Chicago Tribune from Chicago, Illinois (2024)

1 Section 2 CHICAGO TRIBUNE, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1968 REP, JOHN HILL KILLED RIDING A MOTORCYCLE Legislator from 33d District John B. Hill, Republican state representative from the 33d district in Kane and McHenry counties, was killed yesterday in a motorcycle accident in the nursery he owned Illinois highways 72 and 31. near his home in West Dundee. Hill. 51, of 449 Highland was riding a motorcycle on a lane in the nursery when he was knocked to the ground by a pipe protruding from a truck which in the opposite direction, according to Sgt.

Jack Grimes, Kane county sheriff's police. Hill was dead on arrival in Sherman hospital in Elgin with a broken neck, police said. Urged Red Trade Halt A conservative in the General Assembly, Hill urged the assembly in 1967 to support a resolution asking the President and Congress to stop all trade with countries supplying goods to the enemy in Viet Nam. He was elected Nov. 5 to his second term.

In his first term, Hill sponsored a right to work law. He opposed lowering the voting age, calling for "quality, not quantity," in the electorate. In his opposition to establishing a minimum annual income, Hill said: "If there is one sure way to destroy the United States, this is Served in W. W. II He served as a pilot in the Pacific in World War II with Army Air theater, corps.

Hill owned many motorcycles and rode and maintained them for recreation, his daughter, Felicite, said. He is survived by his widow, Virginia; another daughter, Heidi, and a son. Services were being planned for the chapel at 504 Main West Dundee. T. J.

Terrell Mass Monday in La Grange Mass will be said at 10 a. m. Monday in St. Francis Xavier Catholic church, La Grange, for Thomas J. Terrell, 70, of 4240 Gilbert Western Springs, superintendent of construction the Chicago board of education since 1938.

Mr. Terrell died Thursday in Community Memorial hospital, La Grange. Elected alderman from the 29th ward in 1928, Mr. Terrell served on committees that planned the first subway in Chicago, renamed many streets, and organized A Century of Progress in 1933. His mother, Mrs.

Minnie O'Connor Terrell, the city's first ward committee. women after women were granted voting privileges. His great uncle. John R. Morris, was alderman of the 1st ward from 1876 to 1892, and owned a hotel in which Bathhouse John Coughlin worked as a masseur.

Coughlin succeeded Morris to the council and his profession earned him his famous nickname. Mr. Terrell is survivea by his widow, Margaret, public guardian of Cook county: a son, Thomas and a daughter. Jane Terrell, editor and publisher of Chicago Town News newspaper. DRIVER DIES FROM INJURIES AFTER ACCIDENT Michael J.

Smrekar, 43, of 4844 S. Kostner died yesterday in St. Anthony's hospital of injuries he suffered Monday when the car he was driving left the roadway on Archer av. at Artesian avenue and siruck a light pole. Smrekar had been scheduled to appear in Traffic court on Dec.

30 on a charge of damaging city property. Leonard 55, of 2129 W. Augusta died last night. apparently of a heart attack, just before his auto crashed into several parked cars at 2148 Chicago, av. wife, Georgine, 53.

who was injured in the crash, 300 Chicago's DEAD 1968 Traffic Toll 36,587 INJURED TITY7 told police he grabbed his chest just before the accident. She was admitted to St. Elizabeth's hospital. Mort was a punch press operator. Up to midnight Thursday, 521 persons had been killed in Cook county since December 31.

Of those, 300 were in Chicago, where 36,587 persons were injured in the same period. OBITUARIES Benjamin Heatherly Benjamin Heatherly, 80, a self-employed engineer, died yesterday, apparently of a heart attack, in his home at 761 Broadway, Lombard. Mr. Heatherly was a founder and a past president of the Society of Production and Business Engineering. Among his survivors are his widow, Ruth; a son Burton; three daughters, Mrs.

Dorothy Mrs. Babette Kelo, and Mrs. Jacqueline Haynes; and 15 grandchildren. Memorial services will be held at 4 p. m.

tomorrow in the First Congregation church, Glen Ellyn. Carl E. Henriksen Services for Carl E. Henriksen, 78, former chief manufacturing engineer of Bell Howell company here, will be held at 1 p. m.

tomorrow in the chapel at 6150 N. Cicero av. Mr. Henriksen, who died Wednesday in Sewall Point, was mayor of Point from 1958 to 1962. He moved from Chicago to Florida in 1952, when he retired from Bell Howell with 31 years of service.

He is survived by his widow, Hilda; two sons, Elmer and William; two sisters; and six grandchildren. Mrs. John R. Braue Mass for Mrs. Katharine E.

Braue, 68, of 1031 Huckleberry lane, Glenview, the wife of John R. Braue, senior vice president of O'Hare International bank. will be said 10:30 a. m. Monday in the SS.

Faith, Hope, and Charity Catholic church, 191 Linden Winnetka. Mrs. Braue died Thursday in her home. Survivors are her husband; a daughter, Mrs. Katharine E.

Harris; two sons. John and Richard a sister; and 11 grandchildren. Einar E. Erie Einar E. Erie, 65, of 4325 W.

Shakespeare a former assistant administrator of the Cook county civil defense department, died yesterday in Northwest hospital. He was a former chief clerk for the state's attorney's office. Services will be held at noon Monday in the chapel at 3301 Fullerton av. Survivors are his widow. Ruth; two daughters, Miss Catherine Erie and Mrs.

Marianne Carroll; a brother; and one granddaughter. Sister Philip Neri Sister Philip Neri, 0. 80, Adrian, died in Adrian yesterday. She was the first nun to receive her habit in St. Philip Neri church, 2121 E.

72d st. Before moving to Michigan, she worked for 12 years in Bishop Quarter Military academy in Oak Park. Surviving are a sister, Mrs. Anne Mulhall and a brother, Peter McCaffery. Services win be Monday in Adrian.

Onofrio E. Cimino Mass for Onofrio E. Cimino, 57, of 1423 Clinton River Forest, an associate of the Cimino liquor store chain, will be said at 10 a.m. Monday in St. Vincent Ferrer Catholic church, River Forest.

He was a former president of the Don Cimino Wine company. Survivors are his widow, Lenore; two sons, Frank and Donald; two brothers; and six grandchildren. Mrs. Sarah Tabatsky Mrs. Sarah Tabatsky, 70, of 5701 N.

Sheridan died yesterday in her home. Mrs. Tabatsky was the widow of Ben founder of Keystone Plumbing company, Skokie, who died earlier this year. She is survived by three sisters and a brother. Services will be held at 1 p.

m. Monday in the chapel at 3019 Peterson av. SERVICES SET MONDAY FOR REV. DANKER Services for the Rev. Paul J.

Danker, 82 of 766 Country Club Kankakee, will be held at 1:30 p. m. Monday in St. Paul's Lutheran church. 348 E.

Merchant Kankakee. The Rev. Mr. Danker died Thursday in Riverside hospital, Kankakee. He became minister of the Zion Lutheran church in Bonfield, west of Kankakee, in 1935 after serving churches in Oklahoma, Missouri, and at Goodfarm, Ill.

After he retired in 1952 he became an institutional minister at the Kankakee and Manteno state hospitals. Surviving are his widow, Minnie; four sons, Paul, Alvin, Alfred, and Arnold; three daughters, Mrs. Ruth Noffke, Mrs. Ellen Smith, and Mrs. Irma Gaus; 23 grandchildren; and two great-grandchildren.

Chicago Soldier Hurt by Grenade Explosion Fort Jackson, S. Nov. 22 (UPD Two Fort Jackson soldiers, injured when a hand grenade accidentally exploded yesterday afternoon, were reported in satisfactory condition today. One was Sgt. Frank J.

Heltzel, 21, of Chicago. The other soldier was not identified pending notification of kin. Military authorities said the grenade exploded when it slipped out of the unidentified soldier's hand on the firing range. FELL TO U. S.

FORCE 25 YEARS AGO BETIO, Tarawa Atoll, Nov. 22 (UPD Twenty-five years ago tomorrow at 1:12 p. m. the American and British flags rose on two palm trees on this battered atoll in the Pacific. The brief ceremony marked the end of the bloody battle of Tarawa, a battle fought 76 hours on an island two a fora quarter miles long and a half-mile wide at its widest that took 1,091 American and 4,690 Japanese lives.

It marked an American victory, purchased at frightful cost, and the return of the Gilbert group of islands to British rule. Picked As Target American commanders picked Tarawa and its neighboring islands as a target in their drive to advance into central Pacific toward the Marshall Islands. The Japanese had decided to turn Tarawa into an impregnable fortress. They at it more than a year, building 500 fortified positions, including a maze of bunkers, pillboxes, and interconnecting trenches. They erected 8-inch guns at either end of the atoll and put up a 3- to 5-foot high wall around most of the island.

They built blockhouses of reinforced concrete, covered them with several feet of sand, coconut logs, coral blocks, and more sand. An anti-tank ditch was dug on the surrounding reef and the shallows were covered with a maze of p. ram idal-shaped concrete slabs. Mines were laid and barbed wire barricades erected. Marines Get Call The Americans assigned the 2d marine division, to the attack.

They ashore at 9 a. m. Nov. 20 after naval and air bombardment. The slaughter began when landing craft grounded on the reef and troops were forced to wade hundreds ot vards thru waist-deep water to the beach thru withering Japanese fire.

By the end of the first day a beachhead 300 yards deep had been established but the American hold was precarious. A concerted Japanese counterattack probably would have pushed the Americans back into the lagoon. But the Japanese communications system had been disrupted during the bombardment and they were unable to coordinate an attack. Gradually the tide began to turn as reinforced marines took pillbox after pillbox. By Nov.

22 defenders were shoved into the eastern end of the island. A night counterattack by the Japanese was peaten off. WICHITA FIRE CHIEF, 3 MEN DIE IN BLAZE Wichita, Nov. 22 UPD -The bodies of Wichita Fire Chief Tom McGaughey and three of his men were recovered today from under tons of rubble that crushed while they were fighting a in an there automobile retail agency. Two other firemen who managed to crawl out when the roof of the building collapsed early today were in fair condition in a hospital.

Killed with McGaughey were Jimmy L. Austin, 25, Merle C. Wells, 45, and D. J. Mishler.

Robert R. McGee. 46. and Regis Kavanaugh, 26, escaped. The fire, in the center of the Wichita business district.

spewed heavy smoke over the city. Several thousand spectators were forced back by choking gases. Insurance men could not provide an estimate of the damage. Deaths Elsewhere Cathy Lewis, 50, who was co-star of the old radio program "My Friend played the sister of the boss on the television show Hazel, and had roles in a number of movies, including "The Devil at Four with the late Spencer Tracy; of cancer, in Hollywood. Dr.

Harrison F. Flippin, 62, national pentathlon champion in 1927; team physician for the Philadelphia Eagles of the National Football league in 1947 and 1948; credited with discovering the sulfa drug Sulsamericine; in Medical College hospital, Philadelphia. Walter M. Holdstein, 73, founder and president of the General Sportcraft Company, of Bergenfield, N. maker and distributor of sports equipment and games; in New York.

Edward E. Dickerson 77, president and chairman of E. E. Dickinson company of Essex, manufacturers of Witch Hazel extract, in New York. Omer Anderson, 52, chief correspondent for the Mutual Broadcasting system in West Germany for the last five years; in Bonn.

Glenn A. Squibb, 50, vice president in charge of marketing for the Elgin, Joliet, Eastern railroad; in Rochester, Minn. MARINE KILLED IN VIET MISMAP, FAMILY LEARNS The family of Marine Corp. Richard Greene, 20, of 11414 Kedzie was notified yesterday of his accidental death from gunshot wounds, two weeks before he was to have completed a 13-month tour of duty in Viet Nam. Corp.

Greene, the son of Robert and Lillian Greene, enlisted in April, 1967, after he left Morgan Park High school. He died of wounds while with the 3d Marine division in Quang Tri province, his father said. He is also survived by two sisters and a brother. The body will be returned for services in the chapel at 10415 Kedzie av. Three reported killed in action: ARMY Sp.

Jerry E. Dorough, Detroit. Pfc. Donald P. Evans, Lake Orion, Mich.

Pfc. Gerald F. Rock, Grand Rapids, Mich. Died of wounds: ARMY Pfc. John E.

Heyen, Terre Haute, Ind. Changed from missing to dead -hostile: ARMY Sgt. Paul R. Frazier, Milwaukee. Not as a result of hostile action: ARMY Sgt.

Leonard L. Thompson, Detroit. MARINE CORPS Cpl. Richard H. Greene, Chicago.

Stops a Car with Body to Save Child and Dies Lafayette, Nov. 22 (UPDA rural rusheda Lafayette parisn woman to stop her car yesterday when it began to roll backwards into a bayou witn her young chila locked inside. Mrs. Orealla C. Courville, 34.

was killed as she tried to stop the car. Her body kept it from rolling into the water. MEMORIAL CHALICES PROMPT DELIVERY FOR DISPLAY WATRA MEMORIAL CENTER 2848 W. Cermak Chicago 312-247-2425 Funeral Directors Deir FUNERAL HOME EUclid 3-2818 Michael Den 245 Madison St. Stella Deir Oak Park.

Illinois Associates of P. M. Smith Sons C. H. JORDAN CO.

ONE FUNERAL DIRECTOR 113 YEARS 221 East Erie SUperior 7-7709 JOHN CARROLL SONS "HOME FOR FUNERAL" 25 E. Erie WHitehall 4-6060 Cemeteries 2, 4 or 6 GRAVES- Acacia Park. $150 grave. PA 4-2791. WESTLAWN 3 grave lot, choice loc.

Sec. $500, UP 8-8269. 4 GRAVES--Chapel Hill Gardens, 111th and Central. $800 468-4778, p.m. Ridgewood-6 lot, $125 each.

grave, 827-7229 4 lot -Beautiful Memory GarGRAVE, 546. $800. 287-2409. 4 GRAVE LOT at Chapel Hill South. Sell for $500.

747-3863 4 LOTS Elm Lawn cemetery for sale $200 ea. 436-5216 8 GRAVE LOT-Elmwood cemetery. Choice loc. $500. Phone 799-5695 GRAVES, $325 ea.

Arlington Hts. cemetery. 489-6560 after 6 p. m. In Memoriam Bangert Pauline Bangert, Nov.

23, 1962 The love you brought into our lives will live with US always. JOSEPHINE, HELEN, VIRGINIA Parise James Parise, Nov. 23, 1965 In the Book of Life are memories Of the happy days we knew; Recorded with love are the blessings Of a wonderful husband like you. As Always, MAE Fraternal Notices WALDECK CHAPTER, NO. 579, 0.

E. -Services Sunday, Nov. 24, at 8 p. for Adele Rother. Kruse Chapel, 5652 S.

Ashland avenue. MARGE WEIS, Secy. DEATH NOTICES Ackermann Clare E. Ackermann, nee Singer, of Berwyn, beloved wife of the late Fredrick; devoted mother of Fredrick A. and Kenneth G.

Ackermann; grandmother of four. Visitation at Svec Sons Funeral Home, 6227 W. Cermak road, from Saturday, Nov. 23, 5 p. until Sunday, 10 p.

m. In state at the Berwyn United Lutheran church, 24th street and Harvey avenue, Berwyn, from 9 a. m. Monday, Nov. 25, until time of services at 10 a.

m. Interment Mount Emblem. Past Worthy Matron of Cicero chapter, No. 741, 0. E.

S. GU 4-2050 or Bi 2-2027. Alberts Anna Alberts, age 84, born Feb. 22, 1884, at rest Nov. 22, 1968, of Koontz Lake, formerly of Chicago, beloved wife of the late John H.

Alberts; dear mother of Pearl Berry, Mabel Donnelly, William, Ethel Sievert, and John; grandmother of 10; greatgrandmother of 12; sister of Marie Kuester and the late Lillian Domres, William, and Frank Bina. At Lain and Son Chapel, 2121 W. 95th street, where services will be held Monday, Nov. 25, at 2 p. m.

Interment Cedar Park. Eastern Star services Sunday, 8 p. under the auspices of Park Manor chapter, No. 598, 0. E.

S. Alex Sam Alex, beloved husband of Margaret, nee Hickey; stepfather of Dorothy Schenwerk, Lawrence Quigley, and Lauetta McCue; brother of Regas in George, Louis Nick Greece, and the late William and Peter. Funeral Monday, 12:15 a. from the Fern Chapel, S. Western avenue at 100th street, to St.

Nicholas Greek Orthodox church, 4501 W. 103d street, Oak Lawn, for p. m. services. Interment Evergreen.

Visitation after 6 p. m. Saturday. Amato Amato, beloved husband of the late Bernice, nee Abt; loving father of Vincent Rose Marie Hulbert, Audrey Kross, Lois Ann Netties, and Lucian; dear grandfather of Kenneth Hulbert. Funeral Monday, 9 from the Granat Memorial Fua.

to St. Patrick church in Lemont, 11. neral Chapels, 1857 N. Harlem avenue, Mass 10:30 a. m.

Entombment Holy Sepulchre. Please omit flowers. Visitation after 5 p. m. Saturday, TU 9-1700.

I DEATH NOTICES Anderson Irene C. Anderson, nee Claypool, of Skokie, beloved wife of George dear sister of Charles and Clinton Claypool. Funeral Monday, 11 a. at Haben Funeral Home, 8057 Niles Center road, Skokie. Interment Memorial Park.

Visitation after 7 p. m. Saturday. OR 3-6111. Andersen Marinus Andersen, beloved husband of Elisabeth; loving father of Marshall and Erna Toth; dear grandfather of Marsha and Anders; great-grandfather of Gina Louise; fond brother of Caroline Hansen, Magda Holmen, Rignor Skovmose, Agnes Spangsberg, Millie Jensen, and Peter Andersen.

Resting at Edward Andersen FUneral Home, 3234 W. North avenue, until Monday, 10 a. m. In state Monday at Simon Peter Lutheran church, corner of Spaulding avenue and Pierce street, from 12 noon until time of service, 1 p. m.

Interment Mount Olive cemetery. Member of Dania society and Danish brotherhood, No. 17, BE 5-0770. Anderson William E. Anderson of Lincolnwood, beloved husband of Stella; dear father of Joyce Jacobson and William grandfather of five; son of Esther and the late Leander; brother of Lillian Carlson.

Resting at Haben Funeral Home, 8057 Niles Center road, Skokie, from 3 p. m. Sunday until 11 a. m. Monday.

Service 1:30 p. m. at St. Mark Lutheran church, 6047 N. Rockwell street, Chicago.

Interment Memorial Park. In lieu of flowers, make contributions to the Cancer fund. OR 3-6111. Andree J. Andree, 78, Nov.

22, formerly of 5469 W. Chicago avenue, fond wife of the late Chester; loving mother of Everett; grandmother of Barbara, Robert, and Susan. Services Sunday, 2 p. at the Cooper Funeral Home, Genoa, 111. Cremation follows.

Visitation after 4 p. m. Saturday. 815-784-2518. Anthony Neil Anthony, beloved husband of Elsie, nee Koehler; father of Nell, Jack and Carol Griffith grandfather of six.

Services Saturday, Nov. 23, 1 p. at Drake Son Funeral Home, 625 Busse highway, between Touhy and Oakton streets, Park Ridge. Interment Eden Memorial Park. Visitation after 3 p.

Friday. 698-3368. Arata Lillian M. Arata, nee Reiter, of Ontario, formerly of Chicago, beloved wife of the late Frank fond daughter of the late Michael Reiter and Elizabeth, nee Stucker; fond sister of Cecilia Erlebach, and the late Agnes Schevers, and Helen Donaghue. Mass at Ontario, Ore.

Interment in Payette, Idaho, Nov. 25, 1968. BE 8-2443. Bacon Elma E. Bacon, Nov.

21, 1968. of Plymouth Place, La Grange, formerly of Beverly Hills, beloved wife of the late Dr. Charles M. Bacon; dear mother of Charles F. and A.

M. Bacon; grandmother of six; sister of Mrs. lames Parker. At Lain and Son Chapei, 2121 W. 95th street, where services will be held Monday, Nov.

25, at 10 a. m. Interment Forest Home. Visitation after 2 p. Sunday.

In lieu of flowers, memorials may be sent to Plymouth Place, 315 N. La Grange road, La Grange Park, Ill. Bailey Frank M. Bailey, beloved son of the late Frank J. and Martha Bailey; fond brother of Dorothy Bailey Visitation after p.

m. Saturday at Hursen Chapel, 5911 W. Madison street. Funeral Monday, 9:30 a. from chapel, to St.

Lucy church. Mass 10 a. m. Entombment Queen of Heaven. Please omit flowers.

Bailie George E. Bailie, Nov. 21, 1968, of West Virginia, formerly of Chicago, beloved husband of Helen Bailie; dear father of George E. and Richard C. Bailie; grandfather of seven; brother of Margaret E.

Bailie. At Lain and Son Chapel, 2121 W. 95th street, where services will be held Monday, Nov. 25, at 1 p. m.

Interment Rosehill. Baltowski Xenia Baltowski, nee Kozak, beloved wife of John; loving mother of Helene Kasprzak, Wanda Vieth, Olga Baltowski, and Adam grandmother of 10. Funeral Monday, Nov. 25, at 9:15 a. from Baran Funeral Home, 2644-46 N.

Central avenue, to St. Ladislaus church. Mass 10 a. m. Interment Maryhill cemetery.

NA 2-1488. Visitation Safurday after p. m. Bandise John Bandise, beloved husband of Marie, nee Sexauer; loving father of Mary Jane Grant, Violet Gesford, Jacqueline Becker; devoted grandfather of eight; dear brother of Mabel Oganovich, Sophie Rein, Raymond, Charles, and William Sircher. Resting at the Ray Kruse and Son Funeral Home, 5652 S.

Ashland avenue, until 8:30 a. m. Monday. Services 10 a. at Peace Memorial church, 78th and S.

Laftin streets. Interment Chapel Hill Gardens South. RE 7-0077. Barrash Joseph J. Barrash, beloved husband of the late Sarah; devoted father of Dr.

Meyer and the late Harold Barrash; dear brother of the late Jennie, Pearl Lossman, Henry, Reva Ury, Esther Levin, Sarah Kaplan, Leah and Rose Homan; loving grandfather of Michael, Warren, Kip, Joseph, Jane, Sarah, and Michele. Services Monday, Nov. 25, at p. at Furth Chapel, 2100 E. 75th street.

Interment Beverly cemetery. Chapel visitation Saturday and sundav evening. Mi 3-5400 Barrett Rogei ww. Barrett, Nov. 18, 1968, at Van Nuys, dear husband of Jane Russell Barrett; brother of Joann Barrett of Bethesda, Md.

and Paul Barrett of Santa Barbara, Cal. Memorial services Thursday, Nov. 21, Prasewater Funeral Home, Van Nuys, Cal. In lieu of flowers, contributions may be sent to the Roger Barrett Foundation for Performing Arts, P. 0.

Box 30344, Bethesda, 20014. Belohlavek Mary Belohlavek, nee Cibulka, of 2732 S. 59th avenue, Cicero, wife of the late Frank Lepsi; dear mother of Frank Lesley, Mary Zak, Albert and William Lepsi; sister of Joseph, Frank, and Albert Cibulka; six grandchildren; 15 great grandchildren. Services Saturday, Nov. 23, 10 a.

at Cermak Home for Funerals, 5844 W. Cermak road, to Our Lady of the Mount church. Mass 10:30 a. m. Interment St.

Adalbert cemetery. Member of Court No. 240, Women's Catholic Order of Foresters. OL 2-0243. Biggs Lydia Eckhard Biggs, age 92, of 754 Oak avenue, Lake Bluff, Nov.

22, 1968, mother of Miss Martha Biggs of Lake Bluff and John Austin Biggs of Richardson, grandmother of Mrs. Janet Anderson of San Jose, and Mrs. Judith Hampton of Greenville, one great-granddaughter. Visitation after 7 p. Saturday, Nov.

23, at Wenban Funeral Home, 233 E. Deerpath, Lake Forest. Services and burial in Cedar Falls, la. 234-0022. Blacker Violet G.

Blacker, nee Leaf, age 87, of Evanston, beloved wife of the late William H. Blacker; mother of William H. Mrs. Lucile Schirmer, and Mrs. Marie Grimes: nine grandchildren; sister of Mrs.

Fern Olsen and Mrs. Mary Burton. Visitation Sunday from 3 p. m. to 10 p.

m. Funeral services 2 p. m. Monday at Fitzgerald and Franklin Funeral Home, 1571 Maple avenue, Evanston. Interment Rosehill cemetery, 869- 2900.

Bloomgarden Celia Bloomgarden, beloved sister of Sarah Martin of La Porte, fond aunt of Ruth Sylinski of La Porte, and Eugene Martin of Torrence, Cal. Services Monday, 2:45 p. at Weinstein Brothers Chapel, 1300 W. Devon avenue. Interment Rosemont Park.

Visitation Sunday, 2 to 5 p. m. Information, RO 1-2400. Blumka See John F. Kott notice.

Bojes George J. Bojes, suddenly, dear husband of Josephine, nee De Rosa; loving father of Suzanne, Gary, and Allen; son of Anna and the late George Bojes; brother of James Boies; son-in-law of Flemmle De Rosa. Funeral Monday, 8:45 a. from John Rago Sons Funeral Home, 721 N. Western avenue, to Our Lady of Good Counsel church.

Mass 9:30 a. m. Interment St. Joseph's cemetery, 276- 6056. Bolger Joseph A.

Bolger, beloved husband of Katherine, nee MacDonald; dear father of Joan Hemzacek and John J. Bolger; brother of the late Sister Mary Alma, R. S. Helen Mahoney, Capt. John U.

S. and Jere F. Bolger: grandfather of five. Funeral Monday, 9:30 a. from Liddy Chapel, 4920-24 Irving Park road, to Our Lady of.

Victory church. Interment Calvary. 5-6220. Borzillo See Oliver Lisauskas notice. Braue Katharine E.

Braue of Glenview, wife of John mother of John Jr. of Edwardsville, 111., Mrs. Katharine E. R.J Harris, of Harrisburg, and Richard William Brave of La Grange Park; 11 grandchildren; sister of Mrs. Frank Kobe of Oak Lawn.

Visitation at the Wm. H. Scott Funeral Home, 1100 Greenleaf avenue, Wilmette, after p. m. Saturday, and after 2 p.

m. Sunday. Mass 10:30 a. m. Monday, SS.

191 Faith, Hope and Charity church, Linden avenue, Winnetka. Interment All Saints. In lieu of flowers, masses would be preferred. Buettner George W. Buettner of Lombard; beloved husband of the late Olga; dear father of Mrs.

Carlo Wilde: grandfather of Kay, Keith, Linda, and Christopher; brother of Ellen Brown, Elsie Fleege, Caroline Kaiser, Emil, and Charles. Funeral Monday, 1 p. at Steverle Funeral Home, 350 S. Ardmore avenue, Villa Park, under the auspices of Villa Park lodge, No 1113, A. F.

A. M. Interment Mount Emblem. In lieu of flowers, memorials preferred. Member of Forest Park Legion post, No.

414. Visitation after 6 p. m. Saturday. 832-4161, Burhans Shirley Mae Burhans, nee Winter, devoted wife of James; loving mother of James, Michael, Patricia, and Shirley: dear daughter of Maude Winter and the late George; fond sister of Robert Winter.

Funeral Monday, 9:45 a. from Daniel W. Lynch Funeral Home, 9837 S. Kedzie avenue, to Queen of Martyrs church. Mass 10:15 a.

m. Interment Holy Sepulchre. Member of Queen of Martyrs Altar and Rosary society and Double Trouble club. GA 2-2000. Bushey Gladys H.

Bushey, nee Hopkins, of Elmhurst, beloved wife of the late Gerald; fond mother of Marolyn B. Quiter and Gerald; grandmother of seven; sister of Gerald and Lorraine Whaley. Resting af Ahlgrim Sons Funeral Home, 567 S. Spring road, Elmhurst. No visitation.

Services will be held at 11 a. m. Saturday, Nov. 23. Interment private.

TE 4-3515. Buyck Rose Jacobs Buyck, beloved wife of Gustaf Buyck; loving mother of Mary Franzen, Maurice Schnabel, and Frank Schnabel; dear grandmother of eight; great-grandmother of 10. Visitation Saturday, after 3 p. m. Funeral Monday, 8:45 a.

from the Sheehy Funeral Home, 8243 S. Ashland avenue, to St. Ethelreda church. Mass 9:30 a. m.

Interment St. Mary cemetery. ST 3-7700. Byron William F. Byron, beloved husband of Evelyn S.

Byron; father of S. S. G. Winthrop L. Byron and Deborah Byron VanSolkema; fond brother of Helen M.

Byron and grandfather of Bradshaw A. VanSolkema and Terese E. VanSolkema. At Stockton, Nov. '21.

Memorial service, Saturday, Nov. 30, 2 p. at Evanston. Friends meeting, 1010 Greenleaf street, Evanston, I. Interment private.

In lieu of flowers, friends may contribute to Hull-House association. Cimino Onofrio E. Cimino, beloved husband of Lenore, nee Rossi; loving father of Frank and Donald; dear grandfather of Gina, Frank, Valerie, Donald Ann Lee, and William; son of Theresa and the late Frank; brother of Sal and Frank in California. At Granata Chapels, 1857 N. Harlem avenue, after 6 p.

m. Saturday. Funeral Monday, 9 a. to St. Vincent Ferrer church.

Mass 10 a. m. Entombment Queen of Heaven. TU 9-1700. Cline Thomas W.

Cline, beloved husband of the late Lucille, nee Alton; brother of Dorothy Schnerine and the late John Hamilton Cline. Funeral services Saturday, 11 a. at Egan Funeral Home, 3700 W. 63d street. Interment family lot.

LU 2-2000. Covelli Florence Covelli, beloved wife of the late Frank; fond mother of Cecil Kennedy of Chino, sister of Alpha Line and the late Etta Long, and Eunice Carlson. Funeral services Monday, 1 p. at Nielsen Funeral Home, 3301 W. Fullerton avenue.

Interment Mount Auburn cemetery. Dahl Lawrence A. Dahl, age 64, formerly of Chicago, passed away Thursday, Nov. 21, in Canton, Ill. Funeral Saturday, 2 p.

at the Murphy Memorial Home, Canton. Visitation Friday, 6 to 9 p. m. De Bartolo See May Narvais notice. Deiber Jacob Deiber, age 13, dearly beloved son of Frank Sr.

and the late Helen, nee Ortman; loving brother of Frank Jr. Patricia and Annette; devoted uncle of Frank, Cynthia, and Daniel. Funeral Monday, Nov. 25, 8:45 a. from Hollerbach Funeral Home, 4022-36 N.

Elston, at Irving Park, to St. Pascal church. Requiem mass 9:30 a. m. Interment St.

Boniface. Lying in state from 6 p. m. Saturday. IN 3-1510.

De Rosa See George J. Boies notice. Donnelly William Donnelly of 818 Forest avenue, Evanston, beloved husband of Betty Hubka Donnelly; fond son of Marie and the late Robert J. Donnelly; brother of Robert of Texas and Mrs. Betty Peterson.

Services and interment private. Contributions may be made to the Heart fund. UN 9-2900. Donohue Lydia Donohue, formerly of Chicago, died Nov. 14, 1968, wife of Edward M.

Donohue; mother of Mrs. Clayton Anderson. Burial was in Fishkill, New York, on Nov. 16, 1968. Eisenstein Sol Eisenstein of 7301 N.

Sheridan road, beloved husband of Jennie, nee Goldman; dear father of Dr. Milton W. Irving Pearl Levin, Norman Dr. Averon H. Ellis, and Elaine R.

Strauss; devoted grandfather of 11; greatgrandfather of five; fond brother of the late Samuel Isenstein, Tillie Gale, and Nathan Elden. Services Monday, p. at Temple Mizpah, 1615 W. Morse avenue. Interment Rosemont Park.

Friends are asked to pay their respects at the time of services. LO 1-4740. Enright Bessie R. Enright, nee Higgins, beloved wife of -the late Charles P. Enright; loving mother of Charles B.

and Frank J. Enright; fond grandmother of 10; dear sister of Russell L. Higgins; devoted daughter of the late Frank L. and Josephine K. Higgins.

Funeral Monday, 1:30 p. at Blake-Lamb Chapel, 4727 W. 103d street, Oak Lawn. Interment family lot. For transportation information, call 735-4242 or 636-1193.

Erie Einar E. Erie, beloved husband of Ruth fond father of Catherine and Marianne Carroll; grandfather of Melissa Ann Carroll; brother of Sigurd Erie. Assistant administrator, Cook county Civilian Defense, former precinct Captain and member of 34th Ward Democratic organization; member of Normennes Singing society; past president of Northwest Shrine club; Scottish Rite, Valley of Chicago; Northwest chapter, No. 224, R. A.

Humboldt Park commandery, No. 79, K. Medinah temple athletic director, and Royal Order of Jesters, No. 48. Masonic services Sunday, 8 p.

under the auspices of Progressive lodge, No. 954, A. F. A. M.

Funeral services Monday, 12. noon, at Nielsen Funeral Home, 3301 W. Fullerton avenue. In lieu of flowers, memorials to the Shriners Crippled Childrens hospital will be appreciated. Visitation after 3 p.

m. Sunday. Esterlund Jean V. Esterlund, nee Graczykowski, beloved wife of Charles; loving mother of Carol Jean; beloved sister of Walter Leon Lillian Rzeppa, and Philip nephews and nieces. Funeral Monday, 9 a.

from Drabanski Funeral Home, 1410 N. Ashland, to St. Sylvester church. Interment Maryhill. Visitation Saturday, 4 p.

m. AR 6-2934. Farnsworth See Oliver Lisauskas notice. Fox Lois E. Fox, nee Davis, of River Grove, beloved wife of the late E.

Edward Fox; fond mother of Lewis S. and Arlene L. Portner; sister of Jean Mey, Nancy Pheiffley, V. Goss, Harley, Charles and Bernard Davis; grandmother of eight. Services Monday, Nov.

25 at 10:30 a. m.r at Parkwyn Funeral Home. 6901 W. Roosevelt road. Interment Mount Emblem.

Member of Circle chapter, No. 688, 0. E. West Suburban club, and Grand lecturer. Visitation 2 to 5 and 7 to 10 p.

m. 788-0904. Franzen See Rose Jacobs Buyck notice. Freymire See Thomas J. Terrell notice.

Gianares Dorothy Gianares, nee Hrones, beloved wife of George; dear mother of Elaine Frodyma and James grandmother of four. Funeral Monday, 12:30 p. from Kringas Marzullo Chapel, 5400 W. Harrison street, to Assumption church, Interment Elmwood. AU 7-8600.

Gillespie Lillian Pearl Gillespie, wife of Robert mother of Diana M. Gillespie; sister of Maybele Elfstrom; daughter of the late Anna and Emil Wetterlund. Resting at Suburban Funeral Home, 301 S. 5th avenue, at Maple street, Maywood, from 6 p. m.

Saturday until 10. p. m. Sunday. Lying in state at St.

Paul Lutheran church, Monday, from 12 noon until service time at 1 p. m. Interment Glen Oak. Fi 4-0100. Glaser Leona Glaser, Nov.

21, 1968, late of Pioneer Place, Evanston, 111. Services Monday, 10 a.m., at Nelson Funeral Chapel, 5149-51 N. Ashland avenue, at Foster. Interment Acacia Park. LO 1-5147.

Goelz Jennie A. Goelz, beloved wife of the late Clarence loving mother of George fond grandmother of Elaine and Rossane Goelz. Funeral Monday, Nov. 25, 9:30 a. from Ryan-Parke FUneral Home, 120 S.

Northwest highway, Park Ridge, to Our Lady of Ransom church, 8300 N. Greenwood avenue, Niles. Mass 10 a. m. Interment All Saints'.

Visitation after 2 p. m. Sunday. 823-1171. Graham Arthur Graham, beloved husband of the late Bertha; father of Mrs.

Lawrence A. Nelson; grandfather of Lois Koldoff; great-grandfather of two; two brothers and one sister. Funeral Saturday, 10:30 a. at the Fern Chapel, S. Western avenue at 100th street.

Interment Cedar Park. Graydon Alma Graydon, nee Shudel, beloved wife of John; fond sister of Alvina Crews and Rudolph Schudel; loving cousin of Hanna Mielke and Alex Schudel. Member of New Apostolic church. Services Monday, Nov. 25, 1 p.

at Matz Funeral Home, 3440 N. Central avenue, to Acacia Park. Visitation after 6 P. m. Saturday, Hackett Frances Hackett, formerly of Highland Park, beloved wife of Charles; dear mother of Mrs.

Ramona Gehrke, Edward Charles Mrs. Frances Kucourek, Uphugh Arthur, and Mrs. Mary Blackstone; fond sister of Miss Mary Hackett. Visitation after 3 p. m.

Sunday at Rambo Funeral Home, Monee, 111. Mass 10 a. m. at St. Boniface church, Monee.

815-563-8511. Hagen Saben I. Hagen of Wheeling, beloved husband of Ruth, nee Rode; dear son of Thomas and the late Emma; fond brother of Irene Brash, Leonard, Roy, Francis, and Arthur Hagen. Visitation after 2:30 p. m.

Sunday at Oehler Funeral Home, Lee at Perry streets, Des Plaines, where services will be held Monday, 1:30 p. m. Interment Ridgewood. In lieu of flowers, contributions to St. Andrew Lutheran church building fund, Park Ridge, appreciated.

824-5155. Hayes Sarah Hayes, nee Deely, beloved wife of the late Michael dear sister of the late Richard, Mary O'Grady, and Margaret Carey. Funeral Monday, 9:30 3. from Gibbons-O'Keefe Funeral Home, 124 Madison, Oak Park, to St. Mel church.

Mass 10 a. m. Interment Mount Carmel. 848-7400. Visitation Saturday, after 4 p.

m. Henriksen Carl E. Henriksen, beloved husband of Hilda; dear father' of Elmer C. and William M. fond grandfather of six; beloved brother of Alma and Martha Henriksen of Denmark.

Funeral Saturday, 1 p. at Smith-Corcoran Funeral Home, 6150 N. Cicero avenue. Cremation Acacia Park. Visitation after 6 p.

m. Friday. 736-3833. Higgins See Bessie R. Enright notice.

Holubovsky Jerry J. Holubovsky, beloved husband of Rose, nee Grzybek; loving father of Arlene Uhrik and Nancy; fond brother of Bess Kafka and Ervin fond grandfather of three. Funeral Monday, 9 a. from Smoluch Funeral Home, 3800 Elston avenue, to Sacred Heart church, Melrose Park. Interment Maryhill cemetery.

Visitation will begin Saturday, 6 p. m. Member of Local 134, 1. B. of E.

Telephone Pioneers of America, and Royal League lodge. IR 8-5300 Hulbert See Vincent Amato notice. Jackson Delia Ann Lisk Jackson, nee Eslick, loving mother of Frances Hintz, Henry John Robert, and Clifford sister of John, Newton, and William; grandmother of seven; great-grandmother of two. Services Monday, p. at Drabanski Funeral Home, 1410 N.

Ashland avenue. Interment Acacia Park. Visitation Saturday, 7 p. m. AR 6-2934.

Jacobs Alec Jacobs of 9126 N. Kostner, Skokie, beloved husband of Mabel, nee Kessner; devoted father of Gary loving grandfather of three; dear brother of Betty Pearlman, Meyer Jacobs, Dorothy Kaplan, and Tillie Arlen. Services Monday, 10 a. at Piser North Suburban Memorial Chapel, 9200 Skokie boulevard, Skokie. Interment Anshe Emet section of Memorial Park.

Friends are asked to pay their respects at time of services. Charter member of West Rogers Park B'nai B'rith. 679-4740. Janata Robert Janata, beloved father of Ernest and Elaine Tuma; six grandchildren. Member of Komensky lodge, No.

1032, 1. 0. 0. F. Funeral Monday, 12:30 p.

at the Classen Funeral Home, 5704 W. Cermak road. Interment Woodlawn. OL 2-2921. Janvrin Elizabeth T.

Janvrin, formerly of Urbana, in Quincy, Nov. 22, 1968, wife of the late Professor Charles E. Janvrin of 169 Fenno street, Wolloston, age 95 years. Services private. Jelinski Mary Jelinski, nee Tolksdorf, of Lemont, Nov.

22, age 74, beloved wife of Matt. Funeral Monday, 9:30 a. from the Markiewicz Funeral Home, 108 Illinois street, Lemont, to sS. Cyril and Methodius church. Mass 10 a.

m. Interment parish cemetery. 257-6363. Visitation Saturday 7 p. m.

to 10 and Sunday 2 to 5 and 7 to 10. Johnson Elsa A. Johnson, Nov. 21, 1968, beloved wife of the late Al; dear sister of Ruben Anderson and Arvid Elmquist, also two sisters in Sweden; fond aunt of Junis Hallberg and other nieces and nephews. Funeral Monday, 2:30 p.

at Nelson Funeral Chapel, 5149-51 N. Ashland avenue, at Foster. Interment Rosehill. Member of Smaland-Forbundet and Astrid lodge, No. 65, L.1.O.S.

LO 1-5147. Kaczmarek Philip Kaczmarek, husband of the late Catherine; fond father of Peter Mary, and Stephanie Gierman. Funeral Monday, 9 a. from Olenec Funeral Home, 2255 W. Chicago avenue, to St.

Nicholas cathedral. Interment St. Nicholas cemetery, HU 6-8220. Kerrigan Isa Lenore Kerrigan, formerly of the Carleton Hotel, Oak Park, beloved wife of the late Joseph loving mother of Charles T. and Joseph grandmother of Dr.

James Kerrigan, Sharon Horan, Susie and Colleen; great-grandmother of six. Resting at Hallowell James Funeral Home, 1025 W. 55th street, La Grange Highlands, after 7 p. Saturday. Funeral mass 10 a.

Monday, at St. Cletus church, La Grange. Interment St. Joseph cemetery. 352-6500.

Kinos Susan Kinos, nee Breznai, beloved wife of the late John; fond mother of Elizabeth Kozma, Ilona H. Wood, Irma T. Kohl, the late Julia, and Margaret Craft; loving grandmother of five; greatgrandmother of five. At Boland Sons Funeral Home, 238 Chicago avenue, Oak Park, after 4 p. m.

Saturday. Funeral Monday, 9:30 a. to St. Giles church. Mass 10 a.

m. Interment Nonsectarian Waldheim. Member of Reformed Hungarian Ladies' sodality; Hungarian Rakoczi; and Wm. Penn Fraternal organization. Liturgical wake service Sunday, 7:30 p.

m. 848-7002. Klimaszewski Walter Klimaszewski, beloved cousin of Konstanty Olszewski, Stella Dombrowska of Detroit, Leonard Olszewski and Eleanor Tokarz. Funeral Monday, 10 a. from the Joseph MaloneyJagla Funeral Home, 2950-58 W.

Fullerton, at Sacramento, to St. Sylvester church. Requiem mass 10:30 a. m. Interment Maryhill.

Employee of North Shore C. Glenview, for over 35 years. EV 4-3800. Klode Elsie M. Klode, nee Metzger, beloved wife of the late Charles; loving mother to Charlene Signoreilo; dear grandmother of Karen and James; fond sister of Rose O'Connor and Arthur.

Funeral services Monday, p. at Michael Coletta Sons Funeral Home, 3240 W. 79th street. Interment Mount Greenwood 436-1861 Kott John K. Kott, beloved husband of Celia, nee Kraiewski; loving son of Rose Bartos; dear brother of Helen Reynolds and Irene Blumka; son-in-law of Julia Kraiewski; dear uncle of James Reynolds and Joseph Blumka.

Funeral Monday, 9:15 a. from Stanley Funeral Home, 3060-64 Milwaukee avenue, to Holy Trinity church. Interment St. Adalbert cemetery. Visitation Saturday, after 4 p.

m. Di 2- 3330. Kross See Vincent Amato notice, Kupres Steve Kupres, beloved husband of Barbara; devoted father of Rudolph and Mary Gerulis; grandfather of three; brother of Vida, also three brothers and three sisters in Yugoslavia. Funeral Monday, 9 a. from Becvar Funeral Directors, 5218 S.

Kedzie, to St. Gall church. Interment St. Mary. PR 6-3809.

Lach Antoinette Lach, nee Kasienowski, beloved wife of the late John; fond mother of Raymond Edward and the late Leroy Lach; grandmother of Six; sister of Mary Civiklinski and Thomas Kasienowski. Funeral Monday, 9 a. from Egan Funeral Home, 3700 W. 63d street, to the. Church of St.

Nicholas of Tolentine. Inetrment Resurrection. LU 2-2000. Lepper Henry C. Lepper, beloved husband of the late Laura; loving father of Herbert H.

fond brother of Harry; devoted grandfather of Herbert and Clayton, U. S. A. Member of brotherhood of Railway Carmen Stony Island lodge, No. 560.

Resting at Starr Chapel, 2324 W. 111th street. Services 11 a. m. Visitation after 2 p.

m. Sunday. Interment Beverly. Lewis See Oliver Lisauskas notice. Lisauskas Oliver Lisauskas of Melrose Park, beloved husband of Millie, nee Borzillo; loving father of Oliver and Dennis; dear son of the late Ignatz and Antoinette; brother of Stella Farnsworth, Ignatz Anthony Lewis, Ann, Prank George and Henry Funeral Monday, Nov.

25, 9 a. from the Ed Prignano Funeral Home, 1815 W. North avenue and North Melrose Park. Mass 9:30 a. m.

at Mount Carmel church. Interment Queen of Heaven cemetery. Visitation Saturday after 7 p. m. Fi 4-0635.

Lococo See May Narvais notice, Loizzo See May Narvais notice. Lorensson Betty M. Lorensson, Nov. 21, 1968, beloved wife of Oscar; fond sister of Ina Pearson, Alfhild Pearson, and Hilda Monson in Sweden; dear aunt of George and Edward Pearson and of Astrid Grundstrom in Sweden. Funeral services Saturday, 1 p.

at Nelson Funeral Home, 820 Talcott road, at Cumberland, Park Ridge, Ill. Interment Ridgewood cemetery. TA 3-5122. Mach Katherine Mach of North Riverside, 111., beloved wife of James; devoted mother of Evelyn S. Saleny, George F.

and the late George J. Mach; grandmother of four. Services Monday, Nov. 25, 1 p. at Svec Sons Funeral Home, 6227 W.

Cermak road. Interment Bohemian National. Member of Camp Lukas, No. 6028, R. N.

of and St. Mary of Celle court, No. 224, W. C. O.

F. Visitation Saturday after 3 p. m. GU 4-2050 or Bi 2-2027. Mancuso See Joseph T.

Smerz notice. Masek Josephine Masek, 5413 W. 25th street, Cicero, dearly beloved wife of Jerry; fond mother of Robert and the late Jerry Louis Jelinek. Funeral Monday, Nov. 24, at 10 a.

at John T. Chrastka Memorial Chapel, 6301 W. Cermak road, Berwyn. Cremation Bohemian National. Please omit flowers.

OL 2-1023 or Bi 2-2990. Mate Frances E. Mate, nee Von Bampus, beloved wife of the late Paul loving mother of Paul Thomas C. F. Robert and the late Sgt.

Donald sister of William Arzbaecher, Christine Klein, Fred Von Bampus, the late Ernest Arzbecker, Hugo Arzbaecher, and Florence Reardon. Visitation after 2 p. m. Saturday. Funeral Monday, 9 a.

from Donnellan Funeral Home, Jeffery boulevard at 77th street, to Our Lady of Peace church. Mass 9:30 a. m. Interment St. Mary's.

SO 8-8822. McCrum Janet A. McCrum, sister of Mrs. Margaret M. C.1 Palmer.

Interment Kansas City, Mo. BE 8-0671. Melograno Mary Grace Melograno, nee Scinto, beloved wife of Benedetto: loving mother of Philip dear grandmother of Gary and Sharon O'Malley; great grandmother of Kevin O'Malley. Funeral Monday, 9 a. from the Columbian Funeral Home, 6621 W.

North avenue, Oak Park, to St. Mary of Celle church. Mass 10 a m. Interment Queen of Heaven. Vi 8-3010 or ES 9-5151.

Mels See Mary Grace Melograno notice. Meyer Otto Meyer, beloved husband of Margaret, nee Kiehl; loving father of Betty Meyer, Nancy Lundy, Arthur and Richard brother of Anna Acord; grandfather of 12. Services Monday, Nov. 25, 1 p. at Drake and Son Funeral Home, 5303 N.

Western avenue. Interment Rosehill cemetery. Visitation after 2 p. m. Sunday.

561-6874. Michaels Thomas A. Michaels, darling son of Patricia, nee Scannell; grandson of Thomas and Kathleen Tunney; greatgrandson of Frances Hynes, Burial private. Info. LU 2-2000.

Mikan Peter P. Mikan, Nov. 21, 1968, husband of Mary; father of Mrs. Frances Kaczmarczyk, Mrs. Lena Fasciana, Mrs.

Agnes Schmakel. Catherine, Peter Frank Joseph John and the late Mrs. Mary Specht; 12 grandchildren; six great-grandchildren. Funeral Monday, 9 a. from the Claude E.

Griescl Mortuary, 10240 Ewing avenue, to Sacred Heart church. Mass 9:30 a. m. interment St. Mary.

768-0632. Miller James 1. Miller, age 45, of Bridgeview, beloved husband of Mildred; loving father of Joseph Jack R. and James I. dear grandfather of three.

Member of V. F. post No. 1485, Cicero, Ill. Resting at Tower Home for Funerals, 4007 Joliet avenue, Lyons, Ill.

Funeral Monday, 1 p. m. Interment Bethania cemetery. Visitation after 7 p. Saturday.

447-7900. Miller Robert O. Miller, beloved husband of Ramona, nee Woitysiak; dear father of Robert; son of Blanche and the late Raymond Miller; brother of Raymond Lucille Dulquist, John and Edward Miller; son-in-law of Felix Woitysiak: brother-in-law of Rosalie Pustulak, Felix and Faith Woitysiak. Services Monday, Nov. 25, p.

at H. Marik Sons, 2534 S. Pulaski road. Interment Mount Auburn cemetery. LA 1-3972.

Mindykowski See Mary Mis notice. Mis Mary Mis, nee Piwowarczyk, beloved wife of Michael; loving mother of Lottie Zapart, Emilie (the late Thomas Pietruszka, and Jean late Casimirl Mindykowski; grandmother and greatgrandmother. Funeral Monday. Nov. 25.

at 9:30 a. from Baran Funeral Home. 2644-46 N. Central avenue, to St. James church.

Interment St. Adalbert cemetery. Please omit flowers. Visitation Saturday, after 10 a. m.

NA 2-1488. Monzel Frances Monzel, beloved wife of the late Hubert dear mother of William F. fond sister of Josephine Palcewski, John, Agnes, and Louis Pavlick; loving grandmother of Carol and Gregory. Resting at the Westchester Funeral Home, 10501 W. Cermak road, 2 blocks west of Mannheim road.

FUneral Saturday, Nov. 23, 9:15 a. m. from chapel to St. Simeon church, Bellwood.

Mass 10 a.m. Interment Resurrection. 562-5900. Moore Mark Moore, beloved husband of the late Catherine, nee Rowley; fond father of Theresa Schemel, Kathleen Burfield and Norine O'Reilly; devoted grandfather of seven; dear brother of Mary, Martin, the late James and Steve Moore. Funeral Monday, 9:30 from Kenny Brothers, 5438 S.

Halsted, to St. John the Baptist church. Interment Mount Carmel. Native of Swinford, Co. Mayo, Ireland.

BO 8-0662. Muckian John P. Muckian. Nov. 21, beloved husband of Mary Jo Kissinger Muckian; loving father of Michael, Brian, Tim.

John, Therese, and Mary Beth; dear son of Harry and Helen Le Febvre Muckian: fond brother of Patricia, Marilyn Devereaux, Helen Zimmerman, and William. Funeral Monday, 9:30 a. from Donnellan Funeral Home, 10525 S. Western avenue. to St.

Denis church. Mass 10 a. m. Interment Holy Sepulchre. Kindly omit flowers.

BE 8-0075. Narvais May Narvais, nee Lococo, beloved wife of Peter Narvais, and the late Michael De Bartolo; dear mother of Grace Loizzo, the late Andrew De Bartolo, Michael De Bartolo, and Sam De Bartolo; fond sister of Gertie Mazzeralla, Marie Pascente, Margaret O'Nesto, Joseph Lococo, Chencie Tobbler, Rose Talerico, Ann De Meo, James Lococo, Mary Detente, Violet Lemoncello, and Cecelia Tristano; grandmother of L. Cpl. Andrew De Bartolo Jr. U.

S. M. now serving in Viet Nam, and seven other grandchildren; great-grandmother of five. Funeral Monday from the Lombardo Funeral Home, 3425 W. Chicago avenue, 9:30 to St.

Matthew church. Mass 10 a. m. Interment Mount Carmel. Please omit flowers.

NE 8-8200. Nehr Helen M. Nehr, nee Seglias, beloved wife of Michael F. Nehr beloved daughter of the late George and Barbara Seglias; sister of Elsie Gaertig, Elizabeth Newell, Alvina Buchanan, Violet Collins, and the late Tracy McLaughlin. Funeral Monday, 1 p.

at Ketcham Funeral Chapel, 2036 W. 79th street. Interment Mount Greenwood. HU 3-6202. Nettles See Vincent Amato notice.

O'Donnell Sarah E. O'Donnell, nee Flynn. beloved wife of the late William fond mother of John James Mary Heming, Robert and the late grandmother of 11; great-grandmother' of 16: sister of the late Nellie, Johanna, Cornelius, Daniel, Jeremiah, and Michael J. Flynn, Margaret O'Donnell, Mary Butler, and Julia Tague. Funeral Monday, 8:30 a.

from McPhee Funeral Home, 7133 S. Western avenue, to St. Rita church. Mass 9 a. m.

Interment St. Paul cemetery, Odell, 111. PR 6-0777. Visitation after 4 p. m.

Saturday. 0'Flanagan Mary Rose O'Flanagan, Nov. 20, 1968, beloved daughter of the late William J. and Sarah Eveleen 'Flanagan; sister of Sheila England, Eveleen Quinnelle, Brenden William and Edward J. O'Flanagan; niece of Agnes and Cecilia Tighe.

Funeral from Lain and Son Chapel, 1035 N. Dearborn street, Monday, Nov. 25, at 9:30 a. to Immaculate Conception church. Mass 10 a.

m. Visitation after 1 p. m. Sunday. Owen Vilas P.

Owen passed away in Kansas City, formerly of Chicago, husband of Rose; father of James Julie, Christine, and Jeffrey; grandfather of James; brother of George. Mass Monday, in St. Raphael cathedral, Madison, Wis. at 9 a. m.

Pedersen Melanie H. Pedersen, beloved wife of Earl loving mother of Melanie Jean Seger and William E. Pedersen; fond grandmother of Shelley Pedersen; sister of Eleanor Mai, Helen Foss, Adelle Otto, and Raymond and Walter Preiss. Resting at Funeral Home, 120 S. Northwest highway, Park Ridge.

Visitation 7 to 10 p. m. Saturday. Services private. 823-1171.

Peterson Robert A. Peterson, beloved husband of Ruth nee Erickson; fond father of Carol Schroeppel and Betty Dale; dear grandfather of seven; brother of Hadar, Walter, and Ebba. Services Monday, Nov. 25, p. at Olson Funeral Home, 6467-77 N.

Northwest highway. Entombment Memorial Estates. Memorials to the Central Baptist Children's home, Lake Villa, ILL, preferred. Visitation after 2:30 p. m.

Sunday. 774-3333. Piekarz Paulette V. Piekarz, nee Roches, beloved wife of Robert; fond mother of Jacqueline, Constance, and Ronald; dear daughter of Paul and Valeria Roches; sister of Lawrence and Bonita. Services Saturday, 10:30 a.

from Van Henkelum Funeral Home. 12534 S. Harlem avenue, to Incarnation church. Mass 11 a. m.

Interment St. Casimir cemetery. 448-3530. ,2.

Chicago Tribune from Chicago, Illinois (2024)
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