991, federal statutes requiring air bags were debated, imposed, revoked, and reinstated as consumer and safety groups battled it out with reluctant automobile manufacturers and mostly Republican administrations. It took a Supreme Court decision in 1983, overturning a Reagan administration revocation of the standard, before the campaign took on real momentum.’’ [Ottaway, 1996, p. 48] Unfortunately, while so much attention was being paid to the concept of air bags, the requirements for the air bags were overlooked and remained unchanged.

CASE STUDY: APOLLO 13 DISASTER This case study is excerpted from Lovell and Kluger [1994], the book associated with the movie titled Apollo 13. Every major component in an Apollo spacecraft, from gyros to radios to computers to cryogenic tanks, was routinely tracked by quality control inspectors from the moment its first blueprints were drawn to the moment it left the pad on launch day; any anomaly in manufacturing or testing was noted and filed away. Generally, the thicker the file any part amassed by the time it was ready to fly, the more headaches it had caused. Oxygen tank two, it turned out, had quite a dossier.

The problems with the tank began in 1965, around the time Jim Lovell and Frank Borman were deep in training for the flight of Gemini 7, and North American Aviation was building the Apollo command-service module that would ultimately replace the two-man ship. y One of the most delicate of the delegated tasks was the construction of the spacecraft’s cryogenic tanks, a job assigned to Beech Aircraft in Boulder, Colorado. The Apollo spacecraft’s electrical system was designed to operate on 28 volts of current [derived requirement] — the amount of juice provided by the service module’s three fuel cells. Of all the systems inside the cryogenic tanks that would be driven by this relatively modest power system, none required more rigorous monitoring than the heaters. Ordinarily, cryogenic hydrogen and oxygen were maintained at a constant temperature of minus 340 degrees [derived requirement]. This was cold enough to keep the frigid gases in a slushy, non-gaseous state, but warm enough to allow some of the slush to vaporize and flow through the




lines that fed both the fuel cells and the atmospheric system of the co*ckpit. Occasionally, however, the pressure in the tanks dropped too low, preventing the gas from moving into the feed lines and endangering both the fuel cells and the crew. To prevent this, the heaters would occasionally be switched on, boiling off some of the liquid and raising the internal pressure to a safer level. Beech and North American knew that the tanks the new ship needed would have to be more than just insulated bottles. To handle contents as temperamental as liquid oxygen, the spherical vessels would require all manner of safeguards, including fans, thermometers, pressure sensors, and heaters, all of which would have to be immersed directly in the supercold slush that the tanks were designed to hold, and all of which would have to be powered by electricity. Of course, immersing a heating element in a pressurized tank of oxygen was, on its face, a risky business, and in order to minimize the danger of fire or explosions, the heaters were supplied with thermostat switches that would cut the power to the coils if the temperature in the tank climbed too far. By most standards, that upper temperature limit was not very high; 80 degrees was about as hot as the engineers ever wanted their supercold tanks to get [derived requirement]. But in insulated vessels in which the prevailing temperature was usually 420 degrees lower, that was a considerable warm-up. When the heaters were switched on and functioning normally, the thermostat switches remained closed — or engaged — completing the heating system’s electrical circuit and allowing it to continue operating. If the temperature in the tank rose above the 80degree mark, two tiny contacts on the thermostat would separate, breaking the circuit and shutting the system down. When North American first awarded the tank contract to Beech Aircraft, the contractor told the subcontractor that the thermostat switches — like most of the switches and systems aboard the ship — should be made compatible with the spacecraft’s 28-volt power grid, and Beech complied. This voltage, however, was not the only current the spacecraft would ever be required to accept. During the weeks and months preceding a launch, the ship spent much of its time connected to launch-pad generators at Cape Canaveral, so that preflight equipment test could be run [missed operational concept scenario]. The Cape’s generators were dynamos compared to the service module’s puny fuel cells, regularly churning out current at a full 65 volts. North American eventually became concerned that such a relative lightning bolt would cook the delicate heating system in the cryogenic tanks before the ship ever left the pad, and decided to change its specs, alerting Beech that it should scrap the original heater plans and replace them with ones that could handle the higher launch pad voltage. Beech noted the change and modified the entire heating system — or almost the entire heating system. Inexplicably, the engineers neglected to change the



specifications on the thermostat switches, leaving the old 28-volt switches in the new 65-volt heaters. Beech technicians, North American technicians, and NASA technicians all reviewed Beech’s work, but nobody discovered the discrepancy. Although the 28-volt switches in a 65-volt tank would not necessarily be enough to cause damage to a tank — any more than, say, bad wiring in a house would necessarily cause a fire the very first time a light switch was thrown — the mistake was still considerable. What was necessary to turn it into a catastrophe were other, equally mundane oversights. The Cortright Committee soon found them. The tanks that eventually flew aboard Apollo 13 werey installed in service module 106. Module 106 was scheduled to fly during 1969s Apollo 10 mission, y and the engineers decided to remove the existing tanks from the Apollo 10 service module and replace them with newer ones. y Removing cryogenic tanks from an Apollo spacecraft was a delicate job. y Rockwell engineers unbolted the tank itself in spacecraft 106 and began to lift it carefully from the ship. Unknown to the crane operators, one of the four bolts had been left in place. When the winch motor was activated, the shelf rose only two inches before the bolt caught, and the crane slipped, and the shelf dropped back into place. y The tanks on the dropped shelf were examined and found to be unharmed. Shortly afterward, they were removed, upgraded, and reinstalled in service module 109, which was to become part of the spacecraft more commonly known as Apollo 13. y One of the most important milestones in the weeks leading up to an Apollo launch was the exercise known as the countdown demonstration test. y To make the dress rehearsal as complete as possible, the cryogenic tanks would be fully pressurized, the astronauts would be fully suited, and the cabin would be filled with circulating air at the same pressure used at liftoff. During Apollo 13’s countdown demonstration test with Jim Lovell, Ken Mattingly, and Fred Haise strapped into their seats, no significant problem occurred. At the end of the long dress rehearsal, however, the ground crew did report a small anomaly. The cryogenic system, which had to be emptied of its supercold liquids before the spacecraft was shut down, was behaving balkily. y Oxygen tank two seemed jammed, venting only about 8 percent of its 320 pounds of supercold slush and then releasing no more. y When the tank was dropped eighteen months earlier, they now suspected, the tank had suffered more damage than the factory technicians at first realized, knocking one of the drain tubes in the neck of the vessel out of alignment. y At its present supercold temperature and relatively low pressure, the liquid in the tank wasn’t going anywhere. But what would happen, one of technicians wondered, if the heaters were used? Why not just flip the



warming coils on now, cook the slush up, and force the entire load of 02 out of the vent line? y But the wrong thermostat switch — the 28-volt switch — was in the tank, and as it turned out, the heaters stayed on for a long, long timey. Given the huge load of 07 trapped in the tank, the engineers figured it would take up to eight hours before the last few wisps of gas would vent away. Eight hours was more than enough time for the temperature in the tank to climb above the 80-degree mark, but the technicians knew they could rely on the thermostat to take care of any problem. When this thermostat reached the critical temperature, however, and tried to open up, the 65 volts surging through it fused it instantly shut. The technicians on the Cape launch pad had no way of knowing that the tiny component that was supposed to protect the oxygen tank had welded closed. y Unfortunately, the readout on the instrument panel wasn’t able to climb above 80 degrees. y The men who designed the instrument panel saw no reason to peg the gauge any higher, designating 80 as its upper limit. What the engineer on duty that night didn’t know — couldn’t know — was that with the thermostat fused shut, the temperature inside this particular tank was climbing indeed, up to a kiln-like 1000 degrees. y At the end of eight hours, the last of the troublesome liquid oxygen had cooked away as the engineers had hoped it would — but so too had most of the Teflon insulation that protected the tank’s internal wiring. Coursing through the now empty tank was a web of raw, spark prone copper, soon to be reimmersed in the one liquid likelier than any other to propagate a tire: pure oxygen. [Lovell and Kluger, 1994, pp. 372–378] The words in italics inside the braces were inserted by the author of this text. PROBLEMS 6.1 Use IDEF0 to develop an external system diagram for an information system to advise undergraduate systems engineering students on the development of their plans of study. The information system is the software and hardware system that the undergraduate systems engineering students will use. Assume the systems engineering faculty will maintain the accuracy of the courses and prerequisites. Assume the information system can obtain schedule information over a network from the registrar’s office. Assume that the information system produces a written plan of study for each student. 6.2 Use the following operational concept for the operational phase of the ATM to: i. Create one additional scenario for the operational concept. ii. Develop an external system diagram using IDEF0.



iii. Create an objectives hierarchy for the ATM system. iv. Develop a set of stakeholders’ requirements. Use the format of the Stakeholders’ Requirements Document and the taxonomy of four types of requirements from this chapter. Make every effort to develop as complete and unambiguous a set of stakeholders’ requirements for the operational phase as possible using only the information provided in the following scenarios. Then add three system-wide requirements and four qualification requirements. Automatic Teller Machine (ATM) for Money Mart Corporation. The ATM system is to provide a cost-effective service to bank customers that is convenient, safe, and secure 24-hour access to a common set of banking transactions and reduce the cost of providing these basic transaction. The ATM system shall provide a number of the most common banking transactions (deposit, withdraw, transfer of funds, balance query) without involvement of bank personnel. The operational concept is comprised of a group of scenarios that are based upon the stakeholders’ requirements and relates to both the bank’s customers and employees. Customer Scenarios 1. Customer makes deposits. a. Customer provides valid general identification information. b. ATM requests unique identification information. c. Customer enters unique identification information. d. ATM requests activity selection. e. Customer selects deposit. f. ATM requests account type. g. Customer identifies account type (i.e., savings, checking, bank credit card). h. ATM requests type of deposit (cash vs. check). i. Customer identifies type of deposit — cash/check. j. ATM provides a means to physically insert cash/check into ATM. k. Customer enters deposit. ATM transmits the transaction to the main bank computer, gives customer receipt, returns to main menu. 2. Customer requests cash to be withdrawn from an account. a. Customer provides valid general identification information. b. ATM requests unique identification information. c. Customer enters unique identification information. d. ATM requests activity selection. e. Customer selects withdrawal. f. ATM requests account type.



g. Customer identifies account type (i.e., savings, checking, bank credit card). h. ATM requests amount of withdrawal. i. Customer identifies amount of withdrawal (Creq). j. ATM contacts the main bank computer and requests the amount of available funds from the selected account (Fmax). k. If CreqWFmax, ATM denies request. l. If CreqWClim, ATM denies request. (Clim is the maximum cash withdrawal allowed.) m. CreqWCleft ATM apologizes for inability to satisfy request and sends message to bank for more funds. (Cleft is amount cash ATM has left). n. Else, ATM transmits the transaction to the main bank computer, gives customer receipt, gives the customer money, and returns to the main menu. 3. Customer requests transfer of funds from one account to another. a. Customer provides valid general identification information. b. ATM requests unique identification information. c. Customer enters unique identification information. d. ATM requests activity selection. e. Customer selects transfer of funds. f. ATM requests account type for source of funds transfer. g. Customer identifies source account type. h. ATM requests account type for destination of funds transfer. i. Customer identifies destination account type. j. ATM queries the main bank computer to determine the availability of funds from the source account (Fmax). k. ATM requests the amount of the funds transfer. l. Customer identifies the amount of funds to be transferred (Ftrns). m. If Ftrns WF max, the ATM denies the request. n. Else the funds are transferred, ATM transmits the transaction to the main bank computer, gives the receipt, and returns to the main menu. 4. Customer requests the status of balance of an account. a. Customer provides valid general identification information. b. ATM requests unique identification information. c. Customer enters unique identification information. d. ATM requests activity selection. e. Customer selects balance status of an account. f. ATM requests account type for balance query. g. Customer identifies account type. h. ATM queries the main bank computer to obtain the needed information, gives customer receipt, and returns to the main menu.



5. Customer cancels request a. Customer provides valid general identification information. b. ATM requests unique identification information. c. Customer enters unique identification information. d. ATM requests activity selection. e. Customer selects withdrawal. f. ATM requests account type. g. Customer identifies account type (i.e., savings, checking, bank credit card). h. During the course of a transaction, the customer indicates the desire to cancel the current transaction. i. ATM returns to the main menu and gives the customer the choice to begin another transaction. j. Customer chooses to end the session. k. ATM resets for the next customer. 6. Customer input device is not working. a. Customer attempts to provide valid general identification information. b. ATM informs customer that the input device is not working. c. If this is the third straight customer for which the input device is not working, then the ATM sends a message to the bank about this problem. 7. ATM cannot verify the customer identification scheme. a. Customer provides valid general identification information. b. ATM requests unique identification information. c. Customer enters unique identification information. d. ATM checks unique identification, finds the identification incorrect, and requests customer to re-input identification. e. Customer enters unique identification information. f. ATM checks unique identification, finds the identification incorrect, and requests customer to re-input identification. g. Customer enters unique identification information. h. ATM checks unique identification, finds the identification incorrect, and alerts the customer that any attempts to re-input identification will result in an alarm to the bank. i. Customer leaves. j. ATM resets for the next customer. 8. ATM does not have receipts. a. When only 25 receipts remain, ATM sends message to bank to resupply receipts. 9. Hostile situations a. Robber attempts to break into ATM. b. ATM sends message to bank and sounds alarm. c. ATM shuts down operation.



Bank Employee Scenarios 1. Routine resupply operation a. Employee enters code into ATM. b. ATM provides access to valid employee. c. Employee opens ATM. d. Employee loads ATM with cash. e. Employee loads ATM with blank receipts. f. Employee removes deposits from ATM. g. Employee shuts ATM and initializes for operation. 2. Malfunction operations a. Employee enters code into ATM. b. ATM provides access to employee. c. Employee opens ATM. d. Employee runs built-in diagnostic tests to determine problem. e. ATM responds to diagnostic tests. f. Employee fixes ATM. g. Employee runs built-in diagnostic tests to determine if problem is solved. h. ATM responds to diagnostic tests. i. Employee shuts ATM and initializes for operation. 6.3 Use the following operational concept for the operational phase of an automobile system called OnStar to: i. ii. iii. iv.

Create one additional scenario for the operational concept. Develop an external system diagram using IDEF0. Create an objectives hierarchy for the OnStar system. Develop a set of stakeholders’ requirements. Use the format of the Stakeholders’ Requirements Document and the taxonomy of four types of requirements from this chapter. Make every effort to develop as complete and unambiguous a set of stakeholders’ requirements as possible for the operational phase using only the information provided in the following scenarios. Then add three system-wide requirements and four qualification requirements.

OnStar System for Cadillac. The OnStar system is an information system for Cadillac owners to provide emergency help and a wide range of support. Generally, the operational concept involves a satellite communications link between the car and a control center run by Cadillac. The operational concept is comprised of a group of scenarios that are based upon the stakeholders’ requirements and relates to both the OnStar’s users and maintenance personnel.



User Scenarios 1. Driver uses cellular phone to contact control center to find directions. a. Driver pushes a single button on the OnStar cellular phone. b. OnStar calls control center. c. Control center person responds and inquires where driver wants to go via the OnStar cellular phone. d. Driver responds with location (tourist landmark, restaurant, hotel, ATM, Cadillac dealer, and gas station) via the OnStar cellular phone. e. Control center person responds with address and block by block directions via the OnStar cellular phone. f. Driver uses OnStar to record these directions and plays them back as needed. 2. Driver loses car in parking lot. a. Driver calls control center using a toll-free number from a pay phone. b. Control center person sends signal to OnStar. c. OnStar activates flashing lights and honking horn on driver’s car. d. Driver goes to car and deactivates lights and horn. 3. Driver locks keys in car. a. Driver calls control center using a toll-free number from a pay phone. b. Control center person requests identification information. c. Driver provides identification information. d. Control center person sends signal to OnStar. e. OnStar unlocks your car. 4. Emergency support when an accident occurs. a. Car is involved in an accident in which the air bags are activated. b. OnStar sends a priority signal to the control center, with the exact location. c. Control center person calls driver on the OnStar cellular phone. d. If contact is not made, control center person contacts appropriate 911 number. e. Control center person provides information on driver’s location, car, and license number. f. Police respond to driver. 5. Vandals/thieves break into driver’s car and steal the car. a. Vandals/thieves break into driver’s car and drive the car away. b. The security system of car is activated and sends a signal to OnStar. c. OnStar sends a signal to the control center. d. The control center person calls 911 and reports the break-in and provides information on driver’s car to the police. e. OnStar sends signals to the control center allowing the car to be tracked.



f. The control center person provides this tracking information to the police. 6. Carjackers steal car and kidnap driver and passengers. a. Thieves carjack the car with the driver (and possibly passengers). b. Driver pushes a red button on the cellular phone. c. OnStar sends a carjacking signal to the control center with an open phone line so that any conversations can be monitored. d. OnStar sends signals to the control center allowing the car to be tracked. e. The control center provides information about the situation and the location of the car to the police. 7. OnStar is deactivated. a. OnStar receives its power from the car’s battery. b. The car’s battery is dead or disconnected causing the deactivation of OnStar. Maintainer Scenarios 1. Maintainer checks emergency carjacking capability. a. Maintainer tests emergency button on the cellular phone to determine that contact with control center is made. If tests show a problem, adjustments are made or cellular phone is replaced to correct any deficiencies. b. Maintainer tests link to control center to make sure that conversation can be heard and that car’s location is transmitted. Adjustments or replacements are made as necessary to correct any deficiencies. 2. Maintainer tests ability of OnStar to unlock car. a. Maintainer checks that unlock signal is received by OnStar. b. Maintainer checks that OnStar unlocking signal is activated when control center unlock signal is received. c. Maintainer checks that car locks are unlocked when OnStar unlocking signal is sent. d. Maintainer makes repairs as needed. 6.4 Use the following operational concept for the development phase of an air bag system: i. ii. iii. iv.

Create one additional scenario for the operational concept. Develop an external system diagram using IDEF0. Create an objectives hierarchy for the air bag development system. Develop a set of stakeholders’ requirements. Use the format of the Stakeholders’ Requirements Document and the taxonomy of four types of requirements from this chapter. Make every effort to develop



as complete and unambiguous a set of stakeholders’ requirements as possible for the operational phase using only the information provided in the following scenarios. Then add three system-wide requirements and four qualification requirements. Vision and Mission Requirement: The systems engineering team for an upgraded air bag safety restraint system shall design an air bag system that saves as many lives as possible while not subjecting any drivers or passengers to unneeded injuries or deaths. Cost of the air bag system will be kept within bounds and designs will be tailored to various automakers’ needs.

Scenarios 1. The systems engineering team (SET) will review all safety regulations published by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), send questions and comments to NHTSA on a timely basis, receive responses, and incorporate these regulations into the air bag design. 2. The SET will seek out and review all research findings available on air bag systems, formulate questions and comments to the research teams on a timely basis, receive and review responses, and ensure that the air bag design is consistent with the best research available. 3. The SET will send their requirements documents on the air bag system and the manufacturing system for the air bag system to the appropriate corporations for comments and respond to any comments received from these corporations. Comments related to the cost of the systems and the fit of the designs will be of special interest. 4. The SET will send the entire set of required test results on its designs to the NHTSA for review and comment; any questions from NHTSA will be answered and further tests conducted as needed. 5. The SET will send all safety findings and liability issues and analyses of their designs to corporate headquarters and respond to corporate guidance concerning safety and liability issues. 6. The SET will receive ‘‘built to’’ configuration items (CIs) from the air bag manufacturer, will integrate these items into a test automobile, and will test the integrated air bag against the test requirements. Design changes will he identified and incorporated into the requirements documents as needed based upon the tests. The revised requirements documents will be sent to the automakers and manufacturers for comment. 7. The SET will use additional ‘‘built to’’ CIs to build and forward operational test items to the automakers for integration testing into the automobiles of the automakers. Based upon these operational tests



the automakers will forward additional comments on the air bag design. These comments will be incorporated into the requirements documents. 8. The air bag manufacturers will submit engineering change proposals (ECPs) to the SET as problems are encountered during production. The SET will adopt those ECPs that are warranted, reject those that are not warranted, and comment on the remaining so that an acceptable solution can be found to manufacturing problems. 6.5 Use the following operational concept for the manufacturing phase of an air bag system: i. ii. iii. iv.

Create one additional scenario for the operational concept. Develop an external system diagram using IDEF0. Create an objectives hierarchy for the air bag development system. Develop a set of stakeholders’ requirements. Use the format of the Stakeholders’ Requirements Document and the taxonomy of four types of requirements from this chapter. Make every effort to develop as complete and unambiguous a set of stakeholders’ requirements as possible for the operational phase using only the information provided in the following scenarios. Then add three system-wide requirements and four qualification requirements.

Vision and Mission Requirement: The Manufacturing Division for an upgraded air bag safety restraint system shall design the air bag manufacturing system to produce the air bag system with as low a long-term cost as possible. Long-term cost includes the discounted cost of producing acceptable air bags as well as providing free parts due to manufacturing flaws. The manufacturing system shall be capable of producing the tailored designs for various automakers. Scenarios 1. The Manufacturing Division will review all safety regulations published by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), send questions and comments to NHTSA on a timely basis, receive responses, and incorporate these regulations into the manufacturing design for air bags. 2. The Manufacturing Division will receive requirements documents on the air bag system from the development team on a periodic basis. The Manufacturing Division will provide comments on these documents as regards any difficulties being forced on the manufacturing of air bags. These comments will be provided on a timely basis. 3. The Manufacturing Division will produce the appropriate number of ‘‘built to’’ configuration items (CIs) based upon the design









documentation and schedule requirements of the development team. In order to produce these ‘‘built to’’ CIs the Manufacturing Division will procure the necessary tools, parts, and supplies. The Manufacturing Division will submit engineering change proposals (ECPs) to the development team as problems are encountered during production. The development team will adopt those ECPs that are warranted, reject those that are not warranted, and comment on the remaining so that an acceptable solution can be found to manufacturing problems. The Manufacturing Division will modify its production process and equipment in accordance with the accepted ECPs. The automakers will send orders for air bags to Corporate Headquarters; Corporate Headquarters will send sales orders to the Manufacturing Division with delivery instructions; the Manufacturing Division will produce the needed air bags and send them to the appropriate automaker; and the Manufacturing Division will send documentation of delivered air bags to Corporate Headquarters. Corporate Headquarters will send periodic projections of air bag production requirements to the Manufacturing Division along with additional corporate guidance regarding cost and quality issues. The Manufacturing Division will send periodic reports on cost and performance data regarding the production of air bags. The Manufacturing Division will send request for quotations (RFQs) to other corporations for the needed tools and parts (CIs) that comprise the air bag system; the Manufacturing Division will receive and review quotes from various corporations and select those quotes providing best value to the Manufacturing Division; and the Manufacturing Division will then send orders for the delivery of the tools and parts on a timely basis and receive these tools and parts. The Manufacturing Division will send request for quotations (RFQs) to other corporations for the needed consumables and supplies; the Manufacturing Division will receive and review quotes from various corporations and select those quotes providing best value to the Manufacturing Division; and the Manufacturing Division will then send orders for the delivery of the consumables and supplies on a timely basis and receive these consumables and supplies. The Manufacturing Division will send that material (unused consumables and supplies, used tools and parts) that needs to be disposed of to Corporate Headquarters.



Functional Architecture Development



Time-tested engineering of systems has shown that the design process for a system has to consider more than the physical side of the system; the functions or activities that the system has to perform are a critical element for the design process to be successful on a consistent basis. This is not to say that the designs of functions and physical resources for the system proceed independently; they cannot. However, for success these two design elements must be equal partners in the design process, providing checks on each other and complementing each other’s progress. The functional architecture of a system contains a hierarchical model of the functions performed by the system, the system’s components, and the system’s configuration items (CIs); the flow of informational and physical items from outside the system through the transformational processes of the system’s functions and on to the waiting external systems being serviced by the system; a data model of the system’s items; and a tracing of input/output requirements to both the system’s functions and items. Note that functional architecture is called a logical architecture by many people. There are a number of key terms that need to be defined as part of this chapter. Early in the chapter distinctions are drawn between modes, states, and functions for a system. There is considerable difference in meaning in the literature on systems and software related to the terms of mode, state, and function; to be clear in our discussions these terms have to be defined specifically for use in this book. A system mode is a distinct operational The Engineering Design of Systems: Models and Methods, Second Edition. By Dennis M. Buede Copyright r 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.




capability of the system; this capability may use either the full or a partial set of the system’s functions. An example is the initialization mode versus the full operational mode for your personal computer. A state is a modeling description of the status of the system at a moment in time, as defined by the values on a set of state variables. A function is an activity or task that the system performs to transform some inputs into outputs. Late in the chapter distinctions are drawn between failure, error, and fault. Failure is a deviation between the system’s behavior and the system’s requirements. An error is a problem with the state of the system that may lead to a failure. A fault is a defect in the system that can cause an error. After the initial definition of key terms for describing a functional architecture, Section 7.3 defines the method for developing a functional architecture using an IDEF0 (Integrated Definition for Function Modeling) model. This model of the development process for a functional architecture is explained, followed by a discussion of using a decomposition process versus a composition process. Section 7.4 discusses approaches, examples, and issues for defining a system’s functions; this discussion is very important because the modeling of a system’s functions is not a common skill that is found in engineers. Section 7.4.1 describes several approaches for developing functional decompositions. Section 7.4.2 addresses an important theme of this entire book; namely, there is always more than one system involved in the engineering of a system. Examples of functional decompositions for several phases of the life cycle of a system are presented. Third and perhaps most importantly, the concepts of feedback and control in a system’s functions are introduced in Section 7.4.3. A common hypothesis of many systems engineers is that most systems fail because of inadequate design of the feedback and control functionality into the system. Finally Section 7.4.4 provides a discussion of evaluation topics that are useful for critiquing a functional architecture; critical examination of any model is important for engineers, and Section 7.4.4 provides some metrics for doing so. Section 7.5 defines the data collection activities associated with developing the functional model of a system. This section provides some guidance on the types of data to collect, on the need to try alternate modeling ideas, and then on the evaluation of these model alternatives in terms of the need to capture the system’s capabilities and communicate these capabilities to both the stakeholders and the discipline engineers. Then in Section 7.6, the introduction of fault tolerance functionality in terms of the functional architecture is described. Adding fault tolerance functionality is very important to the success of most systems and is critical to the success of some systems, for example, air traffic control and life support. Error detection, damage confinement, error recovery, and fault isolation and reporting are the types of functions discussed here. Finally tracing input/output requirements to functions and items in the functional architecture is described in Section 7.7. This last activity is critical to the process of developing specifications for each component that comprises the



system in such a way that the component specifications are directly related and traceable to the System’s Requirements Document (SRD). The methods described in this chapter relate to the development of the functional architecture. The method relating to defining the elements of the functional architecture is described in detail and presented as an IDEF0 model. In addition, the chapter provides a data collection process for defining the functional architecture based upon the fundamental approaches behind the structured analysis and design technique that led to IDEF0. The primary modeling technique relied upon in this chapter is IDEF0, as presented in Chapter 3. In addition, feedback and control models are introduced for evaluating the state of the system and improving the system’s performance. The exit criterion for the development of the functional architecture is the coherent matching of the input/output requirements with the functions and items in the functional architecture. Every input/output requirement should be traced to at least one function and one item in the functional architecture. In addition, every function associated with an external item in the functional architecture should have at least one input/output requirement traced to the function, as should every external item. Recall that all elements of the system’s architectures are developed in increasing layers of detail, so the exit criterion for the functional architecture will be applied with each completion of a layer of detail.



This section defines the concepts of system modes, states, and functions, followed by simple and complete functionalities. Modes and functionalities have long been thought to be critical to the establishment of an understanding of the logical aspects of a system. A system mode is defined to be a distinct operating capability of the system during which some or all of the system’s functions may be performed to a full or limited degree. Other authors [Wymore, 1993] define the modes of a system to be functions of the system; that is not the definition presented here. All systems have at least one standard or fully operational mode. Most systems have operating modes during which they are partially operational. For example, an elevator system has a maintenance mode during which one or more of the elevator cars can be stopped for maintenance, while the others continue in operation. Often systems have start-up and shutdown modes. A laptop computer, on which I am writing this paragraph, has several modes of operation that correspond to the power that is being supplied; all of the laptop’s functions are available in each of these modes, but not with the same performance characteristics. Finally, systems often have a number of unwanted failure modes; car manufacturers have installed switches to enable the use of an extra gallon of gasoline to try to avoid the failure mode of no gas.



The state of the system is commonly defined to be a static snapshot of the set of metrics or variables needed to describe fully the system’s capabilities to perform the system’s functions. The system is progressing through a constantly changing series of states as time progresses. In other words, the state of a system is the values of a long list of variables, called state variables, at a specific point in time. This list of state variables contains all of the information needed to determine the system’s ability to perform the system’s functions at that point in time. The list of state variables does not change over time, but the values that these variables take does change over time. The variables can be continuous or discrete. As an example, the state variables for a laptop computer might include power input rate from the outside, power level of the battery, input rate for each input source (keyboard, modem, network), output rate for each output device (parallel port, serial port, modem, network, screen), central processing unit (CPU) usage, and free hard disk space. A function, on the other hand, is a process that takes inputs in and transforms these inputs into outputs. A function is a transformation, including the possible changing of state one or more times. Every function has activation and exit criteria. The activation criterion is associated with the availability of the physical resources, not necessarily with the start of the transformation activity. The function is activated as soon as the resource for carrying out the function is available. When the appropriate triggering input arrives, the function is then ready to receive the input and begin the transformation process. The activation criterion for the function then is the combination of the availability of the physical resource and the arrival of the triggering input. The exit criterion of a function determines when the function has completed its transformation tasks. Chapters 3 and 12 cover a number of behavioral modeling techniques that address issues related to the activation and deactivation of functions, both as the result of the natural transformation processes associated with functions as well as the control structure that controls the functional processing and causes the system to change modes. Included in Chapter 12 are behavior diagrams, finite-state machines (state-transition diagrams), statecharts, control flow diagrams, and Petri nets. Note that state-transition diagrams and statecharts are related to the definition of mode being used here rather than the definition of state. Must a function represent a dynamic process? Can a function be used to represent a constant process? All of the functions that are shown in Appendix B for the elevator case study represent a dynamic function; that is, inputs enter the function over a given time period and some time later the outputs emerge. Does a pedestal that is holding a vase perform a function? The perspective taken here is that the pedestal does perform a function in this case; if the pedestal fails due to fatigue or an earthquake, then a dynamic process that the system is trying to prevent will occur (the vase will crash to the ground and be ruined).



A functionality is a set of functions that is required to produce a particular output. Now we define simple and complete functionalities: Simple Functionality: an ordered sequence of functional processes that operates on a single input to produce a specific output. Note there may be many inputs required to produce the output in question, but this simple functionality is only related to one of the inputs. As a result the simple functionality may not include all of the necessary functional processes needed to produce the output. Nor does this simple functionality trace the only possible sequence of these functional processes. Note each simple functionality has a specific order associated with the functions that define the simple functionality; for this reason we cannot say that a simple functionality is an element of the power set of functional processes because there is no order associated with an element of the power set. Also we cannot say that this simple functionality is a mathematical function since a given input may be mapped into more than one output. Complete Functionality: a complete set of coordinated processes that operate on all of the necessary inputs for producing a specific output. There is usually no specific order associated with the complete set of functional processes; however a partial order of the functional activities can be established because some functions will usually have to be activated and completed before some others. The complete functionality cannot be an element of the power set of functional processes because there is still some order information associated with the functions in the complete functionality. There is no order information in the sets of functions that comprise the power set of functions. There is a well-defined set of inputs, which is one element of the Cartesian product (or n-tuple) of inputs, and is uniquely associated with the output. This output is also an element of the Cartesian product, or m-tuple, of outputs. A functional architecture can be defined at several levels of detail: 1. A logical architecture that defines what the system must do, a decomposition of the system’s top-level function. This very limited definition of the functional architecture is the most common and is represented as a directed tree. 2. A logical model that captures the transformation of inputs into outputs using control information. This definition adds the flow of inputs and outputs throughout the functional decomposition; these items that comprise the inputs and outputs are commonly modeled via a data model (see Chapter 12). An IDEF0 model without any mechanisms is used as the modeling technique in this chapter to represent the functional architecture at this level of detail. Other modeling techniques in Chapter 12 for data and process modeling could also be used.



3. A logical model of a functional decomposition plus the flow of inputs and outputs, to which input/output requirements have been traced to specific functions and items (inputs, outputs, and controls). An example of a functional architecture for the elevator case study can be downloaded from the following web site:



IDEF0 is used here as the graphical process modeling technique to represent the first elements of the functional architecture defined above. In Chapter 12 several alternate graphical process-modeling techniques are presented that can be used in place of or in addition to IDEF0. IDEF0 was chosen because IDEF0 has well-defined, standardized syntax and semantics that distinguish between the inputs to be transformed into outputs and the control information that guides the transformation process. In addition, IDEF0 has a place to represent the physical architecture, namely the mechanisms. Later the allocated architecture can be illustrated using the mechanisms within IDEF0. It is possible to complete the functional architecture without resorting to any graphical techniques. Text and tables are sufficient to represent all of the information conveyed by any of the graphical techniques. However, Jones and Schkade [1995] provide convincing evidence that most systems and software professionals resort to graphical techniques during the system or software engineering process. The graphical techniques contain much greater information in a format that can be communicated more effectively and efficiently. 7.3.1

Functional Architecture Process Model

Figure 7.1 shows the IDEF0 model for the development of a functional architecture. See the full IDEF0 model for engineering a system in Appendix B. The approach shown in this figure begins by creating many function sequences, or simple functionalities, that satisfy the scenarios in the operational concept. These functionalities are created by shining a light into the black box of Chapter 6, thus turning the black box into a ‘‘white’’ box. Now the functions that are needed to transform system inputs into system outputs become visible. Then the engineer synthesizes these many simple functionalities into a functional decomposition; this synthesis can be accomplished via a top-down decomposition or a bottom-up aggregation. Section 7.4 examines these two approaches in more detail. In practice this second step of defining the functional decomposition combines both aggregation and decomposition. The flow of inputs and outputs from outside the system are added, and the necessary internal items are added, creating a functional model. Before distributing this functional model widely for comment (step three) the scenarios




Functional Architecture Changes

Candidate Generic Physical Architectures

System-level Operational Concept

USED AT: GMU Systems Engineering Program




P. 7

System-level Functional Architecture

Architecture Issues

Input/Output Requirements

Trace Input/Output Requirements to Functions and Items

Functional and Data Models

Process for developing a functional architecture.


Complete Functional and Data Models

Data Model


Stakeholders' & System Requirements, Objectives Hierarchy, Boundary & Qualification System Requirements


Boundary Inputs, Controls, and Outputs and Objectives


Boundary Inputs, Controls, and Outputs


Draft Data Model for Functional Model

Functional Requirements, Inputs, and Outputs

DATE: 05/24/99 REV:

Develop System Functional Architecture

Draft Functional Model


Draft & Evaluate Functional Model

Simple Functionalities




Create Simple Functionalities for Operational Concept

NOTES: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

AUTHOR: Dennis Buede PROJECT: Engineering Design of a System



from the operational concept are used once more to test the draft decomposition and ensure that the functional model is consistent with these scenarios. The third step addresses the data or items that serve as inputs or outputs to the various functions of the functional architecture. For computer-intensive systems developing a data mode is critical (see Chapter 12) so that the relations among the various items flowing through the system are understood at the level needed for a successful design. The fourth step is the solicitation of the opinions of other engineers and stakeholders about missing functions or alternate decompositions that are more meaningful than have been produced during the second and third steps. During this third step the allocated architectural activity, which combines the functional and physical architectures, is proceeding. Feedback from the development of the allocated architecture often causes changes to the functional model, changes that enable the functional model and the physical architecture to match more closely. (Chapter 9 discusses these issues in more detail.) The final step in the development of the functional architecture addresses the tracing of input/output requirements to both the functions in the data model and the items (data elements) flowing through this functional model. Each input (output) requirement is traced to those functions that have been designated as receiving (producing) the respective input (output). Similarly, each input (output) requirement is traced to the item for which the requirement is defined. The functional requirements are traced to the top-level system function because this top-level function is responsible for accomplishing these subfunctions. Each external interface requirement is traced to each item that will be delivered to the system (or carried away from the system) by that interface. In addition, each external interface requirement is traced to the function that is receiving the input or sending the output that has been traced to that same external interface. This process of tracing input/output requirements often raises issues about the structure of the functional decomposition, leading to possible changes in this decomposition. By tracing the input/output requirements to functions and data in the functional architecture, these requirements are being ‘‘flowed down’’ so that the allocated architecture will have all requirements associated with the elements of specifications that are developed for individual system components. 7.3.2

Decomposition Versus Composition

Decomposition, often referred to as top-down structuring, begins with the toplevel system function and partitions that function into several subfunctions. This decomposition process must conserve all of the inputs to and outputs from the system’s top or zero-level function. By conserve, we mean use/produce all and add no new ones. Next, each of the several first-level functions is decomposed (partitioned) into a second level set of subfunctions. Note that not every function must be decomposed; only those for which additional insight into the production of outputs is needed should be partitioned.



The success of decomposition is predicated on having a sound definition of the top-level function of the system and the associated inputs and outputs, that is, a compete set of requirements. The benefit of having an external systems diagram is to achieve this complete set of requirements. A major difficulty of decomposition is the partitioning process to develop the subfunctions of the system is somewhat unguided. Section 7.4 provides some guidance for this decomposition. The best decomposition is usually one that will match the partitioning of the system’s physical resources, the physical architecture. This way the flow of data and physical items that cross the internal interfaces between components will be clearly identified. The opposite approach, composition, is a bottom-up approach. With composition one starts by identifying the simple functionalities associated with simple scenarios involving only one of the outputs of the system. Each functionality is a sequence of input, function, output–input, y, function, output–input, function, output–input, function, output. The functions in the functionality are all functions of the system and are relatively low-level functions in the functional hierarchy. These functions usually show up in third, fourth, or even lower levels of the hierarchy. For complex systems this initial step is a substantial amount of work. After the many functionalities have been defined, one begins the process of grouping the functions in the functionalities into similar groups. These groups are aggregated into similar groups; this process continues until a hierarchy is formed from bottom to top. The advantage of the composition approach is that the composition process can be performed in parallel with the development of the physical architecture so that the functional and physical hierarchies match each other. Second, this approach is so comprehensive that the approach is less likely to omit major functions. The drawback is that the many functionalities must be easily accessible during the composition process so that all of this work can be successfully used; the simple functionalities are often pasted on the walls of a large conference room. The composition method dates back to the 1960s and 1970s when systems engineering was in its infancy; many systems engineers continue to prefer this approach. There is no empirical evidence that either the composition or decomposition approach is better than the other. Ultimately, using a combination of decomposition and composition approaches is wisest. This is sometimes referred to as middle-out. Often, one makes use of simple functionalities associated with specific scenarios defined in the operational concept to establish a ‘‘sense’’ of the system. Then positing a top-level decomposition that is likely to match the top-level segmentation of the physical architecture is common before proceeding to do decomposition that is reinforced by periodic reference to the functionalities to assure completeness. Decomposition is efficient and often successful when the system is an update or variation of an existing system. Composition is strongly recommended when the system is unprecedented or a radical departure of an existing system. Before proceeding, it is important to discuss some valuable properties of the functional hierarchy. Besides the obvious design implications that are



embodied in this hierarchy, the hierarchy is also important as a communication tool. This communication is important for both other engineers and the stakeholders. For this reason, limiting the number of functions at each node in the functional tree to a number that enhances communication is advisable; large numbers of functions at a given level of a decomposition turn any graphical technique into a ‘‘bowl of spaghetti,’’ where the functions are the meat balls and the arrows are the spaghetti.



As discussed above, assigning functions in the functional architecture in totalto-one and only one resource in the physical architecture is best. Clearly, the functional and physical architectures cannot be developed independently and satisfy this property. In fact, there are times when the decision to allocate a particular function to one of several resources has substantial performance implications and is the subject of one or more trade studies. The bottom line is that the functional architecture may be revised several times as the allocated architecture is finalized. Therefore, focusing on getting the functional hierarchy right the first time is improper since this is an impossible task. 7.4.1

Approaches for Defining Functions

There are a number of keys one can use to partition a function into subfunctions. At the top of the hierarchy we would expect to see functions devoted to the system’s operating modes, if there are any. For functions that have multiple outputs, we could partition the function into subfunctions that correspond with the production of each output. Similarly, we could key on the inputs and controls to find a partition of the function. More appropriate than either of these is to decompose on the basis of stimulus–response threads that pass through the function being decomposed. Finally, there is often a natural sequence of subfunctions for a particular function. For example, at the bottom of the functional architecture we would expect to see functions such as receive input, store input, and disseminate input or retrieve output, format output, and send output. Hatley and Pirbhai [1988] developed an architectural template for representing the physical architecture of the system; Figure 7.2 shows the physical segments of the template. This template suggests the creation of a generic partition of six subfunctions, one for each of the Hatley–Pirbhai components. These six generic functions could be used in any functional architecture:

Provide user interface: those functions associated with requesting and obtaining inputs from users, providing feedback that the inputs were received, providing outputs to users, and responding to the queries of those users




User Interface Processing

Process Model Input Processing

Control Model

Output Processing

Maintenance, Self-Test, and Redundancy Management Processing

FIGURE 7.2 Architecture template of Hatley and Pirbhai [p. 195, 1988].

Format inputs: those functions needed to receive inputs from external interfaces (nonhumans), and other nonhuman system components and to process (e.g., analog-to-digital conversion) those inputs to put them into a format needed by the system’s processing functions Transform inputs into outputs: the major functions of the system Control processing: those functions needed to control the processing resources or the order in which these processing functions should be conducted Format outputs: those functions needed to convert the system’s outputs into the format needed by the external interfaces or other nonhuman system components and then place those outputs onto the appropriate interface Provide structural support, enable maintenance, conduct self-test, and manage redundancy processing: those functions needed to perform internal support activities, respond to external diagnostic tests, monitor the system’s functionality, detect errors, and enable the activation of standby resources

This partition is a very valid approach at the top of the functional architecture; the author has used this approach several times to initiate decomposition with success. Most systems would have all or nearly all of these functions as an initial partition. Figure 7.3 uses the Hatley–Pirbhai template to show the four top-level functions of the elevator case study, which can be downloaded from the following web site: http://www.theengineeringdesignof As the decomposition of system functions proceeds, we would expect to find smaller subsets of these six generic functions being embedded within each of the higher level functions. Figure 7.4 renames the Hatley–Pirbhai [1988] partition



“Accept Passenger Requests & Provide Feedback”

“Move Passengers between Floors”

“Control Elevator Cars”

“Enable Effective Maintenance & Service”


Elevator functions within the Hatley Pirbhai template.

as functions and illustrates the functional decomposition by showing likely decompositions within the top level functions; the top-level decomposition of the system function is in the middle of the figure. McMenamin and Palmer [1984] describe a system’s functions as being composed of essential or fundamental activities and custodial activities. All but one of the functions implied by the Hatley and Pirbhai [1988] template are fundamental activities. The function, ‘‘enable maintenance, conduct self-test, and manage redundancy processing,’’ performs custodial activities. Additional custodial activities that could be embedded in this function are the provision of structural support, maintenance of information archives, provision of security services, and so forth. In addition, custodial activities maintain the system’s memory so the system knows what it needs to know to perform its fundamental activities. This knowledge is called the essential memory of the system; examples include the storage of data items between the time they become available and the time they are used by the fundamental activities. McMenamin and Palmer [1984] recommend separating the custodial activities and the fundamental activities. This separation is not completely possible at the top-level with the taxonomy suggested by the Hatley–Pirbhai [1988] template, nor is this separation often desirable at this high level. However, achieving this separation at lower levels of the functional decomposition is possible and desirable. Baylin [1990] provides a number of interesting insights into modeling the functional aspects of a system by focusing on the system’s objectives. The purpose of any system is to achieve the objectives that have been defined for that system. As a result the engineer of a system would be foolish not to use the system’s objectives as a guide for defining the top-level functions of the system. Many engineers involved in developing systems have read and suggested Miller’s [1978] classic titled Living Systems as a guide for defining the functions of a system. Miller examines seven levels of systems that range from a cell through a supranational system, and include an organ, an organism, a group, an


Format Inputs

Format Inputs

Format Inputs

Control Processing

Transform Inputs into Outputs

Format Inputs

Format Inputs

Enable Maintenance, Conduct Self-Test, and Manage Redundancy Processing

Control Processing

Enable Maintenance, Conduct Self-Test, and Manage Redundancy Processing

Format Inputs

Format Inputs

Format Inputs

Enable Maintenance, Conduct Self-Test, and Manag Redundancy Processing

Control Processing

Transform Inputs into Outputs

Provide User Interface

Format Inputs

Transform Inputs into Outputs

FIGURE 7.4 Exemplary functional decomposition.

Enable Maintenance, Conduct Self-Test, and Manage Redundancy Processing

Control Processing

Transform Inputs into Outputs

Format Inputs

Enable Maintenance, Conduct Self-Test, and Manage Redundancy Processing

Control Processing

Transform Inputs into Outputs

Provide User Interface



organization, and a society. One of Miller’s claims is that there are 19 subsystems that must be part of any of these living systems. In fact, Miller defines these 19 subsystems in terms of the function that each performs (see Table 7.1); leading the reader of Living Systems to believe that it is the 19 functions that are most useful to engineers of human-designed systems. One key to Miller’s study or living systems is his assertion that these systems either process matter-energy or information or both. The top two functions in Table 7.1 address the processing of both matter-energy and information. The functions on the left half of Table 7.1 process matter-energy; while those on the right process information. There are blanks left in the table so that functions on the left and right that are similar can be opposite each other. This assertion is key to understanding the two columns of subsystems and related functions in Table 7.1. The common concepts for defining a partition of a function are system modes, function outputs, function inputs and controls, system objectives, stimulus-response threads, and the functional template based upon the Hatley–Pirbhai [1988] architecture template. 7.4.2

Typical Functional Decompositions by Life-Cycle Phase

This section suggests functional hierarchies and segments of functional hierarchies for the development and the manufacturing phases of the system’s life cycle. The previous section dealt with the operational phase of the life cycle. Duffy and Buede [1996] suggest structuring the management portion of the development phase into three major activities — formulate the development strategy, execute the development strategy, and evaluate the results of the development activity. Formulating the development strategy has as many elements of a development strategy as needed. Common elements of the development strategy are the procurement, engineering or technical, financing, communication, technology development, and testing strategies. Other elements may include the regulatory and risk mitigation strategies. The IDEF0 model of the systems engineering design and integration process in Appendix B demonstrates the execution of the engineering elements of the development strategy. Dietrich [1991, p. 886] defines manufacturing as ‘‘using resources to perform operations on materials to produce products.’’ A manufacturing system is a ‘‘set of resources used to manufacture some product, together with the associated information system and any behavioral requirements imposed by the owners of the resources.’’ The products being produced are the primary outputs of this phase; inputs are defined to be bulk material; internal items are called work-inprogress (WIP). WIP is material upon which some value-added operations have been performed. Seven types of generic manufacturing functions are defined, based upon the types of bulk material, WIP, and primary outputs:

Bulk Operation: manipulate bulk material to produce other bulk material. Kitting Operation: transform one or more bulk materials into one or more units of WIP.




TABLE 7.1 Subsystems and Functions of Living Systems [after Miller, 1978] Subsystems which Process Both Matter Energy and Information 1. Reproducer, the subsystem which is capable of giving rise to other systems similar to the one it is in. 2. Boundary, the subsystem at the perimeter of a system that holds together the components which make up the system, protects them from environmental stresses, and excludes or permits entry to various sorts of matter energy and information. Subsystems which Process Matter Energy

Subsystems which Process Information

3. Ingestor, the subsystem which brings matter energy across the system boundary from the environment.

11. Input transducer, the sensory subsystem which brings markers bearing information into the system, changing them to other matter energy forms suitable for transmission within it. 12. Internal transducer, the sensory subsystem which receives, from subsystems or components within the system, markers bearing information about significant alterations in those subsystems or components, changing them to other matter energy forms of a sort which transmitted within it. 13. Channel and net, the subsystem composed of a single route in physical space, or multiple interconnected routes, by which markers bearing information are transmitted to all parts of the system. 14. Decoder, the subsystem which alters the code of information input to it through the input transducer or internal transducer into a ‘‘private’’ code that can be used internally by the system. 15. Associator, the subsystem which carries out the first stage of the learning process, forming enduring associations among items of information in the system.

4. Distributor, the subsystem which carries inputs from outside the system or outputs from its subsystems around the system to each component.

5. Converter, the subsystem which changes certain inputs to the system into forms more useful for the special processes of that particular system.

6. Producer, the subsystem which forms stable associations that endure for significant periods among matter energy inputs to the system or outputs from its converter, the materials synthesized being for growth, damage repair, or replacement of components of the system, or for providing energy for moving or constituting the system’s outputs of products or information markers to its suprasystem.




TABLE 7.1. Continued Subsystems which Process Both Matter Energy and Information 7. Matter energy storage, the subsystem which retains in the system, for different periods of time, deposits of various sorts of matter energy.

8. Extruder, the subsystem which transmits matter energy out of the system in the forms of products or wastes. 9. Motor, the subsystem which moves the system or parts of it in relation to part or all of its environment or moves components of its environment in relation to each other.

16. Memory, the subsystem which carries out the second stage of the learning process, storing various sorts of information in the system for different periods of time. 17. Decider, the executive subsystem which receives information inputs from all other subsystems and transmits to them information outputs that control the entire system. 18. Encoder, the subsystem which alters the code of information input to it from other information processing subsystems, from a ‘‘private’’ code used internally by the system into a ‘‘public’’ code which can be interpreted by other systems in its environment.

19. Output transducer, the subsystem which puts out markers bearing information from the system, changing markers within the system into other matter energy forms which can be transmitted over channels in the system’s environment.

10. Supporter, the subsystem which maintains the proper spatial relationships among components of the system, so that they can interact without weighting each other down or crowding each other.

Fabrication Operation: fabricate a WIP from another unit of WIP and bulk material. Assembly Operation: assemble two or more units of WIP and bulk material into a subassembly (higher level WIP). Byproduct Operation: transform two or more WIPs of different types into two or more WIP types that are not identical to the input WIPs).




Distribution Operation: divide one or more units of a single WIP into two or more units of possibly different types of WIP. Consumption Operation: consume one or more WIPs yielding bulk, dissipated, or useless material. (Note shipping finished products and stockpiling subassemblies are considered consumption operations.)


Feedback and Control in Functional Design

It is important to emphasize the use of feedback in the design of the system. Feedback and control is the comparison of the actual characteristics of an output with desired characteristics of that output for the purpose of adjusting the process of transforming inputs into that output (see Sidebar 7.1). Openloop control processes may or may not make this measurement, but in either case make no adjustments to the process once started. See Figure 7.5. The heating and air-conditioning systems in all but the most expensive cars allow the driver to set the output temperature of the heater and the fan speed; this is an example of an open-loop control system. The driver serves as the feedback process that adjusts the heat and fan speed when a deviation from the desired temperature is noticed. Closed-loop control processes use measurements of the output as feedback for the purpose of adjusting or controlling the transformation process. Heating and air conditioning systems in most houses have a thermostat for setting the desired temperature; this thermostat adjusts the length of time that the heating or air conditioning is left on in order to reach the desired temperature. This is an example of a closed-loop control system.

SIDEBAR 7.1: HISTORY OF CONTROL SYSTEMS Mayr [1970] traced the earliest example of a control system to the second century BC; this control system was a water clock that operates on the same principles as current flush toilets and is not dissimilar to numerical integration on a digital computer. In about 1620 Cornelis Drebbel, a Dutch mechanic and chemist, designed a system to control the temperature in a furnace used to heat eggs in an incubator. About 1787 Thomas Mead invented a centrifugal governor, which was adapted about a year later by Matthew Boulton and James Watt, who invented a fly ball governor to control the rotation speed of a grinding stone for a wind-driven flour mill. The first study of feedback control and the stability of such systems was described in a paper titled ‘‘On Governors’’ by J.C. Maxwell in 1868.



Basic Process Process Input into Output



Open Loop Control of Process Input Desired Output

Control Process

Process Input into Output


Control Variable

Closed Loop Control of Process Desired Output

Compare Desired to Actual Delta

Input Control Process

Process Input into Output


Control Variable Sense Output


Open and closed loop control processes.

A negative feedback process attempts to close the gap between the current output and the desired output, thus striving for a stable process. A positive feedback process attempts to increase the difference between current output and the desired output, usually creating an unstable situation. In the engineering design process, feedback and control enable the comparison of the current state of the system with the desired state for the purpose of repeating parts of the generation of the current state to obtain a current state that is closer to the desired state. The concept of feedback comes from the engineering of control systems, which has been the training ground for many systems engineers. Closed-loop control processes contain at least four subprocesses: comparison of current and desired output characteristics; control adjustments to the process based upon the comparison; the transformation process for turning inputs into outputs; and a sensing process for turning the output into measured dimension(s) that can be compared to the desired output. The first element is the comparison process in which current values of key variables are compared with desired values of those variables. The comparison process requires definition in advance for what elements of the state of the process are going to be compared. This comparison inevitably introduces a time lag into the process. This element of the feedback process is trivial, but at the same time is the cornerstone. The second element is the control process for deciding what to do about the difference between the current value of the output and the desired




value of the output. The third element of the feedback process is the transformation process that is being controlled by the feedback process. This process dictates how a successful feedback process should be created and is often adapted by the feedback process as part of the correction activity. Sensing the output of the process being controlled is the final element of the feedback process. While most examples of feedback control systems are in lower level elements of complex systems, there is no reason why such a concept will not also work at higher levels of abstraction. An example is the ‘‘Develop System Allocated Architectures’’ function of the IDEF0 model of the process for engineering a system in Appendix B and repeated in Figure 7.6. There are three feedback and control loops. The first involves the first and second functions, ‘‘Allocate Functions & System-wide Requirements to Physical Subsystems’’ and ‘‘Define & Analyze Functional Activation & Control Structure.’’ Here the second function performs the measurement, comparison, and control function based upon the output, functional allocations to components, of the first function. The measurement, comparison, and control (decision making) in the second loop are done in the third function ‘‘Conduct Performance & Risk Analyses’’ for the output of the second function, alternative system-level allocated architectures. The analysis process determines whether the system-level allocated architectures contain one that is ‘‘good enough’’ to be the finalized design and then proceeds with documentation. If the decision is that there is not an allocated architecture that is good enough, then analysis results are passed to the first two functional processes as controls for making refinements. The intention here is that the analysis results could be passed to either of these two processes or the combination of them. The smallest refinements would conclude with passing analysis results and guidance only to the second process (‘‘Define & Analyze Functional Activation and Control Structure’’). Large refinements would require passing results and guidance to both processes. There is a final feedback loop during documentation, which is when many questions arise. In this case the third function is reactivated if questions arise that cannot be answered using the current documentation and analysis results. If the issue deals with performance and risk analysis, the answer can be generated and the result passed back to the documentation activity. However, if the issue has implications for the allocation of function, tracing of requirements, or activation and control structures, then the initial feedback loop discussed above is reenergized. Besides the feedback control loops that are designed inside the system, the engineer of the system has to be cognizant to design feedback control for the system using the external systems. The most common example of such feedback control occurs when a human is one of the external systems and closes a feedback loop to improve the system’s performance. The driver of an automobile adjusts the car’s speed and direction to achieve safe travel; there are numerous output devices at the driver’s station of the automobile to enhance the driver’s ability to serve as the controller of the car.





System's Qualification System Documentation

Interface Architecture

System-level Operational Concept

Candidate Physical Architectures


System-level Architectures


Conduct Performance & Risk Analyses

Analysis Results

Develop System Operational Architecture


Define & Analyze Functional Activation & Control Structure

Alternative System-level Allocated Architectures

DATE: 05/24/99 REV: READER




P. 9

Subsystem Design Requirements, Boundaries, Missions, Objectives & Constraints

Allocated Architecture

Architecture Changes

Risk Analysis, System Design Document, Allocated Architecture, System Interface Control Document

Discrepancies in the Specifications, Interface Control, and Acceptance Test Plan

Document Subsystem Specifications


Document Architectures & Obtain Approval


Illustration of feedback control in the development of the system allocated architecture.


Function to Subsystem Allocation


Allocate Functions & System-wide Requirements to Physical Subsystems

System-level Functional Architecture

Suggested Revisions

NOTES: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

AUTHOR: Dennis Buede PROJECT: Engineering Design of a System

Stakeholders’ & System Requirements, Objectives Hierarchy, Boundary & Qualification System Requirements

USED AT: GMU Systems Engineering Program




More detailed literature on feedback control can be found in Dickinson [1991], Dorny [1993], Franklin et al. [1994], and Van de Vegte [1994]. A graphtheoretic approach for analyzing control systems has been developed called signal flow graphs. Signal flow graphs are used to transform a set of processes with feedback into a single, composite process. 7.4.4

Evaluation of a Functional Hierarchy

A functional architecture can be evaluated for shortfalls and overlaps. A shortfall is the absence of a functionality that is required to produce a desired output from one or more inputs. Shortfalls can be divided into the following categories: absence of the proper functionality for some set of inputs, inability to produce a desired output, and insufficient feedback control to produce the desired output. Recall the definition of a function from Chapter 4. A function maps all elements of the domain to some element in the range and does not map any element of the domain into two distinct elements of the range. Whenever there are potential inputs to the system with which the system’s functionality cannot deal, the engineer of the system did not create a system function but rather a system relation. A relation in Chapter 4 includes functions but also includes those entities that fall short of a function. In fact, the most common types of shortfall are the absence of or inappropriate functional responses to unexpected inputs and to failure modes within the system. For example, the elevator system must be able to respond properly when a fire alarm sounds. Less obvious unexpected inputs might be the need for a user to stop the elevator immediately. Therefore the systems engineer must always enumerate all possible inputs, including those inputs that are not wanted but can arrive. In the mathematical terms of Chapter 4, a Cartesian product of possible inputs must be formed for each function in the functional model of the functional architecture. This is only necessary for the lowest level functions in the functional decomposition. The Cartesian product of inputs for a function uses each category of input shown in the functional model for a specific function. For each of these categories there are usually several possible input states, some of which are not desired. For example, if there were three possible input categories to a given bottom-level function and each input category had three possible states, there would be three-tuple formed by taking the Cartesian product of these three input categories. The three-tuple would have 27 (3 3 3) different combinations. The functional definition of this bottom-level function must account for every one of these 27 possible combinations. The second category of shortfall is the inability to produce a needed output. This type of functionality will be obvious if all of the system’s outputs have been defined. This is a major benefit of the external systems diagram in Chapter 6 and the functional architecture discussed in this chapter. Evaluating for this category of shortfall is not always possible without constructing an overall functional architecture.



The final shortfall addresses the quality of the outputs produced. Often this quality falls short of that desired by the stakeholders because the engineers have not incorporated sufficient feedback control, either internally to the system or inclusive of the external systems. Missing needed feedback is a common mistake made in the functional architecture. This is true not only for the functional architecture of the system being designed for the operational phase of the life cycle, but also for the functional architectures of the developmental and manufacturing systems. An overlap is a redundancy in functionality that is not needed to achieve additional performance, for example, reliability. Functional overlaps, unlike physical overlaps for redundancy, are not needed and therefore can only cause problems. A common technique for identifying shortfalls and overlaps is to follow each scenario in the operational concept (Chapter 6) through the functional architecture. Each scenario in the operational concept begins with a single input to the system from one of the external systems and continues with a sequence of inputs to and outputs from the system to various external systems. Each scenario was developed by treating the system as a black box. Now is the time to shine a light into that black box (producing a white box) and see what functions the system is performing to transform the inputs into outputs. Start with the first input to the system for a given scenario (see Fig. 7.7); color the line in the context diagram (A-0 page or node) for that input green (or whatever color you choose). Find an interesting output of the system in the scenario and color that output on the context page green also. In Figure 7.7 the input selected was ‘‘Request for Elevator Service & Entry Support’’ by a potential passenger, which is shown as a dotted-dashed line since color is too expensive for a text book. The output selected was ‘‘Elevator Entry/Exit Opportunity’’ when the elevator arrives at the potential passenger’s floor; this output is also shown as a dotted-dashed line. Now move to the AO page (node) and color these same two lines green; see Figure 7.8 for the dotted-dashed lines. Now go to the function on the AO page that received that input (the Al function in Fig. 7.8) and find the appropriate output of the function that is needed to get to the output on the context page and color the line associated with that output green. ‘‘Digitized Passenger Request’’ is shown with a dotted-dashed line in Figure 7.8. Proceed to this next function on the AO page and find the most appropriate output to color. This is like looking through a house for clues to a mystery, searching room by room, finding a clue in each room that leads to the next room, until finally the room is found with the already identified path outside. In Figure 7.8, ‘‘Digitized Passenger Request’’ led to the A2 function, ‘‘Control Elevator Cars.’’ The appropriate output of this function was ‘‘Assignments to Elevator Cars,’’ leading to A3, ‘‘Move Passengers Between Floors,’’ which is where ‘‘Elevator Entry/Exit Opportunity’’ was found. This process continues for every other page of the functional model. Figures 7.9–7.12 show this trace of the input and output from a given scenario




Service, Tests & Repairs

Electric Power & Emergency Communication Response


Request for Emergency Support & Emergency Message

Elevator System


Request for Elevator Service & Entry support

DATE: 05/24/99 REV:




Emergency Support

Elevator Entry/Exit Opportunity

P. 2

Emergency Communication

Diagnostic & Status Messages

Acknowledgment that Request Was Recieved & Status Information

Passenger Environment



ModifiedElevator Configuration & Expected Usage Patterns


Structural Support, Alarm Signals & Building Environment


FIGURE 7.7 Scenario trace on the context page.

Provide Elevator Services

Request for Floor & Exit Support

NOTES: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

AUTHOR: Dennis Buede PROJECT: Elevator Case Study

Passenger Characteristics

George Mason Univ.





Service, Tests & Repairs

Passenger Characteristics

Electric Power & Emergency Communication Response

Passenger Interface Component

Electric Power

Electric Power


Elevator Position & Direction

Structural Support, Alarm Signals & Building Environment


Diagnostic Queries


P. 3

Diagnostic & Status Messages

Elevator Entry/Exit Opportunity

Passenger Environment

Temporary Modification to Elevator Configuration

Emergency Support

Emergency Communication

Acknowledgment that Request Was Recieved & Status Information


Maintenance & Service Component




Scenario trace continued in the AO diagram.

Sensed Malfunctions



Elevator Cars Component Elevator System


Assignments for Elevator Cars

Configuration Controls




ModifiedElevator Configuration & Expected Usage Patterns

DATE: 05/24/99 REV:


Elevator Control Component

Digitized Passenger Requests

Request for Elevator Service & Entry support



Request for Floor & Exit Support

NOTES: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

AUTHOR: Dennis Buede PROJECT: Elevator Case Study

Request for Emergency Support & Emergency Message

USED AT: George Mason Univ.




Diagnostic Queries

Elevator Position & Direction

USED AT: George Mason Univ.






Acknowledgments & Status for Emergency Passengers

P. 4

Emergency Support

Emergency Communication

Sensed Emergency Malfunctions

Sensed Malfunctions

Digitized Emergency Requests

Digitized Passenger Requests

Acknowledgment that Request Was Recieved & Status Information

Request for Emergency Support & Emergency Acknowledgments Message & Status for Waiting Passengers


Acknowledgments & Status for Riding Passengers

Emergency Pass. Interface

Sensed Car-based Malfunctions

Digitized Requests from Riding Passengers

Configuration Controls



Passenger Interface Component

Nonemergency Pass. Interface Inside El. Cars


Digitized Requests from Waiting Passengers


Sensed Floor-based Malfunctions

Request for Entry Support

Request for Floor & Exit Support

DATE: 05/24/99 REV:

FIGURE 7.9 Scenario trace continued in the Al diagram.




Nonemergency Pass. Interface Outside El. Cars

Request for Elevator Service

Request for Elevator Service & Entry support

NOTES: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

AUTHOR: Dennis Buede PROJECT: Elevator Case Study




Diagnostic Queries

USED AT: George Mason Univ.

Acknowledgment of Request for Elevator Service


P. 5

Acknowledgments & Status for Waiting Passengers

Sensed Floor-based Malfunctions

Digitized Requests from Waiting Passengers


Status Information



Elevator Position & Direction




Configuration Controls




Nonemergency Pass. Interface Outside El. Cars

Digitization Successful



Request Alert

DATE: 05/24/99 REV:

FIGURE 7.10 Scenario trace continued in the Al1 diagram.


Passenger Request



Request for Elevator Service

NOTES: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

AUTHOR: Dennis Buede PROJECT: Elevator Case Study



Diagnostic Queries


USED AT: George Mason Univ.




Scenario trace continued in the A2 diagram.


Elevator Control Component

List of all Floors with Waiting priority Passengers & Desired Direction

Temporary Modification to Elevator Configuration


List of all Floors with Waiting Nonpriority Passengers & Desired Direction


Configuration Controls



Digitized Nonpriority Passenger Requests

Digitized Passenger Requests

DATE: 05/24/99 REV:



Digitized Priority Passenger Requests



List of all Cars with Direction & Location



Elevator Position & Direction

NOTES: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

AUTHOR: Dennis Buede PROJECT: Elevator Case Study

P. 6

Assignments for Elevator Cars

Sensed Malfunctions

ModifiedElevator Configuration & Expected Usage Patterns





Diagnostic Queries

Passenger Characteristics

Electric Power & Emergency Communication Response

USED AT: George Mason Univ.

Passenger Heat




Elevator Cars Component

Elevator Cab & Door

Passenger Weight

Travel OK Message

Assignments for Elevator Cars

DATE: 05/24/99 REV:



Elevator Car Sensors & Controls

P. 7

Passenger Environment

Sensed Malfunctions

Elevator Position & Direction

Sensed Discharge Malfunctions

Elevator Entry/Exit Opportunity


Sensed Comfort Malfunctions




Sensed Travel Malfunctions

Travel Stopped Message


FIGURE 7.12 Scenario trace completed in the A3 diagram.


Elevator Car Door

Electric Power



Configuration Controls

NOTES: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

AUTHOR: Dennis Buede PROJECT: Elevator Case Study




throughout the entire functional model of the elevator system in the case study that can be downloaded from In addition, defining failure modes for the system and creating error detection and recovery functionalities within the common operating modes as well as the failure modes is critical. These functionalities for error detection and recovery are critical for stakeholder usability. How often has your computer shut down with no warning and little support for saving open files? The more mature an operating system is, the more functionality the operating system commonly has for saving open files as part of the crash, and the more unlikely such crashes are. Details on functionality for addressing error detection and recovery are covered later in the chapter.



The literature [Marca and McGowan, 1988] surrounding the structured analysis and design technique (SADT), which became IDEF0, suggests the following activities for creating a functional decomposition with inputs, controls and outputs:

Determine the purpose and viewpoint. Generate a data list, based upon the system’s boundaries (the external systems diagram). Generate an activity list. Define the AO diagram, and the level 1 functional decomposition. Draw the context diagram, A-0 (this has already been done, based on the external systems’ diagram). Continue this process while decomposing the level 1 functions.

The purpose and viewpoint define the issues that the IDEF0 model will address. The purpose for systems engineering applications is straightforward, namely to depict the functional activities of the system in a particular phase of the system’s life cycle; as can be seen in the elevator case study (available on the author’s web site) there is a separate IDEF0 model for each phase. Similarly, the viewpoint is the systems engineering team; this team is creating the functional architecture, of which the IDEF0 model is a part, for the purposes of designing the system. Typically, there are a number of stakeholders with a somewhat diverse set of opinions that are concerned about each phase of the life cycle; the systems engineering team should include representatives of these stakeholders and has ultimate responsibility to integrate these opinions. The data list of inputs, controls, and outputs for the system’s top-level function should already be available from the external systems’ diagram. Nonetheless, this is an excellent time to review and critique the data list to determine if there are any missing or redundant items.



Next, we have the first of many decomposition decisions. How should the toplevel system function be decomposed? Spending some time gathering information and brainstorming about system functions for each phase is always a good idea, in addition to creating an activity list from which to choose or synthesize the functional decomposition. For the operational phase of the life cycle a previous section presented the options of starting with the operational modes of the system or alternatively with the functional taxonomy derived from the Hatley– Pirbhai [1988] architecture template. At this point in time the systems engineering team certainly has not finalized the definition of operating modes for the system. In fact, the functional decomposition will inevitably be modified over time as the performance of the allocated architecture is evaluated. Figure 7.3 depicted the elevator’s top-level functional decomposition for the operational phase in terms of the Hatley–Pirbhai template. There are many ways to gather information:

Review documents, but watch for viewpoint changes. Observe operations, but be careful about the details that you do not know well enough to recognize and the need to make major changes from the current system to the system under development. Conduct interviews; questionnaires can be used but have very limited value (be sure you get the right experts). Invent a strawman for the experts to critique. Create several alternate decompositions and create a composite strawman based on the best features of each after some critical discussion (this creativity technique is often called the ‘‘gallery’’).

Once a working version of the functional model is created, the functional model should be reviewed by individuals that have substantial knowledge and varying perspectives about the system’s functioning in a given life-cycle phase. This review process should:

Try alternate decompositions. Disaggregate the functions differently. Bundle and unbundle arrows differently. Reevaluate functional dominance in terms of feedback and control. Catch interface errors.

As part of this review process creating a data model of the inputs, controls, and outputs using an entity–relationship–attribute or higraph model would be wise. These techniques are discussed in Chapter 12. The data model often introduces critical design issues that have been overlooked in the functional or process model. How far should the functional decomposition be carried out? Generally speaking, the functional decomposition should proceed to the second, third,




or fourth level. At this point the physical and allocated architectures should be developed and analyzed. The more detailed the operational concept the more reliably the functional architecture can be developed to the fourth level. Defining the system’s functions to line up with the physical components is best so that the inputs, controls, and outputs clearly line up with external and internal interfaces. The level of detail should be appropriate with the viewpoint and purpose, that is, the stakeholders and specified phase of the system’s life cycle. Be sure to eliminate details if they are not helping create the allocated architecture. Also, see Sidebar 7.2 for a list of common mistakes made in the development of a functional architecture.

SIDEBAR 7.2: COMMON MISTAKES IN DEVELOPING A FUNCTIONAL ARCHITECTURE 1. Including the external systems and their functions. The functional architecture only addresses the top-level function of the system in question. The external system diagram establishes the inputs, controls, and outputs for this function. A boundary has been drawn around the system to exclude the external systems and their functions. 2. Choosing the wrong name for a function. The function name should start with an action verb and include an object of that action. The verb should not contain an objective or performance goal such as maximize, but should describe an action or activity that is to be performed. 3. Creating a decomposition of a function that is not a partition of that function. For example, a student once decomposed ‘‘AO: Provide Elevator Services’’ into ‘‘Al: Transport Users,’’ ‘‘A2: Evaluate System Status,’’ and ‘‘A3: Perform Security & Maintenance Operations.’’ ‘‘Al: Transport Users’’ was then decomposed as follows: ‘‘All: Provide Access to Elevator,’’ ‘‘Al2: Transport Users,’’ and ‘‘A13: Provide Emergency Operations.’’ Al2 cannot be a child of itself. The sub-functions of a function should all be at the same level of abstraction [Chapman et al., 1992]. 4. Including a verb phrase as part of the inputs, controls, or outputs of a function. Verb phrases are reserved for functions. 5. Violating the law of conservation of inputs, controls, and outputs. That is, every input, control, and output of a particular function must appear on the decomposition of that function, and there can be no new ones. 6. Trivializing the richness of interaction between the functions that decompose their parent. Consider many possible simple functionalities that comprise the children of a parent function and then



develop the inputs, controls, and outputs that enable these simple functionalities to exist, including the necessary feedback and control. 7. Creating outputs from thin air. The most common mistake is to define a function that monitors the system’s status but that does not receive inputs about the functioning or lack of functioning of other parts of the system.



Two key areas of the functional architecture that need to be addressed before the job is finished are (1) defining system errors and the failure modes that result and inserting the functionality to detect the errors and recover and (2) inserting the appropriate functionalities for some combination of built-in selftest (BIST) and external testability. The functionalities described here are typically not part of the initial drafts of the functional architecture because they depend to a significant degree on the physical architecture; as a result these functions are often added once the allocated architecture is taking shape. Fault tolerance is a laudable design goal, meaning that the system can tolerate faults and continue performing. In fact, the design goal of every systems engineering team is to create a system with no faults. However, faults like friction have to he tolerated at best, even after our best efforts to eliminate them. This discussion on fault-tolerant functionality depends greatly on understanding several key terms; see Jalote [1994] and Levi and Agrawala [1994]. Figure 7.13 provides a concept map based on these definitions. System: an identifiable mechanism that maintains a pattern of behavior at an interface between the system and its environment. [Anderson and Lee, 1981] Failure: deviation in behavior between the system and its requirements. Since the system does not maintain a copy of its requirements, a failure is not observable by the system. Error: a subset of the system state which may lead to a failure. The system can monitor its own state, so errors are observable in principle. Failures are inferred when errors are observed. Since a system is usually not able to monitor its entire state continuously, not all errors are observable. As a result, not all failures are going to be detected (inferred). Fault: a defect in the system that can cause an error. Faults can be permanent (e.g., a failure of system component that requires replacement) or temporary due to either an internal malfunction or external transient. Temporary faults may not cause a sufficiently noticeable error or may cause a permanent fault in addition to a temporary error.




System may have



has may have

States has Defect

Subsets of States

is-a Fault

Deviation from Requirement

may have can cause Error

may lead to

is-a Failure

is Observable

is Unobservable

FIGURE 7.13 Concept map for fault tolerance terms.

First, note the difference of the definition of system in the fault tolerance literature and that discussed in Chapters 2 and 6 of this book, which represent the systems engineering community. The fault tolerance community is focused on inferring failures by detecting errors. The notions that are central to this focus are the system’s requirements (or specifications), the boundary between the system and the system’s environment at which the state of the system is defined, and the interface that connects the system to its environment. The fact that a system has objectives, as defined by the stakeholders, and functions (or tasks), as defined by the systems engineers, is not relevant to the fault tolerance community and is therefore not found in their definition of a system. Achieving fault tolerance in a system means using both the designed functions and physical resources of the system to mask all errors (deviations between actual system outputs and required system outputs) from the system’s environment. Fault tolerance can only be achieved for those errors that are observed. The generic system functions associated with fault tolerance are (1) error detection, (2) damage confinement, (3) error recovery, and (4) fault isolation and reporting. The design of physical resources needed for fault tolerance is discussed in the next chapter. Error detection is defining possible errors, deviations in the subset of the system’s state from the desired state, in the design phase before they occur, and establishing a set of functions for checking for the occurrence of each error. Just as with requirements development, defining error checking to be complete, correct, and independent of the design of the system is desirable. Unfortunately, this is not yet possible so error detection will be imperfect. The most frequent error detection involves errors in data, errors in process timing, and physical errors in the system’s components. The most common checks for data



errors include type and range errors. Type checks establish that the data is the right type, for example, Boolean versus integer. Range checks ensure that the value of the data is within a specified range. Knowing the correct values of the data is not possible so type and range checks are approximations of the checking that would be most effective if the truth were known. Semantic and structural checks are also possible on data elements. Semantic checks compare a data element with the state of the rest of the system to determine whether an error has occurred. Structural checks use some form of data redundancy to determine whether the data is internally consistent. A structural check used in coding is to add extra bits to the data bits; these added hits take on values that depend on the values of the data bits. Later these extra bits and the associated data bits can be checked to ensure an appropriate relationship exists; if not, an error is declared. Similarly robust data structures in software use redundancy in the data structures to check for data errors. Timing checks are used in real-time or near-real-time systems. Timing checks assume the existence of a permissible range for the time allotted to some process being performed by the system. A timer is activated within a process to determine whether the completion of the process is within an appropriate range; if not, an error is declared. Hardware systems typically detect timing errors in memory and bus access. Operating systems also use timing checks. Finally physical errors in a component of the system are the province of BIST and will be discussed in the next chapter. Damage confinement is needed in fault tolerance because there is typically a time lag between the occurrence of failure and the detection of the associated error. During this time lag the failure or the implications of the failure may have spread to other parts of the system; error recovery activities are dangerous without having knowledge about the extent of damage due to a failure. As soon as the error detection functionality has declared an error, damage confinement functionality must assess the likely spread of the problem and declare the portion of the system contaminated by the failure. The most common approach to damage confinement is to build confinement structures into the system during design. ‘‘Fire walls’’ are designed into the system to limit the spread of failure impacts. With these predesigned fire walls declaring that a failure is limited to a specific area of the system when an error is declared is possible. A more sophisticated approach is to reexamine the flow of data just prior to an error to determine the possible spread of errors due to a failure; this sophisticated approach requires not only that error detection functionality be designed into the system but that functionality to record a time history of data be added so that this information exists when the information is needed. Error recovery functionality attempts to correct the error after the error has been declared and the error’s extent defined. If the error concerns data in the system, backward recovery is typically employed to reset the data elements to values that were recorded and acceptable at some previous time. These values may not be correct in the sense that they are the values the system should have generated. Rather, these values are acceptable in the sense of type, range, and



semantics discussed above in error detection. The purpose of backward recovery is to keep the system from a major failure, not to restore the system to the correct state. As a result, the system’s users are typically notified as part of the error recovery process that a failure occurred and are given the chance to attempt to recover the correct data or restart at an appropriate place to generate the correct data. Forward recovery is an attempt to guess at what the correct values of the data should have been; this is dangerous but sometimes justified in real-time systems where backward recovery and user notification is not possible. Timing errors are handled by ending a process that is taking too long and asserting a nominal or last computed value for the process output. Physical errors are handled by either graceful termination of the system’s activities or switching to redundant (standby) components when they are available. In recovering from physical errors, capturing the last available values of the system’s data structure prior to termination or component switching is critical. Fault isolation and reporting functionality attempts to determine where in the system the fault occurred that caused the failure that generated the error. To isolate faults the components of the system must be providing information about their current status. BIST for a specific component incorporates the functionality to test defined functionality and provide feedback about the results. These types of BIST are common during system start-up and routine operation. The functional architecture must be expanded during the final development of the allocated architecture to include functions for error detection, damage confinement, error recovery, and fault isolation and reporting. In accordance with the fault tolerance community, these functions should be defined for every state variable of the system, which includes the system’s outputs. In addition, including error trapping for many of the inputs to the system is important. Error trapping includes functions for error detection, damage confinement, and error recovery for user inputs; the system must monitor system inputs to detect unacceptable inputs and alert the user that a given input is unacceptable and to reenter a correct input. For example, the system is expecting the user to input a number as part of a menu selection or data entry task. However, the user, due to inattention or typing error, enters a letter instead. Most older software would immediately crash, sometimes crashing the entire computer system. However, more recent, well-designed software will monitor the input for such an error and alert the user that this error has been made and request a new input.

7.7 TRACING REQUIREMENTS TO ELEMENTS OF THE FUNCTIONAL ARCHITECTURE There are two elements of the functional architecture that should have input/ output requirements traced to them: the functions and the external items



(inputs and outputs). Both of these tracings can be accomplished in systems engineering tools such as CORE. All elements of the set of input/output requirements should be traced to appropriate functions that have been defined in the functional decomposition. Tracing input requirements and output requirements to functions should be done throughout the functional decomposition as is shown in Figure 7.13; this tracing is guided explicitly by the association of inputs and outputs with functions in the functional architecture. For example, since ‘‘calls (requests) for up and down service’’ is an input of ‘‘Support Waiting Passengers,’’ all of the requirements related to this input should be traced to the function ‘‘Support Waiting Passengers’’ and that function’s predecessors in the functional decomposition. Similarly, external interface requirements should be traced to the function that is associated with receiving the input or sending or output, respectively. For example, the phone line (external interface) transmits and receives items that are associated with the function ‘‘Support Passengers in Emergency’’; therefore the external interface requirement to use a phone line to communicate via the building with maintenance personnel should be traced to this function. Each external interface requirement should also be traced to the predecessors of this function. Finally, all of the functional requirements should be traced to the top-level system function. As discussed in Chapter 6 a preferred convention for the functional requirements is to list the functions in the top-level functional decomposition that define the system function. This tracing of input/output requirements to functions is illustrated in Figure 7.14 for a sample of functions and requirements from the elevator case study, which can be downloaded from The logic for tracing input/output requirements to functions is as follows. The ultimate product of the systems engineering team is a set of specifications for each CI. Intermediate products are specifications for the intermediate components that comprise the system and are built from the CIs. Each of these specifications will contain requirements that are derived from the system-level requirements that are derived from the stakeholders’ requirements. In addition, each of these specifications will contain a functional architecture that is relevant to the component or CI of interest. This functional architecture for a component or CI will be a subset of the system’s functional architecture and will contain input/output requirements traced to these functions at the system level. These input/output requirements should be contained in the specification. Tracing system input/output requirements to functions is a method for ensuring that the appropriate input/output requirements are contained in each specification that has to be developed during the design process. In addition, tracing input/output requirements to functions serve as a consistency check. Does each function have requirements traced to it for each input and output? Is each input/output requirement traced to at least one function? The input and output requirements are also traced to the external item elements. This tracing is made explicit in the set of input and output









The elevator system shall provide adequate illumination.



The elevator system shall open and close automatically upon arrival at each selected floor.

Output Requirements


The elevator system shall control elevator cars efficiently.

Functional Requirement

Tracing a sample of input/output requirements to a sample of functions.

0 Provide Elevator Services 1 Accept Passenger Requests + Provide Feedback 1.1 Support Waiting Passengers 1.2 Support Riding Passengers 1.3 Support Passengers in Emergency 2 Control Elevator Cars 3 Move Passengers between Floors 3.1 Receive + Discharge Passengers 3.2 Travel toNext Stop 3.3 Provide Comfortable Atmosphere 4 Enable Effective Maintenance and Servicing


The elevator system shall receive passenger activated fire alarms in each elevator car.

The elevator system shall receive calls for up and down service from all floors of the building.

Input Requirements

Input/Output Requirements (A Sample)



The elevator system shall use a phone line from the building for emergency calls.

External Interface Requirement



requirements for the operational phase of the elevator, as shown in Appendix B. The rationale for tracing the input and output requirements to external items is that the external interfaces need to satisfy these requirements. The internal items of the functional architecture will also have the relevant input and output requirements traced to them later in the design phase so that the internal interfaces of the system will have derived requirements that they must meet. This tracing can provide a valuable consistency check: Does each item have at least one requirement traced to it? Also, does each requirement trace to some item? If either of these questions is negative for any requirement or item, there has been a breakdown in the requirements development process. Finally, an item will be ‘‘carried by’’ a link, which ‘‘comprises’’ an interface. The item will have one or more input/output requirements traced to it. In addition, the link will ultimately have derived system-wide requirements traced to it. The interface specifications will be built from the requirements that are traced to the items being carried by the links comprising the interface as well as the systemwide requirements that ultimately are traced to the interface.



The functional architecture of a system, as defined in this chapter, contains a hierarchical model of the functions performed by the system, the system’s components, and the system’s CIs; the flow of informational and physical items from outside the system through the system’s functions and on to the waiting external systems being serviced by the system; and a tracing of input/output requirements to both the system’s functions and items. This chapter introduces quite a few terms that are key to understanding and developing a functional architecture. A system mode is an operational capability of the system that contains either full or partial functionality. A state is a modeling description of the status of the system at a moment in time. A function is an activity that the system performs in order to transform an ntuple of inputs into an m-tuple of outputs. These concepts are key to the development of a functional architecture. The system’s modes and functions should be part of the functional architecture, while the system’s state should be definable by a set of parameters in any operational mode while performing any set of functions. The parameters that comprise this state may vary based on the operational mode and the functions being performed. Other key terms addressed in this chapter include failure, error, and fault. Failure is a deviation between the system’s behavior and the system’s requirements. An error is a problem with the state of the system that may lead to a failure. A fault is a defect in the system that can cause an error. To achieve the desired level of fault tolerance, the system must perform the functions of error detection, damage confinement, error recovery, and fault isolation and reporting. A method for developing a functional architecture was defined in this chapter. Defining the functional architecture is not easy and is a modeling



process that the engineer of a system must learn. The modeling process uses a combination of decomposition and composition. The concepts of feedback and control are critical to defining the system’s functions. The engineering of a system has to rely upon more than the physical design of the system. The functions or activities that the system has to perform are a critical element of the design process and the design of these functions needs to be given an equal importance to the physical design by the engineers. The designs of functions and physical resources for the system are not independent; they must both be done, usually in parallel.

PROBLEMS 7.1 What are the operating modes of your car’s stereo system? 7.2 For the ATM of the Money Mart Corporation: i. As part of the systems engineering development team, use IDEF0 to develop a functional architecture. The functional architecture should address all of the functions associated with the ATM. This functional architecture should be at least two levels deep and should be four levels deep in at least one functional area that is most complex. Note that you will be graded on your adherence to proper IDEF0 semantics and syntax, as well as the substance of your work. ii. Pick three scenarios from the operational concept and describe how these scenarios can be realized within your functional architecture by tracing functionality paths through the functional architecture. Start with the external input(s) relevant to each scenario and show how each input(s) is(are) transformed by tracing from function to function at various levels of the functional decomposition, until the scenario’s output(s) is(are) produced. Highlight with three different colored pens (one color for each scenario) the thread of functionality associated with each of these three scenarios. If your functional architecture is inadequate, make the appropriate changes to your functional architecture. iii. As part of the systems engineering development team for the ATM, update your requirements document to reflect any insights into requirements that you obtained by creating a functional architecture. That is, if you added, deleted, or modified any input, controls, or outputs for the system, modify your input/output requirements. Also update your external systems diagram if any changes are needed. 7.3 For the OnStar system of Cadillac: i. As part of the systems engineering development team, use IDEF0 to develop a functional architecture. The functional architecture should address all of the functions associated with OnStar. This functional



architecture should be at least two levels deep and should be four levels deep in at least one functional area that is most complex. Note that you will be graded on your adherence to proper IDEF0 semantics and syntax, as well as the substance of your work. ii. Pick three scenarios from the operational concept and describe how these scenarios can be realized within your functional architecture by tracing functionality paths through the functional architecture. Start with the external input(s) relevant to each scenario and show how each input(s) is(are) transformed by tracing from function to function at various levels of the functional decomposition, until the scenario’s output(s) is(are) produced. Highlight with three different colored pens (one color for each scenario) the thread of functionality associated with each of these three scenarios. iii. If your functional architecture is inadequate, make the appropriate changes to your functional architecture. iv. As part of the systems engineering development team for OnStar, update your requirements document to reflect any insights into requirements that you obtained by creating a functional architecture. That is, if you added, deleted, or modified any input, controls, or outputs for the system, modify your input/output requirements. Also update your external systems diagram if any changes are needed. 7.4 For the development system for an air bag system: i. As part of the systems engineering development team, use IDEF0 to develop a functional architecture. The functional architecture should address all of the functions associated with the development system for an air bag. This functional architecture should be at least two levels deep and should be four levels deep in at least one functional area that is most complex. Note that you will be graded on your adherence to proper IDEF0 semantics and syntax, as well as the substance of your work. ii. Pick three scenarios from the operational concept and describe how these scenarios can he realized within your functional architecture by tracing functionality paths through the functional architecture. Start with the external input(s) relevant to each scenario and show how each input(s) is(are) transformed by tracing from function to function at various levels of the functional decomposition, until the scenario’s output(s) is(are) produced. Highlight with three different colored pens (one color for each scenario) the thread of functionality associated with each of these three scenarios. If your functional architecture is inadequate, make the appropriate changes to your functional architecture. iii. As part of the systems engineering development team for the development system for an air bag, update your requirements document to reflect any insights into requirements that you obtained by creating a



functional architecture. That is, if you added, deleted, or modified any input, controls, or outputs for the system, modify your input/output requirements. Also update your external systems diagram if any changes are needed. 7.5 For the manufacturing system for an air bag system: i. As part of the systems engineering development team, use IDEF0 to develop a functional architecture. The functional architecture should address all of the functions associated with the manufacturing system for an air bag. This functional architecture should be at least two levels deep and should be four levels deep in at least one functional area that is most complex. Note that you will be graded on your adherence to proper IDEF0 semantics and syntax, as well as the substance of your work. ii. Pick three scenarios from the operational concept and describe how these scenarios can be realized within your functional architecture by tracing functionality paths through the functional architecture. Start with the external input(s) relevant to each scenario and show how each input(s) is(are) transformed by tracing from function to function at various levels of the functional decomposition, until the scenario’s output(s) is(are) produced. Highlight with three different colored pens (one color for each scenario) the thread of functionality associated with each of these three scenarios. If your functional architecture is inadequate, make the appropriate changes to your functional architecture. iii. As part of the systems engineering development team for the manufacturing system for an air bag, update your requirements document to reflect any insights into requirements that you obtained by creating a functional architecture. That is, if you added, deleted, or modified any input, controls, or outputs for the system, modify your input/output requirements. Also update your external systems diagram if any changes are needed.



Physical Architecture Development



The physical architecture of a system is a hierarchical description of the resources that comprise the system. This hierarchy begins with the system and the system’s top-level components and progresses down to the configuration items (CIs) that comprise each intermediate component. The CIs can be hardware or software elements or combinations of hardware and software, people, facilities, procedures, and documents (e.g., user’s manuals). Section 8.2 introduces the distinction between a generic and instantiated physical architecture. The generic physical architecture defines the hierarchy in general terms, for example, two processors with associated software, a person, and a building. The instantiated physical architecture lays out the specifics of the processors, software, person, and building in enough detail to permit performance modeling of the system related to the requirements being addressed. The intent of systems engineers should not be to design these components but rather to state representative instantiations for the generic components that are sufficient to model the performance of the system and ensure that the requirements decomposition process makes sense. Section 8.3 defines a method for developing alternatives for the generic and instantiated physical architectures of the system. The development process proposed here emphasizes multiple alternatives, especially for the instantiated physical architecture, based on the supposition that the design process is quite difficult for even moderate extensions of existing systems. The following quote The Engineering Design of Systems: Models and Methods, Second Edition. By Dennis M. Buede Copyright r 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.





by Guindon [1990, p. 308] expresses the importance of this approach: System design often involves novelty. Even though the designer may be thor oughly familiar with the design process itself, there may not be any precedent in the literature for the system to be designed. It may be a new technology. More frequently, the system may simply involve some novelty in an otherwise well understood problem. The novelty may range from a novel combination of requirements for a familiar type of system in a familiar problem domain. As a consequence, there is often no predetermined solution path from the requirements to the finished artifact [Newell, 1969; Nii, 1986; Reitman, 1965; Rittel, 1972; Simon, 1973]. Thus system design frequently requires the creation of new solutions interleaved with the application of known solutions.

Section 8.4 introduces some creativity techniques to aid in the development of the alternate physical architectures. The morphological box is the primary technique employed and illustrated in this chapter. The morphological box dates back to the 1940s and breaks a system into segments as defined by the generic physical architecture; it then provides for the listing of alternate instantiated physical components for each segment. Other techniques that have been proposed and utilized are classified as either brainstorming or brainwriting and are also discussed. See West [2007]. Selecting one or more instantiated components from each component produces an alternative for an instantiated physical architecture for the system. Engineers commonly resort to describing the system’s architecture in a nonmathematics-based graphical format. Block diagrams, the commonly used and non-standardized graphical format, are presented in Section 8.5 to represent the physical coupling of the system’s components. A block diagram provides a box or block for each component. The links between the blocks represent the major flows of energy or information between the components represented by the blocks. Section 8.6 addresses major issues and associated concepts in the development of a physical architecture. The concepts of centralized and decentralized, distributed, and client–server architectures are discussed and illustrated. Also redundancies in hardware, software, information, and time are discussed as ways to achieve fault tolerance via the physical architecture. The exit criterion for the development of the physical architecture is the provision of a single physical architecture that is satisfactory in terms of detail, quantity, and quality for development of the allocated architecture. This satisfaction of detail, quantity, and quality is typically preceded by the creation of several alternate physical architectures for consideration during the development and refinement of the allocated architecture. 8.2


The physical architecture provides resources for every function identified in the functional architecture. Since every phase of the life cycle is addressed in the



requirements and is being addressed in the functional architectures, there must be a physical architecture for each system associated with the system’s life cycle. Recall the sample physical architecture from Chapter 1 (repeated here as Figure 8.1). Note that this physical architecture includes the vehicle, the support resources for the vehicle during the operational and maintenance phases, and the training resources, which may be training for the operational phase or the training phase. Also, note that even at the third level of the physical architecture, the components are combinations of hardware, software, and other devices. Military standard MIL-STD-881B [1993] contains a Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) for Defense Material Items. The WBS is often very similar to the physical architecture because the work is organized along the lines of the resources that require development or procurement. For an aircraft system there are 10 elements that partition the system, as shown in the first column of Table 8.1. These elements span six of the seven life-cycle phases (shown in the second column) defined in Chapter 1. The only phase that is absent from this list is retirement, the commonly forgotten phase. In the same military standard, 17 resource categories, shown in Table 8.2, are defined as a partition of the generic air vehicle. These lists or partitions of the resources for the physical architecture are most useful as memory joggers. For some aircraft, some of these elements are not relevant; for example, airlift aircraft do not need armament or antisubmarine warfare. More importantly, as technology advances some of these elements are outdated. With the advent and advance of distributed computing, the central computer element is not relevant or misleading. In addition, at this level of the physical architecture it is often too early to separate hardware and software. Common resource categories for an aircraft have been described in Figure 8.1 and Tables 8.1 and 8.2. The resource categories for the elevator’s physical architecture from the case study, which can be downloaded from F-22 Weapon System


Avionics Systems

Utilities & Subsystems

Electronic Warfare

co*ckpit Systems

Vehicle Management System

Controls & Displays

Navigation, Identification





Inertial Reference System Stores Management

FIGURE 8.1 Sample physical architecture (F 22 Type A Spec) (from Reed [1993]).




TABLE 8.1 WBS Elements and Related Life Cycle Phases WBS Elements Air vehicle Systems engineering/Program management System test and evaluation Training Data Peculiar support equipment Common support equipment Operational/site activation Industrial facilities Initial spares and repair parts

Life Cycle Phase Operational Development Development Training Manufacturing and Refinement Operational Operational Deployment Manufacturing Operational, are shown in Figure 8.2. All of these resource categories are examples of a generic physical architecture. A generic physical architecture is a description of the partitioned elements of the physical architecture without any specification of the performance characteristics of the physical resources that comprise each element (e.g., central processing unit). An instantiated physical architecture is a generic physical architecture to which complete definitions of the performance characteristics of the resources have been added. An instantiated physical architecture for the elevator system would be specific about the call announcement component (e.g., liquid crystal lights), destination control (e.g., push buttons), and the like. One element that is left out of most physical architectures is the set of procedures that are developed for the users of the system to follow. These procedures are explicit operating, maintenance, or support instructions provided in the font of a user’s or operator’s manual. These manuals usually accompany the system when the system is delivered. These procedures are the focus of attention during the training that is delivered to the users, maintainers,

TABLE 8.2 Resource Categories for a Generic Air Vehicle

Airframe Propulsion Air vehicle application software Air vehicle system software Communications/Identification Navigation/Guidance Central computer Fire control Data display and controls

Survivability Reconnaissance Automatic flight control Central integrated checkout Antisubmarine warfare Armament Weapons delivery Auxiliary equipment



Elevator System Passenger Interface Component Elevator Call Announcement Component Car Control Component

Destination Control Component Door Control Component

Emergency Component

Phone Component

Elevator Car/Shaft Component

Car Component

Cab Component

Interior Door Component

Ventilation & Lighting Component

Control Component

Shaft Structural Component

Exit Component & Controls

Maintenance & Self-Test Component

Hardware Component Software Component

Shaft Switch Component

Floor Stop Component

Leveling Component

Drive/Brake Component

Normal Drive/Brake Component Emergency Braking Component

FIGURE 8.2 Generic physical architecture from the elevator case study.

or supporters of the system. Systems engineers should not forget or ignore this element of the system’s physical architecture, as was done with the initial air bag system that was described as a case study in Chapter 6. After the serious, and often deadly, effects on children and small adults were noticed, a series of procedures for the placement (or lack thereof) of children and small adults in the front seat were released. Common practice in the development of a system is to accommodate problem issues identified during qualification of the system (see Chapter 10) by amending and expanding the procedures defining how the system will be used. Procedures such as these represent the way in which the system’s functionality moves from the system under development to the users.






The definition of the physical architecture, as described here, is done one level of the tree at a time. Our approach here is a top-down process. There are many systems engineers that have successfully used a bottom-up design process for the physical part of the system (just as we described the bottom-up approach in the previous chapter for the functional architecture). Experience and creativity are critical for this part of the engineering process. While experience is a must; do not underestimate the importance of creativity. There are many possible decompositions of the process ‘‘Design System Physical Architecture.’’ The one chosen here (Figure 8.3, taken from Appendix B) emphasizes the concepts of generic and instantiated physical architectures. A second justification of this decomposition is the belief that the allocated architecture development is predicated on having a variety of interesting physical architectures to match with the functional architecture. Therefore, the primary product of this function for designing the physical architecture is a reasonable number of interesting physical architectures that can be combined with the functional architecture and evaluated to determine their effectiveness in meeting the objectives established in the requirements. The structure of the generic physical architecture is first selected while working in parallel with the development of the functional architecture. As discussed in Chapter 7 and elaborated on in Chapter 9, there are great advantages in defining the internal interfaces of the system to have the functional and physical architectures match; that is, enable a one-to-one and onto allocation of functions to components. See Figure 8.4 to review the distinctions between a relation and a function, and the additional restrictions for a function that is one-to-one and onto. While there are many advantages to a one-to-one and onto mapping of functions and components, this may not always be possible and should not be forced. First, a generic physical architecture must be developed. The generic physical architecture provides common designators for physical resources in a hierarchical decomposition that partitions the system into greater and greater detail. Although this generic physical architecture has no substance in the sense of specific physical items, this structure is still very important. Some instantiated physical architectures can be eliminated from consideration just on the basis of the division of the system into components. Therefore serious thought and creativity should be devoted to this initial task. The second function in the decomposition addresses the creation of a morphological box to assist in generating a set of creative instantiated architectures to analyze during the development of the allocated architecture. A morphological box is a matrix in which the columns (or rows) represent the components in the generic physical architecture. The boxes in a given column (or row) then represent alternate choices for fulfilling that generic component. Each option should have well-defined performance (and cost) characteristics. Section 1 describes the morphological box in more detail and provides several examples.




Physical Architecture Changes

System-level Operational Concept

GMU Systems Engineering Program



Design System Physical Architecture

Morphological Box


Generate a Morphological Box for Alternate Instantiated Physical Architecture




Select Alternate Instantiated Physical Architecture


Stakeholders’ & System Requirements, Objectives Hierarchy, Boundary & Qualification System Requirements

DATE: 05/24/99 REV:

FIGURE 8.3 Development process for the physical architecture.


Generic Physical Architecture


Brainstorm and Select a Generic Physical Architecture

System-level Functional Architecture

NOTES: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

AUTHOR: Dennis Buede PROJECT: Engineering Design of a System

P. 8

Candidate Physical Architectures

System-level Physical Architecture

Candidate Generic Physical Architectures



Functions f1


Components c1

c2 f3



Functions f1



f4 f5

Relation for the allocation of functions to components






f3 f4


Function for the allocation of functions to components









c3 c4


c3 c4



One-to-one and onto function for the allocation of functions to components

FIGURE 8.4 Need for a one to one and onto functional allocation of functions to components.

The third function in this decomposition uses the morphological box to aid in the selection of as many alternate instantiated physical architectures as are needed to feed the process of selecting an allocated architecture. An alternative instantiated physical architecture would be the selection of an option from each of the generic components in the morphological box. Examples of the morphological box are provided in the following sections. The functional decomposition shown in Figure 8.3 suggests that the three functions are performed in a serial fashion, which is true with the following caveat: The changes to the physical architecture that are sent from the development of the allocated architecture trigger the repetition of these three functions. Each repetition could cause changes to the generic physical architecture, modifications to the morphological box due to the changed generic architecture or other changes dictated by the allocated architecture, and a reselection of alternate instantiated physical architectures.



Initially creating more choices than are useful to consider in a detailed analysis process is wise. This generation of excess alternatives means there is a greater



chance that the best choices are being considered in the final analysis. There are many possible creativity enhancing techniques that have been used by engineers to develop new and interesting solutions to old and new problems. This section begins by focusing on one technique, the morphological box, that has proven useful a number of times. Then a larger review of techniques is provided. 8.4.1

Morphological Box

Originally proposed by Zwicky [1969] during World War II and then expanded by Allen [1962], morphological analysis (more commonly known in some disciplines as morphological box) divides a problem into segments and posits several solutions for each segment. In the two-dimensional version, a table is created with columns (or sometimes rows) pertaining to the generic components of the physical architecture. Then the elements of each column are filled with competing specific instantiations of each component. The instantiations in a given column need not fit together; in fact, each column corresponds to a section of a cafeteria (e.g., salads, vegetables, meat, deserts). A meal would then consist of a selection from each section of the cafeteria. A system’s instantiated physical architecture, analogously, is a selection of one box from each column (generic component) of the morphological box. As part of the morphological analysis, each instantiation (one from each column) will be based upon a subset of the system’s objectives. For example, one subset of objectives might be low cost; another, high-speed performance; and a third, high usability. Each of these instantiations is, in fact, a theme for the design of the system. Table 8.3 presents a morphological box (generic components and choices) for a hammer. This morphological box contains five generic components of a hammer: the length of the handle, the material that the handle is made of, the size and surface of the head of the hammer used for striking, the weight or density of the hammer head, and the angle associated with the head of the hammer used for removing nails. Any hammer is one cell from each of the five columns. For example, one hammer design is obtained by taking the top cell of each column: 8-inch handle made of Fiberglass with a rubber grip using a 1 inch diameter flat steel head that weighs 12 ounces and has a steel claw that is nearly perpendicular to the handle. There are 2 5 4 4 2 = 320 different possible hammers defined in this table, assuming none of the combinations are infeasible. Yet when you go to the hardware store, there may be only a dozen choices. For real systems there are usually millions of possible combinations. Yet many design teams only consider one or two in any detail, making it very likely that they are missing several creative, high-quality designs. The big advantage of the morphological box is that it forces the design team to recognize that there are many possible solutions to the design problem. The conversation about what design alternative best satisfies the requirements follows naturally. While the morphological box is a simple concept, there are a number of subtle issues that need to be addressed. First and obviously, there should be at




TABLE 8.3 Morphological Box for a Hammer Handle Size

Handle Material

Striking Element

Weight of Hammer Head

8 inches

Fiberglass with rubber grip

1 inch diameter flat steel

12 oz.

22 inches

Graphite with rubber grip

1 inch diameter grooved steel 1.25 inch diameter flat steel 1.25 inch diameter grooved steel

16 oz.

Steel with rubber grip Steel I beam encased in plastic with rubber grip Wood

Nail Removal Element Steel claw at nearly a straight angle Steel claw at a 60 degree angle with handle

20 oz.

24 oz.

least one column in the morphological box for each generic component in the physical architecture. There are certainly situations in which one of the generic components may have two or more columns associated with the generic component; these would be the decomposed generic components of the higher level component. Second, there is no requirement that each generic component have the same number of options. Clearly, there is value to having at least two choices for any generic component; otherwise that particular generic component has been fixed. Using some of the brainstorming or brainwriting techniques to be discussed in Section 8.4.2 is common to develop additional alternatives (boxes) for each generic component (column of the morphological box). There is great advantage to generating a creative set of choices for any generic component, even if some of the choices are never selected in the final set of alternate instantiated physical architectures. In addition, there are situations in which it is wise to permit more than one choice from a generic component to be selected for a single instantiated physical architecture. This possibility of selecting several choices in a single generic component for a single instantiated physical architecture usually does not make sense for a central component in the architecture. However, there are often generic components associated with the ‘‘bells and whistles’’ of the system. An example would be the list of peripherals that can be added to a computer or an automobile. There is some efficiency to group all of these under one generic component for the system rather than have a generic component for each of the possible peripherals. Figure 8.5 provides another example of a morphological box; this example describes alternate designs for an automobile navigation support system. A



Direction Support



Regular Cell Phone

Other System Interfaces

Map & Database


Map, Database, Routing Algorithm

Direction Sensor

Vehicle’s Processor

Special Cell Phone


Staffed Control Center

Electro Gyros

32-bit Processor

4” LCD


Portable PC (486+)

6” LCD

Car Door Locks

6” LCD & Touch Screen

Emergency Signal

Automated Control Center


User I/O

GPS Transponder Full GPS Support

Acura Navigation System

Cadillac’s OnStar

Button & Key Panel

BMW Navigation System

Lincoln’s RESCU

Joy Stick

Oldsmobile Guidestar



Air Bag

Control Knob Voice Output

FIGURE 8.5 Morphological box for automobile navigation support system.

number of automakers are providing such navigation support systems as peripherals (or extras) now. In addition, a number of peripheral companies are providing such navigation support systems that can be added to any automobile. In general, these navigation support systems provide the driver and passengers with information about where they are on the highway and how to get where they want to go. However, there are extras that can be provided as shown in the last column, ‘‘Other System Interfaces.’’ These extras include the ability to have the car doors unlocked when the owner has locked him/herself out, notify the police or emergency service if the air bag deploys, and activate the lights and horn externally if the driver has lost the car in a parking lot. Selecting more than one option in the second to last column is also possible; this column represents the generic component associated with the user interface for the navigation support system. The selection of multiple boxes is also common for user interface generic components. There is one major caution that must be provided in the development of a morphological box. The system concept has to be narrowed down to some degree before it is possible to define a single morphological box. For example, if the system is a substantial computer system, a morphological box cannot be defined before an architecture for the computer system has been selected. For example, suppose the alternate computer system architectures were a client–server, a




mainframe, or a distributed processing architecture connected via several local area networks (LANs). The generic components that are applicable to a client– server architecture may not be consistent with those generic components for a mainframe system or a distributed network. Therefore the design process should narrow the computer system architecture down to a client–server or mainframe before developing a morphological box. Once a reasonable number of possible choices for each component of the physical architecture have been identified, identifying infeasible combinations may be wise. Friend and Hickling [1987] have defined a graphical representation to highlight pairwise infeasible choices across two generic components. Each generic component is shown as a circular node in a graph. The specific choices for a generic component are shown as pie-shaped wedges in the relevant generic component’s node. An infeasible combination of choices from two distinct generic components is shown as a line between those options. Pairwise examples of infeasible combinations are shown in Figure 8.6 for the morphological box of the hammer shown in Table 8.3. In this hypothetical example the line segment from angled nail removal feature to 22-inch handle denotes an infeasible combination; an angled nail removal claw cannot be placed on a 22-inch handle because too much stress would be focused at the intersection of the handle and hammer’s head. The second line segment shown between the 22-inch handle and a wood handle eliminates the ability of the user

Handle Length

Striking Feature

8 inches Nail Removal Feature

22 inches

1 inch grooved 1.25 inch grooved

1 inch flat


1.25 inch flat

Straight 12 Oz. Wood Steel I-beam


24 Oz.

16 Oz.

Steel 20 Oz. Graphite Weight of Hammer Head

Handle Material

FIGURE 8.6 Pairwise infeasible combinations.



to apply too much force for the wood handle to absorb. These two line segments reduce the total number of choices from 320 to 224; the 8-inch handle still retains 160 possible combinations, but the 22-inch handle only has 64 possible combinations — any of the four striking surfaces with any of the four weights with the one nail removal generic component with four of the five possible handle material generic components.


Option Creation Techniques

VanGundy [1988] is an excellent source of brainstorming techniques and has produced a typology of techniques involving brainwriting or brainstorming; see Table 8.4. Brainstorming is the generation of ideas via verbal interaction. Brainwriting is a silent, writing process. VanGundy claims: Brainstorming, for example, is most useful when there is only a small group of individuals, time is plentiful, status differences among group members are minimal, and a need exists to verbally discuss ideas with others. Brainwriting, on the other hand, is most useful for very large groups, when there is little time available, status differences need to be equalized, and there is no need for verbal interaction. In addition, brainwriting often will produce more ideas than brain storming, although the uniqueness and quality of these ideas might or might not be superior to those produced by brainstorming. [VanGundy, 1988, p. 75].

A common characteristic, called deferred judgment, of brainstorming and brainwriting exercises is that the individual or group operates in an evaluationfree period where criticism and discussion in general is prohibited. The logic for this freethinking period is that even the most preposterous idea may stimulate the generation of a really superior idea. A second principle is that the more ideas generated the better the chance of finding a high-quality solution. Several techniques discussed below are analogy, people involved, attribute listing, collective notebook, brainwriting game, and brainwriting pool. Analogies are often used in systems engineering because building upon our experiences with previous systems has a great deal of creative power. An example of an analogy would be to use the 17 elements of the generic aircraft in Table 8.2 to develop a physical architecture of an automobile, an air traffic control system, or an elevator system. Using the physical architecture from a system recently developed as an analogy for a new generation product is another example of analogic reasoning. The use of analogies for generating ideas is by far the most common, efficient, and highly recommended; however, left unchecked analogic reasoning can produce the most disastrous results. Examining the system’s physical architecture in light of the stakeholders (people involved) affected by the use and maintenance of the system can be useful in defining the physical architecture for the operational phase. Remember though that the entire life cycle of the system must be addressed, so there




TABLE 8.4 VanGundy’s Typology of Brainwriting and Brainstorming Brainwriting and Brainstorming Categories Brainwriting I an individual works alone to create a list of ideas. Brainwriting II a group of individuals separated in space generates ideas separately and the ideas are collected but not shared Brainwriting III a group of individuals separated in space generates ideas separately, the ideas are shared and additional ideas are generated Brainwriting IV a group of individuals working in the same room generates ideas separately and the ideas are collected but not shared and no discussion takes place Brainwriting V a group of individuals working in the same room generates ideas separately; all of the ideas are shared but none are discussed; additional ideas are generated Brainstorming I a group of individuals generates ideas via verbal discussion, no defined procedure is used Brainstorming II a group of individuals generates ideas via verbal discussion within the bounds of pre defined procedures Brainwriting/Brainstorming I a group of individuals generates ideas via predefined written and verbal procedures

Examples Analogy, Attribute Listing, People Involved Collective Notebook

Delphi Method

Nominal Group Technique

Brainwriting Pool

Unstructured Group Discussion Classical Brainstorming

Brainwriting Game

will be physical architectures for the manufacturing, deployment, and training phases as well. Attribute listing dates back to the 1930s and is based on the concept that physical architectures can all be traced to modifications of previous architectures. Once the requirements and objectives of the system have been developed and a generic physical architecture has been created, the individual defines a feasible (or nearly feasible) instantiation of the generic physical architecture. Then without detailed evaluation, she systematically modifies the characteristics of the instantiated physical architecture with key objectives of the system in mind. For example, VanGundy provides the following example for a hammer: To develop a better hammer, for example, the following parts could be listed: (1) straight, wooden, varnished handle; (2) metal head with round striking surface on one end and a claw on the other; and (3) metal wedge in the top of the handle to secure the head to the handle. Of these parts, the basic attributes of handle shape/ composition and the metal wedge could be selected for possible modification. The handle could be constructed of fiberglass, wrapped with a shock absorbing



material, and shaped to better fit the human hand; the metal wedge could be modified by replacing it with a synthetic, pressure treated bonding. [VanGundy, 1988, p. 88]

Morphological analysis (sometimes called matrix analysis) results in a morphological box, which is a systematic extension of attribute listing. This topic was discussed in detail with examples above. Haefele [1962] of the Proctor and Gamble Company developed the Collective Notebook. Each participant in this group-oriented technique keeps a notebook of ideas over a relatively long time period to solve a specified problem; Haefele suggested one month. Each participant is to add one idea each day. At the end of idea collection period, each participant reviews her own ideas and selects the best one; ideas needing more research or other good ideas that may relate to other problems are annotated. A coordinator, who collects this summary information and the notebooks, creates a detailed synopsis of the ideas generated that can then be reviewed by the participants. The brainwriting game uses competition among the participants to create the most improbable solution in hopes that this competition will generate the best solution. First, the design problem is presented to the group. Each participant buys a specified number of blank, numbered cards. The participant places her initials on her cards and then writes an idea that she hopes will win the prize for the most improbable solution. All of the cards are then displayed to the entire group. Participants then individually write more practical solutions based upon concepts taken from the cards detailing improbable solutions. After the practical solutions are collected, the group votes on the winner of the most improbable solution. Finally, subgroups are formed that then work on similar, practical solutions. Finally the group selects its best idea(s). The brainwriting pool involves a group of five to eight people. The group leader presents the design problem to the group and each individual begins writing solutions on a piece of paper. As soon as each individual gets four solutions documented, he places his paper in the middle of the table and selects a paper from someone else. He then reviews the ideas on that paper and adds new ideas triggered from reading the list. After placing another few ideas on that paper, he exchanges it for another paper in the middle of the table. This continues for 20 to 30 minutes. The group then reviews the ideas. In addition to the techniques summarized by VanGundy [1988], Altshuller [Arciszewsti, 1985, Terninks et al., 1996] began the development of a theory of inventive problem solving (TRIZ) for product development in Russia in 1946. TRIZ is the result of the analysis of approximately 1.5 million patents from across the world. The problem-solving methods employed in TRIZ include Altshuller’s inventive principles, table for engineering contradiction elimination, standard techniques to eliminate conflicts, standard solutions to inventive problems, and algorithm for inventive problem solving. This material is still largely proprietary and is marketed by a number of consultants and seminar leaders.




An important creativity concept with which to finish draws upon the notions of value-focused thinking [Keeney, 1992], introduced in Chapter 6. This approach is similar to the attribute listing method discussed above. The individual selects one or more important key performance requirements and defines an instantiated physical architecture or choices within a single generic component. Then another single performance requirement or set of performance requirements is selected and used to generate an instantiated architecture or set of choices for a single generic component. After continuing this process for a productive period of time, the results are critiqued and adapted to feasible solutions.



There are many graphical representations of a physical architecture with little standardization. The most common graphical format is called a block diagram. Figure 8.7 illustrates a block diagram for the control system of an aircraft. Each box inside the dotted line defining the control system represents a physical component of the control system. The lines between the boxes indicate the flow of electromechanical energy between the boxes. The boxes outside the dotted line represent other components of the aircraft system. This block diagram shows a decentralized controller structure in which there is a central controller and an actuator controller for each device actuator. Note the feedback loops inside the control component, as well as the feedback loop involving most of the elements of the control component and the actuator devices that are part of the aircraft but outside the aircraft control system. There was no accepted convention for block diagrams prior to SysML, which was introduced in Chapter 3. SysML contains two types of block diagrams: block definition diagrams and internal block diagrams. The block definition diagram (see Figure 3.14) shows the hierarchical decomposition shown in Figure 8.1. The internal block diagram (see Fig. 3.16) presents the information shown in the generic block diagram of Figure 8.7.



The major issues in designing the physical architecture are (1) functional performance, (2) availability and other ‘‘-ilities’’ as achieved through such characteristics as fault tolerance, (3) growth potential and adaptability, and (4) cost. Achieving sufficient functional performance via the development of the physical architecture has been addressed initially in previous sections of this chapter and will be finished in the next chapter during the development of the allocated architecture. Similarly, most of the system-wide (or suitability) factors described in Chapter 6 are often achieved by additional physical resources and associated functionality. Ultimately many of these additional capabilities as



Aircraft Device Sensors

Actuator Controller Crew Command Sensors

Aircraft Devices (e.g., flaps, ailerons)


Crew Command Devices (e.g., throttle, pedals)


Central Controller

Actuator Controller


Aircraft Control Component

FIGURE 8.7 Block diagram of an aircraft control system.

well as cost are issues of trade offs. These trade offs need to be examined during the evaluation of alternate allocated architectures. Achieving substantial fault tolerance is nearly always important for a system. Finally, there are several issues that impact the ability to grow or adapt a system to changes needed by the stakeholders. The elusive issue of design flexibility is often discussed but difficult to achieve in general. Flexibility is related to such topics as modularity, complexity, and loose versus tight coupling. Section 8.6.1 addresses the architectural concepts of centralization versus decentralization and distribution of functions and components. Examples from automated systems are used to illustrate these concepts. Section 8.6.2 discusses some new ideas for design flexibility. Section 8.6.3 focuses on the design issues of a physical architecture associated with increasing fault tolerance and availability through redundancy of physical assets, software assets, information, and time.

CASE STUDY: FBI FINGERPRINT IDENTIFICATION SYSTEM Since the advent of modern information processing technology the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has sought ways to improve and perfect its fingerprint collection, identification, and archival systems. By 1993 the Bureau’s Integrated Automated Fingerprint Identification




System (IAFIS) consisted of three major interactive segments: the Identification Tasking and Networking (ITN/FBI) segment, the Interstate Identification Index (III/FBI) segment, and the Automated Fingerprint Identification System (AFIS/FBI) Segment. In 1993 proposals were solicited from industry to address the ITN/FBI segment. Among the many challenges associated with developing a competitive technical solution was the subset of requirements related to processing the fingerprint images. Fingerprint images arrive at the FBI through several means. The most common is the widely recognized set of impressions made on a paper form known as a ten-print card. Since the majority of cards comply with a standard set of dimensions, it is a straightforward matter to determine the expected size of the binary image file created when the cards are processed by a digital scanner; both the front and the back sides are scanned. The following discussion is concerned with the decompression of the scanned card image, followed by its presentation to an expert fingerprint analyst for classification and identification. The FBI’s request for proposal (RFP) included a detailed specification for the segment and all sub-elements including the ten-print processing subelement (TPS). According to the RFP the TPS would consist of workstations organized into workgroups. Each workgroup would thus be analogous to one of the many FBI teams engaged in fingerprint analysis. Typically a team consists of a supervisor and perhaps a dozen expert fingerprint analysts. The supervisor’s role is to manage the classification and identification of the numerous fingerprint card submissions that the FBI handles on a daily basis. The specification also quantified specific processing requirements for the daily influx of ten-print cards, which at the time of the RFP were given to be an average of 30,000 per day. For example, all incoming cards were required to be scanned and converted to binary data so that they could be distributed electronically to the finger print analysts for subsequent processing. To minimize any impact to the communications infrastructure, the specification required that the images be compressed at a ratio of 10 to 1 prior to transmission over the local area network. Data concerning the processing response time demands on the fingerprint analysts were also included within the RFP. Chief among the critical task processing times are (1) the average time for the analyst to perform a fingerprint image comparison (FIC), given as 60 seconds, and (2) the time allowed for the display of the human-machine interface screen, including fingerprint images, given as 1 second from the time of the request. Thus the average processing time that a fingerprint analyst requires to complete the task associated with an individual ten-print card was taken to be 60 seconds. This meant that the component performing the decompression function needed to be fast enough to sustain an input queue of ready and available images for each fingerprint analyst.



A second complicating fact was the decompression algorithm. At the time the RFP was released, the most popular algorithm available was based upon a high-quality wavelet scalar quantization (WSQ) approach. The popularity was based on common knowledge among the bidders that the National Institute of Science and Technology (NIST) was about to revise the algorithm specification in preparation for a formal certification. Public access to the algorithm specification enabled the competing design teams of the ITN/FBI segment to benchmark an implementation of the WSQ algorithm in order to quantify its processing requirements. In general the implementations were found to be floating-point arithmetic intensive. As a result it was recognized that such execution behavior is well suited to the latest family of high-performance machines known as reduced instruction set computers (RISC). The specific implementation could be either a software routine or a custom-fabricated large-scale integration (LSI) chip impeded into a math coprocessor card. See Figure 8.8 for a flowchart illustrating the six decision options with an associated block diagram for each option. Based upon the data provided in the RFP, performance data collected from benchmarks of competing decompression algorithms, and performance data collected from the manufacturers of the computer hardware proposed to host the algorithms, a trade study was conducted to determine how to best implement the function. The particular study described here analyzed six alternate allocations for decompressing the fingerprint images: a. Implement in software on the workstation within each work group by increasing the TPS workstation processing capacity to enable all decompressions to be performed locally on the individual analysts’ workstation. b. Implement in software on the work group’s server by increasing the TPS servers processing capacity to enable all or some decompression to be performed locally on the TPS server for a given work group. c. Implement in software by distributing the decompression among under-utilized workstations and server processors enterprise-wide, without having to increase the total number of processors or their inherent processing capacity. d. Implement in software by distributing the decompression among under-utilized workstations and server processors on each local network, without having to increase the total number of processors or their inherent processing capacity. e. Implement in hardware on the workstation by adding a WSQ coprocessor card in all TPS workstations to perform the decompressions locally.


Server ? Workstation

Custom LSI Chip On Co-processor Card

Ethernet LAN 100 Mbps

Server Only Workstation Only Server w/ Any Workstation Server w/ Local Workstation


Basic Workstation RISC/6000 Model 22W 32MB RAM 400MB DASD Local SPECint92 20.4 Workgroup SPECfp92 29.1

Enhanced Workgroup Server RISC/6000 Model 970B 512MB RAM 5GB DASD SPECint92 58.8 SPECfp92 108.9

Ethernet LAN 100 Mbps

Enhanced Workgroup Server RISC/6000 Model 970B 512MB RAM Enhanced Workstation 5GB DASD RISC/6000 Model 340 SPECint92 58.8 64MB RAM SPECfp92 108.9 Enterprise 2GB DASD Wide SPECint92 48.1 Workflow SPECfp92 83.3

Server ? Workstation

Workstation Only

Server Only

Hardware Allocation

Software ? Hardware

Software Allocation

Basic Workstation RISC/6000 Model 22W 32MB RAM 400MB DASD SPECint92 20.4 SPECfp92 29.1

Enhanced Workgroup Server RISC/6000 Model 970B 512MB RAM 5GB DASD SPECint92 58.8 Local SPECfp92 108.9 Workgroup Workflow

Ethernet LAN 100 Mbps

Enhanced Workstation RISC/6000 Model 340 64MB RAM 2GB DASD SPECint92 48.1 SPECfp92 83.3

Basic Workgroup Server RISC/6000 Model 570 256MB RAM 2GB DASD SPECint92 48.4 SPECfp92 97.0


Basic Workstation RISC/6000 Model 22W 32MB RAM 400MB DASD Local SPECint92 20.4 Workgroup SPECfp92 29.1

Ethernet LAN 10 Mbps

Basic Workgroup Server Basic Workstation RISC/6000 Model 570 RISC/6000 Model 22W 256MB RAM 32MB RAM 2GB DASD 400MB DASD Enterprise Wide SPECint92 48.4 SPECint92 20.4 Workflow SPECfp92 97.0 SPECfp92 29.1

Ethernet LAN - 100 Mbps

SPECfp92 29.1

Basic Workgroup Server RISC/6000 Model 570 Basic Workstation 256MB RAM RISC/6000 Model 22W 2GB DASD 32MB RAM SPECint92 48.4 FDDI Ring 400MB DASD SPECfp92 97.0 SPECint92 20.4

Ethernet LAN - 100 Mbps

Local Workgroup Workflow

Basic Workgroup Server RISC/6000 Model 570 256MB RAM 2GB DASD SPECint92 48.4 SPECfp92 97.0

Ethernet LAN 10 Mbps

FIGURE 8.8 Flow chart of alternate functional design allocation options with associated block diagrams.

Allocate Algorithm



f. Implement in hardware on the server by adding a WSQ coprocessor hardware card in all TPS servers to perform all or some of the decompressions. The bidder on the basis of a thoughtful process developed the set of six alternatives in Figure 8.8. Table 8.5 shows a morphological box that contains these six options, as well as many other possibilities. The first row shows the generic components that were part of this segment, as shown in Figure 8.8. The second through fourth rows show possible instantiations of the generic components. The six alternatives defined for the trade study shown on the previous page are designated with the letters a, b, c, d, e, and f at the bottom of each box in the matrix. The result of producing this morphological box suggested some new alternatives that would have been competitive with the six analyzed in the trade study; these are shown as g and h in Table 8.5. Provided by Tim Parker


Major Concepts for Physical Architectures

Nearly every physical architecture is either centralized or decentralized. A centralized architecture uses a central location for the execution of the transformation and control functions of the system. A decentralized architecture has multiple, specific locations at which the same or similar transformational or control functions are performed. The block diagram for an aircraft control system in Figure 8.7 shows a decentralized architecture; note that there is a central controller, but the controllers for each of the aircraft’s actuated devices have been decentralized. In the decentralized architecture shown in Figure 8.7, the central controller manages the decentralized device controllers. A centralized architecture would not have the individual device controllers; rather, the centralized controller would perform all of the functions. A distributed architecture is one in which there are two or more autonomous processors connected by a communications interface and running a distributed operating system [Coulouris et al., 1994; Shuey et al., 1997]. The distributed operating system enables the processors to coordinate their actions and share the system’s resources. The processors can perform the same functions, depending upon the needs of the system. Processing control issues for a distributed system are handling the redistribution of processing functions after partial failures; managing moves, changes, and additions to the processing activities; and synchronizing processing activities to meet performance and efficiency objectives. An important distinguishing feature of a distributed system architecture is that the users are unaware of the distribution of processing.


Basic Workstation RISC/ 6000 Model 22W 32MB RAM 400MB DASD SPECint92 20.4 SPECfp92 29.1 (b, c, e, f) (g, h) Enhanced Workstation RISC/6000 Model 340 64MB RAM 2GB DASD SPECint92 48.1 SPECfp92 83.3 (a, d)


Ethernet LAN (100BaseT) – 100 Mbps (b, d, f) (g) Enterprise Wide Workflow (c) (h)

WSQ on LSI Chip (d, e) (g, h)

WSQ Algorithm (a, b, c, d)

FDDI WAN— 100 Mbps (c) (h)

Ethernet LAN (10BaseT)— 10 Mbps (a, e)

Local Workgroup Workflow (a, b, d, e, f) (g)

None (a, b, c, d)

No WSQ Algorithm (e, f) (g, h)

Basic Server RISC/6000 Model 570 256MB RAM 2GB DASD SPECint92 48.4 SPECfp92 97.0 (a, c, e) (g, h) Enhanced Server RISC/6000 Model 970B 512MB RAM 5GB DASD SPECint92 58.8 SPECfp92 108.9 (b, d, f)


Workflow Management

LSI Chip



TABLE 8.5 Morphological Box for the Card Image Decompression Component



A distributed system can be either hom*ogeneous or heterogeneous. The earliest distributed systems were hom*ogeneous, that is, comprised of identical processors, running identical operating system and application software, and connected via a single communications network. Users on a hom*ogeneous distributed system view the system as their processor but obtain the benefits of being able to share data with each other over wide geographic regions. Eventually some processors become much busier than others and the issue of load sharing arises; load sharing distributes computational tasks from one processor to another. Note load sharing is the reallocation of functions to different resources in the physical architecture and is therefore an issue in the allocated architecture. Load sharing causes users to access and share multiple processors and provides increased response times in many cases. Finding the best approach to load sharing is quite complex. Heterogeneous distributed systems have two or more types of processors comprising the processor network, plus operating and application software and one or more communications networks connecting the processors. The Internet is the most common example of a heterogeneous distributed system. Specially designed, heterogeneous distributed systems are, or will, enable medical support in hospitals by both specialists and generalists, financial transactions, fingerprint analysis by both experts and automated assistants, review of tax records by both experts and automated assistants, and analysis of data collected by satellites by a wide variety of researchers. Each architecture shown in Figure 8.8 for the FBI fingerprint identification system case study is a heterogeneous network involving two types of processors, clients and servers. The major reasons that a distributed processing architecture is attractive in designing systems are transparency, openness, scalability, resource allocation, concurrency, and fault tolerance. Transparency means that the users view the distributed system as a complete system, without any knowledge of how the hardware and software components are performing. An open architecture is one for which the hardware and software interfaces are sufficiently well defined so that additional resources can be added to the system with little or no adjustment. Sealability means that multiple-sized versions of the system are available. Resource sharing exists when more than one hardware and software module can be used to execute the same task with no human intervention. A concurrent architecture is one in which multiple tasks are being executed simultaneously. A single processor can perform concurrent operations by interleaving the operations of multiple tasks; however, multiple, distributed processors can clearly perform concurrent operations without any direct knowledge of what the other processors are doing. Finally, fault tolerance is achieved if the distributed system can adjust its operations when one of the hardware or software elements fails. Details for achieving fault tolerance are discussed in Section 8.6.2. A client–server architecture is a software architecture that is superimposed on a distributed system to facilitate processing and management of the system. The client–server architecture distinguishes between client processes




(requestors) and server processes (task completors). Each distributed processor is performing its assigned task; when one processor needs support from another processor, the processor needing support becomes a client and issues a request across the network. The processor that accepts the request becomes the server, responds that it will complete the request, and uses both hardware and software resources to complete the task and send the result to the client. Note this server may have just issued a client request of its own and may be waiting for a response from some other processor. Servers may be set up for database, file, print, fax, mail, communication, and imaging operations. This client–server architecture will be discussed in more detail in Chapter 10.


Design Flexibility

Many engineers talk and write about design flexibility, modularity, loose coupling, complexity and other such topics, but it is usually quite difficult to find nuggets that prove useful in the real world. This section will explore some of these ideas. In Chapter 6 we talked about how much change occurs during the design process and how this change makes success elusive. In addition, most systems are designed to last many years or even decades. The mark of a long-lived system is one that has been upgraded successfully many times. These many upgrades are only possible if the system’s architecture has provided an adaptable platform for such upgrades. The Sidewinder missile of the U.S. Navy and Microsoft’s Windows NT operating system are two examples of architectures have supported dramatic changes over many upgrades, such that the original design is no longer present but the ‘‘architecture’’ remains. So in addition to working hard to keep track of the changes that are occurring in the requirements, we can also design our systems to be more ‘‘changeable’’ in the future. Fricke and Schulz [2005] address this problem by defining four aspects of changeability: flexibility, agility, robustness, and adaptability.

‘‘Robustness characterizes a systems ability to be insensitive towards changing environments. Robust systems deliver their intended functionality under varying operating conditions without being changed (see Taguchi [1993] and Clausing [1994]). That is, no changes from external to be implemented into such systems to cope with changing environments. Flexibility represents the property of a system to be changed easily. Changes from external have to be implemented to cope with changing environments. Agility characterizes a system’s ability to be changed rapidly. Changes from external have to be implemented to cope with changing environments. Adaptability characterizes a system’s ability to adapt itself towards changing environments. Adaptable systems deliver their intended functionality



under varying operating conditions through changing themselves. That is no changes from external have to be implemented into such systems to cope with changing environments.’’ Some examples of each of these should help make the points emphasized by Fricke and Schulz. An all-terrain automobile such as a jeep might be an example of a robust vehicle; it can travel reasonably well on many different surfaces. If this all-terrain vehicle can also have a cloth top that can removed and stored, this adds to its robustness. A flexible system is one that can interface easily with many other types of systems, each of which might be changing. For example, laptop computers with many USB ports in the 2007 time frame can interact with nearly all printers, projectors, and control devices. The peripherals or other systems that can plug into the USB ports still have to be changed as the environment changes, but the core computer does not need to change for these reasons. Flexibility is important for future upgrades. An agile system is designed to be changed rapidly. Here a race car comes to mind. Race cars have to be modified dramatically to run well on different race tracks from one week to the next. A great deal of money is spent on the design to facilitate these rapid changes. Adaptable man-made systems are being designed but with some limitations. Microsoft has designed its operating and office products to learn and adapt to different users so as to facilitate the performance of these different users. While this has been the goal at Microsoft, many feel (including this author) that their efforts are far from successful. Fricke and Schulz [2005] describe three basic design principles that support all four types of design for changeability and six extending design principles, each of which supports a subset of the types of design for changeability. The three basic principles are ideality/simplicity, independence, and modularity/ encapsulation. The six extending principles are integrability, autonomy, scalability, non-hierarchical integration, decentralization, and redundancy. Aspects of decentralization were discussed above. This next section addresses redundancy for fault tolerance, a form of adaptability. 8.6.3

Use of Redundancy to Achieve Fault Tolerance

Fault tolerance was discussed in Chapter 7 from the perspective of functions that need to be performed to detect errors, confine the damage, recover from the damage, isolate the damage, and report the problem. Design issues associated with the physical architecture are just as important in achieving fault tolerance. A primary source of high availability and fault tolerance is redundancy. Often hardware redundancy receives most of the attention. However, Johnson [1989] identified four elements of redundancy: hardware, software, information, and time. Hardware redundancy uses extra hardware to enable the detection of errors as well as to provide additional operational hardware components after errors have occurred. This hardware redundancy can be implemented in passive, active, and hybrid forms.




Passive hardware redundancy masks or hides the occurrence of errors rather than detecting them; recovery is achieved by having extra hardware available when needed. The rest of the system and its operators are commonly not even aware that an error has occurred. This approach only works as long as there are sufficient hardware replicas to continue to mask errors. The most common passive implementation is called triple modular redundancy (TMR) and relies on a majority voting scheme to mask an error in one of the three hardware units. Figure 8.9 (top left) shows TMR; unfortunately the single ‘‘voter’’ element is a single point of failure in this system. Therefore TMR is often implemented as triplicated TMR (Fig. 8.9 bottom right). Triplicated TMR implements three voters and produces three versions of the output, which are usually sent to another module that has been implemented as triplicated TMR. Naturally, there is nothing magical about three; N-modular redundancy (NMR) is the generalization of TMR. TMR can mask a single error; 5-MR can mask two errors, etc. Voting is a common conflict resolution technique used inside a computer, as well as with groups of people. However, implementing voting inside a system has some unexpected difficulties. Issues in voting implementation are establishing the time at which the computation was done, the precision of numbers achievable in a digital computer, and the need to produce a single answer eventually. Timing of the computations is critical because the hardware and software components producing inputs to the voter may be performing repetitive computations on a data stream and be out of synchronization. For repetitive operations there must be some synchronization mechanism involved to ensure that the vote is being taken on computations from the same samples of data stream of inputs. The precision issue addresses the concern that there is some imprecision in numerical operations involving digital equipment. Quantization of a number

Input 1

Component 1

Input 2

Component 2

Input 3

Component 3



Triple Modular Redundancy (TMR) Input 1

Component 1


Output 1

Input 2

Component 2


Output 2

Input 3

Component 3


Output 3

Triplicated TMR

FIGURE 8.9 TMR and triplicated TMR (after Johnson [1989]).



on a digital computer can produce several different valid results. As a result the voter may see three different outputs from the three components, but the outputs are the result of normal processing operations. In many cases the majority voting scheme is replaced with either a selection of the median value or truncation of the numerical values to some predefined level of significant digits. The last issue, the production of a single answer, requires that a single point of failure be introduced. When the final result (e.g., bank account balance or control signal to the rudder) has to be delivered by the system in question, this final answer is determined on a single processor. Finally, voting for passive redundancy can be achieved via hardware or software. A hardware implementation is faster but usually requires more cost, space, power, and weight. A software implementation (see Figure 8.10) provides greater flexibility for change but can also require additional cost, space, power, and weight in the form of processors if voting is a major part of the system’s redundancy, which is often the case. Active hardware redundancy attempts to detect errors, confine damage, recover from the errors, and isolate and report the fault, as described in Chapter 7. The basic building block for active hardware redundancy is called duplication with comparison; see Figure 8.11 for a hardware implementation. Two identical units are used to compute the same output for the same set of inputs; these outputs are compared in a ‘‘comparator.’’ If the outputs disagree by a predefined amount, an error is declared. (Note the issues of synchronization and precision also apply here.) Once an error is declared, functionality to confine the damage, recover from the errors, and isolate the reports is activated. Hot and cold standby sparing are different than duplication with comparison and are the most common approaches to active redundancy; see Figure 8.12. In hot standby sparing multiple replicas of a component are performing identical functions; only one of them is providing outputs, but all are ready to take over with no delay. Error detection in standby sparing is not done by comparing outputs from redundant components, but by examining the output for known errors or monitoring the component for inactivity. A watchdog timer is an

Input 1


Two-port Memory


Two-port Memory

Input 2


Two-port Memory


Two-port Memory

Input 3


Two-port Memory


Two-port Memory

FIGURE 8.10 [1989]).

Software implementation of voting for triplicated TMR (after Johnson



Component 1


Output Comparator


Agree/ Disagree

Component 2


Hardware duplication with comparison (after Johnson [1989]).

example of this latter approach; a watchdog timer declares a fault if it is not continuously reset by the component with which it is associated. Cold standby sparing maintains the component replicas in a nonoperational mode until needed. This is useful for applications where short disruptions are acceptable or long life is key, for example, spacecraft operations. For real-time applications, hot standby sparing is critical to success but increases power consumption and decreases the life of the system. Standby sparing is most commonly used by providing multiple, excess processors, any of which can be used to perform necessary system functions. When one processor fails, a controller no longer assigns tasks to that processor, with the slack being absorbed by the remaining processors. The final example of active hardware redundancy, pair-and-a-spare, combines the features of duplication with comparison and standby sparing. Figure 8.13 shows a comparison (far right) of the outputs of two active, identical components to detect an error. If the comparison yields a disagreement, the ‘‘N to 2’’ switch is directed to select alternate components for conducting the comparison. Note the error detection logic from standby sparing; is also present.

Component 1 Error Detection

Component 2 Error Detection ~

N to 1 Switch





~ Component N

Error Detection

FIGURE 8.12 Standby sparing with N 1 replicas (after Johnson [1989]).



Component 1 Error Detection


Component 2



N to 2 Switch



~ ~

Error Detection

Component N Error Detection


Agree/ Disagree

Pair and a spare active hardware redundancy (after Johnson [1989]).

Examples of hybrid hardware redundancy are the combination of N-modular redundancy with spares, and the triple-duplex architecture, which combines TMR with duplication with comparison. Critical computation systems usually use passive or hybrid redundancy. Systems that have requirements for long life and high availability without critical computations employ active redundancy. Active redundancy is usually less costly; hybrid redundancy is the most costly. Software redundancy is a second means for detecting and recovering from errors. N-version software redundancy is a seldom-used approach to provide multiple operational software components in the event of a software failure. Each version is programmed by separate groups of programmers, assuming that while each group may make mistakes, no two will make the same mistake. More common forms of software redundancy are consistency and capability checks; both can be used for error detection in standby sparing. Consistency checks compare the output of a component with known characteristics of that output, for example, minimum and maximum values. Capability checks are software designed to run periodic hardware tasks with known answers. Information redundancy is achieved by adding extra bits of information to enable error detections using special codes [Johnson, 1989]. Information redundancy is useful to catch system-induced errors rather than component faults; however, system-induced errors can be indicative of component faults if the errors occur with sufficient frequency. Information redundancy is a very rich area, having many alternate approaches. Information redundancy is one form of error detection that can be used for standby sparing; see Figure 8.12. Time redundancy can be used to replace hardware and software in non-realtime systems to achieve error detection. When extra processing time is available, computations can be performed multiple times with a single hardware and software combination and compared. If discrepancies exist, an error has been detected. This approach is also used for error detection in standby systems




and is quite useful in distinguishing between transient and permanent errors. Time redundancy assumes that additional time exists for functional performance to enable the needed error detection and recovery. On the plus side, time redundancy can save significantly on hardware and software, reducing cost, weight, power, and other key suitability issues.



The focus of this chapter has been the resources that comprise the system, called the physical architecture. The system is first segmented into its top-level components; the segmentation progresses down to the configuration items (CIs), or hardware and software elements, facilities, people, procedures, and user’s manuals. The physical architecture can be either generic or instantiated; the generic physical architecture is an abstract separation of the system’s resources into components before any key performance decisions are made. The instantiated physical architecture specifies the performance characteristics of each element of the generic physical architecture to the degree needed for performance modeling of the system. Creativity techniques are important to aid the generation of alternate, instantiated physical architectures. The morphological box was described in detail and illustrated as an effective technique for gathering creative ideas and increasing the chances of combining these creative ideas into a sound, instantiated physical architecture. The morphological box is defined by the generic physical architecture and then provides slots for alternate ideas for instantiated physical components of each segment. Representing the physical architecture using a block diagram was presented in this chapter. Block diagrams are completely non-standardized representations of the system’s components, showing the major flows of electromechanical energy between the components. Finally, key concepts, such as centralized and decentralized and distributed and client–server architectures were presented. The decentralization of transformation and control functions and the distribution of functional and physical elements of the architecture have become the norm in most system’s architectures. These concepts were defined and illustrated. Redundancy in hardware, software, information, and time was presented since achieving fault tolerance is often a critical design issue that the engineer of the system must address. Hardware redundancy is the most commonly discussed and implemented approach to achieving fault tolerance with the physical architecture. Software redundancy is almost always too expensive to develop. Information redundancy, adding extra bits to data elements for the purpose of checking the meaningfulness of data elements later, is used extensively on communications interfaces that become part of the physical architecture. Utilizing unused data processing time to repeat computations, time redundancy, is not a common approach.



CASE STUDY: COMMERCIAL AIRCRAFT CRASH AT SIOUX CITY, IOWA On July 19, 1989, United 232 (a DC-10 aircraft) crashed into a corn field next to the Sioux City airport in Iowa while trying to make an emergency landing after losing one of three engines. In all, 110 passengers and one flight attendant were killed during this emergency landing; 185 people survived the accident, some without a scratch. Engine failure is the most commonly trained maneuver in simulators. The DC-10 has three engines; one on each wing and one on top of the fuselage in the vertical tail (or horizontal stabilizer). United 232 lost the engine on top of the fuselage due to the loss of a fan disk; the fan disk separated from the engine and crashed through the tail. Pilots fought through the engine loss by porpoising (rotating the thrust levels) the two remaining engines to land in Sioux City. However, the descent rate of the landing was too great; the aircraft caught fire upon landing, tumbled, and broke apart in corn and soybean fields. The fan disk, about 300 pounds of titanium, on the number two engine was missing; it had shattered into pieces and crashed through a chamber designed to contain such a break-up. There are three independent hydraulic systems on the DC-10 aircraft; a unique engine powers each hydraulic system. The hydraulic system on an aircraft provides the forcing function for the aircraft’s stabilization systems: the ailerons on the wings that permit the aircraft to bank right and left, the rudder that allows the aircraft to turn right and left, the elevators on the tail that cause the aircraft’s nose to rotate up or down, and the flaps and slots on the wings that permit the aircraft to change the amount of lift generated by the wings. Losing engine number two should have only caused the loss of one of the three hydraulic systems. However, the three independent hydraulic systems converge in the tail at the exactly the location that the fan disk ripped out, the single point of failure for all three hydraulic systems. Experts believe there was a preexisting fracture on the fan disk. Ultrasonic sensors are used to detect fractures during production. However, these sensors do not provide good results when the fracture is near the surface. The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) investigators concluded that the fracture had been there since the fan disk was built. The fracture would have grown with use; the maintenance crew was blamed for not finding the fracture during routine maintenance activities. Nonetheless, this does not dismiss the design flaw of a single point of failure for what were considered to be three redundant hydraulic systems [Magnuson, 1989; Birnbaum, 1989].



PROBLEMS 8.1 Create a generic physical architecture for the ATM problem in Chapters 6 and 7. Create a morphological box for your generic physical architecture of the ATM. Identify three instantiated physical architectures based upon the morphological box. 8.2 Create a generic physical architecture for the OnStar system in Chapters 6 and 7. Create a morphological box for your generic physical architecture of OnStar. Identify three instantiated physical architectures based upon the morphological box. 8.3 Create a generic physical architecture for a personal computer. Create a morphological box for your generic physical architecture of a personal computer. Identify three instantiated physical architectures based upon the morphological box. 8.4 Create a generic physical architecture for a stereo system. Create a morphological box for your generic physical architecture of a stereo system. Identify three instantiated physical architectures based upon the morphological box. 8.5 Create a generic physical architecture for the development system of an air bag system. Create a morphological box for your generic physical architecture of the development system. Identify three instantiated physical architectures based upon the morphological box. 8.6 Create a generic physical architecture for the manufacturing system of an air bag system. Create a morphological box for your generic physical architecture of the manufacturing system. Identify three instantiated physical architectures based upon the morphological box. 8.7 Using the information in Figure 8.7 create a block definition diagram and an internal block diagram for the ‘‘Aircraft Control Component,’’ which is inside the dotted lines of the figure. Be sure to use the semantics and syntax of SysML. Note: You will have to ignore any arcs coming from or going to components outside the dotted line. 8.8 You are on the elevator design team and have just convinced the team that the block decomposition at the subsystem level (Figure 3.14) is incorrect. You have convinced the team to add a communications bus so that the communications between the subsystems can be more efficiently routed through the communication bus. Modify the block definition diagram and internal block diagrams shown in Figures 3.14 and 3.16, respectively, for the elevator subsystems to show this design change. Consider the communications bus to be a new component or subsystem.



Allocated Architecture Development



The development process for the allocated architecture is the activity during which the entire design comes together. The allocated architecture integrates the requirements decomposition with the functional and physical architectures. The process of developing the allocated architecture provides the raw materials for the definition of the system’s external and internal interfaces and is the only activity in the design process that contains the material needed to model the system’s performance and enable trade-off decisions. The reader should not infer from this discussion that the requirements development is started and finished, followed by the functional architecture, followed by the physical architecture, followed by the allocated architecture. Rather, the design process is like peeling an onion; each of these activities in the design process should be completed at a high level of abstraction (low level of detail), culminating in an allocated architecture at this high level of abstraction for a set of subsystems that comprise the system. Then the entire process is repeated at a lower level of abstraction (greater detail) for the next tier of components (peel of the onion), consistent with the Vee model discussed in Chapter 1. This repetition at lower and lower levels of abstraction (greater and greater detail) is continued as long as useful to the design process. As details determine problems with the design, decisions are reviewed and changes are implemented at the higher levels of abstraction as needed. The Engineering Design of Systems: Models and Methods, Second Edition. By Dennis M. Buede Copyright r 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.





This chapter describes the activities involved in developing an allocated architecture in detail: allocate functions to subsystems; trace non-input/output requirements and derive requirements; define and analyze functional activation and control structure; conduct performance and risk analysis; document architectures and obtain approval; and document subsystem specifications. The methods introduced in this chapter match the functions that comprise the development of the allocated architecture. Various methods are discussed for allocating functions of the system in question to subsystems and components of the system. The derivation of input/output, system-wide and technology, trade-off, and qualification requirements is discussed as a key method for providing the material to complete the component specification. Three methods for flowing down system-wide and technology requirements that have been traced to the system are described. Models for defining and analyzing functional activation and control structures are discussed in Chapter 12 and are therefore not presented in this chapter. However, critical system-wide issues associated with functional activation and control are discussed here. A normative model for conducting trade studies and risk analyses is presented in Chapter 13. Examples of common trade studies and risk analyses are discussed and illustrated in this chapter. No new models are introduced in this chapter. The exit criterion for finishing the allocated architecture is the acceptance of the design by the stakeholders. The acceptance of the design by the stakeholders should involve a detailed understanding that the requirements development process has met the major characteristics of the requirements, as defined in Chapter 6: thorough understanding of how the allocated architectures of the systems in each life-cycle phase will meet the requirements as defined, belief that the design trades have accurately reflected the trade-off requirements, and agreement that the test or qualification systems in each phase of the life cycle are adequate for qualification requirements as defined. 9.2


The allocated architecture provides a complete description of the system design, including the functional architecture allocated to the physical architecture, derived input/output, technology and system-wide, trade off, and qualification requirements for each component, an interface architecture that has been integrated as one of the components, and complete documentation of the design and major design decisions. There are five major activities associated with the development of the allocated architecture: Allocate functions and system-wide requirements to physical subsystems . Allocate functions to components . Trace system-wide requirements to system and derive component-wide requirements .



Define and analyze functional activation and control structure Conduct performance and risk analysis . Document architectures and obtain approval . Document subsystem specifications . .

Figure 9.1 shows these five functions in an IDEF0 (Integrated Definition for Function Modeling) diagram for developing the allocated architecture; see Appendix B for the full model. Note that Sections 9.3 and 9.4 address the two subfunctions under the first function (these were combined to make the diagram easier to read). As can be seen by the flow of information among these activities, substantial interaction and feedback is required among the first four to make sure the design works; this feedback and control was discussed in Chapter 7. However, viewing the development of the allocated architecture in isolation would be inappropriate. The developments of the three architectures (functional, physical, and allocated), which we have been discussing, all have to proceed in parallel because insight or changes in one have repercussions in the others. Figure 9.2 puts the allocated architecture development in context with the other architectures and requirements development. As discussed in the introduction, the design process proceeds through the steps shown in Figure 9.2 several times, at decreasing levels of abstraction. The more complex the system’s functionality and tightly coupled the system’s components are, the more important is the repetition of the design process at decreasing levels of abstraction (increasing detail). Initially, the design process establishes functional and physical decompositions, which are united to form the allocated architecture. The allocated architecture divides the design problem into chunks, primarily along the lines of the physical architecture, namely the system’s components. Naturally, these design decisions should not be made prematurely; there should be adequate confidence that little or no modifications will be needed. Yet, as the design process evolves through additional repetitions of the activities shown in Figure 9.2, the more detailed simulation models and trade studies may provide justification for modifying earlier design decisions. The primary benefit of making major design decisions early using models and trade studies built at a high level of abstraction is that these initial decisions are aimed at dividing the design problem into manageable chunks that can proceed concurrently with a reasonable chance of success. Dividing the system’s design problem into completely independent chunks is not possible. To accommodate this interaction there must be design interfaces just as there are system interfaces. These design interfaces are part of the development system that is being completed concurrently with the design of the operational system. It is critical that the development system provide the time to review and adjust the design chunks; this time can only be provided if the design process begins at a high level of abstraction. Some engineers argue that this initial peel of the onion should be completed within weeks (6–12) after having written a





Analysis Results

System-level Architectures


Conduct Performance & Risk Analyses

Develop System Allocated Architecture


Define & Analyze Functional Activation & Control Structure

Alternative System-level Allocated Architectures

DATE: 05/24/99 REV:



Document Subsystem Specifications



P. 9

Subsystem Design Requirements, Boundaries, Missions, Objectives & Constraints

Allocated Architecture

Architecture Changes

Risk Analysis, System Design Document, Allocated Architecture, System Interface Control Document

Discrepancies in the Specifications, Interface Control, and Acceptance Test Plan


Document Architectures & Obtain Approval


FIGURE 9.1 IDEF0 representation of developing the allocated architecture.


Function to Subsystem Allocation


Allocate Functions & System-wide Requirements to Physical Subsystems

System-level Functional Architecture

Suggested Revisions

NOTES: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

AUTHOR: Dennis Buede PROJECT: Engineering Design of a System

Stakeholders’ & System Requirements, Objectives Hierarchy, Boundary & Qualification System Requirements

System's Qualification System Documentation

Interface Architecture

System-level Operational Concept

Candidate Physical Architectures

USED AT: GMU Systems Engineering Program



Define System Level Design Problem

Functional Architecture Changes


Physical Architecture Changes


Design System Physical Architecture

System-level Functional Architecture

Interface Architecture

Architecture Changes


Develop System Allocated Architecture

Qualification System Changes

Interface Architecture Changes


Develop Interface Architecture

Allocated Architecture

Risk Analysis, System Design Document, Allocated Architecture, System Interface Control Document

FIGURE 9.2 System-level design activities.

Perform System-Level Desion Activities

Candidate Generic Physical Architectures


Develop System Functional Architecture



System-level Physical Architecture

Candidate Physical Architectures

Stakeholders’ & System Requirements

DATE: 05/24/99 REV:

Stakeholders’ & System Requirements, Objectives Hierarchy, Boundary & Qualification System Requirements

Allocated Architecture, Changes to Requirements

Requirement Changes

System-level Operational Concept


Design Changes Lower Layer Changes to Requirements


NOTES: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

AUTHOR: Dennis Buede PROJECT: Engineering Design of a System

Inputs of Stakeholders

GMU Systems Engineering Program




Develop Qualification System

System Requirements


P. 5

System’s Qualification System Documentation

Subsystem Design Requirements, Boundaries, Missions, Objectives & Constraints

Stakeholders’ & System Requirements Documents




proposal and been awarded a contract. If the design segmentation is not finalized until each component has been decomposed into several levels of detail, there will be no time to adjust this design decision if the division of the system into components is found to be flawed. There is even less chance that the flaws will be found if too many details are analyzed too quickly. Distinguishing between good decisions and good outcomes is important. If we were in complete control of our environment, then decisions and the outcomes associated with the decisions could be equated. However, as discussed in detail in Chapter 13, decisions must be made in the face of uncertainty with incomplete information and inadequate control of the outcomes. Therefore, saying that a decision was good or bad because the outcomes associated with that decision were good or bad, respectively, is illogical. A decision can be considered good if the people with the best knowledge and largest stake in the decision were involved in the decision, and these people did discuss the relevant alternatives, values, and facts with clarity. As an example, Ford Motor Company designed and introduced the Edsel in 1957. The Edsel had a large, elongated ‘‘0’’ built into the middle of the grill at the front of the car that caused many people to react negatively on an artistic basis. The Edsel was a complete failure at least partially because the automobile industry was in a recession in 1957 and 1958. Were the design decisions associated with the Edsel bad? It is not possible to tell without knowing more about what design decisions were made and how the design process was carried out. Seven years after the Edsel’s introduction, Ford Motor Company introduced the Mustang, which has been a fantastically successful car and has achieved classic status. Were the design decisions associated with the Mustang good? Again, it is not possible to tell without knowing more about them. With time it is much easier to tell whether the outcomes associated with a decision are good or bad, but it becomes more and more difficult to tell whether the decisions that were made were good or bad, especially if those decisions are not documented.



After the definition of the functional and physical architectures, the systems engineering team must assign functions from the functional hierarchy to the subsystems and components in the physical architecture. When this is done, the first step in defining the allocated architecture is completed. This allocation of functions to components is often the most crucial design decision made by the engineers of the system. Engineers prefer to allocate processing tasks to software if there will be a future need to update the processing algorithms. However, if speed of processing is critical, hardware can perform the computations much faster. Computer manufacturers experiment with moving some processing tasks from hardware to software, but often find that the speed of processing suffers too much and revert to designing hardware for the



processing tasks. Similar issues arise when considering the decision of allocating a function to people within the system or a combination of hardware and software. This allocation decision is discussed in more detail later. Figure 9.3 expands upon Figure 9.4 for the allocation of the system’s functions to subsystems and components. Clearly allowing the allocation decision to be represented as a mathematical relation, and not a function, as shown in the top left of Figure 9.3 is inadequate; there will be some functions that are not allocated to any component and some functions that are being processed by two or more components. Forcing the allocation of functions to components to be represented as a mathematical function, as shown in the top right of Figure 9.3, solves these problems. However, there may be some components with no functions to perform; these components should either be dropped from the system or the engineers should revisit their functional architecture to ensure that the functional architecture is complete. There is also the possibility that some functions will be performed by the same component; there is nothing wrong with this because the functions can be aggregated into a single function. If as expected all of the components are

Functions f1




c2 f3


f3 f5 f7

f4 f6



Function for the allocation of functions to components Functions



c1 c1






Relation for the allocation of functions to components




f4 c5




c3 c4




f2 f4


Onto, but not one-to-one function for the allocation of functions to components




c3 c4


c3 c4



One-to-one and onto function for the allocation of functions to components

FIGURE 9.3 Mathematical relations and functions for the allocation of engineering functions to components.



Objectives for Functional Allocation

Timing on Key Tasks

Error Rates on Key Tasks

Suitability Issues


Task 1

Task 1



Task 2

Task 2



FIGURE 9.4 Sample objectives hierarchy for functional allocation.

needed, the allocation of functions to components will be onto, as shown in the bottom left of Figure 9.3. An onto functional allocation is one-to-one when the number of functions and components is the same, as shown in the bottom right of Figure 9.3. Note that the mapping of functions to components was picked consciously, rather than the mapping of components to functions. Allowing two components to be mapped to the same function is consistent with the definition of a mathematical function but should be avoided by the engineers of a system. When two components are performing the same function, it will not be possible to segment the responsibilities of the components until the functional and physical architectures are examined in greater detail; this defeats the purpose of iterating through the engineering process as suggested by the Vee model and most engineers of systems. 9.3.1

Define the Allocation Problem

For any single physical architecture and the associated functional architecture, there are many possible allocated architectures that could be defined. The basis on which this allocation is done could be formulated as a multi-objective optimization problem: 1. Maximize the fundamental objective (must be based upon analysis using the fundamental objectives hierarchy). Note that besides common operational performance parameters there are often other elements of the fundamental objectives concerning performance in other phases of the life cycle (for example, maintenance, deployment, and refinement) about which to be concerned. 2. Minimize the number and complexity of interfaces. This is often called modularization, which is nearly synonymous with maximizing the ability to encapsulate the functions inside the physical entities of the system. By encapsulation we mean the ability to hide the implementation details of



performing the entity’s functions from the remaining parts of the system. Essentially, the remainder of the system should only need to know the outputs of each entity, not how those outputs are produced. Software engineers call this information hiding. The concepts of modularity and information hiding are also highly related to the concept of coupling. Many systems and software engineers distinguish between tight and loose coupling. Loose coupling decreases complexity, enables flexibility, but often degrades performance. Wikipedia has a nice description of the many types of coupling found in systems. 3. Maximize early critical testing opportunities so as to give engineers a chance to find and fix problems. This is often considered risk minimization. Opposing criteria may minimize risks: a. Equalizing risks (difficult requirements) across the physical architecture or b. Localizing risks in a single element of the physical architecture (the opposite of equalizing risks)


Approaches for Solving the Allocation Problem

In the 1950s and 1960s the major trade offs addressed by engineers consisted of choosing between the human in the system and the system’s combined hardware and software resources for performing certain critical functions. In the 30 to 40 years since systems engineers first grappled with these decisions, systems engineers are still using heuristics to resolve these decisions. The engineering and psychology communities believe that there are certain functions that humans perform better than machines, at least in many situations; there is not complete agreement about what these functions are, for example, pattern recognition functions, improvisation, and adaptation. Similarly, hardware and software combined clearly outperform humans in tasks that require responding quickly to control signals, performing repetitive tasks, and performing many different activities at once. Paul Fitts [1951] was the first to try to systematize these allocation issues by producing what has come to be known as a ‘‘Fitts’ list’’ and later known as ‘‘Men are better at — machines are better at’’ or ‘‘MABA — MABA.’’ Fitts’ first list is shown in Table 9.1. Sheridan and Verplanck [1978] developed a taxonomy of 10 possible distribution strategies for allocating the functional responsibility of control between the human and the computational resources of the system. These allocation strategies range from having the human be the planner, scheduler, optimizer, and the like, to taking the human out of the system’s functions completely; see Table 9.2. For example, the first distribution in the table puts the entire cognitive load on the human, which reflects automation in the 1960s and 1970s, such as machine tools. Entries 5 and 6 reflect the computer developing suggestions for actions but letting the human have approval or intervention capability; this reflects much of the automation in military systems



TABLE 9.1 Original Fitts List from 1951 Humans appear to surpass present day machines with respect to the following:

Present day machines appear to surpass humans with respect to the following:

1. Ability to detect small amounts of visual or acoustic energy. 2. Ability to perceive patterns of light or sound. 3. Ability to improvise and use flexible procedures. 4. Ability to store very large amounts of information for long periods and to recall relevant facts at the appropriate time. 5. Ability to reason inductively. 6. Ability to exercise judgment.

1. Ability to respond quickly to control signals, and to apply great force smoothly and precisely. 2. Ability to perform repetitive, routine tasks. 3. Ability to store information briefly and then to erase it completely. 4. Ability to reason deductively, including computational ability. 5. Ability to handle highly complex operations, i.e., to do many different things at once.

today. Entries 7 through 9 reflect the status quo in autopilots for aircraft and trains. Now that computer-based systems and embedded computer systems are much more sophisticated and prevalent, the most critical functional allocation decision facing systems engineers often relates to the allocation of a function

TABLE 9.2 A Taxonomy of the Distribution of Responsibility between Human and Computer 1. Human does all planning, scheduling, optimizing, etc., and turns task over to computer merely for deterministic execution. 2. Computer provides options, but the human chooses between them, plans the operations, and then turns task over to computer for execution. 3. Computer helps to determine options, and suggests one for use, which human may or may not accept before turning task over to computer for execution. 4. Computer selects option and plans action, which human may or may not approve, computer can reuse options suggested by human. 5. Computer selects action and carries it out if human approves. 6. Computer selects options, plans and actions and displays them in time for human to intervene, and then carries them out in default if there is no human input. 7. Computer does entire task and informs human of what it has done. 8. Computer does entire task and informs human only if requested. 9. Computer does entire task and informs human if it believes the latter needs to know. 10. Computer performs entire task autonomously, ignoring the human supervisor who must completely trust the computer in all aspects of decision making.



between hardware and software. Allocating a function to hardware has the benefit of reduced development cost and faster processing and response time. The advantages of allocating to software are the flexibility to modify the function in the future as design problems are found or new algorithms prove superior in terms of timing, quality, or quantity measures. Price [1985] developed the principles (Table 9.3) for functional allocation that are primarily related to allocating functions between humans and machines, but which, when generalized, relate to all functional allocation decisions. Principles 2 and 4 emphasize the creative nature of design that was emphasized in Chapter 8 on physical architectures; this creativity applies equally to the functional architecture and the allocated architecture. Principle 3 supports the use of decision analysis (see Chapter 13) for systematizing the decision process. Capturing requirements for the refinement phase of the system’s life cycle is the point of principle 5. The Vee model of the systems engineering process is compatible with principle 7. The process model for the allocated architecture, shown in Figure 9.1, supports principle 9.


Price’s Functional Allocation Principles

1. Allocation is part of design allocation is one part of a larger process. 2. Allocation is invention there is no formula for allocation, imagination is crucial to the success of the process. 3. Allocation can be systematized the inclusion of imagination and invention does not preclude formalizing allocation as a rational decision process, combining invention and systematization yields a superior result. 4. Make use of analogous technologies building upon allocation decisions and their resulting successes and failures expands our allocation expertise. 5. Consider future technology allocation decisions cannot be based on what exists now, but must address expected advances of technology. 6. Consider human optimization (realistic system implementation) allocation cannot be based upon idealistic expectations of how the system will be realized, but should be based upon the likely capabilities of the system in its environment. 7. Use cycles of hypothesis and test like any other part of system design, we are not smart enough to do it right the first time, so build in stages of and time for iteration. 8. Provide interaction there are three design decisions that cannot be completely separated. The engineering decision of what the physical resources of the system are, the functional allocation of which functions will be performed by each system resource, and the detailed design decision that implements the allocation. There must be interaction amongst these decisions during the design process. 9. Provide iteration and decomposition do not make the allocation final too quickly. 10. Develop tools of cognitive analysis. (human machine allocation only). 11. Assure interdisciplinary communication involve experts from all relevant fields in the allocation process.



The essence of Price’s principles is that the allocation of functions to elements of the physical architecture involves conflicting objectives. Making this selection even more difficult is the fact that the systems engineering team has to evaluate objectives in more than one time span, for example, short-term performance versus future performance after possible upgrades have been completed. For these types of allocation decisions the decision analysis approach covered in Chapter 13 is recommended. The core of this approach is the use of an appropriate part of the objectives hierarchy that contains all of the key performance requirements and their stakeholder trade offs. Figure 9.4 illustrates such an objectives hierarchy for a hypothetical decision. Another perspective on this allocation problem involves the use of design structure matrices. See Browning [2001] for more information design structure matrices. The design structure matrix (DSM) is meant to capture interactions of all sorts between functions so that intelligent combinations of functions into components can be derived. This is a bottom-up approach to the allocation problem, while we have previously been talking about this task as if it could only be approached from a top-down perspective. As discussed in the functional architecture chapter, there are many systems engineers who prefer the bottom-up approach. As an example of a DSM application consider the creation of a development system architecture for the small block V-8 engine at General Motors [Eppinger, 1997]. This engine effort called 90% of the parts to be redesigned and 80% of the manufacturing equipment to be redesigned. As a result 22 product development teams (PDTs) were created, as shown in Figure 9.5. In an effort to determine the best way to organize the concurrent efforts of these PDTs, the interactions among the teams was documented and categorized as monthly, weekly, or daily. The matrix in Figure 9.5 is an example of a DSM. The three sized dots represent these three levels of interaction. Note the DSM is not symmetric because the rows represent where the input to a team are coming from while the columns represent which teams are receiving a given team’s outputs. So the second column of the first row indicates which kind of interaction is needed for an input to the DPT A from DPT B. This is the opposite representation of an N2 diagram. The main analytic concept behind DSMs is that the information in the matrix provides a clue as to how to rearrange the rows and columns so that clusters form along the diagonal of the reorganized matrix. These algorithms date back to the 1970s. Figure 9.6 shows such a rearranged matrix with four clusters along the diagonal for four aggregations of the DPTs that should prove very useful. Note the last DPT is the assembly DPT; it interacts with so many DPTs that it does not belong to any aggregate team. So far the functional allocation decision process has been addressed as if the decisions had to be made during the design process and could only be modified during system upgrades. However, the computational resources that are now available for insertion into systems permit the design to include the real-time reallocation of functions to predefined resources. Typically this reallocation is



Engine Block Cylinder Heads Camshaft/ValveTrain Pistons Connecting Rods Crankshaft Flywheel Accesory Drive Lubrication Water Pump/Cooling Intake Manifold Exhaust E.G.R. Air Cleaner A.I.R. Fuel System Throttle Body EVAP Ignition E.C.M. Electrical System Engine Assembly

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V A A • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • B • B • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • C • • C • D • • • D • • • • • • • • • • • E • • •E • F • • • • • F • • • • • • • • • G • •G • H • • • • H • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • I • • • • • • • • I • • • J • • • • • • J • • • • • K • • • • • • K •• • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • L • • • • L • • • • • • • • M M • • • • • • • • N • • • N • • • • • • O • • • • • • • • O • P • • • • • • • P • • • • Q • • • • • • • • Q • • • • • • • R • • R S • • • • •• • • • • • • • • S •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • T • • T • • • U • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • U • V • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • V

Daily interactions

• Weekly interactions

Monthly interactions

FIGURE 9.5 Interactions among PDTs for the small V 8 Engine Project at General Motors (after Eppinger [1997]).

between human and computer (hardware and software), or between one hardware resource and another, each running the same set of software. Examples of this dynamic reallocation include distributed processing architectures, parallel processing architectures, flexible manufacturing systems, and sophisticated command and control systems. This material is beyond the scope of this book; the interested reader is referred to Chu and Tan [1987], Gobinath and Gupta [1990], Levis et al. [1994], and Perdu and Levis [1993]. Jackson [2007] makes a strong case for an adaptive allocation of functions to components in order to develop more adaptive and resilient systems.


Finishing the Allocation Problem

Part of the critical documentation that is part of systems engineering is capturing the allocation of functions to the system and the system’s components. Every bottom-level function in the functional decomposition should be allocated to one component of the physical architecture, or physical decomposition, as discussed in Figure 9.3. This physical decomposition begins with the system as the root of the tree. The top-level system function, or root of the


Engine Block Crankshaft Flywheel Pistons Connecting Rods Lubrication Cylinder Heads Camshaft/Valve Train Water Pump/Cooling Intake Manifold Fuel System Accesory Drive Air Cleaner A.I.R. Throttle Body Exhaust E.G.R. EVAP Ignition E.C.M. Electrical System Engine Assembly


A F G D E I B C J K P H N O Q L M R S T U V A A • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • F • F • • • • • • • • • • G • • G • • D • • • D • • • • • • • • • E • • • • E • • • I • • • • • I • • • • • • B • • • • B • • • • • • • • • • • • C • • • • • C • • • • J • • • • • J • • • • • • • • K • • • • • K • • • • • • • • • • • P • • • P • • • • • • • • H • • • • • •• • H • •• • • • • • • • N • • • • N • • O • • • • • • • • • O • • • Q • • • • • • • Q • • • • • L • L • • • • • • • • • • • • • M • • • • • • • • • M • • • • R R • • • • • S •• • S • • • • • • • • • • • • • • T • • • • • • • • • T • • • • • • • • • U • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• U• V • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • V

Daily interactions

• Weekly interactions

Monthly interactions

FIGURE 9.6 Reorganized DSM with four Aggregate teams (after Eppinger, 1997).

functional decomposition, is allocated to the system. The functions at the first level of functional decomposition are then allocated to one component on the first level of the physical decomposition. This allocation of the first level of functions may be the level of detail achieved in the first iteration through the engineering of the system (or first peel of the onion). In IDEF0 this allocation of functions to components is shown by adding the components as mechanisms to the functional architecture, thus creating a representation of the allocated architecture. See Figure 9.7 for an example of this depiction using IDEF0 (and the IDEF0 model in the elevator case study that can be downloaded from; see the section called allocated architecture). CORE utilizes an entity–relationship diagram (see Chapter 12) to show the allocation of functions to the system and the system’s components. (CORE’s System Description Document for the elevator case study shows the results of this allocation process.) Each iteration through the engineering of the system process adds another layer of bottom-level functions and components to the functional and physical architectures, respectively. Each bottom-level function will then be allocated to one component. To obtain an executable model of the allocated architecture, later discussions will make it clear that the only allocation of functions to components that matters is the allocation of functions at the bottom of the functional




Service, Tests & Repairs

Passenger Characteristics

Electric Power & Emergency Communication Response

Passenger Interface Component

Electric Power


Elevator Position & Direction

Sensed Malfunctions


Diagnostic Queries


P. 3

Diagnostic & Status Messages

Elevator Entry/Exit Opportunity

Passenger Environment

Temporary Modification to Elevator Configuration

Emergency Support

Emergency Communication

Acknowledgment that Request Was Recieved & Status Information


Maintenance & Service Component




Allocating functions to components using IDEF0.



Structural Support, Alarm Signals & Building Environment



Elevator Cars Component Elevator System


Assignments for Elevator Cars

Configuration Controls

Modified Elevator Configuration & Expected Usage Patterns

DATE: 05/24/99 REV:


Elevator Control Component


Electric Power

Digitized Passenger Requests

Request for Elevator Service & Entry support



Request for Floor & Exit Support

NOTES: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

AUTHOR: Dennis Buede PROJECT: Elevator Case Study

Request for Emergency Support & Emerency Message

USED AT: George Mason Univ.




architecture to components at the bottom of the physical architecture. However, it is highly recommended that an executable model be created of the allocated architecture at several stages in the engineering of the system. Therefore, it is highly valuable to have a running record of the allocation of functions to components, so that this executable model is available at any level of abstraction needed. As discussed in Chapters 6 and 7, there are tremendous benefits obtained by having the functional decomposition match the physical decomposition on a one-to-one basis. That is, for each function in the first level of the functional decomposition, there is one and only one component to which to allocate the function. In addition, every component must be allocated to one and only one function. This one-to-one mapping of functions to components must continue to the second and all subsequent levels of both the functional and physical architectures. (Note this definition of a one-to-one allocation of functions to components is consistent with the definition of a one-to-one function in Chapter 4.) Such a convenient mapping of functions and components can only occur if the functional and physical architectures are developed in concert with each other. The benefit of this one-to-one mapping is the ease with which input and output items can be allocated to external and internal interfaces. The true value of this matching will be covered in the next chapter.

9.4 TRACE NON-INPUT/OUTPUT REQUIREMENTS AND DERIVE REQUIREMENTS In Chapter 7 on the functional architecture, the discussion of tracing requirements addressed the input/output requirements. These input/output requirements were traced to specific functions in the functional architecture. When the functions were allocated to the components as described above, these input/ output requirements were associated with components. There remain several issues though to complete the derivation of requirements for each component in the allocated architecture: deriving additional input/output requirements for each function based upon internal items that the architecture needs, tracing system-wide and technology requirements to the system and deriving appropriate component-wide and technology requirements for each of the components, tracing trade-off requirements to the system and deriving trade-off requirements that are appropriate for each component, and tracing test requirements to the system, followed by the derivation of test requirements for each component. 9.4.1

Derive Internal Input/Output Requirements

Deriving input/output requirements based internal items that the system must create and use is not a difficult process if a graphical model (e.g., IDEF0, data flow diagram, or N2 chart) of the functional and allocated architectures exists.



Once the functions have been allocated to the components, derived input/ output requirements can be created based upon internal items (inputs and outputs) appearing in the functional architecture. Figure 9.7 shows the allocated architecture for the elevator case study that can be downloaded. There are five internal items that are created by one function and consumed by another function at this first level of the allocated architecture: digitized passenger requests, assignments for elevator cars, elevator position and direction, sensed malfunctions, and temporary modification to elevator configuration. A derived input and output requirement would have to be created for each of these items. Each of these derived input and output requirements would be traced to both the item and the functions responsible for consuming and creating the item, respectively. For example, Figure 9.7 shows that ‘‘Digitized Passenger Requests’’ is an internal item produced by the first top-level subfunction and sent to the second top-level subfunction. For this one internal item two derived requirements would be created: The elevator system shall produce digitized passenger requests. The elevator system shall consume digitized passenger requests.

Each of these derived requirements would be traced to the item ‘‘Digitized Passenger Requests’’; the first derived requirement would be traced to the function ‘‘Accept Passenger Requests & Provide Feedback’’ while the second derived requirement would be traced to the function ‘‘Control Elevator Cars.’’ Additional performance requirements for ‘‘Digitized Passenger Requests’’ would be created if appropriate. 9.4.2 Trace System-Wide Requirements and Derive Subsystem-Wide Requirements Tracing the system-wide and technology requirements to the system is a very easy process. Almost all of these requirements will be traced to the system; although it is possible that some of these requirements should be traced to specific components that comprise the system. The most common example of this is a technology requirement such as ‘‘the system shall employ ‘abc’ technology.’’ A technology requirement that can be traced to a subset of the components of the system should be. However, the difficult portion of this task is the derivation of new requirements for the components based upon the system-wide requirements traced to the system. For example, there may be a cost requirement that says, ‘‘The system shall cost $1000 or less to use per month during its operation.’’ How do we allocate, or ‘‘flowdown,’’ this requirement among the components of the system? Grady [1993] identifies three techniques that are used for flowdown: apportionment, equivalence, and synthesis. Apportionment spreads a systemlevel requirement among the system’s components of the system, maintaining




the same units. Apportionment is appropriate for cost requirements; the system-level cost requirement is divided or apportioned out to the system’s components, not necessarily in equal increments. Keeping a margin, 5 to 10%, in reserve as a risk mitigation strategy is not uncommon. For example, if the operating cost for the system is to be $1000 or less as suggested above for the elevator, the four components of the elevator shown in Figure 9.5 may be apportioned operating cost requirements of $40, $60, $800, and $50, respectively, with $50 held as risk mitigation. Other examples for which apportionment is used are reliability, availability, and durability. In fact, the suitability (or quality or ‘‘-ilities’’) requirements are commonly apportioned from the system to the components. Note that it is not required that the apportioned values sum to the system-level requirement, as is the case of cost when the margin is included. If the system’s components work in series, the component values for reliability will be larger than the system reliability. For the elevator case study the minimum threshold for reliability is 0.9, with a design goal of 0.99. The four components identified in Figure 9.5 all have to be operational for the elevator to be operational; so they are working in series. The apportioned reliability thresholds for these components may then be 0.96, 0.995, 0.96, and 0.99; the product of these four numbers is 0.91, which provides a margin of a bit less than 0.01 for risk mitigation. Similarly, there would be design goals apportioned to the four components of 0.996, 0.9995, 0.996, and 0.999, respectively. An example of a derived reliability requirement is: The elevator component, Passenger Interface, shall have a reliability of 0.96 or greater. The design goal is 0.996.

Equivalence is a simple flowdown technique that causes the component requirement to be the same as the system requirement. An example of a requirement to which equivalence is appropriate is ‘‘the system shall be olive green in color.’’ Requirements for which equivalence is appropriate for flowdown are almost always constraints. The more complicated technique for flowdown is synthesis. Synthesis addresses those situations in which the system-level requirement is comprised of complex contributions from the components, causing the component requirements that are flowed down from the system to be based upon some analytic model. The system-level requirement will have significantly different units than the derived, component requirement has. In this case an analytic or simulation model must be developed and analyzed to determine how to take the system-wide requirement and derive component requirements. In fact, this approach is most often used to derive requirements associated with outputs or inputs of the system, such as accuracy, range, or thrust. For the elevator case study, there is an output requirement relating to the average time between the passenger making a request and being delivered to the requested floor. This system-level requirement would be flowed-down via synthesis to all four components shown in Figure 9.7.



9.4.3 Trace Trade-Off Requirements and Derive Subsystem Trade-Off Requirements Deriving trade-off requirements that are appropriate for each subsystem follows tracing the system’s trade-off requirements to the system. This derivation is based upon the system-wide trade-off requirements. This step is the third element of requirements derivation that is part of finishing the allocated architecture. The trade-off requirements developed for the system all address trade offs for cost, for schedule and performance, and for cost with schedule and performance; tracing all of these requirements to the system is therefore appropriate. Each of these trade-off requirements is related to an individual input, output, or system-wide requirement. Based upon the derivation of requirements for each of these input/output or system-wide requirements, it is straightforward to develop an objectives hierarchy for each component, as shown in Figure 9.8. Generally every element of the system’s objectives hierarchy that is related to a system-wide requirement will also become part of the objectives hierarchy for each component; cost, schedule, and suitability requirements are generally flowed down to every component, as discussed above. Similarly, it is inappropriate to create a component-wide requirement when there is no system-wide requirement from which the component-wide requirement can be derived. Before moving on to input/output requirements, the derivation of ranges for each system-wide requirement, the associated value curve over the derived range, and the weight to be assigned to that range must also be addressed. First, the two extremes of the value range must be flowed down from the system to each component. This should have been done as part of the flowdown process described above. The value curve assigned to this derived requirement should ideally have the same shape as that for the system-wide requirement. However, an example using reliability can be shown as a counterexample for successfully communicating a consistent value function from the trade-off requirements at the system level to the trade-off requirements across the components. Reliability is chosen here because the system’s reliability is known to be a nonlinear function of the reliabilities of the components of the system. Suppose the value function for the system’s reliability was defined by an exponential function exhibiting decreasing returns to scale. Decreasing returns to scale indicates that unit improvements in the reliability near the threshold of minimum acceptability would have much greater value to the stakeholders than unit improvements near the design goal. This concept of decreasing returns to scale is common in the economics and decision analysis literature; see Chapter 13 for more details. Suppose the minimum acceptable system reliability is 0.9 and the design goal is 0.99. There are two components acting in series that comprise the system. Each of these components is given a threshold of minimum acceptable reliability equal to the square root of 0.9 (or 0.95) and a design goal of the square root of 0.99 (or 0.995). The value curve for the system reliability and the reliability of each component is



Derived objectives hierarchies for the elevator case study.



assumed to have the same form, ð1 e aðr rmin Þ Þ=ð1 e aðrmax rmin Þ Þ, that the value curve for system reliability had. The parameter, a, determines the shape of the curve. When a equals 1.0, the curve is linear. The greater a is above 1.0, the greater the bow in the curve and the greater are the decreasing returns to scale. Figure 9.9 shows the value curve for system reliability on the left for values of a from 30 to 1. The right-hand graphs in Figure 9.9 show the value for system reliability as a function of the reliability for the first component, X, when the system reliability is held constant at 0.9439. In each of the graphs on the right the value is computed by the weighted average of the values for the reliabilities of the two components: Value ¼ 0:5 vðreliability of component XÞ þ 0:5 vðreliability of component YÞ The weights for the two components are assumed equal since the distance from threshold to goal is the same for both. As can be seen in Figure 9.9, the value for the reliabilities of the two components is not constant over the range of values for the reliability of the first component, even though the reliability of the system is being held constant. The numbers to the far right of Figure 9.9 show the value for the system’s reliability when the system’s reliability is held constant at 0.9439; the values in the right-hand graphs are also not equal to these numbers except for the case of the linear value curves. This suggests that only linear value curves should be used for trade-off requirements. The final issue in deriving trade-off requirements for each component concerns those trade-off requirements that address quality, quantity, or timeliness of the system’s inputs or outputs. Each of these input and output requirements will already have been traced to a function that was allocated to a component. Therefore each trade-off requirement for an input or output can already be associated with one component, assuming the allocation mapping of the input/output requirement to functions was one-to-one. A complicating issue, however, is that there may be good reasons to create a trade-off requirement for an input or output requirement that was derived on the basis of the need for an internal item produced and consumed by the functional architecture. An example of this in Figure 9.7 is the ‘‘Digitized Passenger Requests’’ for the first sub-function. This internal item is related to the elevator objective of ‘‘Waiting Time’’ shown in Figure 9.8. Such a trade-off requirement must be traceable to a performance aspect of a stakeholders’ input/output requirement; nonetheless, it is the only case when the objectives hierarchy will have an element that is not identical to an element of the system’s objectives hierarchy. 9.4.4 Trace Qualification Requirements and Derive Subsystem Qualification Requirements The final element of completing the requirements development for each individual component is tracing the qualification requirements to the system and then deriving qualification requirements for each component. Recall that



Value for System Reliability

1 0.8 Value

Coefficient of Exponential Value Function

0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0.85





System Reliability

Value for System Reliability

1 Value

0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0.85





System Reliability

Value for System Reliability

1 Value

0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0.85





System Reliability

Value for System Reliability

1 Value

0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2


0 0.85



System Reliability


0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0.94 0.96 0.98 1 Reliability of Component X

Value for System Reliability of 0.9439


0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0.94 0.96 0.98 1 Reliability of Component X


0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0.94 0.96 0.98 1 Reliability of Component X


0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0.94 0.96 0.98 1 Reliability of Component X



FIGURE 9.9 Sensitivity of value for system reliability trade offs to derived trade offs for component reliabilities.

the four categories of qualification requirements are observance, verification plan, validation plan, and acceptance plan. These last two categories only apply to the system. Therefore, after all qualification requirements have been traced to the system, derived requirements for the components are developed only from the first two categories (observance and verification). This derivation process is quite straightforward; observance requirements relate to specific input/output and system-wide and technology requirements. Therefore, deriving observance requirements follows the derivation process of input/output and system-wide and technology requirements. Deriving a verification plan for each component should be relatively straightforward, given the verification for the system. 9.5 DEFINE AND ANALYZE FUNCTIONAL ACTIVATION AND CONTROL STRUCTURE When discussing IDEF0 (Chapter 3) and functional decomposition (Chapter 7) the need for activation and termination criteria was mentioned. That is, there



are criteria that need to be established for each function; these criteria determine what set of inputs (and associated values) will activate the function and what set of outputs (and associated values) are sufficient to terminate the function. The bottom-level functions in the functional architecture must have their activation and termination criteria completely specified. The intermediateand top-level functions are aggregates of the bottom-level functions and as such are for modeling purposes only; intermediate- and top-level functions do not have or need activation and termination criteria. However, recall the previous discussions of peeling the onion and the fact that the bottom-level functions of an early peel of the onion become intermediate-level functions during later peels of the onion. In addition to the activation and termination of a function, the conditions under which one function precedes or follows another function’s processing must be clearly defined. Examples of approaches to defining such precedence conditions can be found in Chapter 12 under behavioral modeling. Most of these behavioral modeling methods allow the dynamics of the system to be explored by providing an executable model of the system’s functions. These executable models are either discrete-time or discrete-event simulations when implemented on a computer. The reader is referred to Chapter 12 for more detailed discussions on this subject. Before discussing the dynamic issues associated with the performance of a system, the balancing or aligning [Yourdon, 1989; Schmekel and Wingard, 1993] of multiple models of a system should be addressed. At this point the functional architecture contains a data model and a process model of the system in question. The generation of activation and termination conditions for each function plus the control structure associated with the concurrent or asynchronous behavior of functions with respect to each other is contained in the behavioral model of the system. Yet each of these models contains overlapping data elements: Inputs and outputs are in all three models, and functions are in the process and behavior models. These models better be consistent and coherent representations of each other or their results will be worthless to the engineers of the system; in essence, the engineers will have modeled several different systems while thinking they were addressing only one system. Schmekel and Wingard [1993] present the most complete treatment of this topic known to the author. There are several benefits of executable models. First, the design can be explored to find major design flaws that are manifested as deadlocks, livelocks, starvation, surge or race conditions, or oscillatory conditions. The second major benefit is to permit the systems engineering team to assess the degree to which the design meets various timing and throughput requirements. Deadlock, livelock, starvation, surge (race), and oscillation are dynamic characteristics that are not desired in dynamic, time-varying systems. Deadlock is an undesired state of the system in which activity ceases and throughput is nonexistent. Deadlock can occur for two reasons: contention over resources and waiting for a communication [Levi and Agrawala, 1994]. Contention over




resources occurs when each of several components requires the same resource for a task, but none of the components is willing to free the resources it has accumulated. As a result activity stops while the components wait for additional resources to complete their assigned tasks. Waiting for a communication occurs when various components are attempting to synchronize their actions or verify their status; in either case each component enters a state called ‘‘wait for communication,’’ but the communication never arrives because the components are in a strongly connected wait state. Deadlock associated with resources is often described using the ‘‘dining philosophers’’ problem. There are five philosophers sitting around a circular table preparing to eat spaghetti. There are five forks, one between each of the adjacent philosophers. Before eating the spaghetti each philosopher requires two forks to move the spaghetti from the bowl in the middle of the table onto her/his plate. If each philosopher grabs (and locks) the fork on the left, no philosopher will be able to eat; this is deadlock. The solution requires the creation of a conditional locking mechanism on the forks by the philosophers that ensures that each philosopher obtains both forks for a limited time to move the spaghetti to her/his plate. After completing this initial task, each philosopher then releases both forks for a period of time. Once each philosopher has spaghetti on her/his plate, then only one resource is required by each and all five philosophers can eat simultaneously. Graph theory is often used to depict the resource sharing problem with what is called a ‘‘wait-for-resource’’ graph. Define each component as a node. Define the relation R to be ‘‘awaits a resource possessed by.’’ Figure 9.10 shows a system with four components in which there is a potential deadlock involving the first three components. Mathematically, it can be shown that any system having a wait-for resource graph with a cycle can become deadlocked if several other conditions apply [Levi and Agrawala, 1994]. If there are many components and the wait-for-resource graph is complex, the existence of a cycle may not be obvious by inspection. Typical solutions to eliminating or reducing the chance of deadlock due to resource contention are to oversize buffers and resource pools, reduce the concurrency of operations, add delays, institute a manual or automated deadlock detection and recovery process, and allow preemption of locked resources. Ferrarini and Maroni [1997] define three generic categories of options: avoidance, prevention, and recovery.





FIGURE 9.10 Wait for resource graph depicting deadlock.



A ‘‘wait-for-communication’’ graph can be used to examine the possibility of deadlock due to communication. In this case a cycle (with other conditions) is not sufficient to guarantee deadlock; a strongly connected, cyclic graph is necessary. Deadlocks have been studied in communication systems [Duato et al., 1997] for a long time and procedures have been embedded into most communications protocols to break communication deadlocks when they occur. Livelock is a dynamic condition with the same result as deadlock but for a different reason. In deadlock the system (or part of the system) halts activity because various activities are holding or utilizing resources needed by other activities. In livelock the resources are being routed in cycles (oscillating) while waiting for the proper allocation of resources to enable the completion of necessary activities; unfortunately this proper allocation of resources is never achieved and the system cycles continuously, never reaching the desired outputs. In communication networks livelock can only occur when information packets are permitted to traverse paths that are not minimal. Starvation occurs when a function needs a particular resource for execution, but the resource is always allocated to other functions due to a poorly designed resource assignment algorithm. This condition is one that can be found with little trouble as long as a reasonable effort is made to model the dynamics of the system. However, it can easily be overlooked if no effort is devoted to examine the system’s dynamic properties. The dynamic condition called surge or race occurs in relatively uncontrolled systems when components are competing with each other to perform a task. A common example is found in older elevator systems during nonpeak times; a potential passenger pushes the up button and observes that all of the stationary elevator cars are converging on her floor. She gets into one of the elevator cars. The next passenger now pushes the down button and the remaining elevator cars surge to that passenger. The surge condition is a waste of resources while it is occurring and can leave the system in an undesirable state for future tasks; all of the elevator cars but one will end up waiting at the same floor for future passengers. These negative dynamic conditions can be designed into a system inadvertently without the engineers’ knowledge unless the designers undertake a detailed study of their design. Discrete-event simulations involving Petri nets, queueing theory, behavior diagrams, or extended function flow block diagrams are needed to investigate the design of the system via mathematics and simulation and to understand the degree and extent of such negative behaviors. Naturally, if negative behaviors exist, design changes can be examined to eliminate or minimize them.



A wide range of quantitative analyses is commonly performed during the system development process that fits within the categories of performance,




trade-off, and risk analyses. The parametric diagrams of SysML can be used to design and document these analyses. In fact, these analyses can be considered a system in their own right. Risk analyses are often completed at the beginning of the development process to examine the major design options under consideration. For example, at the earliest stage of development the systems engineering team should consider a range of divergent concepts. A risk analysis examines the ability of the divergent concepts to perform up to the needed level of performance across a wide range of operational scenarios. At this time there remains substantial uncertainty about the stakeholders’ needs, the state of technology under consideration, and the details of the allocated architecture. The relative costs and schedule implications of the various concepts also have to be taken into account. This is where the stakeholders have to debate how much money and time they are willing to pay for increased performance in selected operational scenarios. Addressing uncertainty and multiple objectives in these early risk analyses is critical; see Chapter 13. Performance analyses are for the purpose of discovering the range of performance that can be expected from a specific design or a set of designs that are quite similar. The performance parameter in question can be associated with an output of the system or with a system-wide metric; in either case there is almost always a related objective in the objectives hierarchy and an associated performance requirement. These performance analyses usually take the shape of engineering models and simulation models. The simulation models may be deterministic or stochastic, depending on the issue involved and experience level of the design team with the technology. Common system-wide performance analyses address operational feasibility issues such as reliability, availability, maintainability, usability, supportability, durability, and affordability. Similarly, performance analyses are conducted to address concurrent engineering issues related to the impact of the operational system design on the manufacturing, deployment, training, and disposal systems. Blanchard and Fabrycky [1998] provide detailed discussions of many of these topics: design for reliability, for maintainability, for usability, for supportability, for producibility and disposability, and for affordability. References for detailed analysis of cost, reliability, maintainability, and availability include Blanchard and Fabrycky [1998], Frankel [1988], Pages and Gondran [1986], Pohl [2007], Pohl and Nachtmann [2007], and Sage [1992]. Some organizations have dictated that the system be designed to cost; that is, there is a cost constraint, and the engineering design team has to guarantee that the system will meet this cost constraint. Design-to-cost works best by designing a reduced-capability system with various optional features that can be added if the cost estimates are low. A trade study focuses on finding ways to improve the system’s performance on some highly important objective while maintaining the system’s capability in other objectives. Trade studies are focused on comparing a range of design options from the perspective of the objectives associated with the system’s



performance and cost. For example, aircraft manufacturers always do trade studies focused on the aircraft’s weight, while maintaining the system’s cost, safety, and so forth. Similarly, safety, reliability, and cost are among the many other objectives that are commonly the focus of a trade study. 9.7


Documenting the system design completely is important. Not only should the key elements of the requirements process (operational concept, external systems diagram, objectives hierarchy, and requirements), and the three architectures (functional, physical, and allocated) be documented, but also the audit trail for how the results were obtained and why they are what they are. In every system development activity there are many occasions during the life of the system when engineers will want to find out why a particular part of the design is the way it is. This curiosity usually arises because the engineers want to change the design and need to understand the original rationale for the current configuration; there may have been some issues that the current engineers have not thought of that would keep them from making the change they are contemplating. Unfortunately, it is rare to talk to an engineer who went looking for design rationale on any type of a system and was successful. The design decisions that are made intuitively and on the spur of the moment (often without even realizing that a key decision is being made) are seldom documented. The design decisions that are made consciously with an explicit analytical approach, such as decision analysis (see Chapter 13), will be very well documented as long as the analysis material is archived properly. Obtaining approval of the system’s design, or allocated architecture, typically requires long meetings with many members of the engineering team and representatives of the stakeholders. A number of key design decisions are revisited, arguing for the value of the systematic development and archiving of the rationale for these decisions. Once the system’s allocated architecture is approved, it is quite simple to develop a specification for each subsystem with the information that is available. 9.8


At this point the system design is complete and each major subsystem of the system can be documented in terms of its own operational concept, external component diagram, objectives hierarchy, and requirements document. The requirements document for each component, commonly called a specification (or spec for short) includes input/output, technology and subsystem-wide, trade-off, and qualification requirements. Shortly after the subsystem design activities are initiated, a preliminary design review should be held with the stakeholders to obtain their input and approval for proceeding further with the subsystem design.






The allocated architecture combines the physical and functional architectures so as to meet the stakeholders’ requirements and related derived requirements. This combination of the physical and functional architectures requires the allocation of functions to physical resources; at this point the system’s design can be simulated and analyzed in terms of the stakeholders’ requirements and operational concept of the stakeholders. As the physical and functional architectures are integrated, the interfaces of the system (both external and internal) can also be defined and designed. The processes that comprise the development of the allocated architecture are the allocation of functions to components, the tracing of system-wide requirements to the system, the derivation of requirements, the definition and analysis of functional activation and control structures, the conduct of performance and risk analyses, documenting the allocated architecture, and documenting the specifications. The allocation of functions to physical resources was addressed in terms of the appropriate objectives for this major decision. From a historical perspective the most difficult allocation decision is machine versus human. The allocation between hardware and software is also discussed. Ultimately, this allocation process requires trade offs between fast and accurate performance of tasks versus ability to upgrade and change the processes for performing the tasks. As such, decision analysis (see Chapter 13) should be used to evaluate alternate allocation options in terms of the objectives of the stakeholders. To complete the component specifications additional requirements (input/ output, system-wide and technology, trade-off, and qualification) must be derived from those that are already available. Examples of these derivations are provided. Three methods for flowing down requirements that were initially traced to the system are also described. Critical system-wide issues associated with functional activation and control are discussed here. These issues include deadlock, livelock, starvation, and surge (or racing) of the system. Decision analysis is discussed as a normative model for conducting risk analyses, performance analyses, and trade studies. An illustration of a risk analysis was provided. The design process has been likened to peeling an onion throughout this book. The development of the allocated architecture should proceed as though an onion were being peeled. The first allocated architecture developed should be for the subsystems of the system at a high level of abstraction (low level of detail). Then the entire process is repeated at a lower level of abstraction (greater detail) for the components of the subsystems, consistent with the Vee model discussed in Chapter 1. This repetition at lower and lower levels of abstraction yields allocated architectures at higher and higher levels of detail. The advantage of this approach is that as each new peeling begins the engineers for each component can work their design processes in relative seclusion from



the engineers for other components. Each group of engineers has interfaces between their components and other components and the external systems that have been defined at an appropriate level of detail, yielding a coherent set of requirements with which to work. The work of these several teams of engineers will need to be integrated and coordinated at the newest level of detail before the allocated architecture can be complete for this more detailed level of abstraction.

CASE STUDY: WIDE AREA AUGMENTATION SYSTEM OF THE FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION (FAA)* * PROVIDED BY TIM PARKER The objective of the U.S. FAA Wide-Area Augmentation System (WAAS) is to provide a navigation aid, for use by commercial and general aviation that is derived from the global positioning system (GPS) standard positioning service (SPS). (GPS employs a constellation of 24 satellites, each of which continually broadcasts its position at the time of broadcast.) The GPS satellites provide the radio frequency equivalent of a navigator’s optical star fix. However, the accuracy and integrity of the SPS broadcast is not the ultra-high quality that the FAA requires to ensure the safety of civilian aircraft passengers and operators. Therefore WAAS determines the position of the GPS satellites more precisely than the SPS, and broadcasts ‘‘corrections’’ in real-time. To validate the competing designs the FAA required each bidder to develop a special analysis tool known as a service volume model. The goal being that specific aspects of the performance of a given system design could be easily synthesized and simulated using computers. The results of the simulations are then useful for understanding the effects of flowing down certain performance allocations as requirements on lower tier system components such as the placement and number of ground monitoring antennas used for observing the GPS satellites. Because the simulation is capable of representing the dynamic nature of the spacecraft orbits, the tool can analyze the effects of outages resulting from individual or combinations of component failures (i.e., satellites and antenna monitor sites). In the case of this particular procurement the FAA included a task in the statement of work that described the use of the simulation tool for determining the exact number and location of the monitoring antennas. The top-level requirements, that the WAAS simulation helps to explore, are the selection and geographic location of the ground monitor sites used to observe the GPS satellites, the number and location of geostationary satellites used to broadcast the corrections, and the coverage area or service volume where the WAAS service is available for use.




Additionally, the simulation accounts for certain a priori aspects of the models used to represent the effect on system performance from such phenomena as pseudo-range measurement error due to receiver noise, signal propagation delay due to the ionosphere, satellite clock estimation error, and satellite clock dither prediction error, that is, selective availability [Braasch, 1990; Kee et al., 1991]. The flowdown to the components is quite involved since there is a dynamic relationship among the number and geographic location of the monitor sites, the UPS satellites and the a priori characteristics of the systems algorithm. Suffice it to say that an acceptable result based upon specific a priori assumptions could flow to several components, the allowable receiver noise at the ground monitor site, the location and number of ground monitor sites (i.e., ground monitor site geometry), the number and location of the geostationary satellites for broadcasting the corrections, and the resulting coverage area or expected service volume, which is a function of both the geosatellite antenna pattern (i.e., foot print) on the surface of Earth as well as the geometry of the ground monitor sites. To support the precision approach phase of aircraft flight operations, WAAS must deliver data to the user in the form of corrections for each UPS satellite’s position and clock. This data, when applied to determine the position of a given user, should yield an answer that is accurate to better than 7.6 meters (in both the vertical and horizontal dimensions) 99.9% of the time throughout the coverage area. A simple way to recognize how this relates to the problem of determining the number and placement of the monitor sites is to first understand that the problem that WAAS solves is essentially the navigation satellite user’s problem inverted. By this we mean that normally the user of the GPS is concerned with tracking at least four satellites whose spatial relationship to each other and to the user, represented by a unit less value known as geometric dilution of precision (GDOP), satisfies the expression GDOP o 7. Visualize this relationship as an inverted pyramid with the user at the apex and each of the four vertices of the base representing a GPS satellite. Simultaneously solving the equations for the range measurement between the user and each of the observed UPS satellites yields the user’s position. Now recall that the problem that WAAS must solve is to correct the broadcast position and clock of each observed GPS satellite based upon the precisely known location of a set of ground monitor stations. Imagine the ground monitor sites as independent observers of the UPS satellites sharing a universal clock. For a given satellite’s position, the ground monitor stations become the vertices of the base of a polyhedron whose vertex is represented by an observed GPS satellite. The spatial relation between the monitor stations and the satellites is analogous to the relation between the user and the satellites. Through the use of a continuous Kalman filter the WAAS arrives at an ensemble solution



for each satellite that is observed by its network of ground monitor stations. The top-level physical architecture for WAAS allows for up to 70 monitor sites to be constructed and networked into four master control sites. As might be expected with any complex system of this nature, the nonrecurring engineering costs are daunting and every effort is made to reduce them. Naturally the FAA would not build all 70 ground sites and then determine if fewer could be used. Instead the simulation tool is utilized to predict the system performance when specific combinations of components are synthesized together as a working system. Early results published by Lockheed Martin Federal Systems (LMFS) (prior to acquisition by Lockheed, LMFS was originally the Federal Systems Division of IBM) indicated that based upon their simulation results a far smaller number of ground antennas would be necessary. The analysis used the LMFS Service Volume Model (SVM), a high-fidelity covariancebased simulation tool used to determine user obtainable navigation accuracy and service availability. In addition to these analysis results LMFS undertook the development and fielding of a Wide-Area Differential Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) Testbed; see Figure 9.11 for the physical architecture block diagram. The purpose of the testbed, like the simulation, was to further develop knowledge about the allocated architecture and confirm the performance of the algorithms being considered for use on WAAS. A critical activity during the testbed’s life cycle was its deployment into an operational environment. For this task the SVM simulation tool was used to determine optimal locations for the GPS receivers and ground antennas. The top-level system objectives to be optimized for the testbed are easily expressed as: (1) minimize user range error, (2) maximize the area of geographic coverage where the user range error is 7.6 meters or less, 99.9% of the time, and (3) minimize the cost (i.e., deployment and operational). The first two components require the use of the simulation while the third component is treated as a simple linear projection of the costs incurred from acquiring the testbed equipment, leasing test laboratory space, and paying periodic operational expenses (i.e., telephone, electrical, technical personnel, and miscellaneous). The results of the simulation were combined with cost data for the prospective sites and evaluated using a simple multiattribute value analysis technique, which considered the top-level system objectives. Note that the deployment costs were determined to be roughly equal and for purposes of the analysis were considered to be equal among each set. Many preliminary studies were undertaken to identify candidate locations for the ground monitor sites. Typically these were in the eastern half of the United States and within close distances to one another to minimize travel time for deployment and maintenance.




GPS Receiver

Scranton, PA




GPS Receiver

Stationary User Monitor Station

Desktop PC


Gaithersburg, MD

dial-up telephone line

GPS Antenna

Modem Rack





Physical architecture diagram for GNSS testbed.

Ground Monitor Station

Desktop PC

GPS Antenna

GPS Antenna

dial-up telephone line

dial-up telephone line

dial-up telephone line

Owego, NY

Akron, OH

GPS Antenna

GPS Antenna

Atlanta, GA

GPS Satellite Constellation

dial-up telephone line


Remote Workstation (Graphically Displays Wide Area Differential GPS Algorithm Testbed Results)

Token-ring LAN

High Performance Workstation

Global Navigation Satellite System Wide-area Differential GPS Testbed - Gaithersburg, MD



Of the many possible sites, several were conveniently collocated with an existing company facility. The site combinations were evaluated together, as a location set. Different sets, or combinations of the sites, were evaluated using the SVM to determine if there would be a significant effect on the expected GNSS testbed performance. The multiattribute value analysis of the combined simulation and cost results is summarized in Table 9.4. The table contains error values representing the SVM prediction for average vertical position accuracy (VPA) and average horizontal position accuracy (HPA) as well as the average user error, where user error is defined as the root-sum-square of VPA and HPA. Coverage represents the percent of evaluated grid points where the predicted accuracy at each point is less than the required threshold value of 7.6 meters. Coverage for sets 2 and 3 were significantly worse than sets 1 and 4, providing justification to eliminate sets 2 and 3 from consideration. Although set 4 meets the objectives of maximum coverage and minimum user error, the high operational cost of set 4 due to the usage of noncompany property makes set 4 look inferior to set 1. Set 1 was preferred because it offered a reasonable geometry for determining wide-area corrections, had good coverage, and offered a smaller operational cost even though the average user error was the worst. The average user errors were all so close to each other that this objective was not very meaningful in discriminating among the alternatives.

TABLE 9.4 SVM Site Location Analysis Summary Set



User Error


Monthly Operational Cost


1 2 3 4

7.013 6.871 6.837 6.829

7.358 7.219 7.187 7.1

5.082 4.983 4.960 4.953

84% 36% 36% 84%

100 125 105 130

O, G, Ak, At O, G, Ak, N O, G, Ak, S O, N, Ak, S

Site Key Ak At G N O S

Location Akron, OH Atlanta, GA Gaithersburg, MD Norfolk, VA Owego, NY Scranton, PA



PROBLEMS 9.1 For the ATM system: i. Allocate your functions to one or more of ATM’s components. ii. Trace your system-wide and technology requirements to the ATM system or one or more of its components. iii. Derive component-wide requirements for each system-wide requirement and allocate the appropriate derived requirements to your components. iv. Print a System Description Document for ATM. 9.2 For the OnStar system: i. Allocate your functions to one or more of OnStar’s components. ii. Trace your system-wide and technology requirements to the OnStar system or one or more of its components. iii. Derive component-wide requirements for each system-wide requirement and allocate the appropriate derived requirements to your components. iv. Print a System Description Document for OnStar. 9.3 For the development system for an air bag system: i. Allocate your functions to one or more of the development system’s components. ii. Trace your system-wide and technology requirements to the development system or one or more of its components. iii. Derive component-wide requirements for each system-wide requirement and allocate the appropriate derived requirements to your components. iv. Print a System Description Document for the development system. 9.4 For the development system for an air bag system: i. Allocate your functions to one or more of the manufacturing system’s components. ii. Trace your system-wide and technology requirements to the manufacturing system or one or more of its components. iii. Derive component-wide requirements for each system-wide requirement and allocate the appropriate derived requirements to your components. iv. Print a System Description Document for the manufacturing system. 9.5 A system that is available 90% of the time is said to have one ‘‘9’’ of availability. Of the 365 days in a year, such a system would be ‘‘down’’ about 36 days and 12 hours. i. A system that is available 99% of the time has two ‘‘9’s’’. How many days and hours per year is this system ‘‘down’’?



ii. How many days, hours, and minutes is a system with three ‘‘9’s’’ of availability down? iii. How many hours, minutes, and seconds is a system with four ‘‘9’s’’ of availability down? iv. How many minutes and seconds is a system with five ‘‘9’s’’ of availability down? v. How many minutes and seconds is a system with six ‘‘9’s’’ of availability down? vi. Where does the general class of personal computers fall in this spectrum of availability? Where do you think the air control system of the Federal Aviation Administration for a country should fall in this spectrum? Where does the telephone system fall? Where does your Internet provider fall?



Interface Design



Interfaces are common failure points on systems. An interface is a connection resource for hooking to another system’s interface (an external interface) or for hooking one system’s component to another (an internal interface). The systems engineer’s design problem includes identifying the interfaces, both external and internal, and allocating items (inputs and outputs) to the defined interfaces. Once these tasks are completed, the requirements for each interface must be derived from existing system-level requirements. Finally, alternative interface architecture alternatives must be examined, including the needed functions and the most cost-effective alternative chosen. The interface requirements must address total system performance, the fidelity of the interface, and any system requirements meant to constrain interface design. Typical system performance requirements of concern in designing the interfaces are system throughput and response time. The fidelity of an interface is determined by the integrity of the items being transported, the guaranteed delivery of the items, and failure detection and recovery within the interface. In other words the interface should not change the items during the transmission process, should eventually deliver every item placed on the interface (and not create any items), and should detect faults early and recover gracefully (a hard but important word to define). Section 10.2 discusses the process for developing the interface designs of the system. Generic architectures, introduced in Section 10.3, can be used as the architectural concept for any given interface. These generic architectures come from communication and computer systems. Section 10.4 discusses the important issue of standards, a major support in the definition and design of The Engineering Design of Systems: Models and Methods, Second Edition. By Dennis M. Buede Copyright r 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.




interfaces. Sections 10.5 and 10.6 address two major standards, one for communications systems and one for software architectures. The open systems interconnection (OSI) reference model serves as the basis for many standards related to telecommunications and computer networks. This reference model provides a rich basis for viewing interfaces. The common object request broker architecture (CORBA) is an industry standard for software systems integration. Section 10.7 addresses the design of an interface. The generic interface architectures described in this chapter include message passing, shared memory, and network. Each of these architectures is described, followed by a discussion of strengths and weaknesses. The OSI reference model and CORBA are introduced as well-conceived architectures for common interfaces. The discussion in this chapter is focused on the functions performed in these architectures so that the engineer of a system has samples of functions to draw from for designing any type of interface. The exit criterion for completing the design of the system’s interfaces is acceptance by the engineer responsible for the allocated architecture that the interface is consistent with the system’s components and configuration items (CIs) as well as the performance objectives and requirements of the system.



An interface is a connection for hooking to another system (an external interface) or for hooking one system component to another (an internal interface). The interface of a system contains both a logical element and a physical element (or link) that are responsible for carrying items (electromechanical energy or information) from one component or system to another. The interface must ensure that the item is delivered on time and in the same form as the item was received. The development of the interface architecture is quite similar to the development of the allocated architecture of a system, as shown in Figure 10.1. [See Appendix B for the entire IDEF0 (Integrated Definition for Function Modeling) model for engineering a system.] The functions of defining requirements as well as the functional, physical, and allocated architectures are present. The only new function is the evaluation and selection of a high-level interface architecture; Section 10.3 defines and discusses the three major alternate interface architectures in use today in communication and computer systems. This high-level architecture for the interface is analogous to the concept selection for the system design. Before proceeding very far in the development of a system, high-level concepts, each having a different operational concept, are posited and evaluated. This decomposition of functions for developing an interface architecture assumes that the functional process will be revisited several times in whole or in part. As interface changes arrive from the process responsible for the system’s allocated architecture, the relevant functions for developing the interface




Define SystemLevel Design Problem

Functional Architecture Changes



Physical Architecture Changes


Design System Physical Architecture

System-level Functional Architecture

Interface Architecture

Architecture Changes


Develop System Allocated Architecture

Qualification System Changes

Interface Architecture Changes


Develop Interface Architecture

Allocated Architecture

Risk Analysis, System Design Document, Allocated Architecture, System Interface Control Document



Develop Qualification System

System Requirements


Development process for the interface architecture.

Perform System-Level Design Activities

Candidate Generic Physical Architectures


Develop System Functional Architecture



System-level Physical Architecture

Candidate Physical Architectures

Stakeholders’ & System Requirements

DATE: 05/24/99 REV:

Stakeholders’ & System Requirements, Objectives Hierarchy, Boundary & Qualification System Requirements

Allocated Architecture, Changes to Requirements

Requirement Changes

System-level Operational Concept


Lower Layer Changes to Requirements

Design Changes

NOTES: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

AUTHOR: Dennis Buede PROJECT: Engineering Design of a System

Inputs of Stakeholders

USED AT: GMU Systems Engineering Program


P. 5

System's Qualification System Documentation

Subsystem Design Requirements, Boundaries, Missions, Objectives & Constraints

Stakeholders’ & System Requirements Documents




architecture are triggered and set the whole process in motion to develop a revised interface architecture.



Most interfaces are communication systems or analogies of communication systems (e.g., a conveyer belt). The principal communications architectures are message passing, shared memory, and networks. An every day example of each of these architectures follows: Message Passing: mail delivery that predictably occurs once or twice a day and allows those receiving the mail to turn their attention to the mail immediately or wait until a more opportune time and permits messages of substantial volume. Shared Memory: a meeting or conference in which only one person speaks at a time and conveys relatively compact messages; all can hear what is said but yet are restrained from other productive work during the meeting. Network: a telephone conversation that can involve messages of widely varying lengths and can be instigated at almost any time. 10.3.1

Message Passing Architectures

The message passing architecture is used to allow the predictable exchange of information. The message passing architecture is commonly found as an internal interface in systems since the systems engineers have the information to determine whether the message is predictable. A message passing architecture can also be found as an external interface among a number of systems that have consistent message traffic. The physical architecture for message passing typically currently involves up to 32 nodes on a linear, bus topology connecting the nodes. Included in the architecture are the bus interchange unit, transceivers for the nodes, and signal lines. The message that is transmitted over the bus consists of a protocol and data segments. The protocol segment includes any information needed by the bus interchange unit to deliver the message; typically this is information about the size of the message and address of the node to receive the message. For each transmitted message the following communication process must be completed: 1. One node must win control of the communication channel by a priority scheme implemented by the system. 2. The winning node becomes the master and sends a protocol segment to the intended receiving node(s), called the slave(s).




3. The slave node(s) notifies the master that the protocol segment was successfully received. 4. The master sends (or receives) the data segment to (from) the slave(s). 5. The slave(s) notifies the master that the data segment transfer is complete. 6. The master surrenders control of the communication channel. The most common application of message passing is for systems that can define a predictable message transmission schedule upon initialization. Update rates for messages are on the order of 0.01 to 1 second. Other types of message passing can occur (such as asynchronous communication that can be predicted statistically but not predefined) but the message passing architecture is not preferred if these types of messages are substantial portions of the traffic.

10.3.2 Shared Memory Architectures Asynchronous communication requests of a byte to a few words in size that can be defined statistically are ideal for shared memory architectures. The shared memory architecture is a fast access storage device, typically a memory device, which is the interface among processors. The shared memory and interacting processors can either be part of the same hardware component or interface via global memory. Statistical predictions of message traffic are usually possible when message updates are within several clock cycles (e.g., nanoseconds). The communication model for shared memory is: 1. A processor generates a read or write request for another address in shared memory. 2. The current owner of this variable is notified of the request. 3. The cache memory of the current owner is dumped to local memory. 4. The global variables of the current owner are dumped to shared memory. 5. The read or write request of the processor is completed with a data transfer. Performance of shared memory systems can be degraded substantially if a requesting processor needs information that is not in the cache memory of the shared memory interface. In this case all activity is blocked until the shared memory can retrieve the variables needed. Shared memory works best in highly parallel software applications in which the global data of each application must be accessed frequently by the application and infrequently or never by the other applications.

10.3.3 Network Architectures Networks have become commonplace in the workplace with the local area network (LAN) products. In many ways the network architecture is a



distributed collection of shared memory systems, in which each shared memory system has the ability to tap into the shared memory of the other systems on the network. The best analogy for communication is to a file server with access to slow storage devices; in this case the communication of information is via a statistical block transfer process. The transfer of information typically takes milliseconds to minutes, depending upon the size of data set, and includes relatively large blocks of data. The main difference between the network and the message passing architecture is that a network provides demand-based service while message passing primarily uses scheduled transfers. Networks can service hundreds of nodes, while message passing is currently limited to 32 or fewer. A network system typically includes the communication hardware and a software package, typically called a network operating system. There are many such commercial network operating systems. The software provides various priority-based queueing models, often with separate transmit and receive queues. The network provides extensive fault checking and does not suffer from the failure modes of message passing architectures. Master − Slave or Pipeline

C1 I12



C2 I123


Star or Spoke

C1 I12





C2 I12

C4 I24






C2 I12




Mesh I23






I17 C7





FIGURE 10.2 Network architectures.





There are many network architectures available. Five of the most common are shown in Figure 10.2. The pipeline architecture is a serial linkage of components that is most appropriate when the components only need to communicate with their neighbor in the network. The bus architecture is the most general; each component places its information on the bus, and the bus distributes the information to the appropriate sources. The bus architecture is most appropriate for a large number of components. The spoke architecture isolates one component as the central processor that manages the communication process. The ring architecture is one of the most common architectures in office settings. The mesh architecture is an irregular connection of components that provides sufficient redundancy (pathways between any two nodes) for the system under consideration while stopping short of full interconnection. Duato et al. [1997] provides many examples of interconnection networks used within parallel computation devices and telephony systems.



Standards help ensure that an interface will enable the connection of two components. Each component is required to meet a given standard, and the interface is designed to meet the same standard. As long as the performance associated with the interface and the associated standard are satisfactory, the design will be successful. Standards have different levels of formality: formal, de jure, and de facto. Formal standards are negotiated and promulgated by accredited standards bodies, such as the International Organization for Standards (ISO), International Telecommunications Union (ITU), and the American National Standards Institute (ANSI). Professional societies also develop and promulgate standards. Examples of such professional societies are the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) and the Electronics Industry of America (EIA). Legal authorities mandate de jure standards. For example, the IDEF0 standard is a federal information processing standard (FIPS) that was created by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) of the U.S. government. De facto standards come into existence without any formal process. Popular usage creates de facto standards. X Windows and the Windows operating system are examples of de facto standards. The benefits normally attributed to using standards are interchangeability, interoperability, portability, reduced cost and risk, and increased life cycle. Interchangeability is the ability to interchange components with different performance and cost characteristics. In this way creating multiple versions of a system in which one or more components are interchanged is possible because the adoption of these standards makes the interchange possible. Most computer manufacturers have adopted sufficient standards so that they create multiple versions of a specific design with varying central processing unit (CPU)



performance speeds, varying amounts of random-access memory (RAM), and varying size hard discs for storage. Interoperability benefits of adopting standards accrue because the system can now operate with a wider variety of external systems, systems that have also adopted the same conventions. For example, computer manufacturers that adopt the standard parallel and serial interfaces can be interfaced with a wide variety of peripherals such as printers. The benefits for most systems to be interoperable with other systems are so great when standards exist that it is difficult for system designers to deviate from such standards. The answer for such deviations is limited performance by an aging technology. Predicting if and when a new technology will provide enough increased performance or decreased cost to justify changing a standard is often difficult. Portability is a benefit for systems that operate on another system. Software systems obtain portability by adopting the standards necessary to run on multiple platforms with varying hardware or operating systems. Systems that require power obtain portability by having a power unit that permits power to be obtained from a standard wall socket. Systems like my laptop computer that require direct current (dc) current still need the portability to operate using power from alternating current (ac) sources and include a power unit that converts ac to dc power. Adopting certain standards allows a system designer to buy modules that provide the needed performance characteristics at reduced cost. Standards promote competition among vendors, competition that provides reduced cost and reduced risk for equivalent performance. An increased life cycle for the system is possible when long-lived standards are adopted. The system can use the interoperability of its components to upgrade its capabilities as new technologies come along, as long as these new technologies adopt the standards. Typically the new technologies provide downward compatibility in the sense that the older products can be replaced by the new, but not vice versa.



In 1977 the ISO approved the initiation of work on a standard for the interconnection of computers comprised of different architectures and technologies [MacKinnon et al., 1990]. The first meeting, involving 40 experts, was held in March 1978. At the time a number of proprietary communications architectures were available (e.g., Digital Network Architecture (DNA) of Digital Equipment Corporation, Distributed Systems Architecture of Honeywell, and Systems Network Architecture (SNA) of IBM). In 1983 the ISO and the International Telephone and Telegraph Consultative Committee (CCITT) of the ITU approved the reference model for OSI [Schwartz, 1987]. This reference model defines a seven-layer architecture for network-based communication between end-user nodes in a telecommunications network. The OS} is




a set of internationally accepted standards that revolve around this reference model; these standards were developed in international forums and have been accepted on an international basis for this reason. The OS} is also a set of products that conform to these standards. The OSI reference model contains seven layers: physical, data link, network, transport, session, presentation, and application. The first four layers are known as the lower network layers. The last three layers are known as the higher layers; these higher layers plus the first four layers must be present in each end user or host node. On the other hand, intermediate nodes in the communications architecture must only possess the first three layers. Figure 10.3 presents a common representation of communication between two hosts using a communications network, such as a LAN or the Internet. Data is being transferred from an application on the left host node through the physical media and an intermediate node in the communications network to the host node on the right. The number of intermediate hosts depends not only on the communication network but on the route selected through that communication network. In the communication network at the top of Figure 10.3 at least two intermediate nodes would be involved in communication between the two hosts shown; it is possible that all five nodes would be involved. Some of the key definitions associated with OSI are [MacKinnon et al., 1990]: System: an autonomous whole capable of performing information processing or information transfer.

Communication Network

Host Node

Lower Layers Upper Layers

Intermediate Node

Application Presentation Session Transport Network Data Link Physical

Network Data Link Physical

Application Presentation Session Transport Network Data Link Physical

End Open System

Intermediate Open System

Physical Media

FIGURE 10.3 Communication in the OSI reference model.



Open System: a system than can create, transmit, receive and act upon OSI messages. Interconnection: ability to satisfy four types of activity — movement of digitized data over physical transmission media in a reliable manner; organization and control of the paths between those open systems that are the sources and destinations of information; exchange of commands and data to manage the cooperation of the systems that desire to interwork to achieve a specified purpose; and provision of a variety of services and facilities that directly support the user applications. Service Provider: the subsystem formed by a layer and all layers below it. This subsystem only serves the layer above it. So the service provider formed by the transport layer includes the network, data link, and physical layers and serves the session layer. Protocol: a complex multipart message that is passed between systems. Protocol control information (P-N): information that is added at layer N to the front of a message received from the (N + 1) layer above; this information is used to control the transmission of the message among entities in layer N. Protocol data unit (N-PDU): the message at layer N that contains the message from layer N 4-1 plus the protocol-control-information for layer N. Interface control information (I-N): information that is added at layer N to the front (and possibly the end) of the protocol-data-unit of layer N to be sent to layer N 1. Interface data unit (N-IDU): the message at layer N that contains the interface control information plus the protocol data unit of layer N and that will be sent to layer N 1 for transmission on the N 1 service provider. Service access point [(N)-SAP]: the point of interaction between layers N + 1 and N; the point at which I-N is added to the front (and possibly end) of the N + 1-PDU being sent from layer N + 1. Application: a set of distributed tasks that satisfy some real-world information processing requirement. Application entity (AE): the portion of an application that is responsible for interconnecting via OSI. Presentation entity (PE): the presentation protocol functionality within an open system that transforms data syntax so that the data can be transferred properly. (N)-entity: the functionality within layer N that adds P-N as one of its functions. Subnetwork: a real communication network. First, note the narrowness of the definition of system chosen in this domain. Second, the multilayered model of a communication system both enables an




orderly development of standard products and creates a significant overhead for communicating information. Figure 10.4 illustrates the process of moving data from one application to another over an OSI-compliant network and the overhead associated with that movement. The adding and stripping of information at each of the seven levels is necessary to make this movement happen but increases the data size. As data enters the OSI-compliant product at the application service access point [(7)SAP], nI-7 information is added to the front end of the data. This augmented data is then received at an (AE), where P-7 information is added to the front end, forming the 7-PDU. An imaginary transfer of the 7-PDU takes place on the presentation service provider (indicated by the dashed horizontal line in the application layer). In reality the 7-PDU is sent to the Presentation layer where 1-6 is added at the (6)-SAP and P-7 is added at the PE, forming the 6-PDU. This process continues through the first layer where the 1-PDU is actually placed on the physical media and transferred to the correct host. The process is repeated in reverse with the protocol and interface-control-information being stripped at successively higher layers until the original data is delivered to the application on the second host. Table 10.1 provides a short description and the key functions of each layer [Levi and Agrawala, 1994; MacKinnon et al., 1990; Schwartz, 1987]. Each



I-7 + Data

I-7 + Data


(7) - SAP 7 - Application

P-7 + I-7 + Data (7-PDU)

6 - Presentation P-6 + I-6 + 7-PDU (6-PDU)

OSI Layers

5 - Session

P-5 + I-5 + 6-PDU (5-PDU)

4 - Transport P-4 + I-4 + 5-PDU (4-PDU) 3 - Network P-3 + I-3 + 4-PDU (3-PDU) 2 - Data Link

1 - Physical

P-2 + I-2 + 3-PDU + I-2’ (2-PDU)

P-1 + I-1 + 2-PDU + I-1’ (1-PDU)

Physical Media Layer N Service Access Point (SAP);

Layer N - Entity (N-E)

FIGURE 10.4 OSI process of adding and stripping PCIs and ICIs.



TABLE 10.1 Summary of OSI Reference Model Layer (7) Application

(6) Presentation

(5) Session

Description of Layer

Layer Functions

Provides necessary communications between the end user’s application processes and the application entity. The application entity is the key operator of this layer. The two primary modes of communication are connection and connectionless. (The following discussion in this table addresses the connection mode.) Defines data syntax for communication between application entities and maintains transparency to the hosts. The presentation entity is the key operator of this layer.

. Establish connection (receive

Provides connection control for the hosts by enabling presentation entities to organize the exchange of data in either full or half duplex mode.

request, send indication, receive response, send confirmation) . Transfer data (receive request, send indication, receive data, initialize data, associate data, send data) . Release connection (receive request, send indication)

. Establish connection . Transfer data (receive

. . . . . . .

(4) Transport

(3) Network

Establishes transparent and reliable end to end transmission of data between host nodes. Determines the establishment of connection without concern for the type of sub network and handles routing. Represents the interface between the communications carriers (layers 1 3) and the computer manufacturers (layers 4 7).

. . . . . . . . . .

request, send indication, negotiate syntax, receive data, transform syntax, send data) Release connection Establish connection Transfer data Establish synchronization points Manage activity Release connection Report exceptional conditions Establish connection Transfer data Provide error detection and recovery Release connection Establish connection Transfer data Perform multiplexing Provide error control Provide sequencing and flow control Release connection (Continued)




TABLE 10.1. Continued Layer

Description of Layer

(2) Data Link

Establishes reliable transmission on the physical layer.

Layer Functions . Establish connection . Negotiate quality of service . . .

(1) Physical

Defines how the physical network is accessed in order to provide bit transparent transmission on the physical media. Supports synchronous and asynchronous transmission; duplex, half duplex, and simplex modes; and point to point and multi point topologies.

. . .

(QOS) Transfer data Provide flow control Reset connection Release connection Determine presence of signaling pulses. Determine timing of signaling pulses

layer, except the first, is responsible for establishing a connection on the service provider below it, transferring the data to and from that service provider, and releasing the connection when finished or required. In addition, the layers conduct functions such as reporting exceptional conditions, providing error control, negotiating quality of service, and providing flow control. While the OSI reference model has received a lot of attention as a standard, the world of products that incorporate communications systems has largely passed OSI by in favor of the de jure standard codified by the military: Transport Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP). This de jure standard has three layers above the physical layer: the network layer for which the LP is defined, the transport layer for which the TCP is defined, and the upper layers, which employ a variety of protocols.



From the inception of software applications, one of the most difficult problems for users is the communication of information among software applications developed by different organizations or programmers. Most software applications were designed to be a closed system, often involving proprietary code, algorithms, and interfaces. On occasion, several software applications were integrated vertically to address the problems in a single market. The Object Management Group (OMG) began operations in 1989 in response to this



problem. The result is the common object request broker architecture (CORBA) as a standard that would permit programmers to integrate software modules resident on the same network by treating each application as an object. The CORBA standard was developed via a set of request for proposals developed by the OMG and subsequent development contracts issued to corporations such as Digital, HP, HyperDesk, and Sun. The CORBA standard is actually all three standard types: formal, de jure, and de facto. Part of CORBA, the interface definition language (IDL), is a formal standard that has been adopted by the ISO and the European Computer Manufacturers Association (ECMA). The CORBA is a de jure standard in the United States and among several contractors and a de facto standard elsewhere in the world. The OMG and X/Open jointly publish CORBA. The CORBA standard treats software applications as objects, and as such, sits at the application level of OSI’s seven-layer architecture. See Figure 10.3. The CORBA is based on a client–server model for distributed computing. The IDL, a formal standard, is a universal notation for software interfaces defining a boundary between the client code (requests for services) and the software objects that implement those services. These software objects may be written to the standards defined by CORBA or may be legacy software that is ‘‘wrapped’’ by additional code that does adhere to CORBA standards. The IDL is both platform and language independent and has not changed significantly since first defined in 1991. In fact, IDL must remain stable or the associated standards inherent in CORBA will be broken. The IDL standard defines what is exposed in the interface between the service and its client(s); any other details and relationships are forbidden. For details on the IDL see Mowbray and Ruh [1997] or Mowbray and Zahavi [1995]. Although IDL is the key to making CORBA work from both a software development and architecture perspective, there are four additional categories of objects that comprise the CORBA architecture and are more important to this discussion of interfaces: the object request broker, CORBAservices, CORBAfacilities, and CORBAdomains. The first object category is the object request broker (ORB), which is the core of CORBA and is an analogy to a bus network. The ORB is the interface between the client (software package requesting a service of another package) and the server (software package performing the service requested). So, in fact, the ORB can be viewed (Fig. 10.5) as a bus architecture that operates in the application layer of the OSI network communication model. The main role of the ORB is to standardize access between software applications, enabling CORBA to hide the programming, platform, and location peculiarities of client and server software objects. Each software object registers its interface characteristics with the ORB. The ORB receives all requests for service by another software application and knows which application to task with the request, where that application is, and how the request has to be translated so that the application will understand the request. The ORB requires that each software application be written in accordance with CORBA standards as




Application Presentation Session



Object Request Broker

Transport Network Data Link Physical Request Response


CORBA overlaid on OSI seven layer model.

defined by the IDL or wrapped in a software application (wrapper) that adheres to IDL and interfaces with the non-IDL software application. This bus architecture is the reason that CORBA can be efficient in interfacing software applications. Without an ORB-like network each application must be able to interface with every other application; if there were N applications and a new one is added, the new application must have N new interfaces developed. With CORBA each new application requires either an IDL wrapper to connect it to the ORB or the adherence to the IDL architecture. Parts of the ORB are exposed to the applications (clients and servers), as shown in Figure 10.6. The dynamic invocation, the ORB interface, and the dynamic skeleton are defined as part of the CORBA specification and provided by all ORB environments. The ORB interface contains several general purpose methods. The dynamic invocation interface allows the client to request a service without requiring that precompiled stubs be part of the ORB. Dynamic



Dynamic Skeleton Interface Repository

Dynamic Invocation

Static Invocation

ORB Interface

Static Skeleton

Object Adapter

Object Request Broker (ORB)


ORB interactions with clients and servers.



invocation means that interface-related information about the server is acquired at the time of the invocation, providing great freedom and flexibility. The dynamic skeleton associated with the server’s interaction with the ORB provides a dynamic bundling of the information in the request from the client into input parameters for the server and a dynamic bundling of the results obtained by the server for return to the client. The combination of dynamic invocation and dynamic skeletons enable users to create implementations of objects that form a gateway to often-used applications such as word processing and databases. Static invocations (sometimes called stubs) and static skeletons are also available as extensions of the ORB. A static invocation is precompiled on the basis of the IDL interface of the client to the ORB and requires that the client have knowledge of server’s characteristics before the request is made. As additional objects (software applications) are added to the ORB, a client relying on static invocation will have to be updated in order to access the new applications. A client using dynamic invocation will be able to learn the needed information from the interface repository while building the request. Interestingly CORBA is constructed so that the server is unaware of the nature (static versus dynamic) of the invocation. (The word ‘‘common’’ was added to CORBA when the decision was made to implement both static and dynamic invocations.) The static skeleton is analogous to the static invocation but on the server side. Static invocations and skeletons have the benefits of being easier to program, performing faster (dynamic invocations can be up to 40 times slower than static invocations [Orfali et al., 1997, p. 71], more robust, and easier to understand. The final part of the ORB that interacts with servers is the object adapter. The major function of the object adapter is to define how an object is activated. One software application that can satisfy many types of requests could use a different object adapter for each request type. The CORBA standard requires that a basic object adapter be available in every ORB; this basic object adapter is sufficient for most applications. The basic object adapter performs the following functions: installation and registration of an object implementation (implementation repository), generation and interpretation of object references, activating and deactivating object implementations, invoking methods and passing method parameters. CORBAservices include the types of services that are part of operating systems and are globally applicable. These services are packaged as objects with IDL interfaces and are augmentations of the ORB. Table 10.2 describes the services that currently comprise the ORB-object service (ORBOS) architecture. Additional services are planned for the future. These services enhance the effectiveness, efficiency, and security of the ORB and were proposed by platform and ORB vendors. Each service is implemented as an object so that it can be used by any application. CORBAfacilities are objects that provide services to application objects and are keyed to interoperability issues of the applications. The initial architecture


TABLE 10.2



Services in the ORBOS Architecture

ORBOS Segment Information Management Services

Service Properties Relationship Query


Persistent Object

Collection Task Management Services




System Management Services


Lifecycle Licensing Trader

Infrastructure Services and Elements

Time Security


Description of Service Associates named values or properties with an object. Creates and provides mechanisms to traverse dynamic links between objects. Provides a superset of the structured query language (SQL) queries, based on SQL3. Processes data structures and object states into flat representations so that the information can be transmitted in and out of objects as a stream. Provides a protocol for a persistent object to store its state in an object database, relational database, or file. Generically creates and manipulates common collections of objects. Passes event information among sources and consumers; information can be multicast to registered objects. Provides a lock management structure based on either transactions or threads; includes read, write, upgrade, intention read, and intention write locks. Enables the manipulation of the state of multiple objects for flat and nested manipulations. Enables objects to locate other objects by name, and to bind and resolve to directories, analogous to the ‘‘white pages of the phone book.’’ Enables the creation, copying, moving and deleting of objects on the ORB. Allocates objects based upon the number of licenses obtained from the publisher. Enables objects to publicize their services and bid for jobs; analogous to the ‘‘Yellow Pages.’’ Synchronizes time in a distributed object environment. Supports authentication, access control lists, confidentiality and non repudiation; manages the delegation of credentials between objects. Enables asynchronous invocations on the ORB.



for CORBAfacilities is divided into user interface management, information management, system management, and task management. Note these are the same elements as CORBAservices except that user interface management in CORBAfacilities replaces infrastructure services and elements in CORBAservices. The applications in CORBAfacilities are likely to change the way the user views computing and to enable the ORB to distribute the computing associated with a user’s need across the platforms associated with the ORB in the most efficient manner. CORBAdomains is the final category of the CORBA. This category is still under development and will facilitate vertical application development in domains such as banking, manufacturing, multimedia conferences, telecommunications, and medicine. CORBA is not unique in its efforts to enable integration of software applications for users. Other attempts to integrate applications are the distributed computing environment (DCE) of the Open Software Foundation (OSF) and Microsoft’s distributed component object model (DCOM). In fact, these three approaches compete with and complement each other. The remote method invocation of JAVA is also related to these three approaches. See Mowbray and Ruh [1997] for a comparison of these approaches.



Interface design is central to the success of the systems engineering process. By determining what the system’s components are and allocating functions to these components in the process of defining the allocated architecture. Engineers of the system identify those items (inputs and outputs) that pass between components. The transportation of these items must be allocated to some physical entity; additional low-level functions must be defined that make the transition across this transportation entity possible. The IDEF0 diagram in Figure 10.1 shows the design process of the system-level interfaces. As discussed earlier, this design process has all of the elements of the system’s design process. Design of the interface must pay special attention to the system performance issues associated with the interfaces outputs. Concerns about the timeliness, accuracy, and reliability of the outputs of the interface need to be considered carefully. The fidelity of the interface is defined as the insurance of the integrity and delivery of items being transferred; that is, the item being sent is the same as the item being delivered, and the item is delivered in a reasonable amount of time. Clearly the interface needs to be sized to handle some determinable quantity of items. Finally, there must usually be extensive failure detection and recovery algorithms to address the integrity and delivery of items. The design process for an interface includes the steps shown in Figure 10.7. First, defining the components to be addressed, the items that are transferred between them, and any interfaces that have already been specified should bound the interface design problem. Next, we must identify those items that are


• •


Define Interface Requirements • Identify the Items to Be Transported by the Interface • Define the Operational Concept • Bound the Problem with an External Systems Diagram • Define the Objectives Hierarchy • Write the Requirements Select a High-Level Interface Architecture • Identify Several Candidate Architectures • Define Trial Interfaces for Each Candidate • Evaluate Alternatives against Requirements • Choose High-Level Interface Architecture Develop Functional Interface Architecture • Specify Functional Decomposition • Add Inputs and Outputs • Add Fault Detection and Recovery Functions Develop Physical Interface Architecture • Identify Candidates based upon High-Level Architecture • Eliminate Infeasible Candidates Develop Allocated Interface Architecture • Allocate Functions to Components of the Interface • Analyze Behavior and Performance of Alternatives • Select Alternative • Document Design and Obtain Approval

FIGURE 10.7 Interface design process.

to be included in the interface for which we are concerned. Before getting into the design, we must derive the requirements for this interface from the current requirements specification. Included in these requirements are the performance, cost, and trade-off requirement that will be instrumental in selecting the interface. The design steps are to choose an interface architecture (e.g., shared memory, message passing, bus network); define specific trial interface alternatives (e.g., various bus network alternatives); evaluate these alternatives against the requirements, specifically the performance, cost, and trade-off requirements; and finally choose a specific interface alternative. Once the interface has been chosen, the behavior of the interface must be detailed and added to the functional architecture. Next, functional behavior is allocated to the existing components and the new interface. Finally, the performance of the segment containing the components and interface must be evaluated, and critical fault detection and recovery behavior must be added to the functional architecture and then allocated to the components and interface. Figure 10.8 provides a sample result of the above interface design for an elevator. The interface is an external one between the elevator and the building for the purpose of transferring emergency communications between passengers in the elevator and appropriate emergency response unit (e.g., police). In this case a standard interface item, a commercial telephone system, is chosen,



• Define Interface Requirements • Identify the Items to Be Transported: Emergency Communications from the Elevator to the Building (and onto the emergency response team) • Define the Operational Concept: Passenger encounters emergency and requests ability to make emergency known to emergency response team; Elevator provides resource for passenger to use; Passenger communicates • Bound the Problem with an External Systems Diagram: (skipped) • Define the Objectives Hierarchy: Objectives are (1) availability of interface, (2) fidelity of the communicated message, (3) operational cost (monthly) and (4) deployment cost. • Write the Requirements: (skipped) • Select a High-Level Interface Architecture • Identify Several Candidate Architectures: (1) Telephone connection to building, (2) Dedicated communication system network to emergency response team • Define Trial Interfaces for Each Candidate (skipped) • Evaluate Alternatives against Requirements: Dedicated network is too expensive to install • Choose High-Level Interface Architecture: Telephone connection is chosen • Develop Functional Interface Architecture: Not needed because interface is standard • Develop Physical Interface Architecture Not needed because interface is standard • Develop Allocated Interface Architecture Not needed because interface is standard

FIGURE 10.8 elevator.

Sample interface design between elevator and the building housing the

making most of the interface design process unnecessary. Commercial standards are often chosen as interfaces for this reason.



Interfaces are the primary responsibility of the systems engineer and are the most common failure point on systems. Designing the interfaces of a system begins with identifying the interfaces, both external and internal, and allocating items (inputs and outputs) to the defined interfaces. Next the requirements for each interface must be derived from existing system-level requirements. As part of the system’s requirements, interface requirements will be derived that define the performance and fidelity of the interface. System throughput and response time are the common performance issues that are relevant to designing the interfaces. The fidelity of an interface means ensuring the quality of the items being carried. As part of the design process alternative interface architecture options must be examined and the most cost-effective chosen. These alternatives can be based on message passing, shared memory, or network architectures, depending upon the characteristics of the items being transported and the performance issues associated with the system. Standards play a major role in the design or selection of an interface. If a standard can be selected as an interface, then the design information that needs to be communicated in any component or CI specification is readily available




and probably well understood. Standards can be formal (adopted by a recognized standards-setting body), de jure (mandated by legal authorities), and de facto (adopted via popular usage by many commercial concerns). Two major standards, the open systems interconnection (OSI) reference model and the common object request broker architecture (CORBA) were presented in this chapter. These two standards demonstrate the complexity associated with most significant interfaces in terms of design issues and functionality.

CASE STUDY: PATHFINDER COMMUNICATIONS FAILURE The Pathfinder system that was deployed to the surface of Mars for a landing on July 4, 1997 was truly a success in many ways. Unique system design features included a landing on air bags and the small but effective Sojourner rover. However, a few days into the mission operators on the ground noticed that infrequent total system resets were occurring that were causing the loss of data. The Pathfinder’s information system contained an interface described as a ‘‘bus or shared memory area’’ [Jones, 1997]. A priority system had been established for giving various system activities access to this interface. A bus management task had high priority and ran frequently to accept specific data elements into the shared memory area and then distribute them to their proper locations. A task for gathering and publishing meteorological data had low priority. A particular, lengthy communications activity employed by the spacecraft had a medium priority. Mutual exclusion locks were employed to give an activity access to the interface. A mutual exclusion (mutex) lock is given to an activity and grants that activity control of the communications interface until it releases control back to the interface. VxWorks is the commercial package used on Pathfinder to handle these scheduling activities on the interface. Wilner [1997] described the problem causing the system resets and the process used to diagnose and fix this problem. The meteorological data gathering activity was an infrequent user of the communications interface and involved the publishing of a substantial amount of data. This data was so voluminous that the meteorological data activity would have to obtain and release mutexes several times before it was finished. The meteorological activity was broken into short enough segments that the high-priority bus management task could gain control for its important functions during the meteorological activity. However, the long running, medium-priority communications activity would infrequently interrupt the meteorological activity during one of its pauses and gain control of the interface. The durations of this medium priority communications task and the previous segments of the



meteorological task were sufficiently long to invoke a watchdog timer that was employed to ensure that the high-priority bus management task was executing appropriately. In these rare cases the watchdog timer would invoke a total system reset as a hedge against the system being in a deadlock or failure mode. Whenever the reset occurred, the data in the interface would be lost. Fortunately, VxWorks had a feature for recording a total trace of system events. Jet Propulsion Lab (JPL) engineers ran the Pathfinder replica on Earth in their lab until the reset situation was replicated. They found that VxWorks had been programmed to run without a feature called priority inheritance. Enabling this priority inheritance feature would solve this problem by keeping the medium-priority communications task from slipping into the middle of the meteorological publishing task. The JPL engineers uploaded a short C program that enabled the priority inheritance feature. Pathfinder experienced no more system resets or loss of data. PROBLEMS 10.1 Develop a functional, physical, and allocated architecture for an OSIcompliant communication system using the material presented in this chapter for the OSI reference model. Note the physical architecture of the communication system will include the physical communication network as well as the layers of the OSI reference model. 10.2 Develop a functional, physical, and operational model for a CORBAcompliant software system. Use a physical architecture comprised of the IDL, ORB, CORBAservices, CORBAfacilities, and CORBAdomains. 10.3 Select several items for your OnStar project from previous chapters and design an interface for those items. 10.4 Select several items for your ATM project from previous chapters and design an interface for those items.



Integration and Qualification



Integration is the process of assembling the system from its components, which must be assembled from their configuration items (CIs). Qualification is the process of verifying and validating the system design and then obtaining the stakeholders’ acceptance of the design. Recall that verification is the determination that the system was built right while validation determines that the right system was built. Both of these activities are conducted by the systems engineering team as part of the development process, primarily during integration. Validation has critical early elements (conceptual, design requirements, and validity) that are completed during the design phase. The system that is used to qualify the system being designed must be built for that purpose. So while the operational system is being designed, the qualification system for the operational system is also being designed and integrated. The operational phase for this qualification system is during integration and qualification. Also keep in mind that other systems are being developed concurrently with the operational system, namely, some or all of the manufacturing, deployment, training, refinement, and retirement systems. Each of these also has a qualification system. The terms testing and qualification are used interchangeably in parts of this chapter. The word testing is associated with the key words of acceptance, validation, and verification by most systems engineers. However, the process of acceptance, validation, and verification comprise what is being called qualification in this chapter. The confusing usage arises when an instrumented test is mentioned as one of four methods that comprise qualification (testing), and the other three methods do not contain the word test: inspection, demonstration, The Engineering Design of Systems: Models and Methods, Second Edition. By Dennis M. Buede Copyright r 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.




and analysis and simulation. In fact, these three methods are forms of test. The word qualification is used in this chapter as often as possible to mean the process that comprises acceptance, validation, and verification testing. The word testing will be used with these three terms but is meant to be associated with the methods used in the qualification process during integration. This chapter begins by providing a detailed definition of the elements of qualification: acceptance testing, validation, and verification. Section 11.3 discusses the concept of integration since qualification takes place as integration is progressing; alternate processes for integration are discussed in Section 11.4. Then qualification is described in detail, beginning with planning and proceeding to a detailed discussion of qualification methods. Special topics in acceptance testing are described in Section 11.7. The exit criterion for integration and qualification is acceptance of the design by the stakeholders. This is often done conditionally, that is, with the provision that certain system elements be revised to enable greater cost-effectiveness during operation.

11.2 DISTINCTIONS AMONG ACCEPTANCE, VALIDATION AND VERIFICATION TESTING In Chapter 1 the concepts of verification, validation, and acceptance were introduced. (Grady [1997] provides additional detail on the distinctions being discussed here.) Acceptance is a stakeholder function for agreeing that the designed system, as tested or otherwise evaluated by the stakeholders, is acceptable. As such acceptance is driven by the stakeholders, with the knowledge of the results of validation and verification activities that have preceded it. See Figure 11.1. Validation is the process of determining that the systems engineering process has produced the right system, based upon the needs expressed by the stakeholder. Validation is carried out by the systems engineers, based upon what they believe the stakeholders’ needs to be. The most reliable and early statement of the stakeholders’ needs is the operational concept. Therefore operational validity is the matching of the capabilities of the designed system to the operational concept; this naturally occurs late in the integration phase after the designed system has been verified. However, conceptual validity, requirements validity, and design validity are important aspects of validity and need to be addressed early in the design phase. Conceptual, requirements, and design validity are called early validation, the determination that the right problem is being defined at the current level of abstraction, given the validity of the problem definition at a higher level of abstraction. Conceptual validity is the correspondence between the stakeholders’ needs and the operational concept. Conceptual validity needs to be established at the outset of the design process via interactions among the systems engineers and the stakeholders; however, the systems engineer cannot assume that once



Stakeholders’ Needs

Conceptual Validity

Requirements Validity


Acceptability Operational Validity

Operational Concept Stakeholders’ Requirements System Requirements Element Specs

Design Validity

System Delivered Developmental Verification

Segment Specs Component Specs CI Specs

Elements Delivered Segments Delivered

Components Delivered CIs Delivered Systems Engineering Design Engineering

SE Vee Time

FIGURE 11.1 Verification, validation, and acceptance.

established there is no more work to be done. Stakeholders’ needs change and the operational concept must change with those needs. Note operational validity only makes sense if conceptual validity has been established. If both conceptual and operational validity are solid, then the stakeholders’ acceptance should be nearly guaranteed. Requirements validity is the correspondence between the operational concept and the stakeholders’ requirements. In requirements validity the operational concept is assumed to be an accurate reflection of the stakeholders’ needs; the validation occurs by establishing that the stakeholders’ requirements have neither introduced new issues nor left issues out of the operational concept, thus causing the design of a different system than envisioned in the operational concept. But recall that the operational concept and stakeholders’ requirements should be stated in design independent terms, making this task of requirements validity quite difficult. Elements of requirements validity are ensuring there are input/output requirements for all of the inputs and outputs in the operational concept; that every objective in the objectives hierarchy has a performance requirement in the StkhldrsRD; that every external interface to the system has been considered for an external interface requirement; and so forth.



The external systems diagram and objectives hierarchy (discussed in Chapter 6) are key tools for establishing this requirements validity. In addition, intermediate products such as a data model that relates the inputs to and outputs from the system in the operational concept to the aggregate inputs and outputs of the system in the external systems diagram can and should be developed to support requirements validation. At a higher level of abstraction, the systems engineers should be asking ‘‘Can we get something we do not want even though these requirements stating our needs are met?’’ In addition they should ask ‘‘Can we get what we want (the problem solved) without getting what we have asked for in the requirements?’’ If either of these questions can be answered positively, there is more work to do on the requirements. Design validity assumes that the Stakeholders’ Requirements Document (StkhldrsRD) is a valid statement of the stakeholders’ needs and addresses the congruence between the StkhldrsRD and the derived requirements. The derived requirements begin with the Systems Requirements Document (SysRD), evolve to subsystem and component specifications, and culminate in CI specifications. In Chapter 9 three techniques for flowdown or derivation of requirements were discussed: apportionment, equivalence, and synthesis. Establishing design validity for apportionment and equivalence is straightforward. Design validation when synthesis is involved, on the other hand, requires establishing the validity of the models used to complete flowdown via synthesis. These models are used to transform requirements on one or more variables to requirements on parameters that have a functional relationship with these variables. A common cause for failure in this synthesis process is that the models being used were valid in previous engineering efforts but are not valid for the current system; yet the validity of the models from previous developments of similar systems is assumed to pertain to the current development. Petroski [1994] provides extensive evidence of such failures in structural design engineering; failures of bridges are highlighted in particular. The designers forgot the lessons of past failure modes and built bridges that were extrapolations of previous efforts: Extrapolations that were not justified based upon modeling assumptions that were not examined in sufficient detail. Conceptual requirements and design validity are the province of the systems engineering team and must be undertaken very seriously to ensure that the requirements development process does not redefine the problem being solved. There are two chains that must be strong; see Figure 11.2. The first chain consists of conceptual validity, operational validity, and acceptance testing. Requirements validity, design validity, verification, and operational validity comprise the second chain. Each of these chains is only as strong as the weakest link. Verification is the matching of CIs, components, subsystems, and the system to their corresponding requirements to ensure that each has been built right. This process of design verification is also carried out by the systems engineering team to ensure that the design problem defined in conjunction with the stakeholders is being solved appropriately. In order for verification to be




Stakeholders’ Needs Conceptual Validity

Acceptability High Level Chain

Operational Concept Requirements Validity Stakeholders’ Requirements System Requirements Design Validity

Operational Validity System Delivered Developmental Verification Elements Delivered

Element Specs Segment Specs Component Specs CI Specs

Low Level Chain

Segments Delivered

Components Delivered CIs Delivered Systems Engineering Design Engineering

SE Vee Time

FIGURE 11.2 Two qualification chains. The high level chain consists of conceptual validity, operational validity, and acceptability. The low level chain consists of design validity, requirements validity, developmental verification, and operational validity.

successful, the originating and derived requirements must be testable; that is, the requirements must be single statements that are unambiguous, understandable, and verifiable (see Chapter 6). Verification begins in the design phase with the definition of the derived requirements and becomes the focus of activity early in the integration phase when the systems engineers can match the derived requirements to the capabilities of the CIs and the components. However, the design of the test system to achieve this verification must occur in the design phase of the system. It is a misconception to picture verification as beginning and ending before validation, which begins and ends before acceptance testing. In fact, as can be seen in Figure 11.1, validation has to begin with the definition of requirements to ensure that there is conceptual validity between the operational concept and the stakeholders’ needs. Requirements validity also begins almost immediately to address the congruence between the stakeholders’ requirements and the operational concept. Finally, design validity addresses the consistency and



congruence between stakeholders’ requirements and derived requirements. For example, does every input and output to the system have at least one requirement associated with it? Does the system have all of the system-wide requirements it should have? Before operational validation can begin, design of a qualification system must occur. The IDEFO (Integrated Definition for Function Modeling) representation in Figure 11.3 of early validation, verification, operational validation, and acceptance testing suggests the most likely sequential ordering. In practice, though, there is substantial concurrency involving these processes, making the results even more difficult to get right. Finally, in order for the acceptance test to be successful, there must be clear agreement between the acceptance thresholds and the early design documents of the operational concept and stakeholders’ requirements. Therefore, design of the acceptance test must begin early enough to enable both conceptual and design validity. Successful integration relies critically on the complete and consistent development of stakeholders’ requirements, the proper flowdown of stakeholders’ requirements into derived requirements and tracing of requirements to functions and components/CIs, and the analysis of system performance and cost in light of the stakeholders’ fundamental objectives. These are design activities associated with the system. The development of test requirements, including the verification, validation, and acceptance test plans, initializes integration and helps formalize the design process.



Textbook integration is a bottom-up process (see the top half of Figure 11.4) that combines multiple CIs into components, and multiple components into subsystems, and multiple subsystems into the system. At each level of integration the appropriate interfaces and models of the external systems, components, and CIs must exist for this subset of the system. These interfaces and models are stimulated by defined sets of inputs and tested to determine if the appropriate outputs are obtained. In addition, the physical combination of the CIs, components, or subsystems is examined to determine that the fit of these system elements is acceptable. This is not to say that integration can only be bottom up and must wait for the last available CI before proceeding to the component level. In fact, design stubs (shells or model replicas) for specific CIs, components, or even subsystems can be developed as part of the integration process to reduce risk, speed up integration, and enhance the testing effort. Alternate integration processes are discussed later. Figures 11.4, 11.5 and 11.6 show three different representations of the major integration functions. The bottom half of Figure 11.4 shows this information as an IDEFO diagram with the functions and flow of data among the functions; the major functions are (1) inspect and test the CI (component or subsystem), (2) identify and fix any correctable deficiencies found in the first function, (3)




Inputs of Stakeholders System Design Phase Documentation Perform Design Activities

System Design & Integration Documentation

Qualification System Design Documentation

Qualification System Design Documentation


Qualification Procedures, Activities, & Models "Built-to" Configuration Items & PreProduction Prototypes

System Integration Phase Documentation

Perform Qualification & Integration Activities

Operational System


Design Changes

Operational Concept, Qualification Procedures, Stakeholders’ Requirements, Activities, & Models Derived Requirements

Early Validation Conduct Changes Early Validation "Built-to" CIs

System Design Phase Documentation

Derived & Stakeholders’ Requirements


"Built-to" Configuration Items & PreProduction Prototypes

Qualification System

Conduct Integration & Verification

Acceptance or Rejection

Operational Concept

Acceptance Criteria & Thresholds Design Changes Verification Changes

Early Validation Document

Verification Document


Pre-Production Verification Prototypes Data

Inputs of Stakeholders

Conduct Validation

Validation Document


Validation Data

Validation Changes

Acceptance Changes

Conduct Acceptance Testing A24


System Integration Phase Documentation

Acceptance Testing Document

Operational System

Bottom up integration process.

assess the impact of any uncorrectable deficiencies found in the first function, (4) redesign the CI (component or subsystem) to address unacceptable impacts of any uncorrectable deficiencies as identified in the third function, (5) modify the baseline of the design to account for any fixes (function 2) or acceptable impacts (requirements changes from function 3), and (6) integrate with the next CI (component or subsystem) and repeat until all CIs (components or



Derived & Stakeholders’ Requirements

Qualification Procedures, Activities, & Models

Component Level Design Documents "Built-to" CIs

Perform Component Integration & Verification

Stakeholders’ & System Requirements Documents

Subsystem Level Design Documents

CI Verification Changes Component Verification Changes

"Built-to" Components


Perform Subsystem Integration & Verification

SubsystemGenerated Component Regression Qualification

SystemGenerated Subsystem Regression Qualification

CI Test Results

Subsystem Verification Documents

Component Verification Documents

Verification Document Subsystem Verification Changes

Component Test Results


SystemGenerated Component Regression Qualification

Verification Changes

Perform System System Integration & Verification Verification Document

"Built-to" Subsystems


System-Level Reqression Qualification

Component Level Design Documents

Verification Data

Subsystem Test Results

Qualification Procedures, Activities, & Models

"Built-to" CIs SubsystemGenerated Component Regression Qualification SystemGenerated Component Regression Qualification

Inspect & Verify CI


Corrected CI

Deficient CI

CI Test Results Discrepancy Reports

Identify & Fix Correctable CI Deficiencies A2212

Uncorrected CI

Impact Statement Assess Impact of Uncorrectable CI Deficiencies A2213

Unacceptable Impact

Cleared CI Redesigned CI

Acceptable Impact CI Engineering Changes

Redesign CI

CI Verification Changes

Baseline Changes


Modify CI Baseline

Approval to Continue Integration

Component Verification Documents


Cleared CI

Integrate with Next CI

"Built-to" Components


FIGURE 11.4 Major integration functions for component integration. (The same six functions apply for subsystem and system integration.)

subsystems) have been integrated. Figure 11.4 addresses component integration but has the identical structure for the higher level integration at the subsystem and system levels. Figure 11.5 shows logic structure of integration at the subsystem level, that is, integrating every subsystem of the system until all subsystems have been

Continue until every subsystem has been integrated


Subsystem Integration Complete

Inspect and Test Subystem


Deficient Subsystem


Modify and Fix Correctable Deficiencies

Remaining Deficiencies

Modify Baseline



Assess Impact of Uncorrectable Deficiences

Deficiencies Unacceptable



Redesign Subsystem

FIGURE 11.5 Logic diagram for subsystem integration. 349


1 Perform Design Activities



deficient subsystem

cleared subsystem


Inspect & Test Subsystem


uncorrectable def

correctable def.

2.3.3 Assess Impact of Uncorrectable.. unacceptable impact

acceptable impact

Redesign Subsystem




Modify Baseline


Integration control structure. (Subsystem integration into the System.)

2.3.2 Identify & Fix Correctable Deficiencies

for each subsystem if deficiency is fixed or redesigned



2.3.6 Integrate with Next Subsystem


2.1 Perform Component Integration




integrated. First a selected subsystem is inspected and tested to determine if it meets the requirements defined in the specification for that subsystem; this is verification. If the subsystem is not deficient, the next subsystem begins the verification process. If the subsystem is deficient, modifications and fixes are made if possible, and the design baseline is modified accordingly. However, if there are remaining deficiencies, the impact of these deficiencies must be assessed. If the deficiencies are acceptable, no redesign is necessary and the requirements baseline is modified. However, if the deficiencies are unacceptable, the subsystem must be redesigned, usually at great cost and delay in time. If any changes are made at all, the subsystem must be retested (called regression testing) in case any new problems were introduced. These six functions cannot flow in serial sequence. In fact, some functions may not be executed at all. If there are no deficiencies, functions 2 through 5 are never executed. If all deficiencies are correctable, functions 3 and 4 are not executed. Figure 11.6 shows the control structure needed to make these function work as a function flow block diagram (FFBD). (The details of reading FFBDs can be found in Chapter 12.) Figure 11.6 shows the functions at the subsystem level of integration, but again this structure applies equally at the component and system levels.



As discussed earlier bottom-up integration is commonly discussed in textbooks as the desired approach. In fact, in Chapter 1 the Vee model of systems engineering represented the bottom-up integration process as the appropriate one. However, there are alternate integration processes (described in Table 11.1) that are appropriate to systems engineering; these alternate approaches have been investigated and described by the software engineering community [Perry, 1988]. The top-down integration process was commonly used in software engineering as part of top-down software design and development. The most commonly used integration process in the software industry [Perry, 1988] is ‘‘big bang’’ integration, in which CIs are combined as they become available and have completed testing. Top-down integration begins by examining the top-level core of the system, is followed by adding major components to this core and testing, and ends by adding the individual CIs to the cores of the components and testing. Topdown integration is very difficult to accomplish for systems with hardware, people, and facilities that are designed from scratch. It is difficult to define a system core that is hardware, people, and facilities unless a large part of the system already exists, commonly referred to as ‘‘commercial off-the-shelf’’ (COTS) components or CIs. However, as more and more new systems are made up of larger and larger amounts of COTS components, top-down integration has greater usefulness in systems engineering.



TABLE 11.1 Principal Integration Processes Top-Down

Integration begins with a major or top level module. All modules are called from the top level module are simulated by ‘‘stubs’’ (shell or model replica). Once the top level module is qualified, actual modules replace the stubs until the entire system has been qualified. This is most useful for systems using large amounts of COTS components. Phase Integration: Integration is done from the top down to the lowest level; one peel of the onion at a time. Incremental Integration: Integration is done for a specific module from top to bottom; one slice of the system at a time. Advantage: Early demonstration of the system is allowed. Representation of the test cases is easier. This is more productive if major flaws occur toward the top of the system. Disadvantage: Stubs have to be developed. Representation of test cases in the stubs may be difficult. Observation of test output may be artificial and difficult. This requires a hierarchical system architecture.

Integration begins with the elementary pieces (or CIs) that comprise the system. After each CI is tested, components comprising multiple CIs are tested. This process continues until the entire system is assembled and tested. This is the traditional systems engineering integration approach. Phase Integration: At any point in the integration, all of the subsystems are at the same stage of integration testing. Incremental Integration: Integration proceeds one slice of the system at a time. Advantage: It is easier to detect flaws in the tiniest pieces of the system. Test conditions are easier to create. Observation of the test results is easier. Disadvantage: ‘‘Scaffold’’ systems must be produced to support the pieces as they are integrated. System’s control structure cannot be tested until the end. Major errors in the system design are typically not caught until the end. System does not exist until the last integration test is completed. This requires a hierarchical system architecture.

Bottom Up

Big Bang

Untested CIs are assembled and the combination is tested. This is a commonly used and maligned approach. (Continued)




TABLE 11.1. Continued Advantage: Immediate feedback on the status of system elements is provided. Little or no pre test planning is required. Little or no training is required. Disadvantage: Source of errors is difficult to trace. Many errors are never detected.

Both the bottom-up and top-down integration processes can proceed for the entire system by adding or peeling a layer of the system as one would an onion; this is referred to as phase integration. For bottom-up integration this means that all of the CIs are integrated into their respective components before any components are integrated. However, it is commonly counterproductive from schedule and cost perspectives to delay the integration of some of the components until all of the CIs are ready. At the other extreme is incremental integration in which one subsystem at a time is integrated from the CIs up through its components before the integration of any other subsystem is begun. Just as phase integration is impractical, so to is pure incremental integration. A major element of test planning is the creation of a realistic schedule for when each CI will be ready so that integration can proceed at an orderly pace and test system devices and models can be ready when needed. This typically involves a mixture of phase and incremental integration. Finally, big-bang integration is a relatively undisciplined, but much used, approach to integration. At the worst extreme this approach begins assembling CIs as they become available and undertakes testing as an afterthought. Since there is no serious planning for testing sequences, fault detection and fault localization and diagnosis become very difficult. At its best this approach combines bottom-up and top-down integration in a disciplined and rigorous manner. When done well, this approach often takes more planning and development of test rigs but can be accomplished more quickly. Another major element of the development of the qualification system and qualification planning is the creation of the appropriate test stubs and scaffolds with drivers for the relevant qualification scenarios. Each CI, component, and the system as a whole must be stimulated by a given set of inputs for each qualification case. In addition, test equipment must be put in place to capture the outputs of these CIs, components, and the system. The qualification plan ensures that these qualification system elements will be in place at the right time to enable the planned integration sequence of CIs and components. The plan typically breaks down when planned tests are failed by specific CIs, components, or the system. A well-designed qualification plan will address schedule adjustments for possible qualification failures as part of risk mitigation.





The purpose of qualification is not only to find faults and failures but also to prevent them and to provide comprehensible diagnoses about their location and cause. Recall the following definitions from Chapter 7: Failure: deviation in behavior between the system and its requirements. Since the system does not maintain a copy of its requirements, a failure is not observable by the system. Error: a subset of the system state, which may lead to a failure. The system can monitor its own state, so errors are observable in principle. Failures are inferred when errors are observed. Since a system is usually not able to monitor its entire state continuously, not all errors are observable. As a result, not all failures are going to be detected (inferred). Fault: defects in the system that can cause an error. Faults can be permanent (e.g., a failure of system component that requires replacement) or temporary due to either an internal malfunction or an external transient. Temporary faults may not cause a sufficiently noticeable error or may cause a permanent fault in addition to a temporary error. The qualification designer should realize that the design of the qualification system is not only important in terms of finding and defining faults and errors but also in guiding designers to preclude them from introducing faults in the first place. In addition, the qualification designer must realize that no qualification procedure is perfect. As Glegg [1981] points out, no procedure can answer all questions of interest. Some procedures do well at capturing what happened; others do much better at explaining why these things happened. As a result a number of complementary procedures must be employed for success. When complete the qualification design must document the qualification procedures in detail and the expected qualification results (requirements) for each procedure. In fact, recall that the qualification process is being conducted by a qualification system; the qualification design should be tested just as any system would be. To design the qualification system, some basic knowledge of faults is needed and some modeling of fault importance should be completed. The software community [Beizer, 1990] has written much more extensively on these topics than has the systems engineering community. Beizer [1990] presents three laws of software testing that are directly relevant to systems: First Law: The Pesticide Paradox — Every method you use to prevent or find bugs leaves a residue of subtler bugs against which those methods are ineffectual. Corollary to the First Law — Test suites wear out. Second Law: The Complexity Barrier — Software complexity (and therefore that of bugs) grows to the limits of our ability to manage that complexity. Third Law — Code migrates to data.



For systems, replace the word bug with fault. The third law becomes ‘‘hardware and people migrate to software which eventually migrate to data.’’ Theoretically Manna and Waldinger [1978 p. 208] summarized the barriers to verification (the easy part of qualification) as:

‘‘We can never be sure that the specifications are correct.’’ ‘‘No verification system can verify every correct program.’’ ‘‘We can never be certain that a verification system is correct.’’

These barriers generalize to validation. Beizer [1990] also provides a taxonomy of bug (fault) consequences: Mild: The symptom offends us aesthetically, for example, misspelling or poor formatting. Moderate: Outputs are misleading or redundant, affecting system performance. Annoying: The system’s behavior is dehumanizing, for example, names are truncated, bills for $0.00 are sent, operators must resort to unnatural command actions to obtain the desired response. Disturbing: The system refuses to handle legitimate functions. Serious: The system loses track of functions and gobbles unique inputs, for example, your deposit is lost. Very Serious: The system mixes input and output streams, for example, your deposit is credited to another account. Extreme: The problems are not limited to a few situations but occur on a frequent basis. Intolerable: The system causes long-term, unrecoverable corruption of the database and this corruption is not easily detected. Catastrophic: The system decides on its own to shut down, causing unrecoverable corruption of the database. Infectious: The system completes its own functions, but in so doing it corrupts the functioning of other systems. This type of fault categorization is the first step in defining the importance of faults; these categories define distinctions among the consequences of faults. The other key element of fault importance is the frequency with which the fault occurs. (Note Beizer’s extreme category is a variation of very serious that increases the frequency. In a taxonomy on consequences, extreme should be removed.) Consider the set of scenarios ( j=1, 2, y, J) in the operational concept (or preferably some aggregation of these scenarios). Develop the following two metrics for each scenario and each fault category ( i=1, 2, y, I ): pij = probability of fault i in scenario j; cij = dollar (or some other value measure) consequence of fault i in scenario j.



The measure of the importance of the fault types Ii is: Ii ¼


Vj pij cij


where Vj is the relative measure of the importance of each scenario. (Note, if cij is in dollars, the term Vi can be set to 1.0; however, if cij is in non-dollar units, Vi will be needed to calibrate across scenarios.) This measure works well if the likelihood of each fault type in each scenario is relatively rare. If some fault types may occur multiple times in a scenario, then a more complex measure should be used. Bezier [1990] also presents a taxonomy of ‘‘bugs’’ (software faults) for software programs based upon the cause or source of introduction of the bug. This taxonomy includes requirements, features and functionality, structure, data, implementation and coding, integration, system and software architecture, and testing. Beizer [1990] provides detailed summary statistics for the frequency of these types of bugs.



There are four major levels of qualification planning: Plan the qualification process, plan the qualification approaches, plan qualification activities, and plan specific tests. The first three qualification planning functions are conducted for verification, validation, and acceptance testing. The fourth planning function is conducted for every specific qualification activity identified in the three prior planning functions. These final plans should stipulate that every requirement be tested individually. Table 11.2 shows the elements of each of the four qualification planning functions. Recent research has been conducted in this area by Meisenzahl et al. [2006], Levardy et al. [2004], and Hoppe et al. [2003]. The system’s objectives discussed in Chapter 6 become key for the initial activity of planning the qualification process. These objectives of the system drive the qualification objectives. A key part of the qualification objectives is determining whether the test was passed by the system design or not. Defining the threshold for passing the test is a difficult balancing act; the threshold cannot be too low or there is no reason to conduct the test. At the same time the threshold cannot be too high or there is too great a chance that development money will be wasted fixing deficiencies that were not worth fixing and delaying the production and delivery of a system that is badly needed by the stakeholders, especially when competitive advantage is involved. The qualification objectives must be focused on determining whether the system passes or fails the threshold criteria. This focus on qualification objectives and pass/fail thresholds is the identification of alternate concepts for the qualification


TABLE 11.2



Qualification Planning Functions

Plan the qualification process Acceptance test Validation test Verification test

Plan the qualification approaches Acceptance test Validation test Verification test

Plan qualification activities Acceptance test Validation test Verification test

Plan specific tests Acceptance test Validation test Verification test

Review system objectives Identify qualification system objectives Identify pass/fail thresholds Define qualification operational concept Define qualification requirements Define qualification functional architecture Define qualification generic physical architecture Generate qualification coverage matrices (allocate requirements to functional architecture and functions to the generic physical architecture) Identify risks and mitigation strategies Create master qualification plan Define subfunctions (or test activities) for the functional architecture Define qualification resources and organizations (instantiated physical architecture) Assign qualification activities to organizations Allocate qualification activities to resources Develop qualification schedules consistent with development schedule Develop detailed derived qualification requirements for the test activities Develop functional architectures for fulfilling the test activities Define detailed component architectures for the test resources (identifying what special test fixtures and test stubs are needed) Generate coverage matrices (allocate derived requirements to functional architectures and functions to physical architectures) Write activity level qualification plans for each qualification component Assign qualification responsibilities Create test scenarios Identify required stimulation data for each activity Write test procedures Write analysis procedures Define test and analysis schedules



system, culminating in the selection of that concept that is deemed most appropriate. This concept selection decision must trace back to the original system concept selection. Once the qualification objectives have been established, the operational concept for qualification (including key scenarios) can be defined. This operational concept will produce a definition of all high level inputs and outputs of the tests. The definition of the qualification scenarios in consideration of the qualification objectives is establishing at a high level what should be tested and to what precision of confidence. The qualification requirements, based upon the threshold criteria for passing, determine how well the test should be conducted in each area. Each specific test should be considered a system; the major test functions are needed to help define the resources needed for the test. These qualification functions enable the development of qualification requirements; both input/output requirements and qualification-wide/ technology requirements. The qualification requirements in this case involve the examination of the qualification system design to ensure that it satisfies the requirements involved in meeting the qualification objectives. Qualification coverage matrices involve comparisons of the qualification requirements to the qualification activities; these matrices enable the management of qualification requirements to ensure that every requirement is being met by some activity. Even more so than with most systems, there may be risks that the testing process will not be completed in a timely manner; test failures at certain points may cause delays in fixing deficiencies or replacing test items. Therefore, extra effort should be expended to identify risks to meeting qualification-wide requirements (such as schedule and time) and develop risk mitigation strategies for dealing with such risks. Finally, the plan for the qualification process should be documented in a master qualification plan. The second major qualification planning function of Table 11.2, plan the qualification approach, involves creating specific test activities (subfunctions) as well as the physical and allocated architectures for the qualification system. The physical architecture for a test includes test equipment and facilities, as well as the organizations (people) that will conduct a specific test. After one or more generic qualification architectures have been devised and several instantiated qualification architectures are identified, decisions can be made about the most cost-effective means for achieving the qualification objectives with a reasonable risk. As part of this process for selecting an allocated qualification architecture, the allocation of qualification activities to equipment, facilities, and organizations must be considered. Planned previous qualification data must also be considered so that each test does not retest or overtest certain requirements. Finally, these qualification activities can now be planned in time so that the qualification resources are used efficiently and development schedule requirements are met. The last two qualification planning functions in Table 11.2 define the qualification activities in greater detail, that is, at the component and CI levels. Planning the qualification activities decomposes each activity to two or three




levels of detail, and matches these subactivities to requirements and resources. Planning the specific tests takes each test activity and creates detailed scenario and data specifications of the activity. Test procedures for handling the test equipment and test data are also produced. Finally detailed schedules are produced. Figure 11.7 depicts the design process of the qualification system as an IDEF0 diagram. Note this is essentially the same process discussed in Chapters 6 to 10 for any system. However, a final activity is added to address the development of all the models needed for qualification.



Four categories of qualification methods are inspection, analysis and simulation, instrumented test, and demonstration. Table 11.3 summarizes each of these methods by describing each, discussing when each is used and when each is most effective. Inspection is used for physical, human verification of specific requirements. As automation has come to replace humans in the performance of certain activities, more and more of inspection can be accomplished by computers, which falls under instrumented test. A major example of this migration from inspection to instrumented test is the examination of software code for key features or the lack of key features. Finally, qualitative models that are now available with systems engineering tools that allow for extensive inspection opportunities related to design validity and design verification. Analysis and simulation involves the use of models to test key aspects of the system. Models have always been used in engineering; see Chapter 3 and the discussion of mental models. The most common use of models is to examine the performance of the system in a range of environmental conditions. Initially these models support the design process by enabling the comparison of alternate physical architectures. However, as verification and validation begin, these same models can be used to augment instrumented test and demonstration. Initially, the results of the instrumented test are fed back to the models and used to refine parameters embedded in the model. Later, the models can be used to predict the results of instrumented tests and demonstrations. As confidence in a specific model increases, the model can be used to replace some of the instrumented tests and demonstrations. An important example of this interplay between models and instrumented tests is the development of estimates for such parameters as reliability, availability, and durability [see Holmberg and Folkeson, 1991]. Lee and Yannakakis [1996] provide a detailed survey of the use of one class of models (finite-state machines) in testing. Additional advances are being made in the verification of models that directly relates to verifying systems; see Baier and Katoen [2008]. Table 11.4 describes testing methods that can be used at the system level and lower. These functional and structural testing methods are used in conjunction




Qualification System Changes

Requirement Changes

Allocated Architecture

USED AT: GMU Systems Engineering Program


Qualification System Interface Architecture


Develop Physical Architecture of Qualification System

Qualification System Functional Architecture

Develop Qualification System

Changes to Physical Architecture of Qualification System

Candidate Generic Physical Architecture of Qualification System


Develop Functional Architecture of Qualification System

Qualification System Requirements, Objectives Hierarchy, Boundary & Validation Requirements


Changes to Interface Architecture of Qualification System



Develop Allocated Architecture of Qualif ication System




Develop Interfaces of Qualification System

Qualification System Allocated Architecture


Candidate Qualification System Physical Architectures

Stakeholders’ & System Requirements, Objectives Hierarchy, Boundary & Qualification System Requirements

DATE: 05/24/99 REV:

FIGURE 11.7 The process for developing the qualification system.

Changes to Requirements of Qualification System

Changes to Functional Architecture of Qualification System

Qualification System Operational Concept


Define Qualification System Design

NOTES: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

AUTHOR: Dennis Buede PROJECT: Engineering Design of a System

P. 11


Define Models for Qualification

System Models, Models of Environment, External Systems, & Test Equipment

System's Qualification System Documentation



TABLE 11.3



Qualification Methods



Used during:

Most effective when:

During all segments of verification, validation and acceptance testing for requirements that can be addressed by human examination.

Success or failure can be judged by humans; examples include inspection of physical attributes, code walk throughs and evaluation of user’s manuals. Physical elements are not yet available. Expense prohibits instrumented test, and demonstration is not sufficient. Issue involves all or most of the system’s life span. Issue cannot be tested (e.g., survive nuclear blast). Engineering test models through system elements are available. Detailed information is required to understand and trace failures. Life and reliability data is needed for analysis and simulation. Complete instrumented test is too expensive. High level data/ information is needed to corroborate results from analysis and simulation or instrumented test.

Inspection (Static Test)

Compare system attributes to requirements.

Analysis and Simulation

Used throughout Use models that qualification, but represent some emphasis is early in aspect of the verification and system. Examples of models during acceptance. might address system’s Often used in environment, conjunction with system process, demonstration. system failures.

Instrumented Test

Verification testing. Use calibrated instruments to measure system’s outputs. Examples of calibrated instruments are oscilloscope, voltmeter, LAN analyzer.

Demonstration or Field Test

Exercise system in Primarily used for validation and front of unbiased acceptance testing. reviewers in expected system environment.



TABLE 11.4 Testing Methods Functional testing

Structural testing Performance Recovery Interface Stress testing

Test conditions are set up to ensure that the correct outputs are produced, based upon the inputs of the test conditions. Focus is on whether the outputs are correct given the inputs (also called black box testing). Examines the structure of the system and its proper functioning. Includes such elements as performance, recovery, stress, security, safety, availability. Some of the key elements are described below. Examination of the system performance under a range of nominal conditions, ensures system is operational as well. Various failure modes are created and the system’s ability to return to an operational mode is determined. Examination of all interface conditions associated with the system’s reception of inputs and sending of outputs. Above normal loads are placed on the system to ensure that the system can handle them; these above normal loads are increased to determine the system’s breaking point; these tests may proceed for a long period of time in an environment as close to real as possible.

with top-down, bottom-up, and big-bang integration. Functional testing examines the system at the level of inputs and outputs under mostly nominal conditions. Structural testing deals with specific characteristics of the outputs as well as the system-wide properties such as safety, availability, and recovery. Structural testing pays particular attention to the most extreme environments that the system will experience. Samson [1993] postulates four facets for any qualification activity: structural (relation to system implementation), function (relation to system functions), environment (relation to environmental conditions), and conditions (relation to requirement characteristic). The first two of these facets are mutually exclusive and are described in Table 11.4. The second two need to be added to each specific structural or functional test to make it complete. In other words there has to be an environmental facet and a conditional facet for each functional test and each structural test. Table 11.5 shows Samson’s examples of these facets. Black box and white box testing methods (Table 11.6) are commonly employed in software testing. For each method test cases must be specified and test data generated as inputs. These inputs are then injected into both the system prototype (which is essentially a model of the eventual system) and a model of the system. The outputs of the system and the model are compared; any discrepancies are checked to determine whether the system or the model is incorrect [see Chusho, 1987; Richardson and Clarke, 1985; Voges and Taylor, 1985]. 11.8


Acceptance testing is the final step in qualification and is separated from validation because acceptance testing is conducted by the stakeholders, whereas


TABLE 11.5



Examples of Testing Facets

Structural Facet Compliance Execution External Inspection Operations Path Recovery Security

Functional Facet

Environmental Facet

Conditional Facet

Algorithm analysis Control Error handling Intersystem Parallel Regression Requirements

Computer supported Live Manual Prototype Simulator Testbed

Accuracy Adequacy Boundary Compliance Existence Load Location Logic Quality Sequence Size Timing Typing Utilization

verification and validation have been conducted by the development team of systems engineers. In order for the development process to proceed efficiently and effectively, the thresholds for acceptance need to be defined early in the requirements development process by the stakeholders with the help of the systems engineering team. In fact, in Chapter 6 the agreement on the

TABLE 11.6 Black box testing

Black and White Box Testing Outputs are determined correct or incorrect based upon inputs; inner workings of the module are ignored. Both positive and negative testing have to be employed. This approach is scalable to system level testing

White box testing

Positive testing pulls the test data and sequences from the requirements documents. Negative testing attempts to find input sequences missed in the requirements documents and then determine how the module reacts. Crash testing is an example.

Inner workings of the module are examined as part of the testing to ensure proper functioning. Usually used at the CI level of testing; this method becomes impractical at the system level

Path testing addresses each possible simple functionality and is based upon a prescribed set of inputs. Path domain testing partitions the input space and then examines the outputs for each partition of the input space. Mutation analysis injects pre defined errors and tests the error detection and recovery functionalities.



acceptance criteria was defined to be the exit criterion for the requirements development. The acceptance test determines whether the stakeholders, especially the bill payer, is willing to accept the system as it is; accept it subject to certain changes; not accept it; or accept it after certain changes have been made. Acceptance testing focuses on the use of the system by true users, typically a small, but representative sample of users. (During verification and validation, members of the systems engineering team and discipline engineers conducted the use of the system.) As a result, usability characteristics of the system are a major focus. Another characteristic of acceptance testing is the lack of time and money to conduct thorough, controlled tests of the system with users from which inferences, based on classical statistics, can be drawn. The two big issues in acceptance testing are what to test and how to test the usability of the system. 11.8.1

Deciding What to Test

Common wisdom says that everything possible, including all functionalities or paths, should be tested. The case study about the Ariane 5 failure is one of many examples that support this wisdom. In fact, during verification and validation the key question is not ‘‘what should be tested?’’ but ‘‘what have we forgotten to test?’’ The more systematic the design process the more likely it is that key issues for testing will arise. Nonetheless, it is imperative that everyone involved in the design and integration process constantly question where problems might arise. If only someone on the Ariane 5 development team had insisted on running the new flight envelope through the software of the inertial reference system, the design flaw would have surfaced. This is an area in which the brainstorming techniques discussed in Chapter 9 can be useful to generate potential test issues, not all of which will be meaningful, but some of which may save the system from the disasters of Ariane 5 and Hubble. The question of ‘‘what should be tested?’’ becomes very relevant during acceptance testing. Acceptance testing substitutes developmental testers with real users but must rely on all of the previous testing activities. Exhaustive repetition of verification and validation is not feasible during acceptance testing due to the limits of time and money. The focus of acceptance testing is whether the system is acceptable or not as is; and if not, why. But what does it mean to say that the system is acceptable? Can we distinguish only between acceptable and unacceptable? Acceptability is defined here to mean the stakeholders want to deploy the system as it is as soon as practically possible, with whatever flaws there are. More flaws are acceptable to stakeholders when the current system’s deficiencies are causing severe problems for the users in accomplishing their goals, for the buyers in maintaining market share, or with the victims in suffering too many losses. However, the stakeholders may be willing to accept the system, yet still demand major changes quickly. The system is unacceptable when it will cause more problems than the current system. Similarly, the system




can be totally unacceptable beyond the possibility of improvement or unacceptable until certain changes are made. The acceptance test can either be designed under the assumption that the system is acceptable or that it is not. If the assumption that the system is acceptable is chosen, the test should be designed to prove it is not. A test designed to try to prove that the system is not acceptable would probably include a relatively small set of challenging activities that are key to the system’s performance. If the system cannot perform some of these challenging activities, then it can be failed. On the other hand, if the test design assumption is that the system is not acceptable, then a reasonable amount of standard activity would be included in the test in order for the test to prove that the system is acceptable. If the system can pass most of these standard activities, then it can be accepted. Recall that a statement cannot be proven true by example, but it can be proven false by example. This latter approach is the more common in acceptance tests but not the more defensible. Decision analysis (see Chapter 13) provides a rational, defensible way to analyze alternate acceptance test designs, including a seldom used option of no acceptance test or accept the system after verification and validation. The decision is whether to accept or not accept the system; the other options of accept but fix and do not accept until fixed should also be included. Now test designs are ways to gather information about system parameters about which uncertainty exists. This increased information, when collected during the test, may update this uncertainty in ways that are sufficient to justify accepting or not accepting the system. 11.8.2 Usability In Chapter 6 usability testing with prototypes was discussed as a method of generating requirements. In qualification, usability testing is again used as part of acceptance testing to determine the success with which the requirements have been met. In fact, usability testing is also used as part of verification testing when an iterative or evolutionary design process is employed. Limited experimental results for evaluating the effectiveness of evolutionary design are reported by Nielsen [1993, p. 107]. The median improvement over four projects was 38% per iteration, but with a high degree of variability. As a result at least three iterations are recommended. Recall from Chapter 6 that usability concerns five aspects of a user’s interaction with a system: learnability, efficiency or ease of use, memorability, error rate, and satisfaction. These characteristics should be part of the systemwide requirements for most systems. These characteristics can typically not be tested adequately until the entire system has been assembled or simulated. During validation, the characteristics are tested by specially defined sets of users. Larger samples of users, often uncontrolled sets of users called beta testers, address these five aspects during acceptance testing.



When designing any test queries, there are two central issues: Is the query reliable and is the query valid? Reliable queries are queries that will result in the same response when repeated. Reliability is a major problem that cannot be solved completely due to the large individual differences among users. Segmenting the users into relatively hom*ogeneous groups along the dimensions of domain experience, computer experience, and experience with the system under development helps significantly to obtain a reasonable chance of repeatability. To obtain sample users in this last of the three dimensions, there must be a sustained effort to train selected users to become very experienced users. Care must be used in defining hom*ogeneous segments of users. If each of the three dimensions is categorized at two extremes, there are 8 (23) different combinations. Not all of these combinations may be that interesting for the system in question. There may be some interest in user groups that are midrange in one or more of these dimensions; for most systems the predominant number of users will be neither naive nor expert along any of these three dimensions. However, there are some systems for which all users will be trained extensively before even being allowed access to the system, for example, air traffic control systems, and aircraft. However, for these systems the memorability factor of usability may be critical. Valid queries are those that are measuring the right or appropriate aspect of the system. For usability this will refer back to the five concerns outlined above. See the metrics in Table 6.5. The best way to achieve reliability and validity of test measures is to set up relevant tasks on which tests will be conducted and measures taken. These tasks should be drawn from the operational concept; each task may be a complete scenario or a small segment of a scenario, depending on where in the qualification process the test is being used. Complete scenarios should be used during acceptance and the latter stages of validation. Segments can be used during prototyping and the early stages of validation. Each task must define a realistic setting for the user in terms of the system and its context, a specified set of circ*mstances in which to be performing the task, a well-defined outcome that the user is expected to achieve, and a realistic time interval in which to complete the task. Cox et al. [1994] state the most serious obstacles to successful usability tests are:

Obtaining test participants that represent the real users of the system Securing a representative sample that will be predictive of how the total population will evaluate the system Selecting the tasks that are most critical to the usability needs of real users Writing test scenarios that accurately represent real task situations that a user will encounter in the system’s environment Predicting which of the user interface characteristics are most critical or most often used

Yet these obstacles must be overcome for usability testing to be successful.






Integration begins when assemblies of CIs and components are evaluated in terms of the derived requirements. This process is part of verification, determining that the system was built right. There are several approaches to integration, bottom-up being the most common one to systems engineering. Top-down and big-bang integration are more common in software engineering. Verification and integration end at the system level. Qualification consists of verification, validation, and acceptance testing. Verification addresses the comparison of the specifications for the system’s CIs, components, subsystems, and the system to the actual designs to make sure the designs are right, that is, meet the specifications. Validation consists of early validation and operational validation. Early validation (conceptual, requirements, and design validity) proceeds during design to ensure that the design process is valid. Conceptual validity addresses the congruence between the stakeholders’ needs and the operational concept. This is the hardest element of validation to complete successfully. Requirements validity applies to the conformity between the operational concept and the stakeholders’ requirements. Design validity addresses the coherence between the stakeholders’ requirements and the layers of derived requirements associated with the system, components, and CIs. Operational validity may begin before verification is complete, but ends after verification is complete and addresses the conformance of the system as it has been built with the operational concept. This is the last phase of the development process under the complete control of the systems engineering team. Acceptance testing is controlled by the stakeholders and provides the stakeholders the final opportunity to review the design and verify that it meets their needs. Acceptance testing should fully utilize all of the data and analyses that have been part of verification and validation. At the same time, though, acceptance testing is focused on the use of the system by representatives of the stakeholders’ community, whereas verification and validation employ highly qualified users (i.e., engineers) as stakeholders for the most part. As a result the system’s usability is a major focus during acceptance testing. There are two critical chains whose links are checked during qualification. The top-level chain consists of these links: conceptual validity, operational validity, and acceptability. The first link is validated early in the design phase; the last two links are addressed at the end of integration. The second chain consists of requirements validity, design validity, verification, and operational validity. Note that operational validity is common to both chains, and recall that the chain is as strong as its weakest length. Therefore, it is a mistake to assert that any one of the links is more important than any of the others.



CASE STUDY: THERAC-25 The Therac-25 was a computer-controlled machine that provided radiation therapy in the late 1980s. Three patients were killed and one seriously injured by radiation overdoses in the 1985–1987 time frame when four different operators entered an acceptable, but infrequently used, sequence of commands. While this tragedy can be traced to requirements and design errors, the qualification process should be focused on catching just this sort of flaw. This was clearly a case in which all possible data entry sequences should have been tested [Jacky, 1990]. The development of the qualification system should be approached just as the development of any system, as described in Chapters 6 to 10. The operational concept, external systems diagram, objectives hierarchy, requirements, and architectures (functional, physical, and allocated) are all critical elements of the development of the qualification system. Besides addressing verification, validation, and acceptance, the qualification system is often broken into four methods (or components): inspection, analysis and simulation, instrumented test, and demonstration. While it is common to visualize the qualification system as the system that will detect and isolate faults in the product system’s design, design of the qualification system, when done right, also reinforces the design process and reduces the introduction of faults into the design of the system. In summary for Section 2 of this book, the Traditional, Top-Down Systems Engineering (TTDSE) process has been described in some detail. Figure 11.8 integrates Figures 1.6 and 1.19 to bring the major elements of Chapters 6 through 11 together into a single picture. The point of this figure is that the process described in Chapters 6 through 11 is repeatedly applied to the process of ‘‘peeling the onion’’ of the layers of the system. Each preceding layer provides the starting information for the layer before it. The major difficulty is getting started when very little needed information is available.

CASE STUDY: FAILURE OF THE ARIANE 5 Ariane 5, a launch vehicle developed by the European Space Agency (ESA), was first launched on June 4, 1996, with four satellites that would become the backbone of the Solar Terrestrial Science Programme. These four satellites were developed by 500 scientists in over 10 years for about $500 million. But at 37 seconds into the flight Ariane 5 veered off course and disintegrated shortly after. The failure was traced to the two inertial


Develop Functional Architecture (Chapter 7)

Higher Level Requirements & Constraints from Approved Baseline

Define the Design Problem (Chapter 6) Define the problem, the system/segment/CI Boundary, & the objectives

Develop the Op’l Concept for the Sys,Seg,CI under analysis

Define the required behavior in a functional interaction diagram Allocate requirements to functions Define the required functional performance by quantitative analysis


Plan test & integration of Seg/CIs

System Definition

Develop interfaces between Seg/CIs

(Chapter 10)

System V,V &A

n sig ion De at m eriv n ste D itio Sy ents efin A D V& em e V, quir ctur Re hite c Ar

Subsystem Definition


Define candidate physical solutions

Develop Allocated Architecture

(Chapter 11)

Meta-system analysis; Concept selection

Develop Physical Architecture (Chapter 8)

Component Definition CI Definition

Allocate functions to Seg/CIs, derive requirements

(Chapter 9)

System analysis; Upgrade selection

V, V R e &A T Ar quire esti ch n ite men g ctu t re s Ad Mo jus tm dif ica en tio t n


Obtain approval of boundary, objectives, concept of ops, requirements, physical solution, & test plan


Evaluate candidate physical solutions & select best based upon objectives & requirements

Obtain Approval & Document Document Seg/CI design as approved baseline for next lowest level


Subsystem Verification Component Verification CI Verification

Discipline Engineering Design

Repeated application of TTDSE to the layers of the system’s design.

reference systems (SRIs), one of which was in ‘‘hot’’ standby mode for the other. Both SRIs failed when their software converted a 64-bit floatingpoint number to a 16-bit signed integer value. The conversion failed when the floating-point number was too large for the 16-bit signed integer, resulting in an operand error for which there was no protection. The system operated as designed when this failure occurred: the failure was indicated on the data bus, the failure context was stored in EEPROM memory, and the SRI processor was shut down. During the design of the SRI there was a strong theme of designing to prevent random errors. In addition, a requirement had been set to limit



the maximum workload of the SRI computer to 80% of its capacity. An analysis was done during the development and testing of the SRI software to determine the vulnerability of the code due to exceptions such as operand errors. Analysis of conversions from floating-point to integer numbers yielded seven variables that could cause an operand error. A deliberate decision was made to protect four of the variables. The other three, including the one that caused the SRI failure, were judged to be protected by either physical limitations or a large margin of safety. A clear trade-off decision was made in this design to risk an operand error in lieu of increasing the workload on the SRI computer. The testing and qualification procedures set out for the flight control system of Ariane 5 consisted of four levels: equipment qualification, software qualification, stage integration, and system validation. No test was done on the SRI to examine the operational scenario associated with the countdown and flight trajectory of the Ariane 5. This scenario could not be tested with the SRI as a black box. However, the SRI could have been tested by feeding simulated acceleration signals into the SRI while the SRI was placed on a turntable to provide realistic movement. This test was not done because the SRI specification does not require the SRI to be operational after launch. The purpose of the SRI was to provide inertial reference data prior to launch. Even though the SRI served no useful purpose after launch, its operation after launch was sufficient to cause the destruction of Ariane 5 37 seconds into the flight. Much of the Ariane 5 requirements and software were inherited from earlier versions of Ariane. Ten years earlier requirements had been established that the SRI operate 50 seconds beyond the initiation of flight mode. Flight mode started at — 9 seconds for Ariane-4; this allowed restarting the countdown without waiting for a normal alignment of the spacecraft, which takes about 45 minutes. However, Ariane 5 had a different initiation sequence that did not require the SRI being active during flight. This is one case in which the old adage ‘‘if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it’’ caused a failure. The final stage at which this error could have been detected was at the Functional Simulation Facility (ISF) which tests (1) guidance, navigation, and control performance in the whole flight envelope, (2) sensor redundancy operation, and (3) flight software compliance with all equipment of the flight control electrical system. ‘‘Technically valid arguments’’ [Lions. 1996] were presented for not having the SRIs in the loop for the tests conducted at the ISF. As a result the SRIs were never tested for the Ariane 5 launch. The trajectory profile of Ariane 5 was sufficiently different than the profiles of previous Ariane launches that this operand error would always occur; a major requirements’ failure followed by a failure of test design [Lions, 1996].



PROBLEMS 11.1 Describe a process of establishing conceptual validity that identifies the elements of conceptual validity and links between pairs of these elements. This process should then establish characteristics such as completeness, consistency, and correctness. 11.2 Describe a process that could be used to establish requirements validity. This process should identify the elements of moving from the operational concept to the stakeholders’ requirements, as discussed in Chapter 6. Additional products beyond those discussed in Chapter 6 should be identified that would enable the validation of such characteristics as completeness, consistency, and correctness when comparing the operational concept to the stakeholders’ requirements. Examples of comparisons that should be involved are:

Matching of operational concept elements to elements of the external systems diagram Matching of operational concept elements to input/output requirements Matching the objectives hierarchy to elements of the external systems diagram Matching the objectives hierarchy to input/output requirements Matching elements of the external systems diagram to input/output requirements Tracing input/output requirements to external items Matching the objectives hierarchy to system-wide requirements

11.3 Describe the types of activities (similar to those in Problem 11.2) that could be used to establish design validity. Identify intermediate products that could be used for establishing design validity. In particular, focus on developing the best definition of completeness for requirements that you can. 11.4 Develop an operational concept, external systems diagram, objectives hierarchy, and requirements for the qualification system for a traffic light system. 11.5 Develop an allocated architecture for the qualification system for a traffic light system.



Supplemental Topics



Graphical Modeling Techniques



There are three categories of qualitative modeling approaches used as part of the development of functional and allocated architectures during the engineering of systems: data modeling, process modeling, and behavior modeling. A data model addresses the relationships among the inputs and outputs of a system. A process model defines the functional decomposition of the system function and the flow of inputs and outputs for those functions. A behavior model defines the control, activation, and termination of system functions needed to meet the performance requirements of the system. In addition, object-oriented engineering is becoming a major force in software engineering and is beginning to be employed in systems engineering; object-oriented engineering uses these three domains as well. Within each of these three approaches, as well as object-oriented engineering, there are a number of methods that are currently being used in systems and software engineering, as shown in Table 12.1. This table provides a subset of the modeling approaches currently in use. This chapter provides a description and sample model applications of each of the modeling techniques that comprise data, process, and behavior modeling. SysML and its modeling methods as well as IDEF0 (Integrated Definition for Function Modeling) were covered in detail in Chapter 3. As discussed in Chapter 9, balancing or aligning the elements of multiple modeling techniques is important in the development of the functional and allocated architectures.

The Engineering Design of Systems: Models and Methods, Second Edition. By Dennis M. Buede Copyright r 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.




TABLE 12.1 Functions of the design process Design Function Define Problem To Be Solved

Develop and Evaluate Alternate Concepts for Solving Problem Define System Level Design Problem Being Solved Develop System Functional Architecture Develop System Physical Architecture Develop System Allocated Architecture

Develop Interface Architecture Develop Qualification System for the System


Major Inputs Concerns and Complaints by Stakeholders Available Data from Stakeholders Ideas for Concepts from All Interested Parties

Major Outputs Definitions of Measures of Effectiveness and Desired Ranges Constraints

Recommended Concept(s) Objective Hierarchy & Value Parameters for Meta System Stakeholders’ Inputs Stakeholders’ Requirements Operational Concept Stakeholders’ Functional Architecture Requirements Operational Concept Stakeholders’ Physical Architecture Requirements Stakeholders’ Allocated Architecture Requirements Functional Architecture Physical Architecture Interface Architecture Draft Allocated Interface Architecture Architecture Stakeholders’ Qualification System Design Requirements Documentation Systems Requirements


There are many approaches to data modeling. This section describes two different modeling techniques. Entity–relationship (ER) diagrams are the oldest form of data modeling. Higraphs are the most formally based approach and offer the most power. Two other approaches, IDEF1 and IDEF1X, were developed within the IDEF community but are not discussed in detail here. IDEF1 models data using entity classes and relations among entity classes. An entity class has attributes that describe the entity. The relations that are possible between classes come from entity–relationship diagrams and address mainly relationships that are one-to-one, one-to-many, and so forth. IDEF1 is an approach for modeling the structure of information as the information is maintained in an organization, including the business rules [Griffith, 1994]. IDEF1X also models data using entity classes and relations among the classes. IDEF1X allows for a




fuller definition of subtypes and attributes in terms of their aliases, data type, length, definition, primary key, discriminator, alternate keys, and inversion entities than does IDEF1. Similarly, the relationships in IDEF1X may be defined on the arcs and include one-to-one, one-to-many, and so forth. IDEF1X is used for designing relational databases [Griffith, 1994]. The interested reader should see the FIPS PUB 184 [1993] on IDEF1X.

12.2.1 Entity–Relationship Diagrams Entity–relationship diagrams model the data structure or relationships between data entities. Art entity is a class of real, similar items (e.g., people, books, computers). Entity types are shown in boxes; relationships are shown in diamonds or as labels on the arcs. If diamonds are used, the graph has no directed edges (with one exception). The relationship is usually read from left to right or from top to bottom, but this is not universal [see Yourdon, Inc., 1993]. When the edges are directed, the relationship is read in the direction of the edge. Figure 12.1 shows examples of both directed edges and diamonds. The exception for directed edges when diamonds and undirected edges are being used is called an associative entity. The associative entity is important when there will be important data that is related to the relationship, as well as the entities connected with the relationship. For example, a bank may wish to keep data about each transaction (e.g., deposit, withdrawal). In this case, the relationship is placed in a box, like any entity would be, and the edge connecting the box housing the relationship to the diamond in which the relationship would have been placed becomes a directed edge, the direction of which can be in either direction [see Yourdon, Inc., 1993; Yourdon, 1989]. Figure 12.2 shows an example of an associative entity. A unique relationship is that of supertype/subtype, which has become known as a class/subclass relationship and is shown in Figure 12.3. A common way to define a supertype/subtype relationship is by the relation ‘‘is-a.’’ An is-a relationship can be based upon a partition of an entity or a subdivision that is

Deposits Customer



Transfers Deposits Customer


Withdraws Transfers


Simple entity relationship diagram.







Associative entity.

not a partition. For example, if there are only two types of accounts offered by a bank, the relation shown in Figure 12.3 is based upon a partition; if there was a third type of account, the relation is not based on a partition. Many of the entities and relationships associated with systems engineering that we have discussed so far are shown in Figure 12.4. Are the subtypes shown for requirement a partition or not? Another type of relationship is called a binary relationship; this is exactly the same as the relations that we discussed in Chapter 4 and including both unary and binary relations. Unary relations are relationships among instances of the same object. These relationships can be reflexive. Figure 12.4 does not show any of these relationships because there are no instances of any entities shown. Binary relationships among instances to two different objects are binary relations and must be irreflexive. The relationship ‘‘built-from’’ is an example of a binary relationship. These binary relationships can be one-to-one, one-to-many, many-to-one, or many-to-many. Some ER methods make the finer distinction between one and zero-or-one, many, and zero-one-or-many.



Harel [1987] introduced higraphs as a generalization of Venn diagrams and ER diagrams. Figure 12.5 shows a higraph for a subset of the ER diagram of systems engineering shown in Figure 12.4. An entity is considered to be a set with multiple elements, called a blob. A blob is represented as an enclosed area; see system-wide requirement in Figure 12.5. Atomic sets are blobs with no other blobs contained within them; the only nonatomic blobs in Figure 12.5 are




FIGURE 12.3 Class/subclass relationship diagram.

12 3

Functional Architecture

documents Functional Decomposition Originating Requirements Document

contains traced to

Function produces/transforms

is-a Input/Output Requirement


traced to



Test Requirement is-a

traced to


traced to

is-a is-a

Trade-Off Requirement

External System

performs Derived I/O Requirement








connects carries

traced to


built from

Interface connects

System-wide Requirement is-a Derived S-W Requirement

Component traced to

contains is-a

Physical Architecture

Configuration Item

FIGURE 12.4 Complex ER diagram of systems engineering.

requirements, time, and components. (To be correct we should have placed blobs inside the eight intersections of stakeholders’ and derived requirements with input/output, system-wide, trade-off, and test requirements. However, this would have compromised the readability of the figure.) The is-a relationship from ER diagrams is replaced by representing one entity as a subset of another. Cartesian products (unordered n-tuples) are shown by placing a dashed line between blobs inside a larger blob representing the n-tuple. See the time blob, representing a four-tuple of year-month-day-hour in Figure 12.5. This concept is not in Figure 12.4. In higraphs the relation is shown in diamonds with an undirected line entering the diamond and an arc leaving the diamond to indicate which way the relation is read. 12.3


This section addresses data flow diagrams and N2 charts. 12.3.1 Data Flow Diagrams Data flow diagrams (DFDs) are one of the original diagramming techniques, popular primarily with the software and information systems communities.



Time defined on

traced to


Year Month Day Hour Function

traced to

performed by

Input /Output Requirement traced to

System-Wide Requirement Trade Off Requirement


built from

traced to

Test Requirement Originating Requirement


Derived Requirement


Configuration Item

Partial higraph representation of the systems engineering ER diagram.

The basic constructs of data flow diagrams, shown in Figures 12.6–12.9, are the (1) function or activity, (2) data flow, (3) store, and (4) terminator. The circle is the most standard representation for a function. Arcs again represent the flow of data or information between functions, or to and from stores. Double-headed arcs are allowed; these represent dialog between two functions, for example, a query and a response. The labels for an arc are placed near each arrow. Branches are allowed and are depicted as forks. Branch labeling conventions in data flow diagrams are the same as those for IDEF0; see Figure 12.7. Joins are also permitted [Hatley and Pirbhai, 1988]. A new concept is introduced: the store or buffer, a set of data packets at rest. Again there are several legal representations of a store, as shown in Figure 12.8. In fact, a store is a physical solution based upon a number of problems; for example, unreliable hardware, different programmers implementing software that uses the same data, or growth potential for future enhancements. There is no need for a store in a representation of ‘‘the essential requirements of the system’’ [Yourdon, 1989, p. 151]. Stores are typically only shown on the level one functional decomposition [Hatley and Pirbhai, 1988]. The final syntactical element of data flow diagrams is the terminator, or external system in the language of Chapter 6. In fact, an ancestor diagram that

12 3

Process Customer Banking Transactions



Process Customer Banking Transactions

Process Customer Banking Transactions

These are three equally valid representations of a process. Note a process begins with a verb, just as functions or activities do in IDEF0. Customer Notice: Main Menu Selection Double-headed arcs signify dialog between functions

This is an example of a “data flow”. Note it is a noun phrase and attached to an arc.

FIGURE 12.6 Semantics of data flow diagram.

shows the interaction between the external systems, or terminators, and the system being designed or analyzed, are standard in data flow diagrams (see Figure 12.9). Terminators are shown in boxes with the system being placed in an oval. Yourdon’s guidelines for constructing DFDs are focused toward both correctness and communicability: 1. Choose meaningful names for the processes, flows, stores, and terminators. 2. Number the processes. 3. Redraw the DFD as many times as necessary for aesthetics. 4. Avoid overly complex DFDs. 5. Make sure the DFD is internally consistent and consistent with any associated DFDs.

x1 x x2

x3 x1 ⊆ x, x2 ⊆ x, x3 ⊆ x

FIGURE 12.7 Branches in data flow diagrams.







FIGURE 12.8 Alternate representations of a store or buffer.

Note that process names are verb–object phrases and are usually capitalized. Flows are noun phrases and are not capitalized. Hierarchical numbers are recommended along with the use of leveled DFDs in order to avoid complex DFDs. Leveled DFDs follow many of the guidelines of IDEF0 decomposition.

System Status Report



Completed Transaction Prodcuts

Customer Notices (CN)

Customer Inputs


Bank's Acct. Info

Employee ID Info Bank Supplies

Completed Trans. Info.

Account Transaction Data



Context diagram using a data flow diagram.




Finally Yourdon [1989] recommends avoiding processes and stores that are sinks and sources and labeling all flows and processes. 12.3.2 N-Squared (N2) Charts Systems engineers [Laws, 1990b] created N2 charts in the 1960s to depict the data or items that are the inputs and outputs of the functions in the functional architecture. The N2 elements provide the same description of a hierarchical decomposition of the system’s functions as does IDEF0 and data flow diagrams. The N functions that are a partition of some higher level function are displayed along a diagonal of the diagram with N rows and N columns (see Figure 12.10). Each function is shown in a rectangle with a numerical box across the top. In the off-diagonal elements are roundtangles (rectangles with rounded corners) that contain the names of the items being sent from the box in the associated row to the box in the associated column. The charts (sometimes called interface diagrams) are called N2 because the chart contains N2 boxes to show the flow of items within (or internal to) the N functions. Every item that exits the first function and enters the second function is in the box to the right of the first function and above the second function. Items exiting the second function and entering the first function are shown to the left of the second function and below the first function. In general, items flowing from the ith function to the jth function are in the ith row and jth column. Additional boxes along the top and down the right are added as an option to show the flow of external items into and out of the set of N functions, respectively. The N2 charts provide the same information as IDEF0 and data flow diagrams with the exception of stores in data flow diagrams and control items in IDEF0. Ancestor diagrams are used to show the items being exchanged between the system and its external systems. Branches and joins are not used; rather, items are defined at the lowest level of decomposition relevant to a particular diagram and are then repeated as often as necessary. See, for example, the item ‘‘sensed malfunctions’’ in Figure 12.10. As can be seen in the N2 chart in Figure 12.10, the most obvious value of this technique is the information concerning where there is no interaction between functions. Systems engineers have used the N2 chart to allocate functions to components such that there is minimal interaction among the components; the order of the functions is modified so that the interactions among the functions are all grouped close to the diagonal.



This section addresses modeling techniques that are used to explore the dynamics of the system: behavior diagrams, finite-state machines, statecharts, control flow diagrams and Petri nets. These modeling techniques address


·Elevator Position & Direction

Accept Passenger Requests & Provide Feedback


Request for Elevator Service & Entry Support Request for Emergency Support Request for Floor & Exit Support

Control Elevator Cars

·Temporary Modification to Elevator Configuration

Enable Effective Maintenance & Servicing


·Sensed Malfunctions

·Sensed Malfunctions

·Sensed Malfunctions

Government Regulations Service, Tests & Repairs

An N2 chart.

Move Passengers Between Floors


·Assignments for Elevator Cars

Electric Power & Emergency Communication Response Government Regulations Passenger Characteristics Structural Support, Alarm Signals & Building Environment

FIGURE 12.10

·Elevator Position & Direction


·Digitized Passenger Requests

Modified Elevator Configuration & Expected Ussage Patterns

Diagnostic & Status Messages

Elevator Entry Opportunity Elevator Exit Opportunity Passenger Environment

Acknowledgment that Request Was Received & Status Information Emergency Support




discrete-event behavior, which is behavior that is triggered by the occurrence of specific events. 12.4.1 Behavior Diagrams Behavior diagrams [Alford, 1977] originated as part of the Distributed Computer Design System of the Department of Defense. System behavior is described through a progressive hierarchical decomposition of a time sequence of functions and their inputs and outputs. Functions are represented as verb phrases inside boxes. There is a control structure represented by lines that flow vertically, from top to bottom, through the boxes. The control structures (see Figure 12.11) are identical to that described for FFBDs above. The control lines have only one entry path into a function, but may have multiple-exit control paths. Input and output items are represented in boxes with rounded corners; their entry to and exit from functions is depicted by arcs that enter and exit the boxes, respectively. Specific control structures for sequence, selection, iteration, looping, concurrency, and replication have been defined within behavior diagrams, just as they have been in FFBDs. A sequence of functions is connected via a vertical straight line. A selection function is denoted by a function with two or more control lines emanating from the bottom of the function. The emanating control lines must be labeled to denote the exit criterion associated with each control line. The multiple control lines must also be joined lower in the diagram at a select node, a small circle with a + inside. Figure 12.11 shows a selection function on the top middle. An iterate control structure is set off on a control line by two nodes. Each node is a circle with an @* inside. There is an arc from the bottom iterate node to the top iterate node with a DomainSet label that defines at what frequency or how many times the functions inside the iterate structure are to be exercised; see the bottom left of Figure 12.11. An exit loop control structure uses a selection function to determine the point at which the repetition of a function (or set of functions) should be terminated. The exit loop control structure is set off by two vertically placed nodes (circles with an @ inside) that are connected with an arc going from the bottom node to the top node. The selection function that is responsible for ending the repetition has multiple exit control lines, one of which ends at an G node or circle with G inside. An exit loop control structure is shown in the top right of Figure 12.11. When the exit criterion for the G node is satisfied within the function, control emanates out the control line with the G node and then drops below the bottom iterate node to the L node. The control structure denoting that functions can he executed concurrently (see the bottom middle of Figure 12.11 and Figure 12.12) is depicted by two vertically placed nodes designated by circles with & inside. In this special control structure all of the control lines below the first concurrent node are activated when control hits this first & node. The control line below the bottom


Updated Display


Detection Data



Update Display


All tracks


Updated Display

Update Position

Update Position

All detections

Updated Display

Detection Data


All tracks

All tracks

No Track Update


Updated Display Update Display

Updated Track

Dropped Track

Current Track

Control structures for behavior diagrams.

Update Position



Updated Display


Update Position


Track Update

Detection Data

Current Track

Updated Display

Updated Track

FIGURE 12.11


Updated Track



Current Track


Updated Track

Current Track

Detection Data

Updated Display

Detection Data

Detection Data



Update Display


Update Position


Updated Track

Curr ent Track

Updated Track

Current Track

Remaining Detections



Detections Depleted

Update Position





Booster i





Neutral Object i


Track pattern i

Track object booster nonbooster

Concurrent control structure.




booster i

IR pattern i

1.1. 3 Identify booster

Relay initial booster track pattern


Detect object

FIGURE 12.12

1.1. 2

initial location i

1.1. 1









Nondetected Object i


nonbooster i

Booster i initial track pattern

Processor Control

With Coordination



concurrent node cannot become active until all of the functions on the concurrent control lines are finished executing. Two vertically placed nodes with &* inside denote a replication control structure, which is a special case of a concurrent control structure. In this case an identical function is executed concurrently, presumably by multiple copies of the same resource. A DomainSet on a line that connects the upper and lower replication nodes labels the number of concurrent resources. The fact that there are multiple resources executing the same function is made visual by the symbol for a ‘‘stack of papers’’ on the main control line between the upper and lower replication nodes. There may be a Coordination function on the line with the DomainSet label. Definition of the items within the behavior diagram is equally important. First, it is possible to use the sequence, concurrent, and replication control structure to organize the items (or inputs and outputs) associated with functions. Second, there are various categories of items. An item that enters the system from outside or is produced by the system for outside consumption is called an external item; all other items are called internal items. The roundtangle for an external item is larger than that for an internal item. All items can be hierarchically decomposed just as functions can. An item that is decomposed is called a time item and is represented by a clear box with a solid little square in the upper left corner. An item that is at the bottom of a decomposition is called a discrete item; a discrete item is represented in a shaded roundtangle. Discrete items are classified as either message, state, temporary, or global items. A message item is sent from a function on one control line (or process) to a function on a different control line (or process) and the message item triggers the receiving function to execute as soon as the function is enabled by the control structure. Global items do not trigger the receiving function to execute. State items are input to and output from functions on the same control line and are therefore always internal items. A state item is not a trigger. Temporary items are for special purposes.


Finite-State Machines and State-Transition Diagrams

Machines, a modeling domain for dynamic systems, are partitioned into finitestate and continuous. Finite-state machines (FSMs) [Denning et al., 1978] have only discrete-valued inputs, outputs, and internal items. Continuous machines allow continuous and discrete inputs, outputs, and internal items. Continuous machines are sometimes called analog machines. When digital computers became more popular than analog computers, FSMs became the major focus of attention in engineering due to the finite-state nature of digital computers. Even so continuous and discrete signals are usually handled very differently by a digital computer. The continuous variable (e.g., speed or internal temperature of the elevator car) is represented by a word that typically contains many more bits than the variable has significant digits. On the other hand a digital variable




(e.g., operating mode such as fully operational or partially operational or not operational, and direction of a specific elevator car such as up or down) is usually represented by a symbolic word that has a relatively few number of states, say less than 10. Finite-state machines are usually divided into sequential and combinational; see the machine partition in Figure 12.13. The focus here is on the sequential FSM, as represented by a state-transition diagram (STD). A combinational FSM is one in which its current outputs are characterized only by its current inputs, a condition of having no memory that is often not met. The sequential FSM allows past inputs to play a role in the determination of the current outputs, thus enabling the FSM to have a memory. There is a formal mathematical theory for an FSM, providing some interesting theoretical results and simulation capability. The STD models the event-based, time-dependent behavior of a system. Recall from Chapter 7, the state of a system is defined to be its status, as defined by as many variables as needed to determine the system’s ability to meet its missions. The mode of a system is its operating condition, such as off, idling, or moving for an automobile. It is the mode of a system that should be modeled by an STD. However, as shown in Figures 12.14 and 12.15, there is a fine line between the modes of a system and the functions of a system. Boxes (or ovals) and arcs are the syntactical elements of STDs; the boxes represent system modes and the arcs represent the direction of mode change. Typically the arcs are labeled to show both the input stimulus (or event that triggers the mode change) and the action or output taken by the system in response to the event. The event and output are typically separated by a slash or horizontal line: event/output. Figure 12.14 shows a partially completed STD for an automatic teller machine. This STD is incomplete because the transitions to the four customer choices are not labeled; the transitions from the four customer choices are not depicted via arcs. It is possible that each might be completed successfully or canceled. The withdrawal might be denied. In each case the customer can choose another transaction or not. Figure 12.15 shows an STD for an elevator car (this figure is a modification of one found in Gomaa [1993]).


Continuous or Analog Machines

Finite State Machines (FSMs)

Combinational FSM

FIGURE 12.13

Sequential FSM

Partition of machines.



IDLE Cust. ID Presented Process ID for Validity

Unread Cust. ID CN:‘‘ID Unreadable’’

WAITING FOR CUSTOMER IDENTIFICATION Invalid Access Code CN:‘‘Please Re-enter’’ 3rd Invalid Access Code WAITING FOR CN:‘‘Transaction Terminated’’ CUSTOMER’S ACCESS CODE

Cust. ID Read CN:‘‘Enter Access Code’’

Access Code Validated CN:‘‘Main Menu Choices” WAITING FOR CUSTOMER’S CHOICE



FIGURE 12.14



State transition diagram for an ATM.

It is important to note differences between the view provided by an STD and the view provided by one of the process models (DFD, IDEF0). The STD makes no attempt to provide a functional partition of the top-level system function or any function that is part of its partition. Rather the STD focuses on key triggering events that will cause the system to transition from one operational mode to another and identify any key system outputs produced as a result that transition. Similarly process models are not required to capture the system’s operating modes. In Chapter 7 the functional architecture was defined to capture the system’s operating modes as the initial decomposition of the system’s functions.



Statecharts are a generalization of higraphs by Harel [1987] to extend the notions of STDs. This generalization of an STD is based on fonnal mathematical principles and leads to theoretical results and simulation models. A major criticism of STDs has always been that the entire diagram must he contained on one level, meaning that an STD for a large system quickly becomes unintelligible and unmanageable. Statecharts, by exploiting the subset


No Request Maintain Open Door Up Request Close Door Preparing To Move Up

Elevator Idle, Door Open Up Request Close Door

Door Closed Up Indicator

Elevator Starting



Down Request Close Door Preparing To Move Down

Down Request Close Door

Door Closed Down Indicator

Acceleration > 0 Departed Floor Elevator Moving

Near Requested Floor Slowing

Elevator Stopping Elevator Stopped Door Activated

Door Opened Direction Indicator Elevator Enabling Entry/Exit

Elevator Door Opening Pause Timer Elapsed Destination Query Checking Next Destination

FIGURE 12.15

State transition diagram for an elevator car.

properties of higraphs, provide a means to develop hierarchical STDs. The atomic blobs in a statechart are singleton, or atomic, states. Figure 12.16 presents an external system representation of a cruise control system (CCS) [Charbonneau, 1996]; the human operator and the remaining components in the car are the external systems. Noting how the action ‘‘b’’ and ‘‘b hat’’ affect all three subsystems by causing simultaneous state transitions with a single event demonstrates an extension by statecharts over the STD. The states to which the X label is connected indicate the initial condition or state for the three systems. Note that inside state ON for the automobile are the states of acceleration, deceleration, and maintain speed. Arcs in statecharts are labeled, just as they in STDs. Inside the system the initial state is identified by finding the arc that emanates from a black dot; the state that this arc enters is the initial state of the system; see Figure 12.17. Figure 12.17 presents the decomposition of the NOT OFF state of the CCS. The OFF state was not decomposed. Recall from the discussion on higraphs that the vertical dotted line indicates a Cartesian product. The INDICATOR and the SYSTEM STATUS blobs are independent, defining a Cartesian product. Both INDICATOR and SYSTEM STATUS have two states. The state DEAD for the INDICATOR is not decomposed.






w b








w( b)




ARC LABEL b b hat

DEFINITION turn on car turn off car


accident occurs


depress on/off button

FIGURE 12.16 External system statechart for a cruise control system (after Charbonneau [1996]).

The ability to represent unordered n-tuples in higraphs enables statecharts to depict states as being the orthogonal composition of elements from sets of states. When the initial state is an n-tuple, there must be n initiating arcs to define which element of the set of n-tuples is the initial state. Similarly, when there is a transition from (to) a state that is part of an n-tuple to (from) one that is not, the arc must be joined by an arc from (must branch to) n 1 other arcs from other elements of the n-tuple. Figure 12.18 shows the three states for ALIVE in Figure 12.17 that are associated with the INDICATOR. The ‘‘w’’ activity in this third-level chart is the same ‘‘w’’ in the supersystem top-level chart. This single activity, ‘‘w,’’







vs c ALIVE










circuit closed (good bulb or fuse)


circuit open ( bad bulb or fuse)


brake depressed


clutch depressed


wheel revolutions > 7920/ (pi*r) where r is the wheel radius in inches


push button to resume / set


push CCS button to standby

FIGURE 12.17 Decomposition of the ‘‘not off’’ State (after Charbonneau [1996]).

causes state transitions both in depth (all sublevels) and in breadth (all subsystems). Figure 12.19 depicts the decomposition of ON in Figure 12.17. The circled ‘‘H’’ is the only new concept introduced in this diagram. When the ON state is entered from the STANDBY state, it automatically reverts to the conditions it was in before it transitioned to STANDBY. The circled ‘‘H’’ is read as Historical. If the ON state is entered from the NOT ON state, it defaults to maintain because there is no historical reference. Figure 12.20 integrates the statecharts (Figures 12.17–12.19) for the CCS with the additional decomposition for the STANDBY state shown in Figure 12.17 for SYSTEM STATUS. When an event such as an interrupt causes a transition from many states to a single state, an STD implements this with many arrows to depict the effect of a single event. In a statechart an arrow can go from a state (blob in higraphs) containing several atomic states (blobs). As a result an interrupt can be shown with a single arrow from an aggregate state, demonstrating how the number of




ON w

vs vr




f e


brake depressed


clutch depressed


FIGURE 12.18 [1996]).


push button to resume / set


push CCS button to standby


depress on/off button

Decomposition of the alive state for the indicator (after Charbonneau

these arrows can be reduced with statecharts. See the transitions between NOT OFF and OFF in Figure 12.20. Another extension of statecharts is the ability to nest transitions by using labels such as a/b. This means that transition ‘‘a’’ will cause another transition ‘‘b.’’ located elsewhere in the statechart, to occur. Harel [1987] calls this broadcasting because one event can broadcast a trigger that generates a chain reaction of one or more transitions throughout the statechart. 12.4.4

Control Flow Diagrams

Control flow diagrams (CFDs) are used in conjunction with data flow diagrams and model changes in the system’s operating mode, thus turning on or off or restructuring sets of the system’s functions. As defined by Hatley and Pirbhai [1988], the control structure of a system receives status information from external systems and sends such information about the system to these external systems. Control flows are typically discrete variables that can be modeled symbolically. Control flow diagrams mimic DFDs in syntax and semantics, except for one additional symbol. In fact, the functional decomposition of the two should be






h h k









va vd va






non drive wheel RPM not equal to drive wheel RPM


non drive wheel RPM equal to drive wheel RPM


wheel RPM decrease from set speed


wheel RPM increase from set speed


wheel RPM match to set speed


release the CCS button


va = push CCS button to accelerate


push CCS button to decelerate


push button to resume / set

FIGURE 12.19 Decomposition of the ‘‘on’’ state for the INDICATOR (after Charbonneau [1996]).

identical. These two types of diagrams could be superimposed to form a single diagram; some authors recommend this. There is a context diagram of control that shows the relationship of the system with the external systems, for example, the passing of status information concerning the changing of modes. The control arcs are typically shown as broken lines to distinguish them from data flow. The additional symbol is a bar or solid line, shown either vertically or horizontally. All of the bars on a particular diagram represent an FSM behavior for the functional element being decomposed by the functional elements shown on the joint DFD/CFD diagram.

12.4.5 Petri Nets Petri nets (PNs) are based on a rigorous mathematical definition leading to an executable simulation model and having formal mathematical properties. Petri

































va v






FIGURE 12.20 Statechart for a cruise control system (after Charbonneau [1996]).














nets capture the precedence relations and structural interactions of potentially concurrent and asynchronous events. Mathematically, a PN is a bipartite directed multigraph. The two node types are the place (depicted by a circle) and the transition (depicted by a bar or rectangle); see Figure 12.21. The arcs are restricted to connect places to transitions or transitions to places. In addition, PNs contain markings or a mapping of tokens to places. A transition can fire when a token is present in each of the places that have arcs entering the transition. So t1 can fire in the top half of Figure 12.21; after the firing the transition places one token in each place that has an arc from the token. A Petri net is defined a four-tuple, or four sets: P={p1, p2, y, pn}, the set of places, T={t1, t2, y, tm}, the set of transitions, A={P T} , {T P}, the set of input and output arcs, M={m1, m2, y, mn), the net’s initial markings (drawn as dots). The state of the PN is defined by the marking. In ordinary PNs, the tokens are indistinguishable. The existence of one or more tokens at a place indicates the availability of a resource for the fulfillment of a condition that is associated with a transition. Figure 12.22 provides two examples of simple systems for concurrent processing and a simple communications protocol. There are many extensions of ordinary PNs. Colored PNs allow more than one type of token; timed PNs allow varying times for the transitions to occur; and stochastic PNs allow stochastic transitions. See Murata [1989] for a good overview of this topic.

p1 t1


p2 t1 “fires”. p1 t1


FIGURE 12.21

Simple Petri net example.










t4 p2


t3 p5

Concurrent Processing

Process 1 Ready to send

Wait for ack.

Send Message Buffer full Receive Message Ready to receive

Ack. received

Receive ack. Buffer full Send ack.

Message received

Ack. sent

Process 2

Simple Communication Protocol

FIGURE 12.22


Petri net models of simple system architectures (after Murata [1989]).


The complete model-based examination of a system requires at least the use of data, process, and behavior modeling. When using multiple approaches to model a single system, balancing or aligning the elements of the multiple models is critical. Several approaches for each of these model categories were presented in this chapter. Data modeling is the specification of data entities and relationships between pairs of entities at a minimum. In addition attributes of each data entity can be developed. Entity relationship diagrams provide the basic data modeling capability and are probably the most widely used of the data modeling techniques. Higraphs extend the data modeling of ER diagrams by




adding the representation of subset and cross-product relationships among entities. The three process modeling techniques covered in this book are IDEF0 (see Chapter 3), data flow diagrams, and N2 charts. Each of these techniques captures the relationship among functions in the functional decomposition by representing the transformation of inputs into outputs. The N2 charts are the simplest but least graphical representation of a process model. Data flow diagrams are widely used but least standardized of all of the modeling techniques discussed in this book. IDEF0 was quite standardized since it was created in the 1970s; the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has created a FIPS for IDEF0, thus making an IDEF0 model easy to read and comprehend. Distinctions between these techniques are that IDEF0 defines at least one control item for each function while the other techniques treat control items as inputs or ignore them. IDEF0 also includes the construct of a mechanism to represent the resources that execute the function, making it the only process modeling technique general enough to represent portions of the allocated architecture of the system. The control could be a trigger to activate the function or policy instructions for implementing the function. Data flow diagrams contain the concept of a data store that is useful during design to define which data elements will be contained in a specific database. Five modeling techniques for behavior modeling were described in this chapter. FFBDs were described in Chapter 3. Control flow diagrams are the simplest and by far the least useful. Control flow diagrams add the concept of transitions to data flow diagrams, which suggests that the system modes and functions are identical. While this assumption may be useful in simple systems and software products, it is very limiting in most real systems of hardware, software, and other resources. Behavior diagrams come from the systems engineering discipline and add FFBD control structures on top of a process model to represent serial, concurrent, repetitive, and replicated process execution as well as the rule-based selection of functional outputs. While no formal mathematical model has been published to define these control structures, they have been implemented in software, suggesting that such a formal model exists and could be specified. Finite-state machines and statetransition diagrams are used in other engineering disciplines, but are not sufficiently general to capture the rich behavior possible in a complex system, for example, concurrent processing. Statecharts are a generalization of statetransition diagrams that enable many of these limitations to be overcome but still provide a limited semantics and syntax for modeling complex systems. Petri nets are the only behavior modeling technique with an underlying mathematical model that defines what can be done and provides analytical results without simulation. Unfortunately, Petri net models are quite sophisticated and are not likely to be employed on a widespread basis in the engineering discipline for systems until their potential benefits are much better justified and become widely known.



PROBLEMS 12.1 Expand the ER model in Figure 12.4 to be a complete representation of the entities and classes discussed in Chapter 2 for the systems engineering process. 12.2 Create a higraph that is a complete version of Figure 12.4. 12.3 Create a complete behavior diagram model of the process of engineering a system based upon the IDEF0 model of the engineering of a system in Appendix B. 12.4 Create a statechart for the functioning of the air bag system from the time the driver turns the car on until an accident occurs that activates the air bag or the driver turns the car off.



Decision Analysis for Design Trades



Decision making is a process undertaken by an individual or organization. The intent of this process is to improve the future position of the individual or organization in terms of one or more criteria. Most scholars [Howard, 1968] of decision making define this process as one that culminates in an irrevocable allocation of resources to affect some chosen change or the continuance of the status quo. The most commonly allocated resource is money, but other scarce resources are goods and services and the time and energy of talented people. Watson and Buede [1987] have identified three primary decision modes: choosing one alternative from a list, allocating a scarce resource(s) among competing projects, and negotiating an agreement with one or more adversaries. Decision analysis is the common analytical approach for the first mode, optimization for the second, and a host of techniques have been applied to negotiation decisions [Jelassi and Foroughi, 1989]. Concepts of decision analysis are relevant to the second and third of these modes. Section 13.2 provides a philosophical discussion of decision making and the elements of decision making: values, alternatives, and facts. Section 13.3 explains the rational basis of decision analysis in terms of a set of axioms that provide a compelling structure for some decision makers. Section 13.4 provides an analytical basis for modeling stakeholder values in the face of conflicting objectives, a critical element in design decisions when faster, better, The Engineering Design of Systems: Models and Methods, Second Edition. By Dennis M. Buede Copyright r 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.




and cheaper are all desired but not mutually compatible. Section 13.5 discusses the modeling of uncertainty and risk preference for design decisions; decision trees, relevance diagrams, and influence diagrams are introduced as modeling tools. A sample application focused on the development of trade-off requirements consistent with an objectives hierarchy and performance requirements is presented in Section 13.6; this sample application is based upon a real application of decision analysis to requirements development. This chapter describes a model of uncertainty (probability theory), a model of value (multiattribute value theory), a model of risk preference (utility theory), and a normative model for incorporating uncertainty, value, risk preference, and complexity for aiding the thought and conversation process needed to make explicit, rational decisions.



Decision analysis is a normative theory for making a decision (an irrevocable allocation of scarce resources). The three major elements of a decision that make its resolution troublesome are the creative generation of alternatives, the identification and quantification of multiple conflicting criteria, and the assessment and analysis of uncertainty associated with the what is known and not known about the decision situation. Howard [1993] has drawn an analogy between the model building and analysis processes inherent in decision analysis and a conversation with a decision maker. The conversation (or modeling) needs to address what the decision maker (stakeholders in systems engineering) cares about (values), what the decision maker can do (alternatives), and what the decision maker knows (facts or absence thereof). Many stakeholders and systems engineers claim to be troubled by the feeling that there is an, as yet unidentified, alternative that must surely be better than those so far considered. The development of techniques for identifying such alternatives is receiving considerable attention [Elam and Mead, 1990; Friend and Hickling, 1987; Keller and Ho, 1988; Keeney, 1992; West, 2007]. Ample research [von Winterfeldt and Edwards, 1986] has been undertaken to identify the pitfalls in assessing probability distributions that represent the uncertainty of a stakeholder. Research has also focused on the identification of the most appropriate assessment techniques. Similar research [von Winterfeldt and Edwards, 1986] has focused on assessing value and utility functions. Keeney [1992] has recently advanced concepts for the development and structuring of a value hierarchy for key decisions. While it will never be possible to turn decision support via decision analysis over to a computer, the vast number of real-world applications of decision analysis [Kirkwood and Corner, 1993] demonstrate that this analytic modeling support is well worth the time and effort.






There are five basic rules of thought [von Neumann and Morgenstern, 1947; Howard, 1992] that establish decision analysis: probability, order, equivalence, substitution, and choice. Probability is adopted as the representation of uncertainty. This is a well-founded discipline for addressing uncertainty and is the common approach within engineering. The order rule states that our preferences are sufficiently well defined that any possible list of outcomes associated with the design alternatives can be ordered from least preferred to most preferred on each objective in the fundamental objectives hierarchy. In addition, once our preferences are aggregated across all objectives there is a single list of outcomes ordered by our preferences. Naturally, it is possible to be indifferent between two outcomes on a specific objective or on the aggregate. Our preference order does not need to be the same from one objective to the next; in fact, there would be no need to have multiple objectives if this were the case. The ordered list must be transitive, which is to say that any outcome can only appear once on any ordered list. If this is not the case, we become subject to the ‘‘money pump’’ argument; a disinterested party could entice us to put up an infinite amount of money by offering us a sequence of trades among three alternatives. For example, I would be intransitive if I stated that I preferred a Lexus to a Cadillac, a Cadillac to a BMW, and a BMW to a Lexus. With these preferences and ownership of a Lexus, I would pay to swap for your BMW, pay again to swap the BMW for your Cadillac, and then pay a third time to swap the Cadillac for the Lexus I originally owned. By this time I should realize there was something wrong with my preference structure. The equivalence rule sets up a situation with three outcomes, A, B, and C, where A is preferred to (W) B, and BWC. This rule states that there is some lottery containing a probability, p, of obtaining outcome A and a probability of (1 p) of obtaining C that will make us indifferent to obtaining outcome B for sure. The substitution rule states that we are willing to substitute any combination of outcomes in a decision-making situation if we are indifferent between them. This is just the operational definition of equivalence. Finally, suppose we have two alternatives, each with exactly the same outcomes, and the probabilities of the outcomes are the same for all but two. If one of the alternatives has a higher probability associated with the outcome that is most preferred, then we should be happy to choose this alternative. This is the choice rule. Given these four rules plus the axioms of probability theory, a normative theory of decision making results that dictates the maximization of expected utility. Utility in this case needs to be measured on an interval scale; an interval scale preserves equal intervals of measure and can be multiplied or divided by a constant and can have a constant added or subtracted from it. A ratio scale of



measurement for utility could be used but is not necessary. Note that probabilities are constructed on a ratio scale.



Multiattribute value analysis is a quantitative method for aggregating a stakeholder’s preferences over conflicting objectives to find the alternative with the highest value when all objectives are considered. (Note the phrases ‘‘multiattribute utility analysis’’ and ‘‘multiple objectives decision analysis’’ are also often used. In this book the word utility is reserved for situations in which uncertainty has been explicitly modeled and the stakeholder’s risk preference is being included in the analysis.) Multiattribute value analysis can be addressed simply as is done in this chapter or with a great deal more sophistication [see French, 1986; Keeney and Raiffa, 1976]. Additional insights can be found in Kwinn and Parnell [2007]. Other approaches to value computations are also available: analytical hierarchy process (AHP) [Saaty, 1980, 1986], percentaging [Nagel, 1989], the technique for order preference by similarity to ideal solution (TOPSIS) [Yoon, 1980], a fuzzy algorithm [Yager, 1978], quality function deployment (QFD) [Akao, 1990], and Pugh matrix [Pugh, 1991]. None of these other approaches are based on an underlying set of axioms that provide a foundation for justifying an analytical process except the AHP. However, there are a number of analytical concerns that have been raised about AHP, percentaging, TOPSIS, and similar approaches [Buede and Maxwell, 1995; Dyer, 1990; Harker and Vargas, 1990]. The process for defining the objectives of interest for a system has been defined in Chapter 6. For the systems engineering application addressed in this book, the objectives are the performance requirements that have been defined as described in Chapter 6, as well as derived performance requirements that have been defined as part of the development of the allocated architecture. Following the definition of the objectives, a value scale must be defined for each objective at the bottom of the objectives hierarchy. This value scale definition begins by defining the minimum acceptable value of performance for a given objective (constraining requirement) and the most desired value of performance for the objective (the design goal). Then the relative value of improving from the minimum acceptable threshold to the design goal is quantified in the form of a value curve. Objectives that are a combination of bottom-level objectives are in the hierarchy for ease of aggregation and communication; as a result these intermediate and the top-level (or fundamental) objectives are computed from lower level objectives. After value scales are defined for each bottom-level objective, value weights that address the relative value associated with improving from the bottom (minimum acceptable threshold) of the value scale to the top (design goal) must be assessed from the stakeholder for all bottom-level objectives as well as the intermediate objectives. The discussion in this chapter is going to address the




common, but not universal, case in which the values can be aggregated across objectives by using a weighted-average formula. The books by French [1986] and by Keeney and Raiffa [1976] address the general aggregation process and the assumptions required for various aggregation formulas. The assumption that the general value function over the vector x of n bottom-level objectives can be written as a weighted additive function of value functions on the individual objectives: vðxÞ ¼

n X

wi vi ðxi Þ



will be adopted from here on out. Note the weights are commonly normalized to sum to 1.0, and the value functions are normalized to range from either 0 to 1, or 0 to 10, or 0 to 100. 13.4.1 Eliciting Value Functions The axioms of decision analysis produce the result that the value function over the vector x of bottom-level objectives must only be an interval function when the decision maker is risk neutral (the assumption made here). As a result, the individual value function vi over bottom-level objective xi must also be an interval-scaled function of x. This interval property is the key to eliciting value functions from stakeholders about the relative value they assign to improving from the threshold of acceptable performance of xi, xi0, to the most desired value of xi*. Watson and Buede [1987] present the bisection and the equal differences methods for eliciting these functions. These value functions take four general forms (see Fig. 13.1): decreasing returns to scale (RTS), linear RTS, increasing RTS, and an S-curve. The decreasing RTS signifies a satiation of preference near the most desired value. Decreasing RTS is commonly encountered when the threshold of acceptable performance is within the key performance range of interest to the stakeholders and the most desired value is outside this key performance range where satiation takes over. The linear RTS is commonly found when both the threshold of acceptable performance and the most desired value are within the key performance range of interest, or when there is no possible satiation of preference. The increasing RTS occurs when (1) the threshold of acceptable performance has been pushed below (in a value sense) the key performance range and (2) there is a technological or other cap on the most desired value so satiation of preference has not begun. Pushing the threshold of acceptable performance below the key performance range in a value sense means limited value is obtained by small increases in the performance parameter until some significant change is achieved. The S-curve reflects a joining of decreasing and increasing RTS and reflects the case in which the key performance range lies between the threshold of acceptable performance and the goal. The S-curve indicates that the range of possible designs has been maximized.







Linear RTS vi ~ -xi

vi ~ xi 0.0















vi ~ -xi xi*






Increasing RTS (convex)


v i ~ xi







Decreasing RTS (concave)

vi ~ -xi

vi ~ x i 0.0










Common types of value curves.

Note no value curves that increase and then decrease, or decrease and then increase, have been shown. When value functions that are not monotonic (always increasing or always decreasing) are elicited, it is highly likely that there are two underlying objectives that have been combined. These two objectives should be separated so that the stakeholders are only considering one objective at a time when being asked to specify their preferences. Exponential functions are most commonly used to approximate the value functions of stakeholders [Kirkwood, 1997]. Equation (13.2) shows a standard form for variables on which more is better and that is normalized to be 0 when the minimum acceptable threshold is met and 1.0 when the design goal is met. When a is greater than 1.0, this equation demonstrates decreasing RTS. When a is equal to 1.0, this equation becomes a straight line. When a is less than 1.0,




this equation demonstrates increasing RTS. vi ðxi Þ ¼


aðxi x0i Þ


aðxi x0i Þ


Wymore [1993] has suggested a value function (or figure of merit) family that can accommodate all of the above value curves to some degree. 13.4.2 Eliciting Value Weights Before discussing how to elicit the weights that are used in the additive value function of Eq. (13.1), the meaning of these weights must be made clear. In words, the weights must reflect the relative value associated with increasing from the bottom to the top of each value scale. Note in Figure 13.1 each of the value functions has been normalized to range from 0 to 1. Other normalizations, for example, 0 to 10, 0 to 100, 14 to 85, are all acceptable, but it is usually most meaningful to stakeholders and everyone else to have every value function normalized from the same bottom value to the same top value. Value weights that reflect the relative value in increasing from the bottom to the top of each value scale are called swing weights because they represent the value attached to the swing from bottom to top. Why must the weights reflect this change in value from the bottom to the top of the value scale? Consider the most general assumption that we can make about the value function, namely that the value across all objectives is the sum of individual value functions, viu(xi), functions that have not yet been normalized in any way; see Eq. (13.3): vðxÞ ¼

n X

v0i ðxi Þ



Equation 13.4 normalizes viu(xi) to range from 0 to 1. Recall that the axioms of decision analysis implied that an interval-scaled value function was sufficient, meaning that we can add or subtract constants from an interval scale, as well as multiply or divide by constants and still have an interval scale. The normalized value function, vi (xi), is computed by subtracting a constant from the unnormalized value function; this constant is the unnormalized value associated with the worst value (xi0) of xi. This result is then multiplied by a constant, namely the range in unnormalized value from worst to best (xi* ) levels of xi. Note that when xi = xi*, the numerator and denominator are equal. When xi = xi0, the numerator equals 0. vi ðxi Þ ¼

v0i ðxni Þ

1 ½v0 ðxi Þ v0i ðx0i Þ v0i ðx0i Þ i




Now solving for the unnormalized value function: v0i ðxi Þ ¼ ½v0i ðxni Þ v0i ðx0i Þn vi ðxi Þ þ v0i ðx0i Þ


Substituting (13.5) into (13.3) we get vðxÞ ¼

n X

ðv0i ðxni Þ v0i ðx0i ÞÞn vi ðxi Þ þ v0i ðx0i Þ



n X

ðv0i ðxni Þ v0i ðx0i ÞÞ vi ðxi Þ þ n


n X

ð13:6Þ v0i ðx0i Þ


The last summation is a constant that has no relevance to distinguishing among alternatives, so it can be subtracted from both sides of the equation. Now divide both sides by the constant n X

½ðv0i ðxni Þ v0i ðx0i Þ


and distribute this term throughout the summation on the right side of the equals sign. The weights for each objective are defined to be wi ¼

v0i ðxni Þ v0i ðx0i Þ ; n P ðv0i ðxni Þ v0i ðx0i ÞÞ



Substituting Eq. (13.7) into (13.6), vðxÞ

n P i¼1

n P i¼1

v0i ðx0i Þ

½v0i ðxni Þ v0i ðx0i Þ


n X

wi vi ðxi Þ;



which is a linear transformation of the original value function and therefore equivalent to Eq. (13.1). So the value weights in Eq. (13.1) must be defined to be the relative swing in value from the worst point xi0 to the best point xi* across all objectives. Any mathematical approach employing interval scales that uses Eq. (13.1) to compute value but does not explicitly call for the use of swing weights is doing the equivalent of changing money from one currency to another by picking a random set of exchange rates rather than using the current market-derived exchange rates. The use of weights that are not swing weights may well suggest an alternative as best that is not consistent with the stakeholders’ preferences. Some methods such as the Pugh methodology [Pugh, 1991] hope the objectives can be developed so that they are nearly equal in relative weight, without even defining




what the weight means. No application of the authors (out of over a hundred) has generated a set of objectives that were nearly equal in importance. While value functions only need to be interval scales, weights must be defined on a ratio scale. A ratio scale is one on which zero means zero value. In this case the value at the design goal must be equal to the value at the minimum threshold: vi ðxni Þ ¼ vi ðx0i Þ: A weight of zero means that the objective can be ignored. Weight elicitation techniques can be divided into two categories: those that ask directly for numbers and those that ask for indirect ordinal or interval judgments that are used to derive a ratio scale. Direct Weight Elicitation Techniques. The most common direct elicitation technique for ratio scale numbers is to ask people to spread 100 points among the objectives at any given level of the objectives hierarchy. This is a typical technique for eliciting weights in any multiattribute value application. The research literature [Watson and Buede, 1987] is not kind to this technique, and our experience confirms the literature findings. While it is relatively easy to do, people assign numbers that are far too close together to meet any ratio scale requirements; this is true no matter how many caveats the assessor presents to the participants to remember the ratio scale requirements [Stillwell et al., 1981]. Two other common direct assessment techniques involve anchoring on either the most important or least important objective. The stakeholder is then asked to assign the most (least) important a score of 100 (1) and scale the remaining down (up) based upon ratio scale requirements. The research literature has not really examined this method. In practice, it has not worked well for making the initial assessment queries, but has worked reasonably well when it is introduced later in the assessment process. By this point, the stakeholders have become accustomed to thinking about ratio scale properties based upon a more detailed assessment process. The advantage of starting with the most important objective is that the stakeholders are probably most familiar with it and therefore, it is a useful anchor. The least important objective may not be that familiar to the stakeholders. In either case, the weights are normalized to sum to 1.0 at the end. Edwards [1977] introduced a multi-attribute utility technique called SMART that was based upon importance weights. (Edwards describes this as a self-recognized intellectual error [Edwards and Barron, 1994].) Edwards and Barron [1994] introduced SMARTS and SMARTER. SMARTS is simply SMART recast with the intellectually proper swing weights. SMARTS employs anchoring on the best objective at 100 points and scaling the rest down, then normalizing the weights to sum to 1.0. SMARTER involves using the rank-order centroid technique of transforming the swing ranks of criteria into swing weights. Stillwell et al. [1981] offered several ad hoc ways to translate rank orders into weights. In the following



equations, ri is the rank of the ith objective, K is the total number of objectives, and wi is the normalized approximate ratio scale weight of the ith objective. Rank sum: wi ¼

K ri þ 1 K P

K rj þ 1


Rank exponent: wi ¼

ðK ri þ 1Þz K P ðK rj þ 1Þz j¼1

where z is an undefined measure of the dispersion in the weights. The larger z is the larger is the ratio of the most important objective to the least important objective. Rank reciprocal: 1=r wi ¼ K i P 1=r j j¼1

Rank-order centroid (ROC): wi ¼ ð1=K Þ





w1 ¼ ð1 þ 1=2 þ 1=3 þ þ 1=KÞ=K w2 ¼ ð0 þ 1=2 þ 1=3 þ þ 1=KÞ=K w3 ¼ ð0 þ 0 þ 1=3 þ þ 1=KÞ=K wK ¼ ð0 þ 0 þ 0 þ þ 1=KÞ=K Barron and Barrett [1996] show that ROC weights accurately define the best alternative 75 to 90% of the time based upon a set of true swing weights elicited some other way. When the incorrect alternative was identified, the loss of utility averaged 3 to 7%. The ROC results were at the worst ends of these ranges when the attribute values of the alternatives were negatively correlated, which unfortunately is the most common situation in practice. Barron and Barrett [1996] show that the rank-reciprocal and rank-sum weights were nearly always worse than the ROC weights. Kirkwood and Corner [1993] use an actual application by Ulvila and Snider [1980] on oil tanker standards to provide some results that contradict claims concerning the effectiveness of rank-sum, rankreciprocal, and rank-exponent weights.




SIDEBAR 13.1: ILLUSTRATION OF WEIGHTING TECHNIQUES To illustrate the weight elicitation techniques, consider the following engineering design sample problem. Suppose a communication system to be deployed as part of a data collection system is being designed. As part of our requirements analysis the following five major performance parameters that determine successful and profitable data collection operations (our measure of effectiveness) have been identified and ranked based upon the importance of the swing from minimum acceptable to ideal performance:

Performance Parameter

Minimum Acceptable Performance

Throughput, mbits/sec

Design Goal


Rank Order







Operating life, yrs







Procurement cost, $ Operating cost, $/mo




For the rank-based techniques the results in the table below are obtained. (Note that a 0.4 was used for the parameter in the rank exponent method.)

Rank Throughput Availability Operating Method Life

Procurement Cost

Operating Cost

Rank sum






Rank exponent






Rank reciprocal













DECISION ANALYSIS FOR DESIGN TRADES Indirect Weight Elicitation Techniques. Indirect assessment of weights can be obtained via one of several paired comparison techniques and the use of graphical adjustments on a computer. These techniques are generally far superior to any of the direct techniques in their ability to capture the decision maker’s trade offs across objectives. The paired comparison techniques are the most common and include the analytical hierarchy process (AHP) [Saaty, 1980], trade offs [Watson and Buede, 1987], balance beam [Watson and Buede, 1987] judgments, and lottery questions [Keeney and Raiffa, 1976]. AHP (see Sidebar 13.2) can be used to assess the weights of the objectives. In the full implementation of AHP, it is not easy to elicit swing weights because the AHP does not use the full value scale from 0 to 1. In AHP the stakeholders are asked to compare each objective with every other objective; note it is possible to skip some comparisons, but the accuracy of the results decreases rapidly as the number of skipped comparisons grows. The AHP commonly does not ask the stakeholders to rank order the objectives in terms of overall benefit but begins by asking the stakeholders to compare objectives two at a time in whatever order they appear. The stakeholders are given the option of using a verbal scale, a numerical scale, or adjustable bar graphs. The numerical scale ranges from 9 times more valuable to one ninth as valuable. The verbal choices have numerical equivalents that also vary from 9 to one ninth. If there are K objectives, AHP would pose K(K1)/2 questions of this sort. These responses are used as an input to form a matrix upon which an eigenvector calculation is performed; these mathematical operations are justified by a set of axioms that Saaty [1980, 1986] has developed. It is possible that the stakeholders’ judgments have inconsistencies embedded in them. Saaty [1980] has developed an inconsistency index based upon the mathematical operations he developed. Typically, the stakeholders are asked to rethink selected judgments if the inconsistency index is greater than 0.1. This approach seems to work well when the number of objectives is greater than 3 and less than 7 or 8. Naturally, it is possible to break a large number of objectives into subsets too/de this approach more efficient. Trade offs are used for swing weights and involve using the scores to help elicit the weights of the objectives. First, the objectives are ranked in order of their overall swing in value. Next, the stakeholders are asked if the overall swing weight of the second objective is as great as the swing from the lowest to some intermediate point of the value scale of the first ranked objective. For example, the stakeholders are asked whether the overall swing in value of the second ranked objective was closer to 80 or 60% of the swing in value of the first ranked objective. Suppose after some discussion the stakeholders agreed that the swing in value on the second objective was roughly equivalent to a swing from 0 to 0.7 on the value scale (normalized to a high of 1.0) of the first objective. This establishes that the weight of the second objective is 70% that of the first objective. The third ranked objective could now be compared to intermediate points on either the first or second ranked objectives. This method works very well when the value curves are firmly established and the value




curves are continuous. If the value curves change significantly after trade offs have been used, the weights have to be reassessed.

SIDEBAR 13.2 AHP EXAMPLE Returning to the example of design trade offs for a communication system, suppose the stakeholders provide the judgments shown in the following table into the AHP verbal mode.



Operating Life

Procurement Cost

Operating Cost


(Equal) 1




(Absolutely) 9



(Equal) 1


(Strongly) 5

(Absolutely) 9

Operating Life



(Equal) 1

(Weakly) 3

(Strongly) 5

Procurement Cost




(Equal) 1


Operating Cost





(Equal) 1

The normalized eigenvector of the largest eigenvalue for the numerical version of the above matrix is 0.43, 0.39, 0.11, 0.03, and 0.01. (Note that the AHP process associates a 9 with absolutely, 7 with very strongly, 5 with strongly, 3 with weakly, and 1 with equal.)

The balance beam approach is another approach for assessing the weights of the objectives (see Sidebar 13.3). The stakeholders are initially asked to establish a rank order of the overall swing weights of the objectives. Next, a series of questions is posed to the stakeholders that begins with ‘‘Is the overall swing in value of the first objective (a) greater, (b) less than, or (c) equal to the combined overall swing in values of the second and third most important objectives?’’ To illustrate this question a balance beam analogy (see Fig. 13.2) is used. If the stakeholders respond that the first ranked objective has the highest overall swing weight, the attractiveness of the other choice is increased by adding the fourth ranked objective to the package of the second and third ranked objectives. If the stakeholders say the package of second and third ranked objectives has a higher swing value than the first ranked objective, the attractiveness of the combination package is decreased by dropping the third ranked objective and adding the



fourth ranked objective. This process is continued until the stakeholders have found a package of objectives with an overall swing in value that is comparable to the first ranked objective. Next, the second ranked objective is compared with the third and fourth ranked objectives. This continues until only the last two objectives remain. The process creates a set of inequality and equality equations that relate the swing weights of the objectives. Typically, a weight of 1 is assigned to the least weighted objective, the stakeholders are asked to assign a swing weight to the second least weighted objective, and then the equations are used to bound the swing weights of the remaining objectives. It is possible that there will be an inconsistency in a subset of the equations. If such an inconsistency exists, the balance beam questions posed by this subset of equations are reexamined until the stakeholders identify their inconsistency and make an adjustment. This approach generally produces a wide spread in the swing weights for the objectives.

SIDEBAR 13.3: BALANCE BEAM EXAMPLE Using the balance beam approach for the communication system design the stakeholders are asked to compare the swing in benefit of throughput (T ) to that of the combined swings of availability (A) and operating life (OL). The stakeholders respond the combination is greater than that of throughput, or ToA þ OL However, throughput (T ) is preferred to availability (A) and procurement cost (PC): T4A þ PC Availability is preferred to OL, PC, and operating cost (OC): A4OL 1 PC þ OC OL is preferred to PC and OC: OL4PC þ OC Next, the unnormalized weight of operating cost is fixed at 1 and the stakeholders are asked to provide a ratio weight for procurement cost; suppose they say 1.5. Now the weight for operating life is greater than 2.5, suppose the stakeholders say 3. The stakeholders now know that the weight for availability is greater than 4.5 (3 + 1.5) and agree to a weight of 6. Finally, the weight of throughput is between 7.5 (6 + 1.5) and 9 (6 + 3). The stakeholders choose 8. The normalized weights are 0.41, 0.31, 0.15, 0.08, and 0.05.








Balance beam analogy for paired comparisons.

Graphical elicitation procedures have been implemented in several software packages for the elicitation of scores and weights. Bar graph adjustment is most commonly used, but some software packages contain adjustable pie charts, where the wedges of the pie represent different objectives.



This section addresses the analysis of decisions when there is substantial uncertainty associated with outcomes impacting the relative value of the decision’s alternatives. In systems engineering this uncertainty could be associated with the state of technology at some time in the future; the stakeholders’ needs now and in the future; the ability to achieve cost, schedule, or performance goals; and environmental variables associated with the use or testing of the system. Probability theory is discussed in Section 13.5.1 to refresh the reader’s knowledge of this subject. Section 13.5.2 discusses the use of relevance diagrams to represent joint probability distributions. Influence diagrams are introduced in Section 13.5.3 as a way of representing a decision. The calculations of expected utility are described in terms of decision trees. Section 13.5.4 addresses risk preference. 13.5.1 Probability Theory This section is not meant to be a detailed introduction to probability theory; for such an introduction see Roberts [1992] and Ghahramani [1996]. The reader is



assumed to be familiar with the concepts of probability density functions for continuous random variables, probability mass functions for discrete random variables, the difference between marginal and conditional probability distributions, the notion of cumulative probability distributions, and joint probability distributions of two or more random variables. First, the concepts of probabilistic independence and dependence are discussed. Then two important equations, the law of total probability and Bayes rule, are provided. Finally, relevance diagrams are introduced as a way to describe the probabilistic dependencies among a set of random variables. This entire discussion will be conducted in terms of discrete random variables because the mathematics is easier to convey, and discrete random variables are more commonly encountered is systems engineering problems. In addition, decision analysis commonly discretizes continuous random variables for computational ease. The probabilistic independence of two random variables, X and Y, is defined to occur when the conditional probability distribution on X given Y equals the marginal probability distribution on X. It can be shown that when the preceding is true for X, then the probability distribution on Y given X must also equal the probability distribution on Y. As a result, the joint probability distribution of instances of X, xi, and Y, yi, can be written as pðxi ; yj Þ ¼ pðxi jyj Þ pðyj Þ ¼ pðyj jxi Þ pðxi Þ ¼ pðxi Þ pðyj Þ


when X and Y are probabilistically independent. Intuitively, probabilistic independence means that learning the value of X does not cause us to change our probability distribution about Y. The law of total probability allows the computation of a marginal probability distribution of one random variable by summing over all possible values of a second random variable that is probabilistically dependent on the first. This law is used to compute p(xi) when the probabilities on the right-hand side of Eq. (13.10) are known better than p(xi) (shown in Fig. 13.3): pðxi Þ ¼

m X

pðxi jyj Þpðyj Þ



Bayes rule is used to update our uncertainty on one random variable when information about another random variable becomes available, assuming the





xi y6



xi as a subset of the universal event, which is partitioned by Y.




two random variables are probabilistically dependent on each other. pðyj jxi Þ ¼

pðxi jyj Þpðyj Þ pðxi jyj Þpðyj Þ ¼ n P pðxi Þ pðxi jyj Þpðyj Þ



In the case of Eq. (13.11) information about the value of random variable X is obtained and is used to update our uncertainty about Y. The left-hand side of Eq. (13.11) is called the posterior probability distribution of Y when all values of j = 1, 2, y m are considered. The p(yj) in the numerator on the right-hand side of (13.10) is called the prior probability, the probability of Y before information on X became available. The values of p(xi|yj) in the numerator and denominator are called the likelihood values of getting information on X given values of Y. Finally, the denominator of Eq. (13.10) is called the preposterior and is in fact equal to p(xi), as computed by the law of total probability [Eq. (13.10)]. The contrast between the law of total probability and Bayes rule can be seen by revisiting Figure 13.3. With the law of total probability the task is to compute the probability of a subset of the universal event using conditional probabilities that partition the universal event. With Bayes rule the universal event has been redefined based upon a new state of information, namely xi is known to be true. Bayes rule provides the process for updating the probability of any variable based upon this new information. Adoption of Bayes rule in practice requires a philosophical shift in the meaning of probabilities for most people. The most common philosophical interpretation of probability among engineers and statisticians is that of a longrun frequency associated with a set of events that have been or could be repeated many times, for example, flipping coins, removing production samples from a production line. However, in systems engineering the engineer of a system is typically involved in very early design decisions regarding the operational system, the test system for the operational system, the manufacturing system of the operational system, the test system for the manufacturing system of the operational system, and so forth. In these early design decisions there is typically a great deal of uncertainty about specific outcomes related to these decisions and very little data. In fact, it is often not possible to contemplate repeating experiments to develop long-run frequencies within a reasonable amount of time and money. Bayesian, or subjective, probability interprets a probability as a state of information about the uncertainty regarding a variable. Powerful mathematical and logical arguments have been put forward by Savage [1954], De Finetti [1974], Lindley [1994], and others for this interpretation of probability. Now that the computational power that we have on our desks is quite sizable, many theoreticians are becoming Bayesians due to the theoretical justification of the Bayesian argument. Yet many of these Bayesian converts still prefer to put uniform priors on the random variables and let the data shape the posterior distributions. This is fine when there is a lot of data, as there is late in the systems engineering



development process. Early in the development process there is precious little data and uniform priors are not consistent with engineering judgment and likely to lead to poor design decisions. There is a vast amount of research available on the ability of humans to provide probability judgments [Hogarth, 1980; Kleindorfer et al., 1993; Wright and Ayton, 1994]. Serious probability elicitation processes have been developed and used extensively with successful results [Spetzler and Stael von Holstein, 1975; Merkhofer, 1987]. Bayes rule is useful during the design phase in systems engineering when there is little hard data available. During this phase there are often significant results available from analyses and simulations; these results are appropriately considered as data, making Bayes rule an appropriate tool. Bayes rule has wide applicability in the world of testing. Before the test we have some uncertainty about the ultimate value of certain performance, cost, or schedule parameters. Data is collected during the test regarding the values of certain system or project characteristics that relate to the parameters of interest. These data should then be used to update our uncertainty about the parameters of interest. Test data should always be viewed as likelihood measures. All too often, the test result is viewed to be the answer, and only the data parameter associated with the largest likelihood value is reported. 13.5.2

Relevance Diagrams

A relevance diagram is a directed graph, or digraph, that is a statement of the joint probability distribution among a set of random variables as a factorization of conditional and marginal probability distributions. For example, the three possible factorizations of two random variables, X and Y, are shown in Figure 13.4. Each random variable is shown as a node with an oval encapsulation. The top case shows two probabilistically independent random variables; the absence of an arc indicates this independence. The next two cases show dependence or relevance in a Bayesian sense of probabilistic updating; the arc can go in either direction, with the direction reflecting a different conditional and marginal distribution that define the joint distribution. It is obvious from this simple graph that the arc in the bottom two graphs can be flipped (have its direction changed) without any repercussions. However, this is not true in general. A relevance diagram cannot have a cycle (see Chapter 5 for a definition), so flipping an arc that causes a cycle to form is never possible. In addition, when flipping an arc does not cause a cycle to be formed, it is possible that arcs will have to be added to the digraph [see Shachter, 1986]. As an example of relevance diagrams for systems engineering, consider an elevator design in which the state of technology related to control systems and power systems is highly uncertain in the time frame of the development effort (Fig. 13.5). The key performance requirements (design objectives) are elevator performance in terms of mean wait times; the operational cost of the system; and the availability of the elevator system. A relevance diagram depicting the probabilistic dependencies is shown in Figure 13.5. Note that there is no






p(xi , yj) = p(xi) p(yj)



p(xi, yj) = p(xi|yj) p(yj)



p(xi, yj) = p(yj|xi ) p(xi)


Relevance diagrams for two variables.

dependence between the three key performance requirements; these three variables are probabilistically independent of each other given the states of control technology and power technology. This is called conditional independence; if the variables for the control and power technologies were not present, there would be edges between the three requirements nodes (performance, availability, and cost). As discussed in previous chapters, there is great power to be gained in communicating the structure of reasoning (modeling) about design issues by using a graphical representation such as relevance diagrams.

Control Technology

Elevator Performance

Elevator Availability

Elevator Cost

Power Technology

FIGURE 13.5 Notional relevance diagram for elevator design.



Control Technology

Elevator Performance

Elevator Availability

Elevator Cost

Power Technology Survey Results on Power Technology


Relevance diagram with survey data on power technology.

As mentioned above, test results always provide likelihood information for Bayes rule. As a result, a relevance diagram that includes test results will have arcs going to the test result from the variable relevant to the test. A survey of power technology to assess the possible state of power technology in two years is an example of test data for the elevator design problem. This test data would be shown as a node with an arc coming to it from the Power Technology node in Figure 13.6. Bayes rule would then be used to flip this arc so that the survey results could be incorporated in the decision being made.


Influence Diagrams and Decision Trees

Consider a standard design decision faced by systems engineers: Should a component for the system be bought from an existing supply source or be developed from more basic components? The uncertainty that may be most troublesome in this decision is how long it will to take to develop the major component and how much will it cost. The schedule and cost results could be better than, equal to, or worse than the result associated with purchasing the component. For this simple example assume the performance of both alternatives is equal. A decision tree depicting this decision is shown in Figure 13.7. The value computation at the end of each branch of the tree addresses the cost and schedule issues via a multiattribute value formulation. The decision node at the beginning of the tree depicts the two alternatives as branches emanating from a small square. After the Build alternative there are chance nodes (little circles) that represent the uncertainties concerning cost and schedule. The tree is ‘‘rolled back’’ by multiplying the value at the end of each branch times the probability value on the branch just before it. These probability-weighted





[0.5] 0.5 Low Build_Schedule Low [0.925] .100

Buy_vs__Build [0.5] Build

Build_Cost [0.4635]

Build_Schedule Nominal [0.5] .700

High .200

Build_Schedule [0.105]


.500 Nominal .500 High

1 [0.85] 0.85 [0.7]

.000 Low .250 Nominal .500 High .250 Low .100 Nominal .500 High .400

0.7 [0.65] 0.65 [0.5] 0.5 [0.35] 0.35 [0.3] 0.3 [0.15] 0.15 [0] 0

FIGURE 13.7 Decision tree for buy vs. build decision.

values are summed at each chance node to get an expected value at that node. These expected values are then multiplied by the probabilities on the branches before them and summed again. This process continues until the expected value of each alternative is available at the decision node. The preferred alternative should be the one with the highest expected value. Influence diagrams are a graph-theoretic representation of a decision. Shachter [1986, 1990] presented the requirements and algorithms needed to transform an influence diagram from solely a communication tool into a computation and analysis tool capable of replacing the standard decision analysis tree. Significant additional research continues into influence diagrams for structuring decision problems, defining the underlying mathematics and graph theory of influence diagrams, and analyzing decision problems. When properly implemented, decision trees and influence diagrams provide identical solutions to the same problem. They are referred to as isomorphic since the decision tree can be converted to an influence diagram, and vice versa. An influence diagram may include four types of nodes (decision, chance, value, and deterministic), directed arcs between the nodes, a marginal or conditional probability distribution defined at each chance node, and a mathematical function associated with each decision, value, and deterministic node. Each decision node, represented by a box, has a discrete number of states (or decision alternatives) associated with it; chance nodes, represented by an oval, must be discrete random variables. Deterministic nodes are represented by a double oval. A value node may be represented by a roundtangle, diamond, hexagon, or octagon. An arc between two nodes (shown by an arrow) identifies a dependency between the two nodes. An arc between two chance nodes expresses relevance



and indicates the need for a conditional probability distribution. An arc from a decision node into a chance or deterministic node expresses influence and indicates probabilistic or functional dependence, respectively. An arc from a chance node into a deterministic or value node expresses relevance; that is to say, the function in either the deterministic or value node must include the variables on the other ends of the arcs. An arc from any node into a decision node indicates information availability; that is, the states of these nodes are known with certainty when the decision is to be made. Figure 13.8 shows an influence diagram for the buy versus develop decision described in the decision tree of Figure 13.7. The decision is represented in the box, the value node in the box with rounded corners, and the two chance nodes in ovals. Note that the alternatives and chance outcomes that were shown in the decision tree are not visible in the influence diagram. However, the edges in the influence diagram provide new information that was not readily available in the decision tree, namely the probabilistic and value dependencies inherent in the decision. Both cost and schedule are dependent on which alternative is selected. Cost and schedule are also probabilistically dependent on each other, with the influence diagram showing an arc from Build Cost to Build Schedule. Value only depends on cost and schedule. The decision node represents a logical maximum (minimum) operation, that is, choose the alternative with the maximum (minimum) expected value or utility (cost). A deterministic node can contain any relevant mathematical function of the variables associated with nodes having arcs into the deterministic node. A value node also can contain any mathematical function of the variables with arcs entering the value node. In addition, the mathematical function in the value node defines the risk preference of the stakeholder. A well-formed influence diagram meets the following conditions: (1) the influence diagram is an acyclic directed graph, that is, it is not possible to start at any node and travel in the direction of the arcs in such a way that one returns to the initial node; (2) each decision or chance node is defined in terms of mutually exclusive and collectively exhaustive states; (3) there is a joint probability distribution that is defined over the chance nodes in the diagram that is consistent with the probabilistic dependence defined by the arcs; (4) there is at least one directed path that begins at the originating or initial decision node, passes through all the other decision nodes, and ends at the value node;

Buy vs. Build

Build Cost


Build Schedule

FIGURE 13.8 Influence diagram for build buy decision.




(5) there is a proper value function defined at the value node (i.e., one that is defined over all the nodes with arcs into the value node); and (6) there are proper functions defined for each deterministic node. An influence diagram that is well formed can be evaluated analytically to determine the optimal decision strategy implied by the structural, functional, and numerical definition of the influence diagram. The analytic operations needed to evaluate an influence diagram numerically are evidence absorption, deterministic absorption, null reversal, arc reversal, and deterministic propagation [Shachter, 1986]. The influence diagram in Figure 13.9 shows an example of an influence diagram for a requirements allocation decision for the design of a new elevator system. The systems engineer is considering the use of one of two new technologies (power or controller); the large decision node (center left of Figure 13.9) defines the three alternatives. The requirements allocation (shown as three separate decision nodes) of costs, performance, and availability will be different if one or neither of these technologies is included in the design. Since this initial decision will be known when the three requirements allocation decisions are made, there are arcs from the initial decision node to the three requirements allocation decision nodes. The other arcs between the three requirements allocation decision nodes indicate the order in which the decisions will be made: performance, availability, and cost. (The decision maker is free to select any order among these three nodes.) These allocations and the prior uncertainty of the systems engineering team about the power and controller technologies will affect the uncertainty about the elevator’s cost, performance, and availability. The arcs between the chance nodes are identical to those shown in Figure 13.5. Note, this diagram shows the uncertainty of elevator

Cost Requirements Allocation

Elevator Operational Architecture: 1) Hi Tech Control 2) Hi Tech Power 3) Low Risk

Performance Requirements Allocation

Elevator System Cost

Elevator Performance

Power Technology

Fundamental Objective

Controller Technology Availability Requirements Allocation


Elevator Availability

Sample influence diagram for requirements allocation.



performance to be independent of power technology. In this simplified example, the fundamental objective is comprised of three elements: cost, performance, and availability. The results of a case study analysis of the above elevator architecture and requirements allocation decision are shown in Figure 13.10. First, the value functions for elevator performance (an index of various passenger waiting times), life-cycle cost, and availability and their weights are shown. Note that marginal decreasing returns to scale is shown in each curve as capability moves from the minimum acceptable threshold to the technological maximum. Next, the uncertainties associated with the two technologies in question are shown. The other uncertainties encoded as part of the analysis are not shown here. The analytical results show that the allocated architecture and the requirements allocation associated with the advanced power technology should be chosen to be consistent with the requirements (the value structure captured by the trade-off

Summary of Elevator Case Study Value Functions 0.3


50 0



0 2.2




Life Cycle Cost




Technology Uncertainties Controller Technology Power Technology

Status Quo 60%

Success 40%

Status Quo 40%

Success 60%

Risk Analysis Results Operational Architecture

Performance Allocation

Availability Allocation

Cost Allocation

Control 57 Control 44 Control 55 Power 59

Control 45 Power 59 Power 59

Low Risk 45

FIGURE 13.10














Power 59

Summary of requirements allocation case study.




requirements) and the uncertainty about the technologies. The alternative associated with the control technology is very close; in fact, too close to be confident that the power technology is preferred given the limitations of value and probabilistic assessments. The low-risk alternative is clearly inferior; the design team could feel comfortable choosing either of the new technologies. The choice of technology would significantly change the requirements allocation decisions made in the three subsequent decision nodes. 13.5.4 Risk Preference and Expected Utility Webster’s dictionary defines risk simply as the ‘‘exposure to the chance of loss,’’ and most people have at least an intuitive sense of what risk means to them. But from a decision-making perspective, it is essential to provide a more formal definition. The Defense Systems Management College (DSMC), [1989] in their Risk Management Handbook, defines risk as ‘‘the combination of the probability of an event occurring and the significance of the consequence of the event occurring’’ and defines risk management as ‘‘the various processes used to manage risk.’’ There are several strategies used for dealing with risk: avoidance, transference, management, and analysis. Risk avoidance is the selection of the low-risk alternative; unfortunately, what seems to be low risk intuitively is high risk in some cases. For example, consider a situation in which you have a sizable portfolio of U.S.-based stocks and are considering purchasing either another U.S. stock or what is considered a high-risk international stock. The international stock is often the lower risk alternative because its performance is either negatively correlated or uncorrelated with the performance of your portfolio while the performance of the low-risk U.S. stock is highly correlated with your current portfolio. Risk transference involves options that transfer risk to others, an example being the purchase of insurance. The insurance purchaser is willing to pay a fixed price and have the insurance company take the risk of a major loss. Risk management involves the use of hedging strategies; a hedging strategy is the maintenance of fallback options in case a riskier option fails. The failure is not catastrophic because the fall back option can be used. This is common in systems engineering when multiple contractors are asked to develop the same component; one contractor is pursuing the high-risk and high-performance approach that will be used if successful, while another contractor is pursuing a more conservative approach. Risk analysis addresses risk explicitly when decisions are made in uncertain situations. Addressing the uncertainty faced in a decision by assigning probabilities to the uncertain outcomes, producing a lottery, has been discussed above. If the outcomes are measured on a numerical scale (e.g., dollars) that captures the value associated with the outcome, the expected value of the lottery is used as a measure of the attractiveness of the lottery. However, if the outcomes of the lottery are substantial compared to the wealth or well being of



the decision maker, the expected value may not be an appropriate measure of the value of the lottery, as judged by many decision makers. The value associated with a lottery is called the certain equivalent, the value the decision maker would be willing to accept in place of the lottery. Since this notion of certain equivalence is a subjective judgment that is special to the individual (or set of stakeholders) and the context at the time of the decision, a mathematical description of risk preference must be guided by the feelings of decision makers. A utility or risk preference function, u, is introduced to be a function of the outcome values of the lottery. If such a function exists, the inverse function of the expected utility of the lottery is the value of the certain equivalent of the lottery that can then be used to compare the attractiveness of the lottery with other lotteries. For example, consider the two lotteries in Figure 13.11 in which the outcomes are measured in dollars. The expected values (EV) of these two lotteries are: EVð1Þ ¼ 0:5 $1000 þ 0:5 $0 ¼ $500 EVð2Þ ¼ 0:1 $100;000 þ 0:9 $10;000 ¼ $1000 These expected values indicate that lottery 2 is preferred to lottery 1; EV(2)WEV(1). Yet many people, who cannot afford a loss of $10,000, would prefer the first lottery with the lower expected value. In other words, for those people, the expected utility of lottery 1Wthe expected utility of lottery 2, or 0:5uð$1000Þ þ 0:5uð$0Þ40:1uð$100;000Þ þ 0:9uð$10;000Þ


Mathematically, if the inverse function of u(.) exists, then Eq. (13.12) can be restated as u 1 ½0:5uð500Þ þ 0:5uð0Þ4u 1 ½0:1uð100;000Þ þ 0:9uð10;000Þ


The question is: ‘‘Will such a function generally explain the decision maker’s risk preference judgments over all possible lotteries?’’ The two expressions on Win



Lose .5





Lose .9


FIGURE 13.11 Comparison of two lotteries.




either side of the inequality in Eq. (13.13) are called the certain equivalents of the two lotteries. The risk premium, xp, of a lottery is defined to be the difference between the expected value of the lottery and the certain equivalent, x~, xp ¼ x x~


For risk-averse decision makers the certain equivalent will always be less than the expected value and the risk premium will be positive. Assessing A Risk Preference Function. Discussion of a risk preference function for a specific decision assumes that the outcomes of the decision have been characterized by a value function that collapses all dimensions of value onto one dimension, commonly called the numeraire. A money equivalent is the most common numeraire, but others are also possible. The risk preference function is then a function over the value numeraire. There are two types of questions involving a certain equivalent and a twooutcome lottery that one can ask a decision maker during a risk assessment session. These two question types are shown in Figure 13.12. The first question type assumes the probabilities of the lottery are known and the decision maker $100 .5



? = $35

Query about the certain equivalent given a completely defined lottery.



$100 ? = .6




Query about the probability of a lottery given all outcomes are completely defined.

$0 1 - ? = .4

FIGURE 13.12

Simple risk preference assessment queries.



is asked to provide one of the outcome values, typically the value of the certain equivalent. However, one could fix the certain equivalent and ask for the value of either the best outcome or worst outcome. The second question assumes that all of the outcome values are known, including the certain equivalent, and the decision maker is asked to supply the probability value. Unfortunately, research has shown that people do not provide coherent answers to these two types of queries. That is, in general the answers to the second question type are going to suggest much greater risk aversion than answers by the same individual to the first question type. A not uncommon response to the first query, which has an expected value of $50, is $35, yielding a risk premium of $15. Now if $35 is the certain equivalent in the second query, an individual might respond that the question mark for the probability of $100 in the second lottery would be 0.6. The risk premium for this second lottery is $25 (the expected value of $60 minus the certainty equivalent of $35). The first question type is asking directly for the response that will be substituted into various analyses. Therefore, it is somewhat more appropriate to ask this question. However, very few decision makers have thought seriously about these issues in general, and even fewer have thought about them with respect to a specific decision situation. The assessment process is therefore a learning experience for the decision maker. The responses to the early questions should be treated as a warm-up process. A second caution for the risk assessment process is that there is a very substantial zero effect. That is, people exhibit risk-averse behavior for gains but risk-seeking behavior for losses. Figure 13.13 shows responses for a certainty equivalent that demonstrates this behavior. The risk premium is $15 for the top lottery and $15 for the bottom lottery. The risk-averse person in the top lottery would have a certain equivalent of less than $50 for the bottom lottery. Generally, people do not want to exhibit this ‘‘zero effect’’ once the seeming contradiction is pointed out to them and will switch to a consistent risk-averse (or risk-seeking) policy. To investigate the decision maker’s risk preference fully in the region of outcomes associated with the current decision, multiple lottery questions should be asked in this region. For illustrative purposes, suppose the decision involves gains of up to $10,000 and losses as great as $10,000. We arbitrarily set the end points of the utility scale as u($0) = 0 and u($10,000) = 1. Figure 13.14 provides six such lotteries and the responses of the decision maker shown in the boxes. Note that the utilities shown under each figure are calculated as in the following example: uð$2;500Þ ¼ :5 uð$10;000Þþ:5 uð$0Þ ¼ :5 ð1Þ þ :5 ð0Þ ¼ :5 Figure 13.15 displays the resulting risk preference function. Note the decreasing rate of increase associated with this curve, mathematically known as a concave







? = $35 1



$0 .5


? = -$35



FIGURE 13.13


Illustration of the zero effect.

curve. A risk-neutral decision maker would have a straight line as a risk preference function; risk-seeking behavior is typified by a convex curve. Exponential Risk Preference. Define the risk aversion coefficient g ¼ u00 ðxÞ=u0 ðxÞ. If g is a constant, it can be shown by simple integration that the risk preference function must take the form ( if g ¼ 0 k1 x þ k2 ; ð13:15Þ uðxÞ ¼ gx k1 e þ k2 ; if g 2 =0 A common way to write such a risk preference function is uðxÞ ¼

1 e gx ; 1 e gxmax


where xmax is the largest value that x is expected to take. Thus, for any valued outcome x, the utility of x can be calculated using the exponential utility function. Note that this format produces uðxmax Þ ¼ 1:0 uð0Þ ¼ 0




u(-2600) = -1

Query 4


u(2500) = .5

Query 1


u(0) = 0





FIGURE 13.14





u(10,000) = 1












u(-6200) = -4

Query 6


u(5000) = .75

Query 3


Assessment queries for risk preference function.

u(-4200) = -2

Query 5


u(1000) = .25

Query 2














1 0 -10000





-1 -2 -3 -4 -5 x

FIGURE 13.15

Assessed risk preference points.

The risk preference function plotted in Figure 13.15 is an exponential risk preference function with g = 0.00025. Another important concept in risk preference is the risk tolerance, or the inverse of the risk aversion coefficient. For the exponential risk preference function and its constant risk aversion coefficient, the risk tolerance is constant. In Figure 13.15, the risk tolerance is $4000. For an expected value decision maker the risk aversion coefficient is zero, making the risk tolerance infinity. The exponential risk preference function has another very special property, called the delta property This property is stated as follows: An increase in all outcomes of the lottery by a constant amount, D, results in an increase of the certain equivalent by the same amount, A. So, for example, in the first example above suppose that the certain equivalent for fifty — fifty gamble of $100 and $0 was $35. Now, if each prize is increased by $100 and the certain equivalent of a fifty — fifty gamble on $200 and $100 becomes $135, then the delta property is satisfied for at least this one case. The exponential risk preference function is the only function that can satisfy this property. One very important implication of the delta property is that the buying and selling prices of a lottery are the same. For example, the maximum that a decision maker was willing to pay, B. for a lottery is the amount that when subtracted by every outcome made us indifferent to having the lottery and not having it, or a value of $0. Similarly, the minimum that the decision maker would sell the lottery for, S, is its certain equivalent; also see Figure 13.16. If the risk preference function is exponential, it can be proven that B = S through the use of the delta property. For other risk preference functions the buying and selling prices of a lottery are not necessarily equal. There is a ‘‘quick and dirty’’ method for assessing a decision maker’s risk aversion coefficient for an exponential utility function. The value of R for which the decision maker is indifferent to accepting the lottery in Figure 13.17





= adding B to the certain equivalent and each outcome




$x - B


$y - B


.5 $x .5


So B = S.


$y .5

FIGURE 13.16 Buying and selling prices are equal for exponential risk preference.

is the risk tolerance. That is, the certainty equivalent of the lottery in Figure 13.17 is 0 when R is the risk tolerance of the decision maker. It can be shown that g = 1/R. The exponential risk preference function is used as an approximation early in risk analyses to determine the effect of risk preference on the choice of alternatives. If this choice is sensitive in the appropriate region of the decision maker’s risk tolerance, then more detailed analysis of the decision maker’s risk preference is appropriate. R 0.5



-R/2 0.5

FIGURE 13.17

Risk aversion coefficient lottery.






This application demonstrates how decision analysis can be used in the requirements development process of systems engineering. The requirements development process consists of the development of an operational concept, identification of the external systems that interact with the system and the context in which the system operates, an objectives hierarchy for the system’s performance, and the requirements. These requirements are divided into requirements categories of input/output, system-wide and technology, trade-off, and test. The focus of this application is the use of multiattribute value analysis as the approach for defining the trade-off requirements that comprise the value model to be used by the stakeholder in evaluating the available alternatives. Implicit in this approach is an objectives hierarchy for defining the value space of the stakeholder (see Sidebar 13.4). Also included is the mathematical structure for the trade-off requirements.

SIDEBAR 13.4: ECONOMIC MODELS Hazelrigg [1996] provides strong motivation to use decision analysis tools in systems engineering design decisions. In his treatment he addresses the results of Arrow’s impossibility theorem [Sen, 1970] for achieving group consensus on preferences and recommends the use of the demand function from economics for defining consumer preferences for alternate design alternatives. The issue of gaining stakeholder consensus on trade offs needed during design is real; thus the systems engineering team must resort to accepting the position of one stakeholder (the bill payer) as king when these disagreements cannot be resolved. This was the method used in the application presented in this section. The notion of a demand function for a military system is not helpful. However, for a commercial system the multiattribute value function can be considered to be a first-order, Taylor series approximation of the demand function. Hazelrigg [1996] does not go into detail about how to obtain the demand function; the suggestion made in this book is to elicit stakeholders’ preferences and use the bill payer as king or queen to resolve disagreements. Throughout this discussion a system called the Mobile Protected Weapons System (MPWS) is used to describe the development of the system engineering and decision analysis concepts. The MPWS was to be a helicopter-transportable, direct-fire support weapons system for the U.S. Marine Corps (USMC), with an initial operating capability of 1988. The basis of the example was a real application of decision analysis to the MPWS in 1980. After the evaluation structure embodied in the objectives hierarchy and trade-off requirements



discussed below was used to evaluate proposed MPWS designs, the MPWS was stopped in favor of purchasing similar vehicles ‘‘off-the-shelf,’’ as directed by Congress. The contractors who received the objectives hierarchy and trade-off requirements as part of the Request for Proposal were very complimentary of the USMC for providing this information to guide their design decisions. 13.6.1

MPWS Overview

An intuitive need for a highly mobile, helicopter-transportable weapons system that can provide the landing force assault fire support as well as an antiarmor capability first became apparent to the USMC in the early 1970s. There were several contributing factors:

Naval gunfire support assets, so important during an amphibious assault, were steadily decreasing. Navy combatant ships with suitable guns for shore bombardment were being retired without replacements or being replaced with ships less capable of providing gunfire support to amphibious forces. The retirement from the Fleet Marine Force (FMF) of the ONTOS, a light, mobile, antitank weapon system carrying six 106-millimeter (mm) recoilless rifles. The retirement of the crew-served individual 106-mm recoilless rifle. The deletion of the 3.5-inch rocket launcher from the Marine Corps inventory. At a time when naval gunfire and direct-fire weapons were decreasing, the Soviet and Soviet aligned forces increased their capability with a wide array of armored weapons systems, including tanks, armored personnel carriers, and lightly armored weapons platforms.

In accordance with acquisition procedures contained in Circular A-109 of the U.S. Office of Management and Budget, Mission Area Analysis (MAA) was continuous, and a Mission Element Needs Statement was developed stating that:

Amphibious forces possess capabilities that are uniquely featured by their responsiveness to the maritime aspects of the national strategy. Amphibious warfare requires the full spectrum of capabilities from naval combat effectiveness offshore and in the air to the close combat mission ashore. The close combat capability provides the mobility, shock action, and portions of the firepower necessary to enable landing forces to successfully attack and destroy enemy personnel and materiel, breach their defenses, link up surface-borne with helicopter-borne forces, defeat infantry and mechanized counterattacks, and exploit success in combat ashore.




Capabilities currently possessed by the landing force provide limited mobility and direct fire combat power to enable assault units to rapidly close with and destroy enemy forces. Mobility and direct fire support capabilities required to enhance current capabilities are: a. Helicopter transportability of weapons systems by heavy-lift helicopter b. Vehicle and crew survivability through armor protection from nearby artillery airbursts and medium-caliber direct-fire weapons firing at medium range c. Rapid cross-country mobility, agility, and endurance without significant degradation of on-road capability and capable of competing with the expected mobility of the threat d. An on-board weapons suite with a long-range, high-kill probability capability against armored, light armored, materiel, and personnel targets characteristic of the threat e. The ability to engage and defeat the target spectrum in all weather conditions f. Nuclear, Biological and Chemical (NBC) detection and protection

The Marine Corps requirements defined an affordable weapons system that was to be highly mobile, helicopter-transportable, compatible with amphibious operations, and able to provide direct-fire support during landing force operations. The weapons system must provide protection from suppressive fires and be capable of engaging and defeating armored, personnel, and materiel targets. 13.6.2 Operational Concept for MPWS In defining the mission needs for the MPWS, three employment scenarios were considered. These scenarios represent the spectrum of scenarios that drives the design of MPWS. The relative importance of each parameter in the design process changes as a function of scenario. Scenario 1: Offensive Role (assault support with the infantry) MPWS would be used with the infantry in offensive operations. A red/blue force ratio of 1:4 and a northern NATO environment are established as the base for the determination of relative capability requirements in this scenario. Scenario 2: Defensive Role (blocking position) MPWS would be employed with helicopter-borne forces to establish blocking positions. Friendly tanks are not available. The mission calls for delaying the enemy and channelizing his avenues of approach. It is assumed that enemy forces are mechanized to include T62, T64, and T72 tanks, BMP, BTR, assault guns, SP artillery, and attack helicopters. MPWS will be operating at



altitudes higher than sea level. A red/blue force ratio of 4:1 in a Middle East environment is established as the base in this scenario. Scenario 3: Subsequent Operations MPWS would be employed with a combined arms task force and would no longer be in an amphibious assault role. Blue forces are task organized, and there would most likely be low-mid-intensity nonnuclear conflict. Red/blue force ratio of 1:4 and a Middle East/Third World environment are the requirements determination base.


External Systems Diagram

The external systems of the MPWS during its operational and maintenance phase would be the operators (driver, gunner, and passengers), maintainers, targets (light armored vehicles, tanks, personnel, and helicopters), and a heavy lift helicopter that would have to transport the MPWS. Figure 13.18 is an external systems diagram showing the inputs to and outputs from MPWS for the various external systems. This diagram was completed using the IDEFO Integrated Definition for Function Modeling process modeling (see Chapter 3). Four external systems are shown in Figure 13.18; the MPWS operators, the MPWS targets, the heavy-lift helicopter that will carry the MPWS from point to point, and the MPWS maintenance personnel. The interaction between the MPWS and its operators is shown by the three arrows; two leaving the operators’ function and one leaving the MPWS function. Terrain forces are shown as part of the context, entering the MPWS function as input from outside the set of external systems. The primary benefits of this analytical construct are to bound the MPWS system very specifically by showing where MPWS ends and other systems begin, and to specify the inputs to and outputs of MPWS so that requirements can be defined to make these inputs and outputs possible. Figure 13.19 portrays an objectives hierarchy similar to the one developed by a team of USMC experts and the decision analysts working the project. The three operational scenarios are the first decomposition of the hierarchy because the principal objectives of the USMC for the MPWS had different relative importance depending upon the scenario. The top-level objectives, or measures of effectiveness (MOEs), were firepower, mobility, availability, and survivability. Firepower was broken into measures of performance (MOPs): lethality, servicing rate, stowed kills (a combination of the number of stowed rounds and the lethality of those rounds), and target acquisition. Lethality is composed of the various types of targets, followed by the ranges at which those targets would be engaged. Target acquisition is composed of identification and recognition in good weather as well as the bad weather capability. Mobility is broken into capabilities related to cross-country, long-distance airlift, road, and water. Survivability is measured by means proxies for agility, protection, and signature.




Terrain Forces



Target Signature, Rounds


FIGURE 13.18

MPWS Forces


Heavy Lift Helicopter


Carry MPWS in Air






Maintain MPWS




Maintenance Polices


External systems diagram for MPWS.

Diagnostic Queries, Maintenance

Diagnostic Responses


Perform Target Functions

MPWS Signature, Rounds

Operator Feedback

Target Needs

DATE: 06/08/97 REV:

TITLE: MPWS External Systems Diagram



Perform MPWS Activities

Operator Directions

Helo Forces



Perform Operator Functions

Operator Needs

NOTES: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

AUTHOR: Dennis Buede PROJECT: Illustration of MPWS

FIGURE 13.19 438

Operational effectiveness performance parameters.




13.6.4 Requirements The focus of this application is the set of requirements called trade-off requirements, algorithms for comparing any two alternate designs on the aggregation of cost and performance objectives. As discussed in Chapter 6, these algorithms are divided into (a) performance trade offs, (b) cost trade offs, and (c) cost-performance trade offs. In the development of requirements for MPWS substantial attention was devoted to the trade-off requirements for performance. The structure that describes the mission-related objectives on which these performance trade offs were defined is the objectives hierarchy shown in Figure 13.19. The trade-off requirements consist of a utility or value curve for each bottom-level objective and a set of weights at each branch in the tree. Utility Curves. Figure 13.19 portrays the many operational effectiveness variable performance parameters whose utility for improvement were quantified for guidance by the USMC committee. Inherent in these value or utility curves for the many performance parameters is the notion that design trade offs are acceptable within the 0-to-100 range of utility; that is, MPWS performance in some area can be sacrificed to the point of zero marginal utility, but no further, in order to achieve performance gains in other areas. The zero utility point on each performance parameter does not mean that a system with this capability has no utility to the Marine Corps. Rather, it means that this level of performance is the minimum acceptable to the Marine Corps across its range of missions. So, for example, to be helicopter-transportable the MPWS must not weigh any more than 16 ton at 3000 feet on a 91.51F day. The utility curve for helicopter transportability is shown in Figure 13.20. Increased performance for each parameter has value to the Marine Corps as shown by the shape of the utility curves. The shapes of these utility curves are the same for all of the above scenarios. However, the relative values of improvements in one parameter compared to improvements in another parameter do not vary across the three scenarios. These relative values of performance parameter improvements are described in Section Weights. Improvements in performance determined from the curves for each parameter are not equally important in the overall analysis of an MPWS. Therefore, a weighting procedure is applied to define the relative value of improving from the 0 to the 100 level of utility on one performance objective compared to another. The meaning of the weights can be described as follows: the weight given to parameter A reflects how much more valuable it is to improve from a score of 0 to 100 in parameter A as compared to the improvement in parameter B from 0 to 100. Note weights are not a generic measure of value but are dependent upon the swings from 0 to 100 on the associated utility curves.





0 12

16 Helicopter Transpor (Tons, 3000 ft, 91.5)

FIGURE 13.20

Utility curve for helicopter transportability, measured in tons.

For MPWS, weights played a large role in distinguishing among scenarios. While the shapes of utility curves remain constant across scenarios, their relative importance changed significantly. For example, an improvement in utility for helicopter transportability was very important in the blocking position role since the MPWS might have to be lifted into position. This same improvement was far less important in the subsequent operations role since the force would be traveling over land. Therefore, the weight that helicopter transportability has, relative to other operational effectiveness factors, was greater in the former role than in the latter.


Use of Utility Curves and Weights

Value (or utility) curves and weights can be used as follows: the abscissa (x axis) of each curve is a measurable attribute that provides input to the curve. The ordinate (y axis) is a measure of relative value or utility ranging from 0 to 100. As an example, value or utility curves for V80 and Percent No-Go are shown in Figures 13.21 and 13.22. Note that an improvement in V80 from 10 to 15 mph is valued as highly as a gain from 15 to 25 mph. Both improvements would net 50 utility points. Using these curves, a candidate propulsion system yielding a V80 speed of 15 mph would receive 50 utility points while one with a V80 speed of 20 mph would receive 80 points; a candidate with 6% No-Go scores 85 while one with 16% scores 35. These value or utility scores would not be very meaningful for comparing systems without a relative measure of importance between attributes. Thus, a weighting procedure is applied to the scores to allow evaluation based upon a combination of parameters. Again, consider the value or utility curves illustrated in Figures 13.21 and 13.22: Suppose propulsion system 1 yields a V80 speed of 15 mph and Percent No-Go of 6%, while propulsion system 2 had values of 20 mph and 16%. System 1 scores would be 50 and 85, while system 2






0 10

FIGURE 13.21

Speed on best 80% (mph)


Utility curve for V80, speed on the best 80% of terrain.

scores would be 80 and 35. If both V80 and Percent No-Go were equally important, the weighted scores for both systems would be: System 1 : 1=2 ð50Þ þ 1=2 ð85Þ ¼ 67:5 System 2 : 1=2 ð80Þ þ 1=2 ð35Þ ¼ 57:5 This would indicate that propulsion system 1 was superior on these factors. However, if V80 was considered to be two times as important as Percent NoGo, the weighted scores would be: System 1 : 2=3 ð50Þ þ 1=3 ð85Þ ¼ 61:7 System 2 : 2=3 ð80Þ þ 1=3 ð35Þ ¼ 65 In this case, propulsion system 2 would be better.



0 0

20 % terrain not negot (%)

FIGURE 13.22

Utility curve for % No Go, % of terrain that is not negotiable.



It should be clear that the relative weights of the objectives play a major role in the design and evaluation processes. 13.6.6


As discussed in Chapter 6 the requirements development process is a systematic one that considers how the system is to be used, how the system is going to interact with other systems and the general environment, and the user objectives and priorities. Since user objectives and priorities are inherently subjective, the ultimate requirements for the system have to be subjective, reflecting trade offs of the users. This is not to say that substantial analysis is not critical to the development of good requirements. In the case of the MPWS the USMC used a great deal of analysis about alternate sites around the world in which it might be involved in conflict and the capabilities of the CH-53E helicopter to develop the utility curve for helicopter transportability and its relative weight to other performance objectives. By using many analysis techniques and a broad base of experts, logical and explicit statements of requirements were developed based upon informed consensus. The appropriate, detailed requirements inputs to the process can be obtained at lower organizational levels using appropriate experts and analyses, yet the more difficult, high-level requirement questions can be addressed at the highest levels of the organization.



This chapter has introduced the complexities associated with decision making in general and addressed the difficulty of decision making in the engineering of a system. With respect to engineering a system, the definition of clear and meaningful alternatives for the design and integration of a system involves the use of sophisticated processes and modeling techniques as described in the first 12 chapters of this book. The development of the value structure for selecting design and integration alternatives was discussed in Chapter 6 and involves complex trade offs across stakeholders and stages of the system’s life cycle. Finally, there is significant uncertainty regarding the relative effectiveness and cost of competing technologies as well as future needs of the stakeholders. The axioms of decision analysis, as presented in this chapter, provide a sound basis for a coherent, rational decision-making process that incorporates meaningful approaches for addressing value trade offs and uncertainty. Multiattribute value analysis, a product of the axioms of decision analysis, uses value functions and weights to quantify the trade offs across objectives. These value functions and weights require that the stakeholders answer questions that have meaningful interpretations to them in terms of the decision being made; the quantification of values is not an ad hoc set of numbers producing an index of goodness.



Dealing with uncertainty is a difficult problem; decision analysis relies upon probability theory to capture the uncertainty faced by the decision maker. In the engineering of a system the uncertainty is not often described by existing data and interpretable as the long-run frequency of a set of known events. Instead the uncertainty deals with processes that change with time and for which no (or at most a few) known events have occurred. Instead of ignoring the uncertainty faced in the engineering of a system, decision analysis permits the engineers to capture the expert judgment of the engineers, stakeholders, and other experts and use this information to provide insights about the design choices with the best information available at the time. Recent advances in decision analysis provide graph-theoretic models for representing probabilistic dependence (relevance diagrams) and decisions problems (influence diagrams). Once uncertainty is modeled explicitly, the risk preference of the decision maker has to be addressed as part of decision analysis. The concepts of risk aversion, neutrality, and preference are defined mathematically and illustrated as part of the decision analysis process. Using the decision maker’s risk preference requires computing the certainty equivalent as the inverse of the utility function. Clearly, it is inappropriate to use the sophisticated tools of decision analysis for every decision that is part of the engineering of a system. Many times engineers have described the benefit of thinking about the decision in the terms of decision analysis. At other times developing the value model and using a quick scoring and weighting evaluation provides insight into which alternatives are serious and which should be ignored. For really complex and contentious decisions, the full power of decision analysis can provide an explicit and rational process for defining and discussing the alternatives to reach a conclusion consistent with the values of the stakeholders and the uncertainty as defined by relevant experts. PROBLEMS 13.1 In defining reliability of a system, we talk about the probability of a failure. Failure here is an event or distinction, but not one that passes the clarity test. As a result, systems engineers work very hard to focus on the distinction, mission failure, where a mission failure is a failure that precludes the user from completing her/his mission. This definition still does not pass the clarity test because we have not defined the mission, a definition that is system and context dependent. For the elevator system where you work or go to school, a. Define mission in a way that meets the clarity test. b. Define as many failures as possible and show which would be classified a mission failure. Be sure to keep the clarity test in mind when defining these failures.



c. Discuss whether it is sufficient to discuss failures one at a time or whether it is necessary to examine possible combinations of failures to define fully all possible mission failures. 13.2 Garbled Communications, Ltd. is designing a new system for specialpurpose use that only requires three signals to be sent and received. The derived requirements below list the probability that signal si is received given that signal si is sent: p(sj received | si sent, &)

Receive s1

Receive s2

Receive s3

Send s1




Send s2




Send s3




For the operational concept each signal is equally likely to be sent. The stakeholders’ requirement for this scenario is that each signal should have a 0.85 probability of being sent given that it was received. Is this requirement met if these derived requirements can be satisfied? Note the symbol ‘‘&’’ on the right-hand side stands for all prior information. 13.3 Garbled Communications, Ltd. has begun producing its new communications system and has built three assembly lines: LI, L2, and L3. Ll is the most productive, accounting for 40% of the production; L2 is the least productive, accounting for 25%. L3 accounts for the rest. Test data show that L1 has a 2% chance of producing a lemon, L2 a 4% chance, and L3 a 3% chance. What is the probability that a lemon picked at random will come from each of the assembly lines? 13.4 Write the joint probability distribution that is consistent with the relevance diagram shown below. x1

x2 x3


x4 x8 x5 x7 x6



13.5 Create a relevance diagram that is consistent with the following joint probability distribution: pðx1 ; x2 ; x3 ; x4 ; x5 ; x6 ; x7 ; x8 j&Þ ¼ pðx8 jx7 ;x5 ; &Þ pðx7 jx6 ; x5 ; x4 ; &Þ pðx6 jx3 ; &Þ pðx5 jx2 ; x1 ; &Þ pðx4 jx3 ; x1 ; &Þ pðx3 j&Þ pðx2 j&Þ pðx1 j&Þ 13.6 You have been tasked with providing a recommendation for a test site at which an acceptance test will be conducted. There are three possible test sites (A, B, and C). Site A is the preferred site during good weather. Site C is the least preferred. Unfortunately, there is a long-range weather forecast for 3 months from now when the test needs to be conducted. The weather forecasters described the possibilities for weather as ‘‘good,’’ ‘‘fair,’’ and ‘‘poor.’’ These possibilities have been defined very carefully and their forecast for the time period of the test is: 0.3 for good, 0.6 for fair and 0.1 for poor. You have tried to find a way to reserve site A for a long enough period of time that the weather will certainly be good. However, site A is used by many people, and management has determined that the project cannot afford to rent site A for this extended time period. The cost at which the sites can be reserved for the time period in question is $1000 for site A, $700 for site B, and $400 for site C. Usage of each of these sites has varying positives and negatives for being able to analyze the results and recommend that the system be accepted. You have queried your colleagues to determine how much they would be willing to pay to change a specific site in the different weather conditions to the preferred site A and weather condition. These relative dollar values do not include the cost of renting the site for the needed time period. The relative dollar value equivalents for sites and weather conditions are shown below:

Weather Is Good

Weather Is Fair

Weather Is Poor

Site A




Site B




Site C




That is, site A in good weather is worth $1000 more dollars in terms of test performance than it is in poor weather. Similarly, site A in good weather is worth $500 more than site C in good weather.



a. Draw the influence (or decision) diagram for this problem. b. Draw the decision tree for the problem. c. Compute the expected values for the three sites to determine which site should be recommended. d. What is the value of perfect information for weather? Show the influence diagram and decision tree for computing the value of perfect information. e. Using the following u curve, what is the best expected utility decision? uðxÞ ¼ ð1 e


Þ=ð1 e



where x is the total monetary value associated with using the site in question. f. What is the value of perfect information using the above u curve. 13.7 As part of the management group of the systems engineering team, Bill D. Orby has been given the task of recommending whether to ‘‘build’’ or ‘‘buy’’ a particular component. Bill has called several manufacturers of this component and found the best ‘‘buy’’ alternative will cost $200,000 for the quantity needed. The performance of this component that is available from outside is categorized as moderate; this categorization includes many performance parameters and is rather coarse, but Bill hopes sufficient for an initial analysis. Next, Bill spent significant time talking to several design engineers within his company who would be given the task of building this component, and several others who have built similar components in the past. There is uncertainty concerning both the cost and ultimate performance of this component if it is built by Bill’s organization. Bill has modeled the uncertainty about total cost for developing and building the total quantity of the component as follows: Build Cost








The performance of the built component expected by the engineers with whom Bill spoke is substantially greater than the performance to be provided by the bought component. Bill has devised three performance categories to describe the uncertainty surrounding the built component: low, moderate, and high. The assessed probabilities of



these performance outcomes, which are independent of the cost uncertainty, are Build Performance








The last issue that must be addressed is the combination of costs and performance, including the difference between spending money outside the organization for the component versus spending the money inside the organization. You have found that management can think of an ‘‘equivalent purchase price’’ for the nine possible combinations of outcomes associated with building the component. The following table provides this equivalent purchase price. [Note that (1) negative numbers are equivalent to receiving money and (2) the cost of building the component has been included in the values in the table.] Table of Equivalent Outside Purchase Price as a Function of ‘‘Built Performance’’ and ‘‘Built Cost’’ Built Cost inside the organization Built Performance High Moderate Low





0 100,000

$400,000 0





Note that management prefers to build the component inside because the $200,000 build cost with moderate performance is equivalent to spending $100,000 outside. Assume that management’s value function on ‘‘Outside Purchase Price’’ is a linear function with coefficient of 1. a. Draw an influence diagram for this problem. b. What is the best expected value decision? c. What is the expected value of perfect information for built performance? for built cost? and for the combination of built performance and built cost? Show the influence diagram for each of these perfect information calculations. 13.8 Consider Problem 13.6. The first paragraph holds except we will drop the fair weather condition. The probability of good weather is 0.3; the probability of poor weather is 0.7.



We are now going to enhance this model to address the need to test our system under a specified test condition. The weather affects the ability of each site to provide the necessary elements (e.g., terrain, visibility) that define the test condition. Our test experts visit each site and return with probabilities that each site can do a ‘‘good’’ versus ‘‘poor’’ job of reproducing the needed test condition. Assume that we have definitions of good and poor that meet the clairvoyant’s test. (Note we could have defined more than two categories if we felt we needed to achieve more accuracy.)



p(test condition good|site, Weather, &)

p(test condition poor|site, Weather, &)

























The test engineers have determined that they would be willing to pay $10,000 to move from a test site providing a poor version of the test condition to a test site providing a good version of the test condition. Which site should we choose? Remember the rental cost of each site. What is the value of perfect information on the weather? 13.9 Now we are going to take Problem 13.8 and increase the modeling complexity by defining three different test conditions that must be reproduced by the test site. We call these test conditions X, Y, and Z. We first generate descriptions of ‘‘good’’ and ‘‘poor’’ for each test condition. Then we ask the wizard to help us elicit the values for having good versus poor representations of the three test conditions. We respond that having a poor representation of each test condition is worth no money to us. Test condition X is the most important for obtaining a good representation and we would pay $10,000. Similarly, we would pay $5000 to obtain a good representation of Y and $1667 to obtain a good representation of Z. If we were using multiattribute value theory, what would our swing weights be for these three test conditions?


p(test condition X is good|site, Weather, &)

p(test condition Y is good|site, Weather, &)


p(test condition Z is good|site, Weather, &)

































Which site should we choose? Remember the rental cost of each site. What is the value of perfect information on the weather? 13.10 Returning to Problem 13.6, there is another way in which we could have expanded the analysis from this point. In fact, the systems engineers and stakeholders have to determine whether the system is acceptable after these tests are over and the test results are in; that is, they have to make a decision. In addition, going into the test, they are not sure whether the system has acceptable performance for the stakeholders. If the system does, and it is accepted, then there should be relatively few and inexpensive fixes needed relative to the case where the system’s performance is unacceptable, but the decision is made to accept the system. So we have two decision nodes: which test site to choose and whether to accept the system for use by the stakeholders. The weather has two states and associated probabilities as in Problem 13.8. The ability of the three sites to reproduce good versus poor test conditions in the weather conditions is as it was in Problem 13.8. Now we must introduce our prior probabilities on the acceptability of the system’s performance. Suppose we start with only two possibilities (acceptable and unacceptable) with probabilities of 0.8 and 0.2. We must also introduce our uncertainty that the test will say the system is ‘‘acceptable.’’ This uncertainty is dependent on the system’s actual performance and our ability to reproduce the test condition. The table below describes this probability distribution.



Actual System Performance

Ability to Reproduce the Test Condition

p(test says accept|system is., test condition is, &)













The quality engineers are called in to help us determine what the relative value of accepting a system is given it is or is not acceptable, over the life time of the system. These engineers conduct an analysis over the 10-year life time of our system and present the net present value (NPV) to our organization for the following conditions: Actual System Performance

Decision to Accept or Not

Justification for Last Column

NPV over System Life Time



Best profit



Do Not Accept

Make some unneeded fixes




Have many repairs under warranty, damage reputation


Do Not Accept

Make needed fixes, delay hurts sales



Which site should we choose? Remember the rental cost of each site. What is the expected value of perfect information on the weather?

Appendix A

Outline of Systems Engineering Documents

Problem Situation or Mission Element Needs Statement (MENS) A. History of the Problem and the Present System B. Stakeholders 1. Bill Payers 2. Owners (if different than bill payers) 3. Users 4. Operators 5. Victims 6. Systems Engineers 7. Manufacturers 8. Deployers 9. Trainers 10. Maintainers C. System Context and Environment 1. System Context (social, economic, environmental) 2. External Systems D. Major System Objectives

The Engineering Design of Systems: Models and Methods, Second Edition. By Dennis M. Buede Copyright r 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.




Systems Engineering Management Plan (SEMP) 1.0 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 2.10 2.11 2.12 3.0 4.0 4.1 4.2

Integration Technical Program Planning and Control Responsibilities and Authority Standards, Procedures, and Training Program Risk Analysis Work Breakdown Structure Program Reviews Technical Reviews Technical Performance Measurement Change Control Procedures Engineering Program Integration Interface Control Milestones and Schedule Other Plans and Controls Systems Engineering Process Engineering Specialty and Integration Plans and Procedures Integration Design Plans Integration System Qualification Plans

Stakeholders’ Requirements Document (StkhldrsRD) 1.0 2.0 3.0 3.1

3.2 y 3.3 y 3.4 y 3.5


System Overview Applicable Documents Requirements Development Phase (Programmatic) Requirements 3.1.1 Input/Output Requirements for Development y 3.1.4 Test Requirement for Development Manufacturing Phase Requirements Deployment Phase Requirements Training Phase (if present) Requirements Operational Phase Requirements 3.5.1 Input/Output Requirements for Operations Input Requirements for Operations Output Requirements for Operations External Interface Requirements for Operations Functional Requirements for Operations 3.5.2 System-wide/Technology Requirements for Operations 3.5.3 Trade-off Requirements for Operations 3.5.4 Test Requirements for Operations System Improvement/Upgrade Phase Requirements


y 3.7 Retirement Phase Requirements y 3.8 Overall Trade-off Requirement Appendix A. Operational Concepts by Phase Appendix Appendix B. External System Diagrams by Phase System Requirements Document (SRD) 1.0 2.0 3.0 3.1

System Overview Applicable Documents Requirements Development Phase (Programmatic) Requirements 3.1.1 Input/Output Requirements for Development y 3.1.4 Test Requirement for Development 3.2 Manufacturing Phase Requirements 3.3 Deployment Phase Requirements 3.4 Training Phase (if present) Requirements 3.5 Operational Phase Requirements 3.5.1 Input/Output Requirements for Operations Input Requirements for Operations Output Requirements for Operations External Interface Requirements for Operations Functional Requirements for Operations 3.5.2 System-wide/Technology Requirements for Operations 3.5.3 Trade-off Requirements for Operations 3.5.4 Test Requirements for Operations 3.6 System Improvement/Upgrade Phase Requirements 3.7 Retirement Phase Requirements 3.8 Overall Trade-off Requirement Appendix A. Operational Concepts by Phase Appendix Appendix B. External System Diagrams by Phase System Requirements Validation Document (SRVD) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Development Phase (Programmatic) Requirements Validation Manufacturing Phase Requirements Validation Deployment Phase Requirements Validation Training Phase (if present) Requirements Validation Operational Phase Requirements Validation System Improvement/Upgrade Phase Requirements Validation Retirement Phase Requirements Validation Overall Requirements Validation




System Description Document (SDD) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.

Top-Level System/Component Description Stakeholders’ Requirements Design Constraints Performance Objectives Issues & Decisions Risk Management Functional Behavior Models Item Dictionary Components Derived Interfaces Logical/Physical Interfaces Verification Cross-Reference Matrix Requirements Traceability Matrix

Appendix B

IDEF0 Model of the Engineering of a System

The Engineering Design of Systems: Models and Methods, Second Edition. By Dennis M. Buede Copyright r 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.






Perform Systems Engineering

Discipline Engineers


Design & Test Configuration Items (CIs)

"Built-to" Configuration Items & PreProduction Prototypes

External Systems Diagram for the SE Team

SE Team




System Design & Integration Documentation

Inputs of Stakeholders

DATE: 05/24/99 REV:

Operational System


Perform Stakeholders' Activities

Stakeholders' Needs

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AUTHOR: Dennis Buede PROJECT: Engineering Design of a System

Note 1: This model only addresses the operational phase of the system. Consider SE teams for other phases (e.g., manufacturing) to be part of the Stakeholders.

Materials and Parts

USED AT: GMU Systems Engineering Program


Qualification System Discipline Engineers

Qualification System


Design & Qualify the Qualification System

P. 1



Qualification System Design Documentation





USED AT: GMU Systems Engineering Program

Qualification System

Perform Systems Engineering


Inputs of Stakeholders

DATE: 05/24/99 REV:



Qualification System Design Documentation

Perform Systems Engineering

VIEWPOINT: The Systems Engineering Team

Operational System


P. 2



System Design & Integration Documentation


PURPOSE: To describe the systems engineering process


"Built-to" Configuration Items & PreProduction Prototypes

NOTES: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

AUTHOR: Dennis Buede PROJECT: Engineering Design of a System








Perform Systems Engineering


Perform Qualification & Integration Activities

Qualification System

Qualification System Design Documentation

Design Changes


System Design Phase Documentation

Inputs of Stakeholders

DATE: 05/24/99 REV:

Qualification Procedures, Activities, & Models

Perform Design Activities

NOTES: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

AUTHOR: Dennis Buede PROJECT: Engineering Design of a System

"Built-to" Configuration Items & PreProduction Prototypes

USED AT: GMU Systems Engineering Program



P. 3

Operational System

Qualification System Design Documentation

System Design & Integration Documentation

System Integration Phase Documentation





Design Changes

USED AT: GMU Systems Engineering Program


Subsystem Changes to System Requirements

Lower Layer Changes to Requirements

Subsystem Design Changes


Perform SystemLevel Design Activities

Perform Design Activities

Changes to Subsystem Requirements

Component Design Changes



Perform ComponentLevel Design Activities A13

Subsystem Qualification System Documentation

System's Qualification System Documentation


Component Design Requirements, Boundaries, Missions, Objectives & Constraints

SubsystemLevel Documentation

Stakeholders’ & System Requirements Documents

DATE: 05/24/99 REV:

Perform SubsystemLevel Design Activities

Subsystem Design Requirements, Boundaries, Missions, Objectives & Constraints

Inputs of Stakeholders

NOTES: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

AUTHOR: Dennis Buede PROJECT: Engineering Design of a System DATE CONTEXT:

Component Changes to System Requirements

Component-Level Documentation

P. 4

System Design Phase Documentation

Component & CI Qualification System Documentation

Qualification System Design Documentation







Define SystemLevel Design Problem

Functional Architecture Changes


Physical Architecture Changes


Design System Physical Architecture

System-level Functional Architecture

Interface Architecture

Architecture Changes


Develop System Allocated Architecture

Perform System-Level Desi gn Activities

Candidate Generic Physical Architectures


Develop System Functional Architecture



Qualification System Changes

Interface Architecture Changes



Develop Qualification System

System Requirements



Develop Interface Architecture

Allocated Architecture

Risk Analysis, System Design Document, Allocated Architecture, System Interface Control Document

System-level Physical Architecture

Candidate Physical Architectures

Stakeholders’ & System Requirements

DATE: 05/24/99 REV:

Stakeholders’ & System Requirements, Objectives Hierarchy, Boundary & Qualification System Requirements

Allocated Architecture, Changes to Requirements

Requirement Changes

System-level Operational Concept


Lower Layer Changes to Requirements

Design Changes

NOTES: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

AUTHOR: Dennis Buede PROJECT: Engineering Design of a System

Inputs of Stakeholders

USED AT: GMU Systems Engineering Program

P. 5

System's Qualification System Documentation

Subsystem Design Requirements, Boundaries, Missions, Objectives & Constraints

Stakeholders’ & System Requirements Documents



NOTES: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10




Allocated Architecture, Changes to Requirements

Lower Layer Changes to Requirements

Design Changes

Objectives Hierarchy

System Boundary

Requirements Issues


Define System-Level Design Problem

P. 6

Stakeholders’ & System Requirements

Stakeholders' Requirements Issues

Stakeholders’ & System Requirements, Objectives Hierarchy, Boundary & Qualification System Requirements

System-level Operational Concept


Approval or Disapproval



Obtain Approval of Requirements Documentation

Qualification System Requirements

Qualification Constraints


Proven Requirements Feasibility


Ensure Requirements Feasibility

Proven Requirements Infeasibility


Define Qualification System Requirements

Qualification System Issues

Stakeholders’ & System Requirements,




Engineers' Requirements Issues

Stakeholders' Constraints

Develop, Analyze and Refine Requirements

A1113 Objectives Hierarchy

Develop System Objectives System Hierarchy Boundary &


Define System Boundary with an External Systems

Stakeholders' Jurisdiction

Develop Operational Concept

Stakeholders' Uses

DATE: 05/24/99 REV:

Stakeholders' Objectives

AUTHOR: Dennis Buede PROJECT: Engineering Design of a System

Inputs of Stakeholders

USED AT: GMU Systems Engineering Program





Functional Architecture Changes

Candidate Generic Physical Architectures

System-level Operational Concept

USED AT: GMU Systems Engineering Program



Create Simple Functionalities for Operational Concept


Data Model


Complete Functional and Data Models




Trace Input/Output Requirements to Functions and Items

Functional and Data Models

P. 7

System-level Functional Architecture

Architecture Issues

Input/Output Requirements

Stakeholders’ & System Requirements, Objectives Hierarchy, Boundary & Qualification System Requirements


Boundary Inputs, Controls, and Outputs and Objectives


Boundary Inputs, Controls, and Outputs


Draft Data Model for Functional Model

Functional Requirements, Inputs, and Outputs

DATE: 05/24/99 REV:

Develop System Functional Architecture

Draft Functional Model


Draft & Evaluate Functional Model

Simple Functionalities

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AUTHOR: Dennis Buede PROJECT: Engineering Design of a System




Physical Architecture Changes

System-level Operational Concept

USED AT: GMU Systems Engineering Program



Morphological Box


Generate a Morphological Box for Alternate Instantiated Physical Architecture




Select Alternate Instantiated Physical Architecture


Stakeholders’ & System Requirements, Objectives Hierarchy, Boundary & Qualification System Requirements

DATE: 05/24/99 REV:

Design System Physical Architecture

Generic Physical Architecture


Brainstorm and Select a Generic Physical Architecture

System-level Functional Architecture

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AUTHOR: Dennis Buede PROJECT: Engineering Design of a System

P. 8

Candidate Physical Architectures

System-level Physical Architecture

Candidate Generic Physical Architectures







Function to Subsystem Allocation


Allocate Functions & System-wide Requirements to Physical Subsystems

System-level Functional Architecture


Analysis Results

System-level Architectures


Conduct Performance & Risk Analyses

Alternative System-level Allocated Architectures

DATE: 05/24/99 REV:

Develop System Allocated Architecture


Define & Analyze Functional Activation & Control Structure

Suggested Revisions

NOTES: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

AUTHOR: Dennis Buede PROJECT: Engineering Design of a System

Stakeholders’ & System Requirements, Objectives Hierarchy, Boundary & Qualification System Requirements

System's Qualification System Documentation

Interface Architecture

System-level Operational Concept

Candidate Physical Architectures

USED AT: GMU Systems Engineering Program READER




P. 9

Subsystem Design Requirements, Boundaries, Missions, Objectives & Constraints

Allocated Architecture

Architecture Changes

Risk Analysis, System Design Document, Allocated Architecture, System Interface Control Document

Discrepancies in the Specifications, Interface Control, and Acceptance Test Plan

Document Subsystem Specifications


Document Architectures & Obtain Approval





Interface Architecture Changes

Allocated Architecture

USED AT: GMU Systems Engineering Program

Draft Interface Functional

Draft Interface Physical Decomposition



Interface Physical Architecture Modifications

Interface Functional Architecture Modifications


Interface Architecture Modifications

Interface Functional Architecture


Develop Physical Architecture for Interface

Develop Decomposition Functional Architecture for Interface

High Level Interface Architecture

System Requirements

DATE: 05/24/99 REV:

Develop Interface Architecture


Evaluate & Select High Level Interface Architecture

Interface Requirements


High Level Interface Architecture Modifications

Interface Requirements Modifications


Define Interface Requirements

NOTES: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

AUTHOR: Dennis Buede PROJECT: Engineering Design of a System



P. 10

Interface Architecture


Develop Allocated Architecture for Interface

Interface Physical Architecture






Qualification System Changes

Requirement Changes

Allocated Architecture

USED AT: GMU Systems Engineering Program

Changes to Requirements of Qualification System

Changes to Functional Architecture of Qualification System

Qualification System Operational Concept A1162

Develop Functional Architecture of Qualification System

Qualification System Interface Architecture

Develop Qualification System

Changes to Physical Architecture of Qualification System


Develop Physical Architecture of Qualification System

Qualification System Functional Architecture



Allocated Architecture of Qualification System


Candidate Qualification System Physical Architectures





Develop Interfaces of Qualification System

Qualification System Allocated Architecture


Changes to Interface Architecture of Qualification System

Stakeholders’ & System Requirements, Objectives Hierarchy, Boundary & Qualification System Requirements

DATE: 05/24/99 REV:

Qualification System Requirements, Objectives Hierarchy, Boundary & Validation Requirements

Candidate Generic Physical Architecture of Qualification System



Define Qualification System Design

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AUTHOR: Dennis Buede PROJECT: Engineering Design of a System

P. 11


Define Models for Qualification

System Models, Models of Environment, External Systems, & Test Equipment

System's Qualification System Documentation





Changes to Subsystem Requirements

Subsystem Design Changes

USED AT: GMU Systems Engineering Program

Subsystem Requirements Changes

Subsystem Operational Concepts

Subsystem Architecture Changes

Subsystem Physical Architecture Changes


Design Subsystem Physical Architectures



Develop Subsystem Allocated Architecture

SubsystemLevel Documentation


P. 12

Subsystem Changes to System Requirements

Subsystem Qualification System Documentation

Component Design Requirements, Boundaries, Missions, Objectives & Constraints

Subsystem Design Approvals

Subsystem Allocated Architectures, Design Specifications, Trade Studies, Implementation Plans, Subsystem Interface Control Documents & Qualification Plans



Obtain Subsystem Design Approval & Document for Next Lower Level

Candidate Subsystem Physical Architectures


Subsystem Physical Architectures

Perform Subsystem-Level Design Activities

Subsystem Functional Architecture Changes



Subsystem Functions, Performance Specification

DATE: 05/24/99 REV:

Develop Subsystem Subsystem Functional Functional Architectures Architectures

Subsystem Requirements, Boundaries



Define Subsystem Design Problems

Subsystem Design Requirements, Boundaries, Missions, Objectives & Constraints

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AUTHOR: Dennis Buede PROJECT: Engineering Design of a System





Component Design Changes

Component Requirement Changes

Component Operational Concepts


Define Component Design Problems


Component Architecture Changes

Component Physical Architecture Changes


Design Component Physical Architectures

Component Functional Architectures



Candidate Component Architectures

Component Operational Architecture


Component-Level Documentation


P. 13

Changes to Subsystem Requirements

Component Changes to System Requirements

Component & CI Qualification System Documentation

Component Design Approvals

Component Allocated Architectures, Design Specifications, Trade Studies, Implementation Plans, Component Interface Control Documents & Qualification Plans



Obtain Component Design Approval & Document for Next Lower Level

Subsystem Test Procedure Component Valid Plan Operations Manual


Develop Component Allocated Architecture

Component Physical Architectures

Component Functions, Performance Specification

DATE: 05/24/99 REV:

Perform Component-Level Design Activities

Component Functional Architecture Changes


Develop Component Functional Architectures

Component Requirements & Boundaries

NOTES: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

AUTHOR: Dennis Buede PROJECT: Engineering Design of a System

Component Design Requirements, Boundaries, Missions, Objectives & Constraints

USED AT: GMU Systems Engineering Program




"Built-to" Configuration Items & PreProduction Prototypes



Validation Data

Validation Document

Verification Document

Early Validation Document

Operational Concept


Conduct Validation

Derived & Stakeholders’ Requirements




Conduct Acceptance Testing

Acceptance Changes

Validation Changes

Verification Changes

Acceptance Criteria & Thresholds

Acceptance or Rejection

Inputs of Stakeholders


System Design Phase Documentation

Perform Qualification & Integration Activities

Verification Data


Conduct Integration & Verification

Early Validation Changes

Pre-Production Prototypes

"Built-to" CIs


Conduct Early Validation

DATE: 05/24/99 REV:

Qualification Procedures, Activities, & Models

NOTES: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

AUTHOR: Dennis Buede PROJECT: Engineering Design of a Syste

Operational Concept, Stakeholders’ Requirements, Derived Requirements

USED AT: GMU Systems Engineering Program

P. 14

Operational System

Acceptance Testing Document

System Integration Phase Documentation

Design Changes




Operational Concept






Requirements Validation Document


Conduct Design Validation

Requirements Validity Changes


Design Validation Document

P. 15

Early Validation Document

Design Validity Changes

Early Validation Changes


Conceptual Validity Changes

Qualification Procedures, Activities, & Models


Conceptual Validation Document

Stakeholders’ & Derived Requirements


Conduct Requirements Validation

DATE: 05/24/99 REV:

Conduct Early Validation

Operational Concept, Stakeholders’ Requirements


Conduct Conceptual Validation

Inputs of Stakeholders

NOTES: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

AUTHOR: Dennis Buede PROJECT: Engineering Design of a System

Operational Concept, Stakeholders’ Requirements, Derived Requirements

USED AT: GMU Systems Engineering Program




"Built-to" CIs

USED AT: GMU Systems Engineering Program

SystemGenerated Component Regression Qualification

SubsystemGenerated Component Regression Qualification



Perform Component Integration & Verification

Conduct Integration & Verification

SystemGenerated Subsystem Regression Qualification



"Built-to" Subsystems

Component Verification Changes

Component Test Results


System-Level Reqression Qualification


P. 16

Verification Data

Verification Document

CI Test Results

Subsystem Test Results

System Verification Document

Subsystem Verification Changes

Subsystem Verification Documents

Verification Changes


Stakeholders’ & System Requirements Documents

Perform System Integration & Verification

Component Verification Documents


Derived & Stakeholders’ Requirements


Subsystem Level Design Documents

DATE: 05/24/99 REV:

Perform Subsystem Integration & Verification

"Built-to" Components

CI Verification Changes

Component Level Design Documents

Qualification Procedures, Activities, & Models

NOTES: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

AUTHOR: Dennis Buede PROJECT: Engineering Design of a System





SystemGenerated Component Regression Qualification

SubsystemGenerated Component Regression Qualification

"Built-to" CIs

USED AT: GMU Systems Engineering Program

Approval to Continue Integration

Unacceptable Impact

Cleared CI



P. 17

"Built-to" Components

Component Verification Documents

CI Verification Changes

CI Test Results


Integrate with Next CI

Baseline Changes



Modify CI Baseline

CI Engineering Changes

Acceptable Impact


Redesign CI

Impact Statement


Assess Impact of Uncorrectable CI Deficiencies



Qualification Procedures, Activities, & Models

Perform Component Integration & Verification

Redesigned CI

DATE: 05/24/99 REV:

Discrepancy Reports

Uncorrected CI


Identify & Fix Correctable CI Deficiencies

Deficient CI


Cleared CI

Corrected CI


Inspect & Verify CI

Component Level Design Documents

NOTES: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

AUTHOR: Dennis Buede PROJECT: Engineering Design of a System



Approval to Continue Integration

Corrected Component

Cleared Component



Inspect & Verify Component


Unacceptable Impact

Cleared Component




P. 18

"Built-to" Subsystems

Subsystem Verification Documents

Component Verification Changes

SubsystemGenerated Component Regression Qualification

Component Test Results


Integrate with Next Component

Baseline Changes


Modify Component Baselines

Acceptable Impact

Component Engineering Changes


Redesign Component

Impact Statement

Assess Impact of Uncorrectable Component Deficiencies

Uncorrectable Component



Qualification Procedures, Activities, & Models

DATE: 05/24/99 REV:

Perform Subsystem Integration & Verification

Redesigned Component


Identify & Fix Correctable Component Deficiencies

Deficient Component

NOTES: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

AUTHOR: Dennis Buede PROJECT: Engineering Design of a System

Subsystem Level Design Documents


SystemGenerated Subsystem Regression Qualification

"Built-to" Components

USED AT: GMU Systems Engineering Program





"Built-to" Subsystems

USED AT: GMU Systems Engineering Program

Approval to Continue Integration

Corrected Subsystem

Cleared Subsystem


Inspect & Verify Subsystem

Stakeholders’ & System Requirements Documents


Unacceptable Impact



Cleared Subsystem



P. 19

System Verification Document

Subsystem Verification Changes

System-Level Reqression Qualification

Subsystem Test Results


Integrate with Next Subsystem

Baseline Changes


Modify Subsystem Baselines

Acceptable Impact

Subsystem Engineering Changes


Redesign Subsystem

Impact Statement

Assess Impact of Uncorrectable Subsystem Deficiencies

Uncorrectable Subsystem



Qualification Procedures, Activities, & Models

DATE: 05/24/99 REV:

Perform System Inte gration & Verification

Redesigned Subsystem


Identify & Fix Correctable Subsystem Deficiencies

Deficient Subsystem

NOTES: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

AUTHOR: Dennis Buede PROJECT: Engineering Design of a System



Acceptance: takeholder function for agreeing that the designed system, as tested or otherwise evaluated by the stakeholders, is acceptable. Acceptance Plan: how the qualification data will be used to determine that the real system is acceptable to the stakeholders. Allocated Architecture: complete description of the system design, including the functional architecture allocated to the physical architecture; derived input/output; technology, system-wide, trade-off, and qualification requirements for each component; an interface architecture that has been integrated as one of the components; and complete documentation of the design and major design decisions. Apportionment: requirements flowdown approach that spreads a system-level requirement among the system’s components of the system, maintaining the same units. Attainable: solutions exist within performance, cost, and schedule constraints. Behavior Model: defines the control, activation, and termination of system functions that are needed to meet the performance requirements of the system. Bipartite Graph (Digraph): graph (digraph) whose set of nodes can be partitioned into two sets A and B such that no edge connects a node in A to another node in A and, similarly, no edge connects a node in B to another node in B. Black Box Testing: outputs are determined correct or incorrect based upon inputs; inner workings of the module are ignored. Both positive and negative testing have to be employed.

The Engineering Design of Systems: Models and Methods, Second Edition. By Dennis M. Buede Copyright r 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.




Cartesian product of two sets, A x B: set of all possible ordered pairs of those two sets. Centralized Architecture: architecture with a central location for the execution of the transformation and control functions of the system. Client–Server Architecture: architecture that distinguishes between client processes (requestors) and server processes (task completors). Comparable: pertaining to requirements, the relative necessity of the requirements is included. Complete: pertaining to requirements: (a) everything the system is required to do throughout the system’s life cycle is included; (b) responses to all possible (realizable) inputs throughout the system’s life cycle are defined; (c) the document is defined clearly and self-contained; and (d) there are no ‘‘to be defined’’ (TBD) or ‘‘to be reviewed’’ (TBR) statements. Completeness is a desired property but cannot be proven at the time of requirements development, or perhaps ever. Component: subset of the physical realization (and the physical architecture) of the system to which a subset of the system’s functions have been (will be) allocated. A component could be the integration of hardware and software, a specific piece of hardware, a specific segment of the system’s software, a group of people, facilities, or a combination of all of these. Conceptual Validity: correspondence between the stakeholders’ needs and the operational concept. Concise: pertaining to requirements, no unnecessary information is included in the requirement. Configuration Items: lowest level components in the physical architecture. Consistent: pertaining to requirements (a) internal — no two subsets of requirements conflict and (b) external — no subset of requirements conflicts with external documents from which the requirements are traced. Context of a System: set of entities that can impact the system but cannot be impacted by the system. Correct: pertaining to requirements, what the system is in fact required to do. Cost Requirement: requirement addressing the payment of money during the appropriate life-cycle phase for the system in question to be useful. Data Model: defines the relationships among the inputs and outputs of a system. Deadlock: undesired state of the system in which activity ceases and throughput is nonexistent. Deadlock can occur for two reasons: contention over resources and waiting for a communication. Decentralized Architecture: architecture with multiple, specific locations at which the same or similar transformational or control functions are performed.



Decision: irrevocable allocation of resources to affect some chosen change or the continuance of the status quo. Definitive Model: addresses the question of how an entity should be defined. Descriptive Model: attempts to predict answers to questions for which the truth may or may not be obtained in the future. Design: preliminary activity that has the purpose of satisfying the needs of the stakeholders. Design begins in the mind of the lead engineer but has to be transformed into models employing visual formats in a highly skilled manner for success to be achieved. Design Independent: pertaining the requirements, each requirement does not specify a particular solution or a portion of a particular solution. Design Validity: congruence between the Originating Requirements Document (ORD) and the derived requirements. Directed Graph or Digraph: pair of sets, V(G) and E(G). V(G) {n1, n2, y, nN} is the set of vertices or nodes. V(G) is a finite, non empty set. E(G)=eij is a subset of V V or ordered pairs of nodes. eij is said to be from ni to nj. E(G) may be empty. Distributed Architecture: architecture in which there are two or more autonomous processors connected by a communications interface and running a distributed operating system. Early Validation: determination that the right problem is being defined at the current level of abstraction given the validity of the problem definition at a higher level of abstraction. Engineering: discipline for transforming scientific concepts into cost-effective products through the use of analysis and judgment. Engineering of a System: engineering discipline that develops, matches, and trades off requirements, functions, and alternate system resources to achieve a cost-effective, life-cycle balanced product based upon the needs of the stakeholders. Entity–Relationship Diagrams: model of the data structure or relationships between data entities. Equivalence: simple requirements flowdown approach that causes the component requirement to be the same as the system requirement. Error: subset of the system state that may lead to a failure. The system can monitor its own state, so errors are observable in principle. External Interface Requirements: limitations placed upon the receipt of inputs and transmission of outputs by the interfaces of the external systems. External Systems Diagram: model of the interaction of the system with other (external) systems in the relevant contexts, thus providing a definition of the system’s boundary in terms of the system’s inputs and outputs.



Failure: deviation in behavior between the system and its requirements. Since the system does not maintain a copy of its requirements, a failure is not observable by the system. Fault: defect in the system that can cause an error. Faults can be permanent (e.g., a failure of system component that requires replacement) or temporary due to either an internal malfunction or external transient. Feedback and Control: comparison of the actual characteristics of an output with desired characteristics of that output for the purpose of adjusting the process of transforming inputs into that output. Figure of Merit (FOM): describes a specific system property or attribute for a given environment and context; an FOM is measured within the system. Also called a measure of performance (MOP). Function (Mathematical): binary relation from A to B such that every element of A is mapped one and only one element of B. Function (Engineering): process that transforms inputs into outputs. Functional Architecture: (a) logical architecture that defines what the system must do, a decomposition of the system’s top-level function. This very limited definition of the functional architecture is the most common and is represented as a directed tree. (b) Logical model that captures the transformation of inputs into outputs using control information. This definition adds the flow of inputs and outputs throughout the functional decomposition. (c) Logical model of a functional decomposition plus the flow of inputs and outputs, to which input/output requirements have been traced to specific functions and items (inputs, outputs, and controls). Functional Requirements: the two to seven functions that are the first-level decomposition of the system’s function. Fundamental Objective: aggregation of the essential set of objectives that summarizes the current decision context and is yet relevant to the evaluation of the options under consideration. Functionality: set of functions required to produce a particular output. Simple functionality is an ordered sequence of functional processes that operates on a single input to produce a specific output. Note there may be many inputs required to produce the output in question, but this simple functionality is only related to one of the inputs. Complete functionality is a complete set of coordinated processes that operate on all of the necessary inputs for producing a specific output. Fundamental Objectives Hierarchy: subdivision of the fundamental objective into value objectives that more meaningfully define the fundamental objective, thereby forming a value structure. Graph, G: a pair of sets, V(G) and E(G). V(G)={n1, n2, y, nN} is the set of vertices or nodes. E(G)={eij} D V(G) V(G) is a relation that defines the set of edges that are unordered, not necessarily distinct pairs of nodes. V(G)



is a finite, nonempty set. E(G) may be empty and is a subset of the Cartesian product of V(G) with itself. Hardware Redundancy: use of extra hardware to enable the detection of errors as well as to provide additional operational hardware components after errors have occurred. Passive hardware redundancy masks or hides the occurrence of errors rather than detecting them; recovery is achieved by having extra hardware available when needed. Active hardware redundancy attempts to detect errors, confine damage, recover from the errors, and isolate and report the fault. ICOMs: the inputs, controls, outputs, and mechanisms of a function in IDEF0. IDEF0: IDEF acronym comes from the U.S. Air Force’s Integrated Computer-Aided Manufacturing (ICAM) program that began in the 1970s. IDEF is a complex acronym that stands for ICAM Definition. The number, 0, is appended because this modeling technique was the first of many techniques developed as part of this program. More recently, the U.S. Department of Commerce [the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)] has issued Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) publication 183 that defines the IDEF0 language and renames the acronym, Integrated Definition for Function modeling. Information Redundancy: addition of extra bits of information to enable error detections using special codes. Input/Output Requirements: requirements about sets of acceptable inputs and outputs, trajectories of inputs to and outputs from the system, interface constraints imposed by the external systems, and eligibility functions that match system inputs with system outputs for the life-cycle phase of interest. This category is partitioned into four subsets: (a) inputs, (b) outputs, (c) external interface constraints, and (d) functional requirements. Input/Output Trace: a time line associated with each major actor (our system and other systems) in the scenario. The systems involved are listed across the top of the diagram with the time lines running vertically down the page under each of the systems. Time moves from top to bottom in an input/ output trace; the system of concern is highlighted with a bold label and heavier line. Interactions involving the movement of data, horizontal arcs from the originating system to the receiving system designate energy or matter among systems. A label is shown just above each arc to describe the data or item being conveyed. Double-headed arcs are permissible to represent dialog in a compact manner. Having two or more arcs in quick succession is also common to illustrate that the same item is being transmitted from one system to multiple systems or multiple systems are potentially transmitting the same item to one system. Input Requirements: inputs the system must receive and any performance or constraint aspects of each.



Integration: process of assembling the system from its components, which must be assembled from their configuration items (CIs). Interface: connection for hooking to another system (an external interface) or for hooking one system component to another (an internal interface). The interface of a system contains both a logical element and a physical element (or link) that are responsible for carrying items (electromechanical energy or information) from one component or system to another. Items: inputs that are received by the system, the outputs that are sent by the system to other systems, and the inputs that are generated internally to the system and sent to other parts of the system to assist in the transformation process for which the system is responsible. Life Cycle: begins with the gleam in the eyes of the users or stakeholders, is followed by the definition of the stakeholders’ needs by the systems engineers, includes developmental design and integration, goes through production and operational use, usually involves refinement, and finishes with the retirement and disposal of the system. Livelock: undesired state of the system in which resources are being routed in cycles (oscillating) while waiting for the proper allocation of resources to enable the completion of necessary activities; unfortunately the proper allocation of resources is never achieved and the system cycles continuously, never reaching the desired outputs. Manufacturing: using resources to perform operations on materials to produce products. Measure of Effectiveness (MOE): variable that describes how well a system carries out a task or set of tasks within a specific context; an MOE is measured outside the system for a defined environment and state of the context variables. Measure of Performance (MOP): variable that describes a specific system property or attribute for a given environment and context; a MOP is measured within the system. Mental Model: abstraction of thought. Mission Requirements: requirements that relate to objectives of the stakeholders that are defined in the context of the supersystem, not the system itself. Mode of a System: distinct operating capability of the system during which some or all of the system’s functions may be performed to a full or limited degree. Model: any incomplete representation of reality, an abstraction. The essence of a model is the question or set of questions that the model can reliably answer for us. Modifiable: pertaining to requirements, changes that can be made easily, consistently (free of redundancy), and completely.



Morphological Box: matrix in which the columns (or rows) represent the components in the generic physical architecture. The boxes in a given column (or row) then represent alternate choices for fulfilling that generic component. Multiattribute Value Analysis: quantitative method for aggregating a stakeholder’s preferences over conflicting objectives to find the alternative with the highest value when all objectives are considered. Normative Model: model that addresses how individuals or organizational entities ought to think about a problem and guide decision making. Objectives Hierarchy: hierarchy of objectives that are important to the system’s stakeholders in a value sense; that is, the stakeholders would (should) be willing to pay to obtain increased performance (or decreased cost) in any one of these objectives. It is also the definition of the natural subsets of the fundamental objective into a collection of performance requirements. Observance Requirement: requirement stating how the estimates (qualification data) for each input/output and system-wide requirement will be obtained. Typically one of the four major qualification methods (test, analysis and simulation, inspection, or demonstration) is assigned to each input/output and system-wide requirement. Open Architecture: architecture in which the hardware and software interfaces are sufficiently well defined that additional resources can be added to the system with little or no adjustment. Operational Concept: vision for what the system is (in general terms), a statement of mission requirements, and a description of how the system will be used. The shared vision is based on the perspective of the system’s stakeholders of how the system will be developed, produced, deployed, trained, operated and maintained, refined, and retired to overcome some operational problem and achieve the stakeholders’ operational needs and objectives. The mission requirements are stated in terms of measures of effectiveness. The operational concept includes a collection of scenarios (one or more for each group of stakeholders in each relevant phase of the system’s life cycle). Operational Validity: matching of the capabilities of the designed system to the operational concept; this naturally occurs late in the integration phase after the designed system has been verified. Output Requirements: requirements that state what outputs the system must produce and any performance aspects. Overlap in the Functional Architecture: redundancy in functionality that is not needed to achieve additional performance. Partition on a Set A: collection P of disjoint subsets of A whose union is A.



Performance Analysis: analysis for the purpose of discovering the range of performance that can be expected from a specific design or a set of designs that are quite similar. Performance Requirement: requirement defined on some index that establishes a range of acceptable performance from a minimum acceptable threshold to a design goal. Physical Architecture: resources for every function identified in the functional architecture. The generic physical architecture is a description of the partitioned elements of the physical architecture without any specification of the performance characteristics of the physical resources that comprise each element (e.g., central processing unit). An instantiated physical architecture is a generic physical architecture to which complete definitions of the performance characteristics of the resources have been added. Physical Model: representation of an entity in three-dimensional space. A physical model can be divided into full-scale mock-up, subscale mock-up, breadboard, and electronic mock-up. Power Set of Set A: set of all sets that are subsets of A. Process Model: model that defines the functional decomposition of the system function and the flow of inputs and outputs for those functions. Prototype: physical model of the system that ignores certain aspects of the system, glosses over other aspects, and is fairly representative of a third segment of aspects of the system. The prototype can range from a subscale model of the system to a paper display (storyboard) of the user interface of the system. Qualification: process of verifying and validating the system design and then obtaining the stakeholders’ acceptance of the design. Qualification Methods: inspection, analysis and simulation, instrumented test, and demonstration. Qualification Requirements: requirements that address the needs to qualify the system as being designed right, the right system, and an acceptable system. There are four primary elements: (a) observance: to state which qualification data for each input/output and system-wide requirement will be obtained by (i) demonstration, (ii) analysis and simulation, (iii) inspection, or (iv) instrumented test; (b) verification plan: to state how the qualification data will be used to determine that the real system conforms to the design that was developed; (c) validation plan: to state how the qualification data will be used to determine that the real system complies with the originating performance, cost and trade-off requirements; and (d) acceptability: to state how the qualification data will be used to determine that the real system is acceptable to the stakeholders. Qualitative Model: model that provides symbolic, textual, or graphic answers. Symbolic models are based on logic or set theory. Textual models are based



on verbal descriptions. Graphical models use either elements of mathematical graph theory or simply artistic graphics to represent a hierarchical structure, the flow of items or data through a system’s functions, or the dynamic interaction of the system’s components. Quantitative Model: model that provides answers that are numerical; these models can be either analytic, simulation, or judgmental models. Regression Testing: retesting a portion of the system after a change has been made to ensure that new problems were not introduced. Relation (Binary): relation that relates elements of A to elements of B and is a subset, R, of A B. Relation (Unary) on a Set A: relation that relates elements of A to itself and is a subset, R, of A A. Requirements Flowdown: derivation of requirements from one level of the operational architecture for a lower level of the architecture. A requirements flowdown includes three approaches: apportionment, equivalence, and synthesis. Requirements Statements: defines the needs and objectives of stakeholders. Requirements Validity: correspondence between the operational concept and the originating requirements. Risk: combination of the probability of an event occurring and the significance of the consequence of the event occurring. Risk Analysis: analysis done early in the development process to examine the ability of the divergent concepts to perform up to the needed level of performance across a wide range of operational scenarios. At this time there remains substantial uncertainty about the stakeholders’ needs, the state of technology under consideration, and the details of the operational architecture. Risk Avoidance: selection of the low-risk alternative; unfortunately what seems to be low risk intuitively is high risk in some cases. Risk Management: use of hedging strategies; a hedging strategy is the maintenance of fallback options in case a riskier option fails. Risk Transference: transfer of risk to others, an example being the purchase of insurance. Scenario: defines how the system will respond to inputs from other systems in order to produce a desired output. Included in each scenario are the relevant inputs to and outputs from the system and the other systems that are responsible for those inputs and outputs. The scenario should not describe how the system is processing inputs to produce outputs; rather, the scenario focuses on the exchange of inputs and outputs by the system with other systems.



Schedule Requirement: requirement addressing a timing issue for the relevant system for the phase of life cycle in question. Semantics: study of relationships between signs and symbols and what they represent. Set: a collection of well-defined objects called elements or members. Shortfall in the Functional Architecture: absence of a functionality that is required to produce a desired output from one or more inputs. Software Redundancy: use of multiple versions of the same software functionality to provide multiple operational software components in the event of a software failure. Specification: collection of requirements that completely define the constraints and performance requirements for a specific physical entity that is part of the system. Stakeholder: owner and/or bill payer, developer, producer or manufacturer, tester, deployer, trainer, operator, user, victim, maintainer, sustainer, product improver, and decommissioner. Each stakeholder has a significantly different perspective of the system and the system’s requirements. Stakeholders’ Requirements: statements by the stakeholders about the system’s capabilities that define the constraints and performance parameters within which the system is to be designed. These stakeholders’ requirements focus on the boundary of the system in the context of these mission requirements, are written in the stakeholders’ language, are produced in conjunction with the stakeholders of the system, and are based upon the operational needs of these stakeholders. Stakeholders’ Requirements Document (StkhldrsRD): document that contains the stakeholders’ requirements. Sometimes called the Originating Requirements Document (ORD) or Operational Requirements Document. Starvation: undesired state of the system that occurs when a function needs a particular resource for execution, but the resource is always allocated to other functions due to a poorly designed resource assignment algorithm. State of the System: static snapshot of the set of metrics or variables needed to describe fully the system’s capabilities to perform the system’s functions. Suitability Requirements: requirements that address quality concerns of a system and are system-wide in scope. Examples are availability and safety. Surge or Race: undesired state of the system that occurs in relatively uncontrolled systems when components are competing with each other to perform a task. Syntax: way in which words are put together to form phrases and sentences. Synthesis: requirements flowdown approach for those situations in which the system-level requirement is comprised of complex contributions from the components, causing the component requirements that are flowed down



from the system to be based upon some analytic model. The derived requirements for each component will have significantly different units than the system-level requirement had. System: set of components (subsystems, segments) acting together to achieve a set of common objectives via the accomplishment of a set of tasks. System Context: set of entities that can impact the system but cannot be impacted by the system. System (Human-Designed):

specially defined set of segments (hardware, software, physical entities, humans, facilities) acting as planned, via a set of interfaces, which are designed to connect the components, to achieve a common mission or fundamental objective (i.e., a set of specially defined objectives), subject to a set of constraints, through the accomplishment of a predetermined set of functions.

System Requirements: translation (or derivation) of the originating requirements into engineering terminology. System Requirements Document (SysRD): document that contains the system requirements. System Task or Function: set of functions that must be performed to achieve a specific objective. Systems (External of a System): set of entities that interact with the system via the system’s external interfaces. Technology and System-wide Requirements: constraints and performance index thresholds that are placed upon the physical resources of the system. This category can be partitioned into four subsets: (a) technology, (b) suitability and quality issues, (c) cost for the relevant system (e.g., development cost, operational cost), and (d) schedule for the relevant life-cycle phase (e.g., development time period, operational life of the system). Technology Requirement: constraints for the engineering creativity and should result from the other requirements if they are justifiable. These requirements are usually justified on the basis of interoperability or compatibility with an existing product line, which ultimately should be reflected in cost savings. Time Redundancy: use of extra processing when time is available to perform the same computation multiple times with a single hardware and software combination and then compare the results. Trade Study: analysis that focuses on finding ways to improve the system’s performance on some highly important objective while maintaining the system’s capability in other objectives.



Tree: graph, G, with no loops in which there is a unique, simple (no loops), nondirected path (or semipath in the case of a digraph) between each pair of nodes. A rooted tree is a tree in which there is a designated ‘‘root’’ node. In a graph, the root node must have a degree of 1. In a directed tree, the root node must have no parents, or an in degree of 0. A directed tree is a rooted tree in which there is a (directed) path from the root to every other node. Traceable: pertaining to requirements, each derived requirement must be traceable to an originating requirement via some unique name or number. Traced: pertaining to requirements, each requirement is traced to some document or statement of the stakeholders. Trade-off Requirements: algorithms for comparing any two alternate designs on the aggregation of cost and performance objectives. These algorithms can be divided into (a) performance trade offs, (b) cost trade offs, and (c) cost–performance trade offs. Unambiguous: pertaining to requirements, every requirement has only one interpretation. Understandable: pertaining to requirements, interpretation of each requirement is clear. Unique: pertaining to requirements, those that are not overlapping or redundant with other requirements. Usability: includes ease of learning (learnability), ease of use (efficiency), ease of remembering (memorability), error rate, and subjectively pleasing (satisfaction). Usability Testing: obtaining samples of users and eliciting the reactions of these users about their needs and desires as they interact with prototypes. Validation: process of determining that the systems engineering process has produced the right system, based upon the needs expressed by the stakeholder. Validation Plan: how the qualification data will be used to determine that the real system complies with the originating requirements. Verifiable: finite, cost-effective process has been defined to check that the requirement has been attained. Verification: matching of Configuration Items (CIs), components, subsystems, and the system to their corresponding requirements to ensure that each has been built right. Verification Plan: how the qualification data will be used to determine that the real system conforms to the design that was developed. White Box Testing: inner workings of the module are examined as part of the testing to ensure proper functioning. Usually used at the CI level of testing; this method becomes impractical at the system level.


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A Acceptance comparison with validation and verification, 342 346 defined, 475 as key systems engineering concept, 64 65 in qualifications chain, 344, 345 as term in testing and qualification, 341 342 Acceptance plans, 153, 168, 192, 305, 475 Acceptance testing, 362 366 Acyclic digraphs, 128 Adjacency, in graphs, 127 Agrawala, A.K., 242, 306, 307, 329 Air bag restraint system, case study in stakeholders’ requirements, 196 198 Akao, Y., 404 Alexander, C., 78 Alford, M., 27, 385 Allen, R.H., 260 Allocated architecture analyzing functional activation and control structure, 305 308 approaches for solving allocation problem, 292 297 conducting performance and risk analysis, 308 310 defined, 285, 475

defining allocation problem, 291 292 defining functional activation and control structure, 305 308 deriving requirements, 299 305 developing, 284 316 documenting, 310 finishing allocation problem, 297 299 functional allocation principles, 294 and human vs. machine responsibilities, 292 293 major development activities, 285 286 mapping functions to components, 289 299 obtaining approval, 310 overview, 27, 29, 51, 52, 284 289 relationship to IDEF0 model, 93 tracing non input/output requirements, 299 305 Ambler, S.W., 23, 25 Analogies, 264 Analytic models, 76, 77 Anderson, T., 242 Antisymmetric relations, 124, 131 Apollo 13, case study in stakeholders’ requirements, 198 201 Application entities (AEs), 328 Application layer, OSI reference model, 327, 329, 330

The Engineering Design of Systems: Models and Methods, Second Edition. By Dennis M. Buede Copyright r 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.



Apportionment, 300 301, 344, 475 Architectures. See also Allocated architecture; Functional architecture; Physical architecture behavioral model, 27 data model, 27 documenting, 310 interface architecture, 51, 52 message passing, 322 323 network, 323 325 overview, 27 30 process model, 27 shared memory, 323 system allocated architecture, 51, 52 Arciszewski, T., 266 Ariane 5 case study, 368 370 Arrow’s impossibility theorem, 433 Asymmetry, as property of unary relations, 131 132 Attainable (requirements attribute), 171, 172, 475 Attribute listing, 264 265 Ayton, P., 418

B Baier, C., 359 Barrett, B.E., 410 Barron, F.H., 409, 410 Bayes rule, 416 418 Baylin, E.N., 222 Behavior diagrams, 385 388. See also Function flow block diagrams (FFBDs) Behavior models behavior diagrams, 385 388 control flow diagrams, 394 395 defined, 375, 475 finite state machines and state transition diagrams, 388 390 overview, 383, 385 Petri nets, 395, 397 399 statecharts, 390 394, 396 Beizer, B., 354, 355, 356 Bell Telephone Laboratories, 6 7, 16, 17 Berube, M.S., 4, 10, 82 Bias, R.G., 188 Big bang integration process, 352, 353 Binary relations, 113, 114, 483 Bipartite graphs, 127, 139 140, 475 Birnbaum, J., 283 Black box testing, 362, 363, 370, 475 Blanchard, B.S., 20, 309 Block definition diagrams, 98, 99, 100 101, 102 Block diagrams


aircraft control system example, 267, 268 defined, 74 internal, 98 100 in physical architecture development, 267, 268 SysML semantics, 98 100 SysML syntax, 98 100 Blum, B.I., 151 Boar, B.H., 22 Bock, C., 27 Boehm, B.W., 20, 32, 33, 44 Bohm, C., 96 Bottom up integration process, 346, 347, 351, 352 Boulton, Matthew, 227 Braasch, M.S., 313 Brainstorming, 264, 265 Brainstorming game, 266 Brainwriting pool, 266 Brandt, J.C., 47 Bresnick, T.A., 167, 185 Brooks, C.G., 174 Brown, C.M.L., 189 Browning, T., 295 Buede, D.M., 106, 152, 167, 185, 224, 401, 404, 405, 409, 412 Bus architecture, 324, 325

C Cardinality, in graphs, 126 Carnahan, J.V., 167, 187 Cartesian product of two sets, A B, 113, 476 Category class, CORE, 67 CCITT (International Telephone and Telegraph Consultative Committee), 326 Centralized architecture, 271, 476 CFDs (control flow diagrams), 394 395 Chambers, G.J., 153 Chapanis, A., 189 Chapman, W.L., 241 Charbonneau, S.M., 391, 392, 393, 394, 395, 396 Checkland, P., 19 Choisser, R.W., 167 Chu, W.W., 296 Chusho, T., 362 Circuits, in digraphs, 127 CIs (configuration items), 5, 7, 11, 12, 14 Clarke, L.A., 362 Classes, defined, 24 Clausing, D., 275



Client server architecture defined, 274 275, 476 as model for CORBA, 332 and morphological box, 262 263 Closed loop control processes, 227, 228 co*ckburn, A., 175, 176 Common object request broker architecture (CORBA) standards, 332 336 Comparable (requirements attribute), 168, 171, 172, 476 Complete (requirements attribute), 168, 171, 172, 196, 476 Complete functionality, 215 Component class, CORE, 67 Components defined, 476 deriving qualification requirements, 304 305 deriving trade off requirements, 302 304 as key systems engineering concept, 61, 64 mapping functions to, 289 299 Conceptual validity defined, 80, 342 343, 476 in qualifications chain, 344, 345 role in validation, 345 Concise (requirements attribute), 172, 476 Concurrent engineering, 7 Configuration items (CIs), 5, 7, 11, 12, 14, 476 Connectedness, in graphs, 128 129 Connell, J.L., 187 Consistent (requirements attribute), 168, 171, 172, 194, 476 Context of a system. See System context Control flow diagrams (CFDs), 394 395 Control systems closed loop processes, 227, 228 earliest in history, 227 228 feedback processes, 118 open loop processes, 227, 228 Controlling cycle, 37, 38 Cook, S.C., 42 CORBA (common object request broker architecture) standards, 332 336 Core cycle, 37 CORE systems engineering tool classes, 66, 67 documents, 69 70 overview, 66 70 relations, 66 69 Corner, J.L., 402, 410 Correct (requirements attribute), 171, 172, 476 Cost requirements, 191, 300, 301, 476 Coulouris, G, 271 Cox, C.B., 17, 174

Cox, M.E., 366 Craik, K.J.W., 78 Crowe, D., 152 Cycle model, 37 38 Cycles, in digraphs, 128, 138 139

D Daly, E., 32 Dam, S., 26 Daniels, J., 167 Data flow diagrams (DFDs), 379 383 Data link layer, OSI reference model, 327, 329, 331 Data models defined, 375, 476 entity relationship diagrams, 377 378 higraphs, 378 379 overview, 376 377 Data validity, 80 Davis, A.M., 151, 153, 180 DCE (distributed computing environment), 336 De Finetti, B., 417 De Foe, J.C., 154, 156, 183, 194 De Marco, T., 96 De Weck, O.L., 41 42 Deadlock, 306 308, 476 Decentralized architecture, 271, 476 Decision analysis. See also Multiattribute value analysis axioms, 403 404 choice rule, 403 decision making modes, 401 elements of decision problems, 402 equivalence rule, 403 MPWS sample application, 433 442 order rule, 403 substitution rule, 403 uncertainty, 415 432 Decision trees, 420 421, 422 Decisions, defined, 402, 477 Decomposition process in functional architecture development, 239 242 in physical architecture development, 257 259 in Vee model, 10 11 Defense systems Management College (DSMC), 425 Defined Term class, CORE, 67 Definitive models defined, 75, 477 semantics, 75 76 syntax, 75 76


Demand function, 433 Denning, P.J., 388 Descriptive models, 75, 76, 477 Design American Heritage Dictionary definition, 4 as decomposition process, 5 defined, 477 detailed functions, 38 41 as engineering consideration, 4 in life cycle diagram, 5 6 products of process, 7 racecar example, 12 13 in Vee model, 10 11, 50, 51 54 Design independent (requirements attribute), 171, 172, 477 Design structure matrix (DSM), 295 Design validity defined, 344, 477 in qualifications chain, 344, 345 role in validation, 345 346 Development decisions, 14, 15 DFDs (data flow diagrams), 379 383 Dickinson, B.W., 231 Dietrich, B.L., 224 Digraphs acyclic, 128 circuits in, 127 comparing with IDEF0 diagrams, 139 141 connectedness in, 128 129 cycles in, 128, 138 139 defined, 124, 125 126, 477 paths in, 127 semicircuits in, 128 semicycles in, 128, 139 semiwalks in, 128 trails in, 127 and unary relations, 130 133 walks in, 127 Directed forests, 137 138 Directed graphs. See Digraphs Directed trees, 137 Discipline engineers, 14 Discrete mathematics functions, 116 118 overview, 104 106 relations, 113 116 sets, 106 113 Distributed architecture, 271, 477 Distributed computing environment (DCE), 336 Distributed systems, 271, 274 275 Document class, CORE, 67


Documents. See also Stakeholders’ Requirements Document (StkhldrsRD) IDEF0 Model of the Engineering of a System, 455 474 outlines, 451 454 System Description Document (SDD), 69 70, 454 System Requirements Document (SysRD), 31, 32, 155, 453, 485 System Requirements Validation Document (SRVD), 31, 32, 453 DoD Architecture Framework (DoDAF), 23, 25 26 Domain Set class, CORE, 67 Dorny, C.N., 231 Drebbel, Cornelis, 227 Driscoll, P.J., 6 Duato, J., 308, 325 Duffy, M.A., 224 Dyer, J.S., 404

E Early validation, 342, 477 Edge labeling, in graphs, 127 Edwards, W., 409 Edwards, W., 402, 409 EFFBDs (extended function flow block diagrams), 74, 93 97 Elam, J., 402 Engineering, defined, 10, 477 Engineering of systems approaches for implementing, 17 23 at Bell Labs, 6 7 comparison of definitions, 8 10 decomposition process, 5 defined, 10, 477 document outlines, 451 454 examples of decisions, 15 Hall’s definition, 7 history, 6 7 modeling approaches, 23 27 overview, 5 17 recomposition process, 5 spiral implementation model, 20 23 team members with different specialties needed, 14 TTDSE implementation model, 19 20 value added, 42 45 waterfall implementation model, 20, 21 Engstrom, E.W., 6 Enhanced FFBDs (EFFBDs), 74, 93 97 Entity relationship (ER) diagrams, 377 378, 477



Eppinger, S.D., 295 Equivalence, 301, 477 Error detection and recovery functionalities, 239, 242 245 Errors, 242, 354, 477 Exit class, CORE, 67 Expected utility, 426 Extended FFBDs (EFFBDs), 74, 93 97 External interface requirements, 165, 218, 246, 247, 477 External systems diagrams defined, 477 as key systems engineering concept, 55 56 in Mobile Protected Weapons System application, 436 437 for stakeholders’ requirements, 179 181

F FAA Wide Area Augmentation System (WAAS) case study, 311 316 Fabrycky, W.J., 20, 191, 309 fa*gan, M., 32 fa*gen, M.D., 6 Failures, 242, 354, 478 Farry, K., 173 Faulk, S., 151 152 Fault tolerance achieving by using redundancy, 276 281 as functional architectural design goal, 242 243 Faults categorizing, 355 defined, 242, 354, 478 role in qualification process, 354 356 taxonomy of consequences, 355 FBI fingerprint identification system case study, 268 271, 272, 273 Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) Publications, 85, 93, 376 Feedback and control closed loop control systems, 227, 228 defined, 227, 478 earliest control systems, 227 in functional architecture design, 227 231 IDEF0 illustration, 229, 230 negative feedback process, 228 229 open loop control systems, 227, 228 positive feedback process, 228 229 Ferrarini, L., 307 FFBDs (function flow block diagrams), 74, 93 97 Figure of merit (FOM), 182, 478

Fingerprint identification system case study, 268 271, 272, 273 Finite state machines (FSMs), 388 389 Finkelstein, A.C.W., 194 FIPS. See Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) Publications Fitts, Paul, 7, 292 Fitts list, 292, 293 Flowdown. See Requirements flowdown Folkeson, A., 359 Forests, in graph theory, 137 138 Foroughi, A., 401 Forsberg, K., 5, 9, 10, 38, 40 Frankel, E.G., 309 Franklin, G.F., 231 Frantz, W.F., 171 French, S., 404, 405 Fricke, E., 275, 276 Friedenthal, S., 27 Friend, J., 263, 402 FSMs (finite state machines), 388 389 Function class, CORE, 67 Function flow block diagrams (FFBDs), 74, 93 97. See also EFFBDs (extended function flow block diagrams) Functional architecture assigning system’s functions, 220 239 common mistakes, 241 242 creating functional decomposition, 239 241 decomposition vs. composition, 218 220 defined, 215 216, 478 defining by using IDEF0 model, 93, 215, 216, 217, 224, 229, 239 developing, 211 249 distinctions between system modes, states, and functions, 211 212, 213, 214 documenting, 310 evaluating hierarchies for shortfalls and overlaps, 231 239 feedback and control in design, 227 231 hierarchies for development and manufacturing phases, 224 227 IDEF0 process model overview, 216 218 levels of detail, 215 216 matching to physical architecture, 257 overview, 27, 28, 51, 52, 211 216 partitioning functions into subfunctions, 220 224 tracing requirements to elements, 245 248 Functional requirements, 53, 54, 57, 164, 165, 190, 478 Functionality complete, 215


defined, 215, 478 simple, 215 Functions (engineering) defined, 212, 478 as key systems engineering concept, 60 61, 62, 63 mapping to components, 289 299 one to one and onto, 257, 259 Functions (mathematical) bijective, 117 composition, 117 118 defined, 478 injective, 116 117 Fundamental objectives, 182, 183, 186, 478 Fundamental objectives hierarchy, 182 183, 184, 478. See also Objectives hierarchy

G General Motors, 16, 17 Generic physical architecture, 255, 256, 257, 259 Gentner, G., 78 Ghahramani, S., 415 Glegg, G.L., 354 Gobinath, P., 296 Gomaa, H., 389 Gondran, M., 309 Goode, H.H., 7 Gotel, O.C., 194 Grady, J.O., 151, 153, 171, 300, 342 Graphical models, 77, 376. See also Behavior models; Data models; Process models Graphs, in mathematics. See also Digraphs adjacency in, 129 bipartite, 127 comparing with IDEF0 diagrams, 139 141 connectedness in, 128 129 defined, 122, 124, 478 isomorphic, 135 Konigsberg bridge problem, 124 125 ordering relations, 133 134 overview, 122 127 reachability in, 129 as trees, 135 138 and unary relations, 130 133 Griffith, P.B., 376, 377 Guindon, R., 11, 253 Gupta, R., 296

H Haefele, J.W., 266 Hall, A., 6, 7


Hardware redundancy active, 278 280 defined, 276, 479 hybrid, 280 passive, 277 278 Harel, D., 378, 390, 394 Harker, P.T., 404 Harwell, R., 153 Haskins, B., 33, 44 Hasse diagrams, 133, 134 Hastings, D., 167 Hatley, D.J., 20, 220, 221, 222, 224, 240, 380, 394 Hazelrigg, G.A., 433 Hickling, A., 263, 402 Higraphs, 378 379 Ho, J., 402 Hoang, N.T., 40 Hogarth, R.M., 418 Holmberg, K., 359 Honour, E.C., 43 Hooks, I., 171, 173 Hoppe, M., 356 Howard, R.A., 401, 402, 403 Hubble Space Telescope, 46 47 Human designed systems, 50, 156 157, 485 Hunger, J.W., 175, 176

I ICAM (Integrated Computer Aided Manufacturing), 24, 85 ICOMs (inputs, controls, outputs, and mechanisms), 87, 90, 92, 139, 140, 479 IDEF family of modeling languages, 85 86 IDEF0 (Integrated Definition for Function Modeling) background, 24, 85 86 call arrow concept, 92 93 defined, 479 exit rules concept, 92 functional activation rules concept, 92 in graph theory terms, 139 141 introduction, 56 57 loops concept, 91 92 Model of the Engineering of a System, 455 474 semantics or elements, 86 87 shortcomings as modeling process, 85 in static behavioral process modeling, 85 93 syntax, diagram, 87 89 syntax, model, 89 91 system engineering use, 93 tunneling concept, 92



IDL (interface definition language), 332, 333, 334 In degrees, in graphs, 126 Incidence, in graphs, 126 INCOSE (International Council on Systems Engineering), 1996, 9 Influence diagrams, 420 425 Information redundancy, 280, 479 Input requirements, 165, 173, 189, 190, 246, 247, 248, 479 Input/output requirements as category of stakeholder requirement, 165, 166, 189 190 defined, 57, 479 defining, 69, 165, 189 190 deriving for internal items, 299 300 tracing, 218, 245 248 Input/output traces, 152, 177 178, 180, 479 Instantiated physical architecture, 255, 257, 258, 259 Integrated Automated Fingerprint Identification System (IAFIS), 268 271, 272, 273 Integrated Computer Aided Manufacturing (ICAM), 24, 85 Integration alternatives to bottom up process, 351 353 as big bang process, 352, 353 as bottom up process, 346, 347, 351, 352 defined, 341, 480 as engineering consideration, 4 incremental, 353 major functions, 346 348 overview, 346 351 phase, 353 racecar example, 12 14 as recomposition process, 5 at subsystem level, 348 351 as top down process, 351, 352, 353 in Vee model, 11 12, 50, 54 55 Interconnections, defined, 328 Interface class, CORE, 67 Interface control information, 328 Interface data units (IDUs), 328 Interface definition language (IDL), 332, 333, 334 Interfaces architectures, 322 325 common object request broker architecture, 332 336 defined, 480 design process, 336 338 as key systems engineering concept, 61

OSI reference model, 327 331 overview, 319 322 standards, 325 326 International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE), 1996, 9 International Organization for Standards (ISO), 325, 326, 332 International Telephone and Telegraph Consultative Committee (CCITT), 326 Intransivity, as property of unary relations, 132 133 Irreflexivity, as property of unary relations, 131 ISO (International Organization for Standards), 325, 326, 332 Isomorphisms, 135 Issue class, CORE, 67 Item class, CORE, 67 Items, defined, 61, 480

J Jackson, S., 296 Jacky, J., 368 Jacobson, I., 175, 176 Jacopini, G., 96 Jagacinski, R.J., 78 Jalote, P., 242 Jelassi, M., 401 Johnson, B.W., 276, 277, 278, 279, 280 Johnson Laird, P., 78 Judgmental models, 76, 77

K Karangelen, N.E., 40 Katoen, J. P., 359 Kee, C., 313 Keeney, R.L., 182, 183, 267, 402, 404, 405, 412 Keller, L., 402 Kirkwood, C.W., 402, 406, 410 Kleindorfer, P.R., 418 Klir, G.J., 19 Kluger, J., 198, 201 Konigsberg bridge problem, 124 125 Kwinn, M.J., 404

L Lake, J., 5 Lano, R.J., 23, 173 Larsen, R.F., 106 Law of total probability, 416 Layers, OSI reference model, 327, 329 331 Lee, D., 242, 359


Lepoeter, K., 38 Levardy, V., 356 Levi, S., 242, 306, 307, 329 Levis, A.H., 26, 27, 157, 296 Life cycles cost commitment and incursion, 8 defined, 480 organizing in StkhldrsRD, 169 171 representation of phases, 5 6, 7 systems, defining, 33 38 as systems engineering consideration, 3 4 Lindley, D., 417 Link class, CORE, 67 Lions, J.L., 370 Livelock, 308, 480 Loops, 91 92, 124 Lovell, J., 198, 201

M Machol, R.E., 7 MacKinnon, D., 326, 327, 329 Magee, C.L., 41 42 Magnuson, E., 283 Manna, Z., 355 Manos, K.L., 153 Manufacturing, defined, 480 Mar, B.W., 171 Marca, D.A., 239 Maroni, M., 307 Marshall, C., 189 Martin, J., 194 Martin, J.N., 18 Mathematical symbols, 106 107 Matrix analysis, 266 Maxwell, D.T., 404 Maxwell, J.C., 227 Mayhew, D.J., 188, 189 Mayr, O., 227 McGowan, C.L., 239 McMenamin, S.M., 222 Mead, M., 402 Mead, Thomas, 227 Measure of effectiveness (MOE), 182, 480 Measure of performance (MOP), 182, 480 Meisenzahl, J., 356 MENS (Mission Element Needs Statement), 451 Mental models defined, 77 78, 480 vs. quantitative models, 78 Merkhofer, M.W., 418 Mesh architecture, 324, 325 Message passing architectures, 322 323


Meta systems, 17 19 Miliken, D.L., 12 Miliken, W.F., 12 Miller, J.G., 222, 225 Miller, R.A., 78 MIL STD 499A, 9 MIL STD 499B, 9, 153 MIL STD 881B, 254 Ministry of Defence (MoD) Architecture Framework (AF), 25 Mission Element Needs Statement (MENS), 451 Mission requirements, 30, 55, 153 154, 173, 175, 179, 182, 480 Mobile Protected Weapons System (MPWS), 433 442 MoD (Ministry of Defence) AF (Architecture Framework), 25 Mode of a system. See System mode Models. See also Process models; Qualitative models; Quantitative models comparing types, 78, 79, 80 defined, 75, 480 definitive, 75 76 descriptive, 75, 76 examples, 75 mental, 77 78 normative, 75, 76 overview, 75 80 physical, 76, 77 potential uses in systems engineering, 40, 80 purpose in developing, 79 semantics, 75 76 syntax, 75 76 taxonomy, 76 78 validating, 80 Modifiable (requirements attribute), 168, 171, 172, 480 Monte Carlo simulations, 77 Mooz, H., 5, 9, 10, 38, 40 Morgenstern, O., 403 Morphological box automobile navigation support system example, 261 262 background, 260 caution, 262 263 defined, 257, 481 in fingerprint identification case study, 271, 273 hammer example, 260, 261 overview, 253, 257, 259, 260 264 Mott, J.L., 106 Mowbray, T.J., 332, 336



Multiattribute value analysis defined, 404, 481 eliciting value functions, 405 407 eliciting value weights, 407 415 Mobile Protected Weapons System application, 433 442 overview, 404 405 Multigraphs, 124, 125 Murata, T., 397, 398 Murray, C., 17, 174

N Nachtmann, H., 309 NAF (NATO Architecture Framework), 25 Nagel, S.S., 404 NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration), 14, 46 47, 174, 200 NATO Architecture Framework (NAF), 25 Negative feedback control process, 228 229 Network architectures, 323 325 Network layer, OSI reference model, 327, 329, 330 Newell, A., 253 Nielsen, J., 188, 365 Nii, J., 253 Node labeling, in graphs, 127 Normative models, 75, 76, 481 N squared (N2) diagrams, 23, 24, 93, 383, 384

O Object Management Group, Inc. (OMG), 23, 24, 80, 331 332 Object request broker (ORB) interface, 332 334 Objectives hierarchy adding value curves, 185, 186 defined, 182, 481 as key systems engineering concept, 57 in Mobile Protected Weapons System application, 436, 438 for performance requirements, 182 186 Object oriented (OO) design, 23, 24 Objects, defined, 24 Observance requirements, 168, 192, 305, 481 OMG (Object Management Group, Inc.), 331 332 OO (object oriented) design, 23, 24 Open architecture, 274, 481 Open Software Foundation (OSF), 336 Open systems, defined, 328 Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) reference model, 326 331 Open loop control processes, 227, 228

Operational concept defined, 481 as key systems engineering concept, 55, 57 in Mobile Protected Weapons System application, 435 436 for stakeholders’ requirements, 173 179 Operational requirements and tests, 12 Operational validity defined, 80, 342, 481 in qualifications chain, 344, 345 ORB (object request broker) interface, 332 334 ORBOS (ORB object service) architecture, 334, 335 Order of G, in graphs, 126 Orfali, R., 334 OSF (Open Software Foundation), 336 OSI (Open Systems Interconnection) reference model, 326 331 Ottaway, D.B., 198 Out degrees, in graphs, 126 Output requirements, 165, 189, 190, 246, 247, 248, 481 Overlap in the functional architecture, 232 239, 481

P Pages, A., 309 Palmer, J.F., 222 Papaccio, P.N., 20 Parametric diagrams defined, 74 for performance modeling, 101, 102 semantics, 101, 102 Parnell, G.S., 404 Partially ordered sets, 133, 134 Partition on a set A, 111, 481 Pathfinder case study, 339 340 Paths, in digraphs, 127 Pennington, N., 78 Perdu, D.M., 296 Performance analysis, defined, 309, 482 Performance modeling, in SysML, 100 102 Performance requirements, 163, 168, 179 185, 267, 482 Perry, W.E., 351 Petersen, C.C., 47 Petri nets (PNs), 24, 395, 397 399 Petroski, H., 344 Physical architecture centralized vs. decentralized, 271


comparison with military’s Work Breakdown Structure, 254 255 creativity techniques, 259 267 defined, 252, 482 design flexibility, 275 276 developing, 252 283 development issues, 267 281 development overview, 257 259 distributed, 271, 274 documenting, 310 generic vs. instantiated, 255, 256, 257, 259 graphic representations, 267 matching to functional architecture, 257 morphological box technique, 260 264 option creation techniques, 264 267 overview, 27, 28, 29, 51, 52, 252 253 Physical layer, OSI reference model, 327, 329, 331 Physical models defined, 76, 77, 482 vs. qualitative models, 79 Pipeline architecture, 324, 325 Pirbhai, I.A., 20, 220, 221, 222, 224, 240, 380, 394 PNs (Petri nets), 24 Pohl, E., 191, 309 Positive feedback control process, 228 229 Power set of set A, 112 113, 482 Prang, J., 8 Prasad, B., 7 Presentation entities (PEs), 328 Presentation layer, OSI reference model, 327, 329, 330 Price, H.E., 294 Probability theory, 403 404, 415 417. See also Uncertainty Problem Situation of Mission Element Need Statement, and Systems Engineering Management Plan (SEMP), 31, 32 Problem solving techniques, 264 267 Process models. See also IDEF0 (Integrated Definition for Function Modeling) data flow diagrams, 379 383 defined, 74, 375, 482 N squared charts, 383, 384 overview, 379 383 Protocol control information, 328 Protocol data units (PDUs), 328 Protocols, 328 Prototypes, 187, 482 Pugh, S., 404, 408


Q Qualification acceptance testing, 362 366 compared with testing, 341 342 defined, 341, 482 methods categories, 359 362 overview, 354 356 planning levels, 356 359 Qualification methods analysis and simulation, 359 defined, 482 demonstration, 361 inspection, 359 testing, 359, 361 362, 363 Qualification plans, 13 14, 353, 356 358 Qualification requirements categories, 305 as category of stakeholder requirement, 168, 169, 192 194 defined, 482 deriving for components, 304 305 in qualification planning process, 358 tracing, 304 305 Qualitative models behavior models, 375, 383 399 data models, 375, 376 379 defined, 77, 482 483 graphical techniques, 375 399 process models, 375, 379 383 vs. quantitative models, 79, 80 Quantitative models defined, 76 77, 483 vs. mental models, 78 vs. qualitative models, 79, 80

R Racecar example, 12 Raiffa, H., 404, 405, 412 RAND Corporation, 7 Rank order centroid (ROC), 409 410 Rasmussen, J., 78 Reason, J., 189 Recomposition process, 5, 11 12 Reed, M.A., 254 Reference model for OSI, 326 327 Reflexivity, as property of unary relations, 131 Regression testing, 351, 483 Reitman, W.R., 253 Relations binary, 113, 114 Cartesian products, 113 equivalence, 116



Relations (Continued ) ordered pairs, 113 ordering, 133 134 partial ordering, 116 unary, 113, 114 116, 131 133 Relevance diagrams, 418 420 Requirement class, CORE, 67 Requirements. See also Stakeholders’ requirements common documents, 30 32 compared with specifications, 30 defined, 29 30, 153 as key systems engineering concept, 57 60 mission, 30 modeling in SysML diagrams, 100 overview, 30 33, 153 performance, 30 stakeholder, 30 Requirements flowdown, 300 301, 302, 313, 344, 346, 483 Requirements statements, 171, 483 Requirements validity defined, 343 344, 483 in qualifications chain, 344, 345 role in validation, 345 Resource class, CORE, 67 Richardson, D.J., 362 Ring architecture, 324, 325 Risk, defined, 425, 483 Risk analysis, 309, 425 426, 483 Risk avoidance, 425, 483 Risk class, CORE, 67 Risk issues, uncertainty in, 44 45 Risk management, 425, 483 Risk preference assessing, 427 429 exponential, 429 432 overview, 425, 426 427 Risk tolerance, 431 Risk transference, 425, 483 Rittel, H., 253 Roberts, R.A., 415 Rosen, K.H., 106 Ross, A.M., 167 Ross, D., 86 Royce, W.W., 20 Ruh, W.A., 332, 336

S Saaty, T.L., 404, 412 SADT (Structured Analysis and Design Technique), 24, 86 Sage, A.P., 9, 20, 309

Sailor, J.D., 9, 153, 185, 187 Samson, D., 362 Savage, L.J., 417 Scenarios, 55 56, 57, 74, 160, 175 179, 483 Schedule requirements, 168, 173, 191, 484 Scheiber, S.F., 8 Schkade, D.A., 216 Schlager, K.J., 6 Schmekel, H., 306 Schulz, A.P., 275, 276 Schwartz, M., 326, 329 SDD. See System Description Document (SDD) Semantics block definition diagrams, 100 101, 102 block diagrams, 98 100 defined, 74, 82, 484 EFFBDs, 93 94 IDEF0, 86 87 in models, 75 76 parametric diagrams, 101, 102 sequence diagrams, 83 84 use case diagrams, 83 Semicircuits, in digraphs, 128 Semicycles, in digraphs, 128, 139 Semiwalks, in digraphs, 128 SEMP (Systems Engineering Management Plan), 31, 32, 452 Sen, A.K., 433 Sequence diagrams elevator example, 84, 85 as input/output traces, 177 179 semantics, 83 84 syntax, 84 Service access points (SAPs), 328 Service providers, 328 Session layer, OSI reference model, 327, 329, 330 Sets defined, 106, 484 describing members, 107 108 equality, 109 examples, 107 finite, 108 inclusion, 108 109 infinite, 108 mathematical symbols, 106 107 operations on, 109 111 partitions, 111 112 power, 112 113 singleton, 108 special, 108 109 subsets, 108 109 writing memberships, 107


Shachter, R.D., 418, 421, 423 Shafer, L., 187 Shared memory architectures, 323 Shea, Joe, 14, 16 17 Shneiderman, B., 189 Shortfall in the functional architecture categories, 231 232 defined, 231, 484 identifying, 232 239 Shuey, R.L., 271 Signal flow graphs, 231 Simon, H.A., 253 Simple graphs, defined, 124 Simulation models, 76 77 Sinnott, R.W., 47 Size of G, 126 Snider, W.D., 410 SofTech, Inc., 86 Software engineering spiral model, 20 23 waterfall model, 20, 21, 28 29 Software redundancy, 280, 484 Spanning trees, 136 137 Specifications compared with requirements, 30 defined, 30, 484 Spetzler, C.S., 418 Spiral model, software engineering, 20 23 Spitzer, Lynn, 46 Spoke architecture, 324, 325 SRD (System Requirements Document), 31, 32, 155, 453, 485 SRVD (System Requirements Validation Document), 31, 32, 453 Stael von Holstein, C.A., 418 Stakeholders, 14, 484. See also Stakeholders’ requirements; Stakeholders’ Requirements Document (StkhldrsRD) Stakeholders’ requirements air bag restraint system case study, 196 198 analyses, 187 188 Apollo 13 case study, 198 201 categorizing, 161 164 characteristics, 171, 172 defined, 30, 52, 151, 484 defining design problem, 157 161 defining requirements, 189 194 developing, 157 169 external systems diagram, 179 181 input/output requirements, 165, 166, 189 190 managing requirements, 194 195


objectives hierarchy for performance requirements, 168, 169, 182 187 operational concept, 173 179 overview, 154 157 prototyping, 187 qualification requirements, 168, 192 194 StkhldrsRD, 169 171 structuring using partition, 164 169 system wide and technology requirements, 167, 190 192 trade off requirements, 167 168, 192 usability testing, 188 189 writing, 171 173 Stakeholders’ Requirements Document (StkhldrsRD) defined, 484 format overview, 169 171 outline, 452 453 overview, 31, 32 Standards, for interface design, 325 326 Starvation, 308, 484 Stassen, H.G., 78 State of a system, 212, 214, 484 Statecharts, 390 394, 396 State/Mode class, CORE, 67 State transition diagrams (STDs), 388 390 STDs (state transition diagrams), 388 390 Stevens, A.L., 78 Stevens, R., 194 Stillwell, W.G., 409 Strategic check cycle, 37, 38 Structured Analysis and Design Technique (SADT), 24, 86 Structured programming, comparison to FFBD constructs, 96 Subnetworks, defined, 328 Suh, N.P., 53 Suitability requirements, 191, 484 Surge or race, 308, 484 Symbolic models, 77 Symbols, mathematical, 106 107 Symmetry, as property of unary relations, 131 Syntax block diagrams, 98 100 defined, 74, 82, 484 EFFBDs (extended function flow block diagrams), 93 94 IDEF0, 87 91 in models, 75 76 sequence diagrams, 84 use case diagrams, 83



Synthesis, 301, 344, 484 485 SysML (Systems Modeling Language) compared with TTDSE (Traditional, Top Down Systems Engineering), 65 66 defined, 23, 74 diagrams for requirements modeling, 100 meta system and requirements modeling, 82 85 modeling overview, 80 82 overview, 26 27, 65 66 SysRD (System Requirements Document), 31, 32, 155, 453, 485 System context, 50, 157, 485 System Description Document (SDD), 69 70, 454 System mode, 211 212, 213, 480 System requirements, 52, 104 105, 154, 160, 485 System Requirements Document (SysRD), 31, 32, 155, 453, 485 System Requirements Validation Document (SRVD), 31, 32, 453 System tasks or functions, 50, 156, 485 Systems. See also Engineering of systems behavior modeling view, 40 data modeling view, 40 defined, 3, 50, 156, 485 design process functions, 50 54 design process overview, 49 55 distinctions between modes, states, and functions, 211 212, 213, 214 environmental modeling view, 40 implementation modeling view, 40 life cycle considerations, 3 4 modeling views, 40 process modeling view, 40 role of design concept, 4 role of integration concept, 4 stakeholders, 3 4 ways to categorize, 41 42 Systems analysis, role of RAND Corporation, 7 Systems engineering. See Engineering of systems Systems Engineering Management Plan (SEMP), 31, 32, 452 System’s external systems, 50, 157, 485 Systems Modeling Language. See SysML (Systems Modeling Language) System wide requirements. See Technology and system wide requirements

T Taguchi, G., 275 Tan, L.M. T., 296 Taylor, J.R., 362 TCP/IP (Transport Control Protocol/Internet Protocol), 331 Technology and system wide requirements as category of stakeholder requirement, 167, 190 192 defined, 485 deriving subsystem wide requirements, 300 301 tracing, 300 301 Terminko, J., 266 Testing. See also Acceptance testing compared with qualification, 341 342 as qualification method, 359, 361 362, 363 Textual models, 77 Therac 25 case study, 368 Thurston, D.L., 167, 187 Time redundancy, 281, 485 Top down integration process, 351, 352, 353 Traceable (requirements attribute), 172, 194, 196, 486 Traced (requirements attribute), 172, 486 Trade studies, 309 310, 485 Trade off requirements as category of stakeholder requirement, 167 168, 192 defined, 486 deriving for components, 302 304 as indirect weight elicitation technique, 412 413 in Mobile Protected Weapons System application, 439 tracing, 302 304 Trails, in digraphs, 127 Transivity, as property of unary relations, 131 132 Transport Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP), 331 Transport layer, OSI reference model, 327, 329, 330 Trees defined, 486 directed, 137 in graph theory, 135 136 spanning, 136 137 TTDSE (Traditional Top Down Systems Engineering) compared with SysML, 65 66 defined, 19 key terms and basic process, 49 65


layered iterative process, 19 20 modeling approaches, 23 24 overview, 19 20 as ‘‘peeling the onion’’ process, 368, 369

U Ulvila, J.W., 410 UML (Unified Modeling Language), 23, 24 25. See also SysML (Systems Modeling Language) Unambiguous (requirements attribute), 172, 345, 486 Unary relations, 113, 114 116, 131 133, 483 Uncertainty in decisions decision trees, 420 421, 422 expected utility, 426 influence diagrams, 420 425 probability theory, 415 417 relevance diagrams, 418 420 risk preference, 425 432 Understandable (requirements attribute), 172, 345, 486 Unified Modeling Language (UML), 23, 24 25. See also SysML (Systems Modeling Language) Unique (requirements attribute), 168, 172, 486 U.S. Federal Aviation Administration, WAAS case study, 311 316 Usability categorizing users, 189 defined, 486 performance elements, 188 testing, 188 Usability testing defined, 188, 486 as part of verification testing, 365 366 Use case diagrams, 74, 82 84 Utility curves, 439, 440 442

V Validation. See also Conceptual validity; Design validity; Requirements validity compared with verification, 13 comparison with acceptance and verification, 342 346 defined, 13, 341, 342, 486 as key systems engineering concept, 64 relationship to verification, 345 as term in testing and qualification, 341 342 Validation plans, 168, 192, 305, 486 Value functions, eliciting, 405 407


Value weights. See Weights Value focused thinking, 267 Van de Vegte, J., 231 Van den Hamer, P., 38 VanGundy, A.B., 264, 266 Vargas, L.G., 404 Vee model, 10 12, 38, 50, 54 Veldhuyzen, W., 78 Verifiable (requirements attribute), 172, 194, 196, 486 Verification compared with validation, 13 comparison with acceptance and validation, 342 346 defined, 13, 341, 486 as key systems engineering concept, 64 overview, 344 345 in qualifications chain, 344, 345 relationship to validation, 345 346 as term in testing and qualification, 341 342 Verification cycle, 37 Verification plans, 168, 192, 305, 486 Verification Requirement class, CORE, 67 Verplanck, W.L., 292 Voges, U., 362 Von Braun, Werner, 174 Von Neumann, J., 403 Von Winterfeldt, D., 402

W Wagenhals, L.W., 26 Waldinger, R., 355 Walters, J.M., 187 Walton, M., 167 Warfield, J.N., 19 Waterfall model, software engineering, 20, 21, 28 29 Watson, S.R., 185, 401, 405, 409, 412 Watt, James, 227 Weights analytical hierarchy process approach, 412, 413 balance beam approach, 413 414 direct elicitation techniques, 409 410 illustration, 411 indirect elicitation techniques, 412 415 in Mobile Protected Weapons System application, 439 442 and utility curves, 440 442 Wenzel, S., 36 West, P.D., 253, 402 White box testing, 362, 363, 486



Wide Area Augmentation System (WAAS) case study, 311 316 Wieringa, R.J., 157 Wiklund, M.E., 188 Wilner, D., 339 Wingard, L., 306 Work Breakdown Structure (WBS), 254 255 Wright, G., 418 Wymore, A.W., 9, 20, 164, 168, 196, 213, 407

Y Yager, R.R., 404 Yannakakis, M., 359 Yoon, K., 404 Yourdon, E., 306, 377, 380, 383

Z Zahavi, R., 332 Zwicky, F., 260

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