Must return a column vector error when using "ode45" (2024)

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Talha on 20 Aug 2024 at 5:51

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Commented: Talha on 20 Aug 2024 at 7:03

  • XSteam.m

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%% Clean the Workspace


clear all

%% Format

format long

%% Variables

global m_ExtraSteam U0_shell V rho_0 U_steam

T0_shell = 105; % initial shell side temp, degC

P0_shell = 1.2; % initial pressure, bara

U0_shell = XSteam('uV_p', P0_shell);

Plimit = 3.3; % max pressure, bara

MW = 0.018015; % kg/mol

R = 0.00008205736; % bar.m3/mol.K

V = 233.21; % m3

rho_0 = XSteam('rhoV_p', P0_shell);

tb = 20; % Upper time interval limit

m_ExtraSteam = 35.08; % Flowrate of extra steam due to ST trip, kg/sec

t_interval = [0.001 tb]; % Time interval

%% Solve the DE

[tsol,Usol] = ode45(@(t, U_steam) cfunc(t, U_steam) , t_interval , U0_shell); % Temperature with time, degC

Warning: The value of local variables may have been changed to match the globals. Future versions of MATLAB will require that you declare a variable to be global before you use that variable.

Warning: Trust-region-dogleg algorithm of FSOLVE cannot handle non-square systems; using Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm instead.

Equation solved at initial point.fsolve completed because the vector of function values at the initialpoint is near zero as measured by the value of the function tolerance,and the problem appears regular as measured by the gradient.

Error using odearguments (line 94)
@(T,U_STEAM)CFUNC(T,U_STEAM) must return a column vector.

Error in ode45 (line 104)
odearguments(odeIsFuncHandle,odeTreatAsMFile, solver_name, ode, tspan, y0, options, varargin);

%% Dynamic Parameter Calculation

Ptube_in = 7;

Ptube_out = 6.5;

m_tube = [707.9 707.9 707.9 707.9];

for m=1:lenght(Usol)

U_steam = Usol(m);

Tsol(m) = fsolve(@TfinderwU,100);


for p=5:length(Tsol)

T_tube_in(p) = 80.1;

m_tube(p) = 1131.2;


T_tube_out = 98;

for k = 1:length(Tsol)

deltaH_tube(k) = XSteam('h_pT', Ptube_out, T_tube_out) - XSteam('h_pT', Ptube_in, T_tube_in(k)); % Specific enthalpy difference between the inlet and outlet of the tube side, kJ/kg

if ((m_tube(k)*deltaH_tube(k))/(XSteam('hV_T', Tsol(k)) - XSteam('hL_T', Tsol(k)))) >= m_ExtraSteam

m_ExtraSteam_Condensation(k) = m_ExtraSteam;


m_ExtraSteam_Condensation(k) = (m_tube(k)*deltaH_tube(k))/(XSteam('hV_T', Tsol(k)) - XSteam('hL_T', Tsol(k)));



m_steam_accumulated = (m_ExtraSteam - m_ExtraSteam_Condensation)'; % Steam accumulated in the shell side, kg/sec

nfor(1) = m_steam_accumulated(1)*(tsol(1))/MW;

for k1 = 2:length(Tsol)

nfor(k1) = m_steam_accumulated(k1)*(tsol(k1)-tsol(k1-1))/MW;


%% Final Pressure Calculation

%% Plotting

figure('Name','Temperature, Pressure vs Time','NumberTitle','off');

yyaxis left % subplot(1,2,1)


xlabel('Time (s)')

ylabel('Temperature (C)')

yyaxis right % subplot(1,2,2)


xlabel('Time (s)')

ylabel('Pressure (bara)')

%% Display Results

fprintf('Max pressure during the observed time interval = %.3f bara.\n', max(Psol))

%% Functions

% Main Function

function dUdt = cfunc(t,U_steam)

% Variables

global m_ExtraSteam U0_shell V rho_0 U_steam

Ptube_in = 7;

Ptube_out = 6.5;

T_tube_out = 98;

if t<3.3

m_tube = 707.9;

T_tube_in = 91.7;


m_tube = 1131.2;

T_tube_in = 80.1;


% Find the Temp with Internal Energy

T = fsolve(@TfinderwU,100);

deltaH_tube = XSteam('h_pT', Ptube_out, T_tube_out) - XSteam('h_pT', Ptube_in, T_tube_in); % Specific enthalpy difference between the inlet and outlet of the tube side, kJ/kg

if ((m_tube*deltaH_tube)/(XSteam('hV_T', T) - XSteam('hL_T', T))) >= m_ExtraSteam

m_ExtraSteam_Condensation = m_ExtraSteam;


m_ExtraSteam_Condensation = (m_tube*deltaH_tube)/(XSteam('hV_T', T) - XSteam('hL_T', T));


m_steam_accumulated = m_ExtraSteam - m_ExtraSteam_Condensation; % Steam accumulated in the shell side, kg/sec

steam_mass = rho_0*V + m_steam_accumulated*t;

U_condensate = XSteam('uL_T', T);

CpL = XSteam('CpL_T', T);

Qcv = m_tube*CpL*(T_tube_out-T_tube_in);

% Differential Equation

dUdt = (-Qcv + m_ExtraSteam*U0_shell - m_ExtraSteam_Condensation*U_condensate - U_steam*m_steam_accumulated)/steam_mass;


% Temperature Finder Function with Internal Energy

function Obj = TfinderwU(T)

global U_steam

uV_T = XSteam('uV_T', T);

Obj = U_steam- uV_T;



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Stephen23 on 20 Aug 2024 at 6:09

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Edited: Stephen23 on 20 Aug 2024 at 6:58

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  • XSteam.m

dUdt is empty when the error occurs. Possible causes (that should be adressed anyway):

  • Using GLOBAL (with default = empty) instead of parameterizing the function calls: If a variable is used in multiple functions then use nested functions.
  • using matrix operations everywhere, a complete lack of array operations: This makes it unlikely that the function CFUNC was written to fulfill the requirements given in the ODE45 documentation: "The function dydt = odefun(t,y), for a scalar t and a column vector y, must return a column vector..." source:

Lets test it right now:

global m_ExtraSteam U0_shell V rho_0 U_steam

T0_shell = 105; % initial shell side temp, degC

P0_shell = 1.2; % initial pressure, bara

U0_shell = XSteam('uV_p', P0_shell);

Plimit = 3.3; % max pressure, bara

MW = 0.018015; % kg/mol

R = 0.00008205736; % bar.m3/mol.K

V = 233.21; % m3

rho_0 = XSteam('rhoV_p', P0_shell);

tb = 20; % Upper time interval limit

m_ExtraSteam = 35.08; % Flowrate of extra steam due to ST trip, kg/sec

cfunc(1,[1,2]) % fails the requirements

Warning: The value of local variables may have been changed to match the globals. Future versions of MATLAB will require that you declare a variable to be global before you use that variable.

Warning: Trust-region-dogleg algorithm of FSOLVE cannot handle non-square systems; using Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm instead.

Equation solved at initial point.fsolve completed because the vector of function values at the initialpoint is near zero as measured by the value of the function tolerance,and the problem appears regular as measured by the gradient.ans = []

function dUdt = cfunc(t,U_steam)

% Variables

global m_ExtraSteam U0_shell V rho_0 U_steam

Ptube_in = 7;

Ptube_out = 6.5;

T_tube_out = 98;

if t<3.3

m_tube = 707.9;

T_tube_in = 91.7;


m_tube = 1131.2;

T_tube_in = 80.1;


% Find the Temp with Internal Energy

T = fsolve(@TfinderwU,100);

deltaH_tube = XSteam('h_pT', Ptube_out, T_tube_out) - XSteam('h_pT', Ptube_in, T_tube_in); % Specific enthalpy difference between the inlet and outlet of the tube side, kJ/kg

if ((m_tube*deltaH_tube)/(XSteam('hV_T', T) - XSteam('hL_T', T))) >= m_ExtraSteam

m_ExtraSteam_Condensation = m_ExtraSteam;


m_ExtraSteam_Condensation = (m_tube*deltaH_tube)/(XSteam('hV_T', T) - XSteam('hL_T', T));


m_steam_accumulated = m_ExtraSteam - m_ExtraSteam_Condensation; % Steam accumulated in the shell side, kg/sec

steam_mass = rho_0*V + m_steam_accumulated*t;

U_condensate = XSteam('uL_T', T);

CpL = XSteam('CpL_T', T);

Qcv = m_tube*CpL*(T_tube_out-T_tube_in);

% Differential Equation

dUdt = (-Qcv + m_ExtraSteam*U0_shell - m_ExtraSteam_Condensation*U_condensate - U_steam*m_steam_accumulated)/steam_mass;


% Temperature Finder Function with Internal Energy

function Obj = TfinderwU(T)

global U_steam

uV_T = XSteam('uV_T', T);

Obj = U_steam- uV_T;


Talha on 20 Aug 2024 at 7:03

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Thanks. Most likely, this happens because of the global variable "U_steam" which is empty at the start.

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See Also


  • ode45
  • function
  • error





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Must return a column vector error when using "ode45" (4)

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Must return a column vector error when using "ode45" (2024)


What is error using ode arguments must return a column vector? ›

Accepted Answer

Most commonly this error occurs when the ODE function returns a row vector rather than a column vector. If that's the case preallocate the output using zeros before filling in the elements of it or take the nonconjugate transpose of the output or reshape it or use the A(:) syntax to columnize it.

How to check if a vector is a row or column vector in matlab? ›

Direct link to this answer
  1. 'isrow' function returns true if input is row vector.
  2. 'iscolumn' function returns true if input is column vector.
  3. 'ismatrix' function returns true if input is matrix.
  4. 'isscalar' function returns true if input is scalar.
Nov 2, 2020

Can you transpose a column vector? ›

In general, the transpose of a matrix is a new matrix in which the rows and columns are interchanged. For vectors, transposing a row vector results in a column vector, and transposing a column vector results in a row vector.

What is error using cell not enough input arguments? ›

This error means that you have not provided enough input arguments to the function. You need to provide more information to the function in order to run it properly.

What does a column vector look like? ›

A column vector is simply a vector whose components are listed vertically in a single column. Doing math with column vectors is very similar to doing basic algebra. From a vector on a three-dimensional grid, the top value of the column vector is the x-component.

How do you generate a column vector? ›

One way to create a column vector is to explicitly put the values in square brackets, separated by semicolons (rather than commas or spaces): >> c = [1; 2; 3; 4] c = 1.

How do you express a column vector as a linear combination? ›

A linear combination of vectors a1 and a2 includes two steps : (1) Multiply a1 and a2 by “scalars” x1 and x2 (2) Add vectors x1a1 + x2a2. Thus Ax is a linear combination of the columns of A. This is fundamental.

How do you specify a column vector in MATLAB? ›

To create an array with multiple elements in a single row, separate the elements with either a comma ',' or a space. This type of array is called a row vector. To create an array with multiple elements in a single column, separate the elements with semicolons ';'. This type of array is called a column vector.

How to convert row vector to column vector in MATLAB? ›

You can convert a row vector into a column vector (and vice versa) using the transpose operator ' (an apostrophe). Try the following MATLAB commands: [1 3 5] is a row vector, but the ' converts it into a column vector before the result is stored in the variable x.

Is there a difference between row and column vectors? ›

A column vector is an nx1 matrix because it always has 1 column and some number of rows. A row vector is a 1xn matrix, as it has 1 row and some number of columns. This is the major difference between a column and a row vector.

Can you add a column vector and a row vector? ›

With the conventions usually in place, a 1×n 1 × n row vector is a linear functional φ:Fn→F φ : F n → F and as such, φ is belongs to the dual space of Fn . A vector and a linear functional on the vector space can't be added algebraically or geometrically because they belong to different vector spaces.

What is the difference between a vector and a transpose? ›

Vector vs.

The transpose operation means converting row to columns and vice-versa. A vector has no row or column representation, it's only a list of values.

How do you normalize a column vector? ›

In other words, to normalize a vector, simply divide each component by its magnitude. This is pretty intuitive.

What is the translation of a column vector? ›

Translations are described by column vectors: . Top number is horizontal movement: if +ve to the right if —ve to the left. Bottom number is vertical movement: if +ve up if —ve down.

How do you express vectors? ›

A vector can be described using i,j notation. A unit vector is a vector of length 1, in Cartesian co-ordinates the unit vectors along the axis are denoted by i and j respectively. Any two-dimensional vector can be written in the form ai+bj a i + b j .

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